Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Sunday friends. Well it’s official, almost anyway, over 70’s to be asked to self isolate for up to 4 months for our own protection. Put it that way Boris and I’ll certainly do my best!

    Another morning walk in the rain this morning but I decided I couldn’t cope with the mud and muck on the moors so we went round the block instead. The good news is those clouds are drifting away so we will now enjoy sunny and mild weather for a couple of days.

    Mixing up a fresh batch of George’s raw dog food I realised I was out of carrots so messaged my neighbour and she dropped in with some. The funniest thing was when she gave George a whole carrot for fun and he ran about with it in his mouth so happily then ran out of the open kitchen door and passed back and forth while we laughed! As we talked I lost sight of said carrot but of course Betty had taken it and was halfway through eating it! My neighbours are concerned about what happens next because one is a teacher and there’s a chance schools will be closed soon, the other runs an office for a small retail business that she knows will go bust within 2 months of any closure. It’s easy to be retired through this crisis but there must be millions around the world facing financial hardship.

    Our local farm shop is offering deliveries to anyone isolated at home and there is also a scheme setting up in the parish that will drop cards off at properties showing phone numbers of volunteers to help in any way needed.

    Now Anne, do you think that’s true about buying for others? Call me cynical but....!! 🤔

    Buzz, such a big decision to move into Assisted Living but something you have to know 100% is right and I’m with you, no one else can know how it might affect your mental well-being if it means losing independence and social contacts. That’s for you to decide. I’m told I’m too independent for my own good and do get it but it’s what keeps me going!

    I’m still aching and snuffly so won’t overdo things but at least muck out the hens. Exciting!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Staying home although I am getting bored. Maybe my video call with my kids later will cheer me up. The good thing is I am eating healthy and riding my bike so that is a plus. Still not decided about dinner Tuesday but we will decide tomorrow. I feel safe enough since most restaurants are taking precautions but we will see what the governor says tomorrow in his report.

    Jackie, 4 months?? I think I would lose my mind if I had to stay in for that long. I am glad you have your garden and hens to keep you busy. Just take care of that stuffy nose and get well. I can just visualize George running around with a big carrot with Betty stealing it. :)

    Anne, there are two brothers in Tennessee who has over 17.000 bottles of sanitizer they can't unload. Amazon, Ebay and other sites are cracking down on price gougers. That will teach them. lol Although I do imagine there are some who worry about elders and bought things to help them. I have a friend who asks me if I need anything so those are kind people.

    Buzz, I too, am wondering why you are fighting assisted living or an aid? Isn't it the same kind of apartment but with help? I am sure you could be friends with the people who help but this is just my opinion. Remember Mike didn't want to move there either but it was best for him.
    You can tell me to mind my own business, I won't be offended.

    LIn, did your church have service today? They are closing all the casinos in the Chicago area so I hope they close the one in Michigan we are supposed to go. Dinner is one thing but a casino with so many people is another.

    Patsy, I don't ever remember not having TP so I guess I am a spoiled child. I am thinking of putting some of my VHS tapes on DVD's, that would keep me busy as well. I am too active to stay in this long but it is for my own good.

    Have a great day everyone, who would have thought we all of us from all over the world we would all share in a lock down?

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Michael shares your cynicism JACKIE. Re stockpiling. He said you could barely move in Costco for East Indians stockpiling.

    Here it is very quiet and a big notice proclaimed St. Aidens our church just around the corner was closed. Most of the congregation are very old so I'm not really surprised. I went to the bank with Bean and Mike and stocked up on cash and then doggie treats at the pet store. The parking lot was virtually empty of cars and it seems less planes are flying overhead.

    We had home made fish cakes and peas for lunch followed by apple crumble and icecream. Not exactly tightening our belts!

    Don't know the truth to this but Mikes friend is in the medical profession and she's heard non essential surgery cancelled next week.

    I just hope the weather warms up enough for the Bean and I to garden. I sort of enjoy sort of stepping back in time to a less polluted and congested world.

    Anne - time to sniff the flowers!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good afternoon. Sunny, a bit windy and still too cold for me to think of going for a stroll!

    Yes, I was off to church this morning and fixed communion while wearing disposable gloves but I started with wiping the table etc. with disinfecting wipes and washing my hands before snapping on the gloves. Another person wiped down the pews and the bathrooms were cleaned and wiped down as well. There were multiple containers of disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer and boxes of Kleenex. Disposable tongs for the donuts. So much improvement this week.

    I stay off to the side of the fellowship hall after Sunday school while others were chomping down on donuts I was drinking my tea from home and eating my snack while placing my phone on a napkin rather than a table surface.

    During meet and greet time during the church service people were urged to stand up and wave at everyone. Of course most of our people couldn’t resist walking around, shaking hands and hugging anyway. I stayed out of the traffic pattern and actually changed to a different pew to keep 3 ft. between me and other folks. I cleaned up afterwards and none of the kids rushed in to see if they could drink any of the leftover grape juice (thankful for that too).

    I stopped at the health food store on the way home. No cherry tomatoes and many blank spots on the shelves. I did find a couple of things. But here are the differences: NOTHING may be returned now for any reason, people are grabbing all of something they like when it hits the shelf (according to the person who was checking me out), and finally they are having resupply problems on many items again per info from store personnel. Translation, the warehouses are empty and they don’t know when they will receive merchandise.

    And this is a store that is as pricey if not even more expensive than Whole Foods. 🙄

    I got home, made some lunch and then received a text which I assumed would be coming but I was hoping it would not. The reflexologist is closing her practice for an unknown duration due to the emergency conditions. So I will stay tuned and hope I don’t hurt anything!

    Anne, I am cynical too. But who can sort through it. I won’t be purchasing for anyone. Stores here are starting to limit the number of items you may purchase but honestly, I never get to any store when things are in stock. So luckily I have enough of everything. Your lunch sounds good. I hope the rest of your family has ordered their needs online and can do their quarantine in relative comfort.

    Sandy, although I don’t get bored easily, I was happy to hear some voices in person today. I have been talking on the phone almost everyday to someone. Luckily a few people still like to speak rather than text. Those are exceptions! Our St. Patrick’s day parade was just cancelled. The organizers had been quite difficult saying unless the mayor contacted them directly, they would not cancel it. Well, ha, the Mayor declared an emergency in the city and all public gatherings of 250 or more on public property are no longer allowed even if previously permitted. All done! And I am with you Sandy, I have always had TP even at camp when we had to use an outhouse!

    Jackie, I hope you do feel better soon. Too much wet weather? You must get your car so I trust you will figure out a way to get there without being arrested for violating the isolation rules. That may happen here as well as clearly we do not have a handle on this thing yet.

    Patsy, it was probably a good idea to grab some things. We may be stuck in place for a long time. Who knows? Life definitely changes daily.

    Buzz, I hope your grandson finds a way to get to the U.S. It would be reassuring to have him closer.

    Although I don’t know if this is nationwide, but here, no one is allowed in any kind of care community/facility. Which is causing distress for several families I know here. A lady is slowly approaching the end but her husband is no longer allowed to visit as he might bring something into the facility to other residents. He is heart broken. Another lady is used to one of her kids or friends stopping by to see her, she has problems with her Parkinson’s and sees things that aren’t there. Apparently she is more agitated now that there are no familiar faces around.

    Is it a curse? May you live in interesting times.

    It is so nice to have you here to chat with each day. Best wishes.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

    Just another set.

    And Jackie, I thought on top of the owl teapot was an acorn with a leaf on either side. Really, it is a mouse?? Hummmmm.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I thought it was an acorn as well and two leaves. I rather hope it was an acorn!! Bad enough drinking your tea with a pair of owl eyes peering at you without worrying about the fate of a little mouse, lol.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    They just closed all bars and Restaurants in dinner Tuesday, at least I am not the bad guy. B)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oops sorry, just had a closer look and it is an acorn on the lid of the owl teapot. Must be my life in the countryside has me thinking the worst!! 😦😲 Today’s bone china roses reminds me of visiting my great aunt Sybil and uncle Harry with parents when I was very small. I’m sure they were very nice but their dark house where we sat for high tea surrounded by ornate ornaments terrified me!

    I’ve read we will get more information in the week about when over 70’s should isolate along with other government plans. I could be wrong but don’t think it will be enforced but instead strongly advised. So far in Cornwall with its population of about half a million we have just 5 people infected so no need for mass shutdowns yet.

    Lin, you planned your time at church perfectly as I’m sure such precautions are well worthwhile. Our supermarkets have got together and written an open letter to all customers asking for more consideration for those who are unable to keep returning when they find shelves emptied. They say If things don’t improve restrictions will be applied and policed by army personnel but it’s mostly in cities it’s happening. I’m phoning friends more as well as mailing cards to some just to jolly us all along.

    Midnight and time for bed.
    Stay positive everyone. 💐💖

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I couldn't resist snapping this teapot being shown on our Antiques Road show this evening. Worth £100 apparently!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh, even if I wouldn't own it, that China Rose grabbed my fancy! My typing is getting worse and worse, and it's because my fingers are so numb/burning/pins and needles crazy, I cannot click each key deeply enough to make an impression.
    ANNE, I'm not happy for your sharing my pain! Getting up is a nightmare, though today was slightly better and I was able to dress after the compression boot hour.
    JACKIE, everyone here is annoyed with me , calling me too independent because I don't hire an aide. I guess when I feel comfortable with the idea of being "waited on", I will get one, but not until I am ready! As far as assisted living , each person has a room (ONE room) and bathroom containing a shower. So one has a bed (usually twin) and perhaps a lounge chair and bureau, and all one's furniture is destroyed once one has moved without it! where would my office be? Life without my computer ? Unthinkable ! Today the entire community was put on quarantine My Fat Mmmmmmm fat fingers are giving up, but temperature is normal...
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good morning fellow sufferers, quarantiners, toilet roll hunters, I wonder what today will bring! Every day something new on the world stage.

    Hey BUZZ, you describe the quarters I would have had if I'd moved into the Vistamere. Me and the Bean sharing and just my iPad. With this outbreak I'm rather glad I'm still in the old homestead with the back garden for Jilly Bean. Whatever you are comfortable with my dear. It's your life and your body. As for me, I think this virus thingy will put everything on hold and so me and the apple trees get to live another day! Every cloud has a silver lining for somebody!

    We really enjoyed Mikes visit yesterday, he brought me a box of emergency Kleenex and when he took Bean out for a long walk (whilst mom cooked) he and she was surrounded by a group of pretty Chinese girls who photographed Bean! Not 58 year old Michael! I guess he's only cute to his Mom!

    So girls, when you sit in your LRs just think of all the money you are saving with closed bingo halls, no church collection plates, no food on grocery shelves to tempt you and I for one might lose weight on reduced rations! Yeah!

    Seriously though, here's hoping we all keep well and today the sun shines.
    Anne. 🙃❤️🐶❤️🌷
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The sun is certainly shining here in little old England Anne so I've just enjoyed a coffee while soaking up some Vitamin D! We had a lovely walk on the moors and although a couple of cars were parked up I only saw one man and his dog from a distance but look.... Planes still flying from me to you across the Atlantic, spotted over my head!

    I've a home pedicure in an hour so will toast a bagel and enjoy some homemade leek and sweet potato soup. (Sandy, my weight hasn't moved even one ounce so today the serious work begins. I think I said that a couple of weeks ago! 😕🙃)

    Happy Monday. Stay healthy and safe. ♥️♥️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Up, up, and away. We are looking at the same blue, blue sky JACKIE. I've found an old book of
    18-19th century American country recipes. One recipe is called chicken pudding which turns out to be a roast chicken under a YORKSHIRE pudding. Cheeky! pinching my county recipe! Mind you, could be some soul in hill billy country with vague memories of the old country who invented it. Today though I'm trying Sheepherders pie which sorta resembles our shepherds pie. Wish me luck!

    Anne. Hey, it even has a recipe for grits which I tried once in the Shenandoah Hills.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Hello friends. A cold overcast and dismal day. Things have gotten much more troubling overnight. Kids are out of school for 8 weeks, at least in some school districts. We are told, anyone aged 60 and over is to self-isolate for 8 weeks. More and more retail stores are closing. Gosh, all I did was fall asleep, what the heck happened? Our governor finally woke up. A middle aged man and his child both have this and they did not travel. I think it shook her up. Well, we will see what happens next. ❤️❤️

    I have been hunting online for Clorox wipes. Haaaaa. I set up a bunch of notices but doubt I will get any. I don’t actually have any, just the more organic alternative, Seventh Generation and I keep hearing that will do little good but may be better than nothing. I did find a couple of sprays containers of Lysol so spritz the house once a day. I use my little wipes on the faucets, door knobs and sinks.

    Are we the only ones who have been told to soap down the insides of the car? The dashboard, steering wheel, door handles etc.? Gosh, I don’t think I can be that sanitary! 😉 No really.

    I have so much to do around here. Lots of things that I should do and many more fun things to do but I seem to be distracted by all that is buzzing around me.

    Positive note, after wiping everything down and hunting for wipes, I actually found more file folders so no excuse for not doing the sorting and filing. Well, except slopping about with paint or cutting things out is much more soul satisfying.

    Anne, best wishes on your recipes. That is a fun and productive thing to do. Yeah! I hope all turns out well (and edible). I love grits by the way. And I have no doubt that little Bean is more photogenic than most anyone so of course her picture would be taken.

    Jackie, thanks, beautiful blue sky. I needed a dose of that! Lucky to still be able to get a pedicure. Well done you. I need to whack down my finger nails. I should put that on my list for today. Yummm, the soup sounds just so delicious.

    Buzz, I am sorry about the pain. I sincerely hope your doctors will find a way for you to get relief. As far as where you live, 100% your call. I do understand the difference between an apartment and an assisted living space. When my dad was in Assisted Living, they did have a larger floor plan which had a separate bedroom and a sort of nook for a little kitchenette. Anything like that in your community?

    Sandy, Illinois is also getting quite serious about trying to slow the virus down. May all these efforts succeed. And I hope you stay safe and well.

    Patsy, is it difficult to keep fresh veggies in your stock of food? I plan to go on the hunt either tomorrow or Wednesday to try to get some more fresh green vegetables and some fruit. Never know what the stores will have now. I have some frozen veggies and fruit but if I am well and can buy some things, I think I will try.

    All best wishes for good health ❤️❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

    Totally absurd! This is said to be a teapot. I am not sure exactly where the lid is or how you remove it. Definitely an artsy piece, not functional. 😉
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    How clever is that teapot Lin. I'm thinking water would be poured into the wave at the back but in my hands the nose of the fish would be cracked in no time with me knocking it on the tap!! My pedicurist is extremely flexible and says although we made an appointment for next month we can discuss options closer to the date depending on where we are by then. We did agree not to hug each other in farewell just in case!

    Anne, a great idea, let's take on a blitz mentality and get inventive in the kitchen. Roast chicken with a Yorkshire pudding hat sounds like a tasty start! I've got a lot of old cookery books as well as one on home brewing so will see what I can come up with. Perhaps we can all share recipes?

    I'm going to email you sneakers later with information passed on to me that I think is extremely important to know. If you haven't received it by end of day do let me know.

    Hugs all round, Jackie <3<3
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Monday! :) The doctor's office called and cancelled my yearly physical and told me to cancel my mammogram. The lockdown continues. Lisa, Bryanna and my friend Jen do not want me to leave the house, if I need anything they will get it. The lockdown could be for 8 weeks, I might go stir crazy by then. It would be nice if the weather were warm enough to sit on my balcony. I am going to need a lot of wine to get through this. lol
    I do get upset by the people who are not taking this serious. I have always felt I was a carrier and I am sure there are others out there who are also. That is the idea of the lockdown, to stop spreading the virus, if everyone listened then maybe we could stop it and get on with our lives. Sorry, but so many people are making light of this and it annoys me.
    We will be canceling our casino trip and if the lockdown goes for 8 weeks my Florida trip will also be cancelled. They may even ban domestic flights if this keeps up.

    Lin, sure doesn't look like a teapot to me, but to each his own. lol You stay safe as well and be careful when you are out shopping. On our video call yesterday my son from Arizona is complaining he cannot buy TP. We gave him all kinds of ideas instead but he didn't think we were funny. lol

    Anne, cooking sounds like a good idea to keep busy but I have simple meals so no preparation. I am making a beef roast today so I can eat it for the next few days. We are getting snow showers so no walking for me. I am content to stay in just don't know for how long.

    Jackie, I would love a home manicure and pedicure but will have to wait until this virus goes away, it will go away eventually won't it? I believe our closing of restaurants and bars is being enforced because our governor got upset because so many people went out over the weekend for St. Patrick's celebrations. Bryanna just got a new job so she quit the restaurant where she worked, maybe too soon, if they were to get paid with the shutdown. It really is a mess in my state, but hopefully it is for the best.

    Buzz, I didn't realize that you would be so downsized no wonder you don't want to make that change, I wouldn't either. Sorry for not understanding. Keep safe.

    Patsy, hope you are keeping busy and not thinking. lol

    Have a good day ladies, happy to be able to have contact with peers of my own age.

    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And right in the middle of this virus my kitchen is flooded with water and I can't figure from where! Mark is scared of coming over because he is in quarantine what with hotels, ships, airports and airplanes. Mike is going to work so I have to hang around until tomorrow. The virus is the least of my worries right now! The Sheep herders pie DID turn out tasty though, sigh.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh ANNE so sorry for your flooding! Does the Bean swim?
    I just got a call from my accountant and he cannot come through our gate so I have to gather m papers together and Fed Ex them to him! I usually count on him to pick and choose the necessary figures, so I better get to work!
    JACKIE, you have peaked my curiosity, and nothing is in my email!
    LIN, I think the tail is the handle, the mouth is where it pours, and I'll be darned if a filler appears but maybe an eye???
    SANDY, 8 weeks is one heck of a long time! I guess we'll keep each other entertained!
    PATSY< hope your family stays well and keep us notified!
    1:19PM and gotta get breakfast! Last night's 1/2 bagel, cream cheese and lox might do, but at least coffee! Am trying some new cbd lotions to see if stronger is better!
    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful May Be About to Happen!....................................................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Gawanne35 wrote: »
    And right in the middle of this virus my kitchen is flooded with water and I can't figure from where! Mark is scared of coming over because he is in quarantine what with hotels, ships, airports and airplanes. Mike is going to work so I have to hang around until tomorrow. The virus is the least of my worries right now! The Sheep herders pie DID turn out tasty though, sigh.

    Anne, do you at least have a water shutoff if the water is coming from your kitchen sink? I am so sorry. I spent a day under my kitchen sink the other day. Garbage disposal quit and then the drain on that side wasn’t taking water. I did not enjoy my time under the sink. Could not get the disposal going but did at least get the drain working a bit. I have visions of Roto Rooter out here again this year. Trying to postpone that. Any chance your other son can stop by? Hate to have a quarantined person out driving around and spending time in your house.