Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Raining again so nothing new there although I did manage to walk George and Betty before it started. A builder visited to look at the area in my garden a base is required for the new greenhouse and what a pleasant young man he turned out to be. He, his wife and 2 year old are living in a caravan while they convert an old barn into their new home so we had a lovely chat about that, bees, hens and ideas to create a short term cold frame for seeds as I wait for delivery of the greenhouse. He will email his estimate in the next few days. After lunch I left the dogs at home and visited friend Jill with Scruff and Misha to give her some eggs. Dear Scruff was so pleased to see me she spent the visit cuddled on my lap! I was going to drive on to the tip to drop off more rubbish but the rain was heavier so I decided to get home and light the fire. I can go to the tip tomorrow.

    Sandy, that's a beautiful family but then they have your genes so of course they would be. 😉 A few weeks ago I considered investing some money I inherited from my dad into shares and am relieved I didn't but if I was brave this is maybe the right time while the markets are down because although they can be volatile at the slightest upset they do bounce back. A shame I'm not brave or a gambler!!

    Patsy, my new car travelling who knows where is a similar experience to the greenhouse delay while that company moves it's factory so I'm doing my best not to fret. I'll take Sandy's "one day at a time"!
    I didn't know Dr John Campbell so just watched a few of his videos. A charming common sense man who I'm sure will be delighted to see Italy has just declared a countrywide shutdown. His prediction of a massive spike in infections because of testing delays in your country is scary so you and John must stay safe, away from crowds. Betty asked to go out into my garden 3.30 this morning and we too saw the brightest moon lighting up the area.

    Hello Anne, Lin, Buzz and all other sneakers.
    Take care and stay safe.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good evening. Busy day with laundry, some cooking, cleaning out a few craft supplies and the rest of the time was telephone calls and checking on various business issues. My homeowners insurance policy renews soon and there’s a number of endorsements and options to consider. I talked to the agent today and they sent me some summaries and cost estimates. Lots of decisions.

    It was rainy and chilly here today. I was home all day. Tomorrow is Mah Jongg and coloring in the afternoon. I did talk to another of the Mah Jongg players and she is okay with me wiping down the table in the mall with disinfecting wipes before we set up.

    We have 8 cases of coronavirus in our state now. Apparently started with 3 people who were on the same cruise in Egypt. Gosh, cruises seem to be a huge problem now.

    Patsy, what will happen with primary voting given the health problems? Have you sent in an absentee ballot? It is good that you and John agree on staying home. It would be uncomfortable if you didn’t agree on that. I don’t think most of the teapots are used often. Too hard to clean, too delicate, too valuable?

    Sandy, happy times with your beautiful family. I am sure the visit is much too short. Did Ewok behave while you were visiting?

    Jackie, wow, what an interesting fellow. Living in a caravan with a 2-year old sounds tricky to me! Does he build cold frames? Awwww, Scruff loves you! How nice that you visited.

    Anne, did you spend the day with your son? How’s the Jilly Bean? Are you receiving rain? I think the grass may start to green up a little bit even though it is colder each day.

    Buzz, hello to you dear friend. How often will you have PT and OT visits? Wishing you well.

    Well, must run along. It is my big night, must soak my feet again.

    All best wishes❤️❤️❤️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Has anyone heard of chocolate pots? I hadn’t realized that early on most chocolate was consumed as hot chocolate rather than candies. Here’s a chocolate set.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, now THAT's a great idea; hot chocolate! I didn't know that , either!
    PATSY, every day, as my paper tells us news of your area, I make fervent wishes for the good health of you and your family!
    SANDY, I visualize the day I met you with Bryanna in Port St Lucie, and I cherish the memory!
    JACKIE, patience, fortitude, and a lovely Citroen in your immediate future!
    I am getting a total of 4 hours a week therapy; 2 for shoulder and 2 for walking/hip! I sure hope at least one will become more comfortable since I must learn to live with the aging process. If I get proper sleep, it also may help.
    ANNE, when you are absent, I'm sure we are all concerned! Are you OK?
    <3 Buzz
    ...............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!....................................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Sandy In case the morning runs away from me.....


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Have a brilliant day Sandy, you deserve it. ❤️❤️❤️

    Jackie 🎂🥂🍾🕚🎈🎉
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2020
    And from me A VERY, VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SANDY May the coming year be filled with good health, love and lots of bingo wins.

    Hugs from Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,150 Member

    Happy Birthday, Sandy
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dearest Sandy, ever positive, ever active, ever the friend, evermore. Wishing you a birthday as beautiful as you are. I cannot imagine anyone more dedicated to family, friends, your church as well as your special group. Reaching out to give you a birthday hug of friendship. May all good things come your way my friend! Happy birthday 🎼🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶..❣️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Wow! Just Wow! Thank you for all the birthday greetings!! <3 It has been a wonderful few days of celebrating with another dinner tonight with Rob and Lisa. I feel very blessed to have such wonderful family and friends like you. <3
    My son and his wife just left and I will miss them. My ex husband, my son's father woke me up at 7:30 AM to sing happy birthday to me. I wanted to kill him but it was a nice gesture.
    Did I tell you I took scissors to my own head and really screwed it up so I have an appointment at 1:30 today to get it fixed.
    We had fun with Bryanna playing all kind of games last night so it has been really fun celebrating my birthday week even with all the extra calories.

    Have a great day everyone, you made my birthday special just for being you.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We are having a gloomy, rainy day and I actually slept in! Normally I'm the type that's bouncing around at 6am much to everyone's annoyance in the past. Today I just have little Jillo burying her head in the duvet and no doubt telling me to buzz off in dog language. But.....For once we got up together, me half asleep. Finally I made myself a coffee to try and come out of the zombie like state. No good, I dozed off to have the phone ring and some annoyingly bright eyed woman asking me if she'd woken me up. Turns out she wondered if I wanted my sofa upholstered.

    Things haven't got much better at 1:30 so I've decided to go with the flow today.

    Yesterday was totally different. Gorgeous spring day and Mike over for lunch and two long walks with The Bean.

    I wore my new pyjamas overnight. Palest pink with tiny navy polka dots and oh so soft! I wonder if I'll wake up in the same dopey state on Wednesday? Send some of your energy over SANDY!!!!

    So having given up today on all the fun things in life like cleaning the place and cooking lunch (leftovers from yesterday) I think I'll join Jillo on the sofa.
    Anne. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz😴
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    To SANDY,
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    And to everyone else, Hi luvs, no internet , phone or TV most of the day, so "HI" while I have it!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Still it rains!! Everyone I speak to expresses frustration and generally feeling fed up. Apart from walking round the woods then driving on to the tip to drop off an old carpet shampooer and a few metal pieces, I stopped at our farm shop for basics, milk, bread and salad then back home to do very little.... doldrums setting in! Patsy’s Dr. Campbell has reminded me of the benefits of Vitamin D, especially after weeks of no show from the sun so I’ll get myself a supply.

    That was my day in a nutshell but tomorrow my handyman is booked to continue a fencing project so I will get on with stripping the wallpaper in my dining room... exciting times!!

    Lin, the chocolate pot set is gorgeous. What a delicious idea to enjoy a hot chocolate drinks get together.

    I’m yawning too much so time for my bed. 🛏 😴
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Now I know what we've been missing.... warm sunshine and smiling faces. Jim my handyman was here early and is cracking on with the fencing while I've walked Betty and George but also kept a close eye on poor Brady who was beaten up in the night! He hasn't moved since before 6am so I'm letting him sleep it off but will take him to the vet this evening if no better. Unfortunately this time of year feral cats roam through the countryside looking for trouble and dear Brady is a prime target because he's so soft natured. From the state of his head and neck I'd say he probably wandered up to whatever it was to say hello and got leapt on.
    The cottage is being aired with open doors and windows and housework is calling me upstairs so happy Wednesday everyone.... I may well catch up with you all later. <3

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good morning. Yesterday was nice, both Mah Jongg and coloring. Not as carefree as usual though. Many comments about coronavirus including lots of half baked ideas. That happens I guess when things are unclear. The woman in Mah Jongg who was adamant we keep playing sent me a number of texts later, after going home for her dose of daily news, saying perhaps we should consider not playing in a public place, just suspend our game until this is over. Over? I don’t think there is a timeline for over.

    Jackie, overcast weather and rain is hard on us. Clear, sunny weather is a boost. (She said looking out at an overcast sky.). Meanwhile some Vitamin D sounds good. Ah, I now read you have a break in the weather. Excellent. Poor Brady. He got the worst of it didn’t he?

    Buzz, hello and I hope all your services are now restored. I would find it difficult to lose all of them at once!

    Anne, sleeping in today? Yesterday sounds like a lovely day. Glad the PJ’s are comfy.

    Sandy, did you get your hair fixed up? I have a friend who always cuts her own hair and it looks fabulous. I don’t know how she does it but everything is always evened up and quite lovely. It is a gift.

    Well, I am going to do my regular grocery shopping as it is bargain day at the grocery store near me. But hope to get to a few other places for a couple of things at each store that I usually purchase. I wanted to get my prescription renewal but the pharmacy said insurance will not process it until the 18th. They don’t pay a penny on it but I get their pricing on it which saves a few dollars. Darn.

    Wishing everyone well. Happy days! ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

    Today’s teapot.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I think we've all been a bit in the doldrums between the rain and the virus. Here things look a little worse since some poor chap attended a huge conference in Toronto 3 - 4 days ago and he's been confirmed. I decided to trust my instincts and ordered a rather big order for Thursday instead of Friday. I gather the google staff are now working from home, so you never know and I don't fancy Army rations if things come to that! Lol.

    Poor Brady! Hope it was one of his own kind and not a fox JACKIE.

    I cut my own hair these day SANDY but unlike LINS friend mine looks the opposite to fabulous! But there again I'm not enamoured by various hairdressers efforts either. At least I'm not paying or tipping!

    Poor BUZZ in between lingering sick bugs and everything going down in regards to technology.
    PATSY, are you and John taking care of yourselves? I'm sure you are and like me and the Bean are stocked up with emergency rations and Katie treats.

    The weathers cooled down again, but at least it's not raining. No signs of masks or other dogs on our walk today. Indeed no sign of any other living things come to think of it.

    The family text me to say all is well with them in Florida.
    Anne, recovering from the doldrums.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I had a wonderful birthday thanks to all of you and other friends and family. Our early dinner was just great, even though Max got afraid from the hibachi cooking in front of us. Charlie loved it and Robby got into it when the chef squirted lemonade into his mouth as did Charlie. Fun times. Picture is a little blurred but still worth sharing.

    Not sure about bingo tonight, I think I would rather stay home since I have my meeting tomorrow and will be going to Rob and Lisa's right after the meeting. They bought Charlie a new bedroom set since she is climbing out of her crib. They want me there early to put it together although I won't be surprised if they get it done today. I am sitting all day Friday.

    Babe has his procedure tomorrow and will be in hospital three days. I asked him again if I should visit and he said no because he never knows when his son will be there. I am sure his son will call me with an update which is easier than being with him.

    Jackie, poor Brady, I do hope he is okay, it breaks my heart to hear he was attacked.

    I have many games to catch up on and TV shows to watch. Waiting to see if my friend is going to bingo before making any decisions.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I cannot get over how SANDY's family has grown up! And so adorable! And good luck to Babe!
    Poor Brady. JACKIE, without your care, there might not be a Brady!
    LIN, looks like we are going back to semi-quarantine. This virus has really burst!
    ANNE, your hair always looks excellent
    .My arthritis is flaring but I wanted to say Hi. Also, my kids father died a few days ago, bringing up too many sad memories for all of us! So I'm logging off with hugs and kisses to my dear friends...
    <3 Buzz