Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Had a bad day with stomach cramps yesterday. My guess is I have IBS and the night before I ate a lot of nuts without thinking. I am fine today but the pain was so intense that I considered going to ER but realized it wasn't life threatening so just used a warm compress to ease the pain. I am hoping Bryanna comes today to do a little grocery shopping (if anything is to be found) and to go make a bank deposit for me. If not I might venture out myself but would prefer not.
    Babe didn't call all day yesterday so I got worried and called him. He was home and getting ready to eat dinner. Later he called to say they said to him you are going home so he has no idea what they are doing. They did give him medicine so hopefully it works.
    Illinois has had their first death from the virus along with 22 people from a nursing home testing positive, two of those health care providers. Scary stuff and today the stock market crashed, I am afraid I am going to lose all my investments but what can I do?

    Anne, I am so sorry about your your cousin's SIL, he was so young. You really have had a bad time lately, I pray things will improve soon.

    Patsy, your area is going through a lot, just stay indoors and be safe.

    Buzz, I am beginning to believe this lockdown could be for months. The people who don't listen spread the virus sometimes without even knowing. I am still debating about the dinner at my friends house Friday even though it will only be four of us.

    Jackie, hope all is well with you and the very same for you Lin. I do pray things get better soon, I worry so much about my kids and grandkids.

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2020
    BIG SIGH! 😡🤬. An email from the car dealership this afternoon advising that upon unwrapping my new car they discovered a small amount of damage on a rear spoiler so it will go into the workshop tomorrow and “more than likely” cleaned Friday. Can I be available Saturday? I’ve pointed out I am in the age group that needs to isolate so don’t want to extend a delay. No answer of course and the way matters are progressing here I might not be allowed to travel by Monday. He’s quite young so probably doesn’t understand but I might be insisting they deliver!
    Another email, this time from the company booked to replace my staircase Very sensibly advising customers that orders might be delayed if they struggle to obtain supplies or lose staff to illness. Unprecedented times and a lot to adjust to but I can see that apart from a few greedy people a community spirit is strengthening around me so it’s not all bad.
    Of course it’s still raining from low clouds creating a fog and it’s getting colder. George’s groomer commented on just how many clients have mentioned being depressed by our wet miserable weather and how much happier they would feel about isolation if the sun would shine! Human nature I suppose. 😤. George was clipped and is looking very cute as well as happy to lose his Winter coat and 3 jigsaws were delivered our by Debbie Woof Woof so I can’t complain about being bored!

    I’m so sorry Anne you are definitely not having a good week but you did manage to secure a food delivery 3 days before I can pick up mine!!

    Buzz, Kvell sounds good enough for me because we all have so much to be grateful for in our own way. Tammy with her PT is obviously enthusiastic in what she does so go with it and who knows, perhaps you’ll be back in that pool this summer, not just walking to it. 🥰

    Schools to close here for teaching but I gather will stay open for children of key workers needed in hospitals. Our government is offering an awful lot of financial aid to Businesses to soften the blow and bringing in legislation to protect people in rented accommodation and there’s more than a hint this battle will continue well into summer months.

    We have to remain stoic but most importantly healthy. ❤️❤️💖❤️❤️

    P.S. Sorry Sandy, I hadn’t turned the page so missed your post. That’s a horrible reaction to nuts but I’m glad you didn’t go to the hospital and risk infection. Perhaps that’s why Babe was sent home... a safer environment. I’m no expert but investments in the markets are long term and one day this virus will be defeated so hold tight and hopefully you’ll soon see yours climb again.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    That is what my son told me Jackie. <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Hello, I was out early this morning for the grocery store opening bell☺️. Nothing at all in paper aisle, no disinfectants, or sanitizers and virtually no liquid hand soaps. I got fresh vegetables!!! And the last package of paper coffee filters and some canned pineapple so that was nice. My big disappointment was my Rx was not there. Maybe tomorrow. I will call next time and use the drive through this time.

    I called to talk to a friend and she severely chastised me for going out at all. Yep, two days in a row and likely tomorrow as well to get that prescription. I have a check to deposit so while out will likely go to the credit union drive through.

    The other news from talking to my friend was that one of our weekly coffee crew who has been ill for a while was just tested for Covid. They had already checked on influenza and other things. Now if that doesn’t bring it close to home. If she tests positive there is a possibility I could be quarantined. Who knows. I asked her to call me back when there is a result one way or the other. Testing here is taking up to five days apparently.

    I am somewhat mad at my church. They, like everyone else, are under mandate to be closed. But yet the leadership met last night to decide what to do? Nuts. Anyway, they say they are opening again at the end of the month and will do the Maundy Thursday play and all normal Easter activities. I could just spit. We have no idea what could be happening next. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬. I will not be there unless things have greatly improved which I believe is impossible.

    Sandy, I would think more than twice about going out. We cannot sort who is well and who can spread this thing. Your decision but I think I am in a sombre mood after my morning call. And yes, things will come back but in the meantime, we can hurt a lot if we need to sell things for money to live on. Hang in there my friend. Stay healthy and I hope if you have people doing shopping for you that they are more successful in finding things!

    Buzz, I am glad they are again looking after you❤️❤️and that physical therapy has not stopped. Most everything here is shutting down. Another holistic practice in town has closed its doors for now and people can just call in for consultations. Wishing you well as you work towards better mobility.

    Jackie, my gosh, I would ask for delivery as long as you do not let the delivery person in your house! And I can imagine how gorgeous little George is now. Tell him, no mud now. He must stay clean and handsome.

    Anne, oh my heavens. What a tragedy in your family. Things do just happen out of the blue but oh, so so sad.

    Patsy, yes, we need to stay in touch and support each other. I feel fortunate you are here. 🌻🌻 I am not being a bit productive however. I have ideas but I don’t follow through, much more than usual. 😅

    All best wishes my friends. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

    I do love blue💙💙💙
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Bryanna came with mask on assures me she is practicing social distancing. We cancelled the dinner at friends house, we will wait until things are better. I just plan on staying in until we are told it is safe to go out.
    My cousin died this morning, she was 91 and had dementia. Her daughter said they are not sure about any kind of service with this virus. She lead a good life with 7 children and her husband died when he was in in 50's I believe. Don't take life for granted.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2020
    I read coronavirus can survive on some surfaces for days! And that's the problem when it comes to stopping it.

    I must be in an accident prone week. Fell over a stool and managed to gouge a piece out of my shin on the corner of the stool. Jill wanted to help by licking so hastily disinfected before wrapping.

    Email from vet. If we have to go to the vets the staff will meet us outside! If our pet is sick the pet will be carried in whilst the owner waits outside. One person may be allowed inside with pet but only one.

    Mike went to his supermarket to buy me a bag of potatoes, he managed to grab the last bag to share with me.

    I must admit most people are very good and disciplined here. Even the young. My itchy pants grandson is going up the wall from boredom but is behaving himself and not meeting up with friends now he and his building are in quarantine lockdown. Bean and I don't have to practice keeping our distance when out for our walk because the streets are completely deserted and the church is shut down until further notice.

    The good news, compared to the deadly 1918 Spanish Flu; folks today can keep in touch with loved ones and keep informed with daily reports on our television, mobile phones and iPads. Our border is now shutdown except for trade, no hopping over to visit or buy groceries. Mark and Mary Jo got home in the nick of time.

    One nice thing happening here, grocery stores opening early just for the elderly and vulnerable.

    Which is just as well. We are told this could last months and months!

    In which case I figure I for one will be much slimmer than I am today.
    Anne. ❤️🐶❤️🙃
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I keep falling asleep while sitting at my desk after a "supper" of chicken soup, salad with turkey strips and a cupcake. I really had no appetite. Learned my granddaughter's wedding has been moved to September, and am thinking how lovely it would be if I might be walking again by then! We'll see. Basically have done nothing all day but read the newspaper. Isolation!!! The occupational Therapist will come to my rooms to fit the new shoulder brace to my rotten left shoulder, after heating the bladder. They will also teach me to use the Tens on my various aches and pains. I feel like a kindergartner! And life goes on!
    ANNE, so sorry for your loss of the fellow in Australia! He was practically a baby! I wish you 3 wonderful happenings in a row NOW!!! <3<3<3
    JACKIE, stick to your determination about delivery of your new car! And good luck with everything else, luv!
    SANDY dear, the years bring about changes and I wish yours could be all good ones. It looks like you might have to be careful about what goes into that tummy of yours for awhile. Could you be having a physical reaction to all the emotional upheavals going on in your life and outside? I do believe hospitals are sending home as many patients as they can to avoid contamination! You did the wise thing cancelling that dinner!
    PATSY, I read your attempts at normalcy and grin silently, recognizing similar wishes! May we all adapt as well as possible to this latest test!
    LIN, very appropriate reactions you are feeling toward the leader who is ignoring warnings for the safety of his congregation! I have found several so-called leaders who assume a role of all powerful, using poor judgement in keeping his groups tied to his own personality. I guess it can be a very tempting role! Follow your own good instincts, girl!
    And for all of our members and friends, may we all survive this latest assault using plain old common sense and accepting this new isolation as just another adaptation to our "mature status"! Stay well!

    <3 Buzz
    .................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.....................................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Happy first day of spring....I think!
    I've woken up full of the joys of spring!

    Loved the story of the three old friends in the UK who are isolating together. Super idea, no loneliness for those three.

    Do you remember a month ago when Michael was really ill with what he thought was the flu? He poo poos the idea but what it it was actually the new virus just sneaking in? He was so sick his firm sent him home, unheard of! He deals or rather dealt with a lot of new arrivals to the country so who knows!
    He doesn't think so, but he stayed home for two weeks and therefore didn't pass on whatever it was.

    I'm adjusting to this new way of life, that is going to the fridge for what I fancy and it ain't there, or trotting off to the bathroom to wash the pans. The aged dishwasher is getting an unexpected work out so I wouldn't be surprised if it conks out next.

    Never mind! Springs arrived with the rain and I quote:
    I am a very old thing, tra la,
    The flowers that bloom in the spring!
    Enjoy your day ladies whatever you are skipping around doing.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2020
    Don't forget Anne

    When I am an old woman
    I shall wear purple
    With a red hat which doesn't go and doesn't suit me
    And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
    And satin sandals
    And say we've got no money for butter

    Very little rain today but still bloomin' cold so because George is without his Winter coat we only walked round the block. Also because yesterday the interior of my old car was cleaned and hoovered yet again and seat covers removed so I don't want the dogs going in! I've been washing the thick mud of my walking boots and shoes in the hope we are in for some dry weather so we'll see!
    Robbie our smithy has dropped off a sturdy log store for my garden so once prices drop in the summer I will fill it ready for next Winter..... I know, let's get through this one first! His friend who helped carry it in was wearing a mask because apparently his wife has insisted. They have 2 small children and she doesn't want him to not be able to work.

    Lin, it probably won't surprise you I often shout at people on the tv who annoy me and last week when organisations were advised to cancel larger group meetings a church minister was interviewed saying he thought it wrong because a lot of his parishioners will get lonely. "Do your job and go visit them" was my loud response because as far as I'm concerned no ones God will blame them for staying home where they can pray if they feel it necessary. I'm pleased you won't be attending and also Sandy's dinner is cancelled.

    Anne, my neighbour's father was extremely ill over Christmas into the New Year with similar symptoms and his GP told him after lots of tests he couldn't find anything wrong so it had to be an unknown virus. He's in his 80's and usually fit but said he had never felt so ill in his life. Of course we now know it was already spreading in China but their authorities didn't say!

    Buzz, I'm excited for you with the efforts now being made to get you walking and hopefully feeling a whole lot better. Can we please have a photo once you have walked to the pool unaided?

    I'm now off out to get pet supplies in so there is never any risk of them going hungry. Should have been in possession of my new car by now..... oh well!!!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Great advice JACKIE. Purple doesn't suit me either but once I break free from No, 15 and isolation a purple whatever it is AND a bottle of brandy to spoon in my coffee.

    LINDA, just think, if you keep away from the lot at church you won't be dragged in for communion. Bonus - from God I wouldn't be surprised! Agree about pious vicars who should be doing a bit more visiting!

    Mike said he felt extremely ill, so I wonder? I'm with your neighbours dad and his suspicions.

    When you finally get that new car JACKIE give it a good spray inside and out!
    BUZZ, great news.
    PATSY. Are you lurking down in the dungeon with your pup?
    SANDY just think, if one of your friends at the dinner was harbouring the virus; four of you would get it to pass on to maybe 16 people.

    It's now affecting Africa, and THERE'S a disaster waiting to happen with poverty and lack of water to wash regularly.

    Still feeling spring like despite all the doom and gloom, weatherwise as well as the TV and radio.

    "When I'm an old woman" hey I AM one, I kid myself I'm not though!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    edited March 2020
    Happy Thursday! :) Of course no meeting today but I could really use one as my daughter really got me upset today. She is one of those who doesn't think the virus is that serious. I sent her an article about how younger adults comprise big portion of virus and hospitalized.
    She responded with I understand but keep it in perspective. Using today's stats 4% deaths, only 1% deaths in USA. 37% recovered. I told her the problem is if everyone doesn't lock down and use social distancing they can pass it on to elders and people with weakened immune systems. We will never get rid of it if everyone doesn't comply. In Florida beaches are packed for spring break, they only care about themselves. 9464 cases and 155 deaths in USA. Scares the hell out of me. She ended with I am sorry you are afraid. Stay inside and keep relying on Bryanna. I will be praying for your safety and good health.

    Needless to say I am very upset with her but have to let it go. I really doubt I will be going to Florida in the near future. It started because my grandson in Hawaii wife's grandmother is in the hospital there on life support. They did test her for the virus but she has congested heart failure and is in the hospital several times a year. However I did say I hope she isn't positive as Anthony and his wife could possibly get it if she does because they live with her. She was not concerned as she said it is not bad for young people. What??? What about all the people they came in contact with? I just can't understand how she is thinking.

    Sorry, but I really had to vent and appreciate you for putting up with me.

    For a little levity I am posting a picture of Bryanna and me when she came to do some errands for me. Love that girl. Also my oldest granddaughter called to check on me which warmed my heart.
    (I look like heck but oh well)

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's called ostrich syndrome SANDY. Stick ones head in the sand and it isn't that bad. But even old Donald's now got the message and we usually don't close borders for nothing. Mark didnt believe me when he tootled off to Florida and his cruise. Well the cruise got cancelled and he and family are now in isolation. Like the saying goes "you can't put old heads on young shoulders." And the young think themselves invincible anyway. Hang in there. Alas one day they will be us.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Hi-ho! Almost afternoon. How does the day get away?

    Well, this one started with a neck that would not work and a heating pad that also wouldn’t work. I finally got the old heating pad to heat up for a little while so got up and finally got started. After my morning coffee, I got set and off I zoomed. Three errands, all done from the relative safety of my car. I refused to hand my ID in to the banking lady at the drive through but she peered through the glass closely before taking my deposit. I had to giggle a bit because I have seen her every time I have been in the credit union. Only drive through service available now. Dropped off a letter at the post office but didn’t go inside. And finally, miracle of miracles, I did get my Rx filled! Yippee. I had to hand in my credit card so when I got home I cleaned it with alcohol before putting it away. I did wear gloves although they keep saying they are pretty much worthless in the hands (or on the hands) of the public. I disagree, I have never had one tear, I do not touch my face when I am wearing them and I also know how to remove them safely. I will continue to use them, makes me feel better.

    Cheers Sandy, your darling grand daughter did just what she should do which is to protect you from the virus by wearing a mask since she worked with the public. Glad she got your supplies. Wonderful. I will need a few odds and ends in a few weeks, dental floss, trash bags and some hydrogen peroxide. I hunted online today and placed an order that should arrive by mid-April. Best wishes to you and may your grand daughter continue to find all you need.

    Another comment, your daughter is much like many people here who believe all sorts of things about what is going on. One thread I hear is if it wasn’t on TV all the time life would have been unaffected. We could just have gone on with our lives. Talk about head in the sand. It is infuriating.

    Anne and Jackie, I don’t know if purple suits me but I love it and have several t-shirts that are purple. They make me smile. Yes, I agree with both of you, we could have had early cases since people were getting very sick this past winter. No answers, people said, just some kind of virus. Hummmm.

    Buzz, I know the food you are receiving now is nothing like the sumptuous meals you’ve described in the past but hopefully adequate and tasty. Take care, feel better. Looking forward to hearing that you are able to walk more!

    Patsy, hello dear friend. Happy spring! 🌷🌷

    Need to get back to all my paperwork. It is piling up again. Argh.

    Continued best wishes to everyone. ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

    The state of things these days 🤪🤪
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Update, I have been using my regular reusable grocery bags. I clean up all the packages when I get home and store the bags in the garage. So I just sprayed my recently used bags with Lysol when I heard this advice. Do not use reusable bags for now. Get bags from the store, after removing your purchases at home, throw them out. So explain this to me, how is it better to get bags from the store where potentially hundreds or thousands of people are going through the checkout? With the bags right there in big bunches?

    Supposedly the reusable bags will harbor bacteria, exactly what will not harbor bacteria??

    Just me not really understanding the continuing changing of ‘expert’ opinion.

    Thanks. I will be quiet now.

    Lin 🙄
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well I'm using my bags. They get washed regularly in the washing machine.
    SANDY. Just read the nose test for the virus isn't pleasant. Hope your unbelieving daughter doesn't have to have it!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! A lovely spring day here. I, of course, am staying home and our home is our safe harbor. Both John and I feeling fine but suffer reoccurring worry about our kids and each other. John has decided he will be the one making trips out for the occasional medicines and supplies. Since I have diabetes, I am more vulnerable than he is. The grocery bags are an interesting dilemma. I never thought about their being a germ source. Well! This will need some consideration.

    I will be giving Katie her monthly big grooming soon. This will be her spring trim groom. She has long wavy hair now and it needs to be trimmed. Her bath might be one of the dry baths with conditioner wipes. The wet bath might happen mid-month or sooner if needed. It is important to keep Katie good condition, more than ever really. I honestly really depend on her. We both do. She cheers us and is a source of positive affection and fun. We need it!

    Movies, books and happy music work to keep me thinking positive thoughts. If it is true that life will never be quite the same again...what do you imagine it will look like? Here in the US we were already going into a tragic state of isolation. More and more young people just stare at their smart phones and computers. They rarely look up, is that going to change? Rant! Rant! Okay enough of that.

    An Oregon artist and dare I say, crazy person, wants me to help her design and work on the graphics for a special set of tarot cards. I had to research what tarot cards were. I thought that was some sort of game. Turns out it is fortune-telling cards. What a hoot! I think my doubt and disbelief might hamper the whole project. But the lady is fun to chat with (email) and her passionate belief is........well sort of alarming.

    John thinks I am a magnet for loons, goons and maniacs. Hummmmmmm...maybe
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The lady in our natural food store told me she found a dead mouse once inside someones cloth bag she was packing. That's why I wash mine weekly and keep them in my coat closet. Don't want any mouse droppings in mine!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Gawanne35 wrote: »
    Well I'm using my bags. They get washed regularly in the washing machine.
    SANDY. Just read the nose test for the virus isn't pleasant. Hope your unbelieving daughter doesn't have to have it!

    Our largest grocery store has banned reusable bags effective immediately.