Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lovely sunny day. Windows open and it is Katie’s 4th birthday. She has grown a lot but some things never change. There are dog toys everywhere.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    About to retire, and tomorrow am going for evaluations for Physical Therapy regarding my poor walking plus Occupational Therapy for dealing with the pain in my shoulder. I hope to get some kind of relief for both as I hate not functioning well.
    We had a community meeting regarding the coronavirus and how we are preparing to handle if it hits us. They are already asking visitors at the gate about recent travels! Can we really plan on people being truthful when faced with challenges to their plans? We have already learned of several residents who broke the quarantine through which we have just emerged by having a cocktail party with outsiders invited, going out for beauty parlour appointments, shopping, etc.
    I've cut out all but one cup of coffee per day. Perhaps my Restless Leg Symptoms will ease off? I have noticed my food intake capacity has lessened in recent weeks. However the liquid content has returned and some of my weight has returned.
    SANDY, good luck with BABE's health. I know you still care!
    JACKIE, do share a photo of your new red car once you have it ! Actually, the pictures of that earlier one LIN posted , is a fun looking car
    And yes, LIN, I like that coffeepot color, too!
    PATSY, so concerned about that virus in your area. I hope there is some explanation and that they are not close by!
    ANNE, I know there was something I wanted to comment on
    in your post, but that was the page before and I dare not flip back!
    I finally looked up Chris Matthews' resignation and farewell and admire him for recognizing changed times! WOW!
    Sleep well, dear friends; see you all tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
    .................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy 4th birthday Katie!!

    Wish we were there with you throwing toys and having fun!
    lots of love from George and Betty xxx
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Thursday. Still waiting for news of my new car but meanwhile am going to make room in my garage and see what can be thrown out... at least it's dry in there whereas we continue with rain showers outside. Hey ho!!

    Back later.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Happy birthday KATIE! Woof and licks from Jilly Bean. Wish I could join George and Betty at your house!

    And from me:
    Well my four have made it to the hotel in Florida. I've just found a message from them just after having had dinner at their hotel!
    Not much to report from up here. So I'll go and have breakfast and maybe things will liven up later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member

    Happy Birthday Katie, from all our furry friends and their parents!! <3

    Meeting today and then grocery shopping as my son and DIL will arrive tomorrow until Tuesday.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    From what Babe tried to explain to me, I believe this is what they will do if all pre-op tests are good. Prayers please.
    Cardiac ablation is a procedure that can correct heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias).

    Cardiac ablation works by scarring or destroying tissue in your heart that triggers or sustains an abnormal heart rhythm. In some cases, cardiac ablation prevents abnormal electrical signals from entering your heart and, thus, stops the arrhythmia.

    Cardiac ablation usually uses long, flexible tubes (catheters) inserted through a vein or artery in your groin and threaded to your heart to deliver energy in the form of heat or extreme cold to modify the tissues in your heart that cause an arrhythmia.

    Cardiac ablation is sometimes done through open-heart surgery, but it's often done using catheters, making the procedure less invasive and shortening recovery times.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh poor Babe. Prayers sent SANDY. Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A cold foggy morning. Snuggling up with a mug of coffee and Katie is lying on my toes demanding ear scratches and tummy rubs. As usual, our night owl, John is sleeping-in. It is so interesting about his biorhythms. He can and has in the past operated on a daily schedule that began quite early. Not by choice however.

    Thank you all for sweet birthday messages for Katie. I think you all realize how important she is to us. Our family is small and only son Damon, is good at keeping in touch with us. So dear Kate brings joy and companionship to this old couple.

    Regarding the virus, we are very close to Washington state. In fact most people on the Washington side of the peninsula do all shopping here. We think Dr. John Williams, a U.K. Doctor on youtube is most invaluable. He is the kind of doctor we all would want. His explanations and information are the best.

    Things are ramping up here. Banks are requesting we do online banking when ever possible. Everyone uses masks and hand sanitizers. Cash and coins are placed in a special device to clean them.. the town restaurants are empty and there has been a run on tissues, TP, hand sanitizers. Our county health officials have warned all people over 65 to stay home. Do drive by shopping and be compulsive about hand washing. Very worrying. Our drugstore, Walgreens have new procedures as well. Our doctor is trying to get test kits to use at home. He will walk us through them when he gets them from suppliers. So you can see this is full on emergency management. We are fine so far. I think it is terrible that we can’t trust our political leader. We really need a practical and trustworthy person at the helm today.

    Be very careful my dearest friends. I need every one of you.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Good afternoon. It is crazy windy here today. I got together with the former library ladies this morning. Lots of serious discussion, mainly about Coronavirus. But also crazy odd stuff that had us in stitches. I had a stomach ache from the laughter by the time we left.

    One of our regulars was missing. Apparently she has been ill pretty much since the last time we got together. Remember me mentioning several ladies seemed to have symptoms. Well, one truly did! Some type of virus and she was too ill to go to a cooking seminar on Saturday that a number of the ladies had confirmed. Now that is sick! She was the person pushing everyone to attend.

    On the Coronavirus front, all our large public universities have cancelled new trips and ordered all students currently abroad to be back to the U.S. by tomorrow. Starbucks will no longer refill reusable cups. Maybe you bought one at some point, you bring in your cup and they refill it for a lower price? Well, they do not want any potentially dirty germs cups near their equipment so only new disposable cups.

    Voluntary quarantines for all residents of our state returning from high infection rate countries. Everyone is to have a minimum of two weeks of provisions in their homes. That’s about it.

    No problem using cash at this point.

    Patsy, you really have a lot to remember in this situation. I hope you stay healthy. And happy birthday Katie.

    Sandy, I am sorry for Babe’s problems. A friend has had that procedure, actually several times over the last few years. I think the last time actually worked for her. Take care. Have a good visit.

    Jackie, is the garage cleared out? Golly, I would be going crazy with anticipation waiting so long for the new car.

    Buzz, I hope something wonderful will happen for you as you receive assessments from PT and OT.

    I have a recipe for making hand sanitizer at home. Now I need ingredients. 😉

    Working on St. Patrick’s Day cards. We have a paper crafting day on Saturday so would like to have things lined up so I can just assemble the cards. I am not making many.

    Anne, will you hear from your folks every few days? Or was the contact when they got to Florida all you will hear from them for an indefinite period. Hey, my friend’s son, DIL and children are still heading out to Japan. They do not live in Iowa so there is no current voluntary quarantine in their state. I said to her that might change by the time they get back. I believe they leave next week and will be there for two weeks.

    All best wishes to you my friends. ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited March 2020
    Of course, another one.


    Another difficult to clean set. But beautiful.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2020
    I heard from Mark again today LIN enjoying a beautiful summer day in Florida. I'm not sure I will hear from them after they board the cruise ship on Sunday. Beautiful spring day here. Perfect for walkies and a meeting of friends, acquaintances and dogs for me and Jilly. The snowdrops are showing green spears. Change tomorrow though with snow and wind.
    We didn't encounter any masks on our walk. I think we now have 30 virus infections in this area. No extra toilet paper for me, but I might stock up a little on commercial dog food just in case. Funnily enough nobody mentioned the virus on our walks. It's all rather low key here and I get quite a bit of any news tuning in to the American news channels or the UK BBC. It was mentioned on our news earlier that Canada is quite well prepared because we learnt a lot during the SARS outbreak. We will see I guess. Meanwhile, please take care of yourselves,
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh, just read 22 cases of the virus here in my area, 30 across Canada. There is some concern it may come over the border in the British Columbia area from Seattle.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    1am and I’m still up, watching England v USA ladies football being played in Florida. Half time so I’ll get into Jim-jams and ready for bed.
    It took longer than anticipated to clear out unwanted items from my garage including hidden bags of empty bottles and jars that had been collected years ago when I made my own wine, chutneys and honey. They’ve all gone into our recycling box ready for collection along with a few spiders!
    A cold day so no gardening achieved, just housework. When I was walking the pooches round the block George’s groomer drove by and stopped for a brief chat. She told me she has 3 jigsaws to bring to me when she next visits so they’ll keep me occupied for some time!
    Interesting how our countries are approaching this virus but I can see your different states will each have their own ideas. Our chief medical officer has been giving more advice in his usual calm matter of fact way that gives us a sense of confidence, perhaps misplaced but only time will tell. Nobody knew he existed until the virus became news but he’s already gained a cult following! We have to wash our hands for as long as it takes to sing our national anthem twice which makes me giggle at the thought of us all humming as we foam up!

    USA just scored twice in as many minutes so I might be heading for bed very soon! 😫

    Sandy, a friend had that procedure Babe’s due to get and it was all done in about 15 minutes and he was back home after a cup of tea and biscuit so try not to worry too much.

    Buzz, I do hope plans can be put in place to help your mobility and also control pain.

    Lin, all this silver to be cleaned and polished. I have a similar problem with copper and brass items in the home!

    How lovely Anne to be able to enjoy a Spring walk with the Bean especially with no talk of the virus. No masks here either... I can just imagine the reactions if someone was seen wearing one! Apparently 140 Brits stuck on a cruise ship off California where the virus has broken out... I imagine it’s going to be a long time before they get home.

    Patsy, here’s a different take again where we are told so long as there are no underlying health issues older people are safe to be out and about and our government wants everyone to get on with their lives, just continue to wash hands. Soap and warm water is more efficient than gels too. Of course I’m sure conflicting comments from the man at the top don’t help or instil confidence!

    Well done USA ladies team that’s giving England the run around. Too painful to watch so I’m off to bed to dream of my red car that will surely be ready for collection soon!

    Stay safe dear friends.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone, and a very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to KATIE!!!
    And of course wishing BABE all the luck in the world!
    Wishing well to all your friends, relatives etc. who are not well, and I'll repeat PATSY's plea, "STAY WELL". Use common sense and stay out of crowds.
    My treatments today give me hope that several birds will be caught but the PT's net!. Something about a possible iron deficiency hit a fact about Restless Leg Syndrome possibly emanating from a shortage of iron in the area of the brain producing dopamine! I'm now awaiting results from yesterday's lab test. The OC therapist located gouty areas on my painful shoulder and used Ultrasound treatments to be repeated twice a week for however long it takes. The PT gal made me re-visit many practices I remember, plus many new moves toward regaining balance and some lost walking skills. I was impressed!
    We suspect a few new cases of the norovirus have come up, as the residents of Assisted Living may not eat in the main dining areas, nor enter other areas until further notice! I wonder if large Gym classes will be curtailed. Well,
    <3 Buzz
    .................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Good morning. A lovely sunny day here. Still in the 30’s but no punishing wind today. I will take it and great to see robins hopping around.

    Just got back from Whole Foods. The madness continues. A woman scooped up every package of organic grapes and also as I got to the cleaning products aisle, she was squatted down on the floor dragging every spray bottle of cleaner out and put them into her cart. Then after I looked through a few more things I ended up in line behind her. Oh my, what a bill she had!!

    I am heading out after lunch to pick up a couple of great deals at a Office Depot/Office Max that I saw online. They sell lots of home products. I might pickup some paper for my printer while I am there.

    Also starting to organize for Papercrafting tomorrow. It takes me a long time to decide exactly what I need. 🙃

    Buzz, it sounds as if they are doing their best to help you. And I hope you will feel better.

    Jackie, good clean out. Excellent. I didn’t hear a peep about that game. They are not big on that type of sports news here.

    Anne, glad you are enjoying springlike weather. Yes!❤️❤️ We have the spring forward to daylight savings time this Sunday morning. I am so non-adaptable to that. 🙄 Give me a few weeks and I might be back on schedule. Haaaa.

    Sandy, how are things in your neighborhood? And with your family and friends? Hope all is well.

    Wishing everyone the best.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member

    Darling little teapot!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I am doing laundry and will be making the keto stew once showered and dressed. My son and his wife are due to arrive between 3 and 4, so I have time. The stew will just be made to be eaten whenever as I am making chicken on the grill for them and some garlic butter shrimp for me as I don't eat meat on Fridays during Lent. They will probably take me out to dinner tomorrow night for my birthday and not sure if they want to visit the kiddos on Sunday. One day at a time. :)

    At our meeting yesterday we decided not to hold hands at our closing jus to be safe. I did go to Walmart after and saw a lady with a mask. I am an optimist and try not to worry about these things and let in be in God's Hands.

    Buzz, it sounds like your new PT is doing excellent work. I can't wait for you to tell us your have minimal pain and are getting your balance back. Keep up the good work. Stay safe from any germs, I think the regular flu is just as dangerous.

    Jackie, I presume when you say football you mean soccer correct? I have your attitude when it comes to the virus, I can't stop my life which is just too busy. They did tell Babe he will be in the hospital for three days, I think just to monitor him.

    Anne, I will be nervous also when my daughter and her husband go on their cruise this month.
    They said there is more danger from the flu than this virus. I think they just like us to worry.
    We have a couple from bingo who went to Japan to watch their son run in a race which was cancelled due to virus. They are supposed to come home Sunday so we will see if they get home on time or if they will be guaranteed

    Lin, I have read that the US does now have testing kits for the virus so I hope that is true. I think if we are all just cautious and wash our hands a lot we should be okay. People like Babe with low immune systems are more in danger so I hope he is being cautious. Pretty coffee/tea set but just to look at and not have to clean. lol BTW I did check at Walmart and they still had TP but some shelves were slim.

    Patsy, there is more virus in your area than others so just stay safe. If you don't have to be in a crowd all the better, just stay home with Katie. You have a good doctor so just follow his advice.

    Time to put sheets in dryer. Have a wonderful day. Is tonight when we spring our clocks ahead??

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We continue our unsettled weather and it seems the wind has got even colder unless I'm not moving about enough. The dogs were walked in the woods this morning because when it rains it pours and we all get soaked out in the open. No leaves on the trees yet but there was a bit of shelter. Shopping after that where all was quiet and calm. No masks and the loo rolls were stacked high!!

    Lin, that blue teapot is delightful and something I could happily live with! I just ran out of printer paper when trying to get a copy of father's death certificate that's required to send off with forms to obtain details of his service record. He never spoke of his experiences so now he's passed I feel I can make enquiries. I wonder if the lady crawling about for cleaning agents was aware that most don't have sufficient alcohol content to kill this virus so that large bill could be wasted money!

    Buzz, such wonderful care and attention you are receiving. We all need reminding occasionally what we used to do to help ourselves move more or eat less. What is being done sounds positive so you are hopefully encouraged.

    Yes Sandy, it was soccer I watched last night and your US team is best in the world. Great to see when they aren't beating England! I'm sure Babe will be monitored after his procedure whereas in Britain they like to send you home as soon as possible so as not to tie up beds needed for serious cases.

    I've had a pleasant afternoon catching up with letter writing and also a couple of phone calls to friends. I had made a plan before Christmas to meet one of them in February for lunch but our awful weather got in the way. He has type1diabetes so is wary of eating in a restaurant now because the virus has shown itself in his area but he came up with an idea to meet somewhere open and take a packed lunch and flask of tea. Sounds fun to me! The other friend was at their local hospital with her husband who has been feeling unwell so tests are being carried out but I had a lovely long chat with her son who I haven't seen foriin 30 years. He was a teenager back then so all grown up now and acting as carer for his parents between work since my friend had a breast cancer diagnosis last year and has gone through some new but extreme treatments.

    Definitely time for my cuppa and to get the fire lit. Roll on warm Spring weather!!

    Take care everyone.

    Hugs from no car yet Jackie (I'm thinking a serious phone call will be in order tomorrow!)
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Quickie from me because Mike is here taking Jilly out for a walk now that it's stopped snowing.
    We now have over forty virus cases in our area here. Two people have been nowhere and haven't a clue where they picked the virus up. Mike thinks things are worse than the worlds gvts. are letting on and he staggered in with a giant bag of frozen veggies, a giant bag of frozen chicken breasts for both me and Jilly, and a humongous bag of energy bars. The sort you use if you get lost whilst out hiking. He deals with the public and so could get this virus and of course who knows if Mark, Mary Jo, Derek and Bev will be home in one piece come April.
    Oh oh he's back with Bean.
    Just wanted to say hello and take care ladies,