Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Congratulations to all Jeti! Ten children, your daughter must be a saint. 💕 I too am staying home and miss my grandkids. But also like you better to be safe than sorry. We will survive! 💕
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good morning, another cold and gray day. I will be staying in today. I know, you are soooo surprised!🙃

    My washer made it through 2 loads of laundry but a little water leaked out of it. Not a hose, not the connection to the washer. I don’t know, just thank the Lord that it worked. 😃

    I watched another Thin Man movie yesterday. Yes, I do have the set. This one has baby Nick in it. Cute little one but Asta is still my favorite! I rummaged through and found loads of DVDs that I am interested in watching again. I guess that all stemmed from having no reliable Internet connection for years. They will come in handy now

    PBS had a number of episodes of “Call the Midwife” on yesterday but oh so sad. I had to switch to other things from time to time. I made it through 1+ episode of Maigret last night but fell asleep well before the end of the second one. Darn. Same thing happened Saturday evening when I really wanted to watch Frankie Drake. Unfortunately PBS is only allowing viewing if you have the premium pass. Double darn.

    Today my plan is to make some quick cards to send to my usual folks just to say hello and thinking of you. With everything going on, probably not much to offer but something.

    Thinking of you and sending all best wishes.

    Air hugs. ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

    Now this is different. It is a bell for a bicycle in the shape of a teapot. 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Congratulations Jeri.. another gorgeous addition to your family. It seems your area is similar to mine where our local news yesterday showed crowds on beaches as if a normal summer day, mostly city folk with time on their hands. The locals arent happy about the threat they bring with them!!

    Still cool here but beautiful. Washing on the line and lots of housework including bleaching kitchen surfaces achieved. Time for some gardening before the temperature drops.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Monday! :) The Stay at Home Order continues and with some people not taking this serious it could be for a long time. I did laugh that our Governor told Trump to stay off twitter and get his job done. During one of our updates, which we get daily our Governor said we weren't getting what we need from the government which sent Trump off on a rampage.
    He is like a kid who doesn't get his way and has temper tantrums. Even Dr. Fauci shakes his head at Trump's remarks. Trump looks defeated to me, but that is just my opinion.

    Jackie, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new car. How do George and Betty like it so far??

    Lin, interesting bell, looks perfect for England.

    We had snow yesterday which only makes it easier to stay in but I would still prefer some nice spring weather to enjoy. Hang in there ladies we will get past this someday.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Ooooh, the car❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, if I were still driving, that would be MY CAR! Love it. I assume it's automatic, though I always loved my manuals! Lots of luck and pleasure with your new red car!
    JERI, Although both my parents came from families with over 10 children, it seems rare today. What lovely kids and what a treasure for you. May you all remain well.
    LIN , I LOVE that bicycle bell teapot! Yours is a most unusual hobby!
    SANDY, bless your governor, it's time someone spoke the truth to the Twitter Junkie!
    Can't seem to dump the gout and it's so painful to stand. My compression boots didn't help a bit today! Other than that, I seem to feel OK. Reading our newspapers, I am grateful for my own small annoyances.
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We now have complete shutdown... only food stores to remain open, no more than 2 people outside together, one walk for exercise a day and shop for supplies only if necessary, all of which I’m sure has happened because so many ignored social spacing at the weekend. My hairdresser messaged to advise she has to close her salon until further notice and I’m really sad for her because she spent years building her business. Then there’s my mop of hair to contend with! Prepare yourselves dear friends because as much as we have expected such draconian laws it feels awful that every aspect of life has tonight changed or stopped altogether. At least I will be allowed to walk with George and Betty daily which will hopefully keep my head straight.

    My lovely car will live in its garage except for a rare trip out for food. Not automatic Buzz because the terrain around here is rough at times and I like the control the manual gears give. George and Betty haven’t had an opportunity to ride in it Sandy but I had put the car seat covers in this afternoon ready to take them on the moors in the morning! I’ve a mile long route to walk there so assuming there will be little traffic I’ll try that soon.

    I do hope things don’t get so bad for you all across the pond but fear you aren’t too far behind us. Stay positive, safe and healthy. Better to put up with confinement than risk contracting this nasty bug.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We are in there with you JACKIE in Ontario. All business's to close at midnight tomorrow except the essentials. Mike isn't at work today, but expects he will be home on Wednesday
    Like you I suspect these measures have been taken because people didn't take the virus seriously and too many congregated in parks etc. Justin was very scathing about this lack of concern for others in his daily address.
    Our TV newsman actually asked people to be sure to make alternative arrangements for their pets should they get the virus.
    Who would have guessed this when we were all glad to see the back of 2019!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We were so positive 2020 was going to be a good year weren’t we Anne! Never mind, some think Divine intervention is at work teaching us to appreciate and care for others as well as Mother Nature more than we had been.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Yes ladies! I too was convinced that 2020 was the year we started to straighten it all out. Not as expected but I do feel there is some karma involved in this whole thing. Maybe it is because I have had to research these tarot cards and their meanings and images. It is fun and absorbing. I really can’t understand the fascination but it is interesting. The woman who is involved with this is spinning around like a top with her predictions. Oddly they seem to be inconsistent. She never hits paydirt as they say.

    There is one woman locally with the virus that we know of. She is quarantined and seems to be doing okay. The hospital is contacting her friends etc. I made a mask using a pattern from YouTube that has a pocket for a filter. They suggest coffee filters or hepa vacuum cleaner bags or room air cleaner filters. I think it is so funny about the information or misinformation floating around. Not sure I’ll use this but I made it just in case. The news said that the masks are only for people who have the virus to keep droplets from contaminating others. But doctors and nurses use them to keep from being contaminated from the droplets from patients etc. does this seem inconsistent to you? Also in China everyone wears masks to control infecting others. Our hospital has a group of people making masks for hospital staff. They are easy to make, by the way.

    We will preserve and maybe not laugh but sigh in relief later about this time in 2020.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I agree about the divine intervention JACKIE and even more that it's Gaea or Freya - Mother Nature putting to rights all the damage we humans have done. I read the other day that the wild life is already flourishing with the streams and rivers less polluted. With less cars and planes maybe earth warming will halt in its tracks.
    Tarot cards PATSY, I've never dabbled in such but I do have a friend who was a fortune teller or rather is I guess. Flo's sister in law. Before Evelyn though a school teacher I know persuaded me to go to a clairvoyant with a group of fellow teachers. Sceptical, I decided not to give a thing away about myself for the clairvoyant to pounce on. I couldn't change my accent however. Anyway she told me a very old Scottish lady spirit wearing a brown plaid shawl had accompanied me and was shaking her fist at the clairvoyant. Your granny on your mother's side, said the fortune teller. No, I said, that's not right, my mother's mom died young in childbirth. Anyway in the end the lady didn't take my cash because she said she couldn't read me at all. Years later it DID occur to me that my great grandmother on my dad's side WAS Scottish and did live to a great age. I like to think she's been my guardian angel getting me out of all sorts of scrapes yours truly gets into!
    There, good to tell we are in a house shutdown when I have to resort to weird tales of long ago!
    I did hear from Helen in Australia. She couldn't go to her SILs funeral because she too is in lockdown being in her late seventies. She's filling her time gardening which is her huge passion.
    So another day to get creative,
    Hope you all enjoy a slower pace,
    Annie and Jillo Bean (who realizes life is different I think.)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    First thing I made a phone call to a friend who will celebrate her birthday alone today although plans to walk to the nearest supermarket to buy herself a cake! Her biggest excitement was an ebay parcel containing fresh yeast so she can bake... another item stripped from supermarket shelves. I too felt joy when I returned from our morning walk to find a parcel containing new gardening gloves and jar of organic free trade molasses to use in my Canadian muffin recipe!

    I decided I would drive up to the moors with George and Betty as it's a lovely Spring day and we walked for nearly an hour, only ever seeing one other lady with a child and little dog but they kept their distance.
    Another spot the dogs photo. They had a great time running about which showed they were as stir crazy as me!

    Patsy, thank you, you gave me my first laugh of the day reading your analysis of the clairvoyant and her Tarot cards readings! 😁 My 2nd laugh was my hairdresser's text responding to my message saying I would resort to using George's grooming scissors on my mop. She replied "PLEASE, don't you dare cut your hair!" so rather than risk the wrath of Tamsin I'll look out for a granny hair net! 🤪

    Anne, you are so right about a slower pace. We should all try to relax into this situation we find ourselves in. Somewhere at the back of a cupboard is a box of artist materials from a time at least 30 years ago I dabbled so I'm going to dig it out. Hopefully your Spring is just round the corner and you will be able to potter outside, Patsy's John can attack the brambles and dear Sandy relax on her balcony in the sun and top up her tan!
    Buzz, may you wake up feeling a whole lot better and pain free. 😍

    Past my lunchtime already so a snack before weeding.
    Looking forward as ever to Lin's teapot of the day.

    PS I spotted a gorgeous Red Admiral butterfly sitting on a dandelion flower on our track this morning... now that is early!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello ladies, thank you for all nice comments about my photo.

    Jackie - what a nice looking car. We were shopping for a new one but that’s on hold right now. Glad you can still go for walks. I’d be so upset if I couldn’t go out for a walk. I went for a great one yesterday, not as pretty as yours for sure, but it felt so nice to get outside. Today it snowing so I’ll be staying home. I was so envious to hear you saw a butterfly on a dandelion. Oh my.

    Sandy, glad you are staying home too. It sure is hard missing the grandkids. Yours are so cute now but it is the safe thing to do.

    LIn - thank you for you kind comments. It is indeed better safe than sorry. Sorry to hear you were having trouble with your washing machine. Not the time for things like that. We’ve been watching lots of British crime series. Really enjoy them.

    Buzz - yes, 10 kids is unusual in this day and age. Actually Melanie is enjoying having everyone home right now. Lots of people to hold Andrew. They all love him so much. Sorry you’ve been having health issues. Darn it.

    Annie - Alberta is still allowing businesses to be open but I can see us going in that direction too. Calgary is Alberta’s hotspot for covid right now so we are definitely trying to stay home as much as possible. That being said Ed went to Costco this morning. He went down south to Okotoks as it is outside of Calgary where the covid numbers are less. He just phoned, a long line and very backed up, he thinks he is just coming home. Who would have guessed is right.

    Patsy- I too was glad to put 2019 behind me and looked forward to 2020. Who knew. LOL

    I’ve been making soup and stew and freezing some. Also been eating too much. Darn stress. But I am getting in at least 10,000 steps everyday.

    Keep well everyone.


    PS here’s two goofy grands


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good morning,

    Jeri, so good to hear from you today and what a smile it brought to my face to see the photo of the lovely girls. They are adorable. So very cute. Yes, so many things put on hold right now. But it is okay, we need to get by this horrendous bump in the road. Oh my, Costco. They have been inundated here since people realized it might be prudent to stock up. Sorry Ed didn’t find a less crowded store.

    I just got home from two car errands. I dropped off letters at the post office dropbox. Our mailman is so busy that he often does not arrive until 6 or 7pm. I wanted these cards to go out today as a number of them are going to people who are no longer allowed visitors. Assisted living and nursing home residents.

    I then went to the bank drive thru. Wow, a line of 3 cars. I see the people ahead of me did not wear gloves and were definitely touching the slide out window as they retrieved their papers. So I left my gloves on. I talked to the teller for a while. First about an odd email I received. Glad I did, it was legitimate just to notify everyone who used bill pay that it was working again and could be used. The wording was so odd I wondered what was going on but it had to do with the online banking repair. Yeah.

    And I wondered about the odds of the drive thru staying open if we are ordered to totally stay home. She said banking is considered essential, along with groceries, drug stores, and medical care. That was nice to know. She did say the branch I use could be closed however and I would have to drive downtown to the main location. I can do that.

    Jackie, what a lovely walk and photo. Yes, I can spot the doggies. And that is definitely way beyond social distancing. Ahhhh, open spaces! A butterfly and a dandelion. Wahoo. I saw some dandelion leaves poking through my foundation plantings where they are less than welcome.

    Anne, are you warming up again? We aren’t. Still cold and overcast so not much walking out there. Have seen just one dog walker this morning. But I did see a plumber at that same house about a block from me and another contractor of some type working in a house not far from there.

    Patsy, hello, and nice to hear an update on your project. My coffee buddy friend has never received a result from her test. I hear she is at home and still sick. I am feeling well and it has been over 2 weeks since I last saw her so I think all is well. Unless of course I brought home more than groceries last week.

    Sandy, hello! What are you binge watching now? Or doing something else.

    Buzz, I am sorry about the continuing gout. ❤️❤️ I wish they would find an effective treatment. Stay safe.

    Ooops, just missed a phone call from a friend I have been trying to speak with. Going to call her back now.

    Hugs and best wishes ❤️❤️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    And now for something completely different. A teapot hat pin.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Nothing much going on, just another day of staying in. Bryanna went grocery shopping for me yesterday so I am stocked up once again. Babe told me to start my car and let it run for a little while so the battery doesn't die. Good advice.
    One of the ladies from my meeting is having a zoom meeting Thursday so we don't have to leave the house, what a great idea. It takes a village as someone said to me. <3

    Lin, I actually am having trouble with my wireless internet and TV service. I don't think all my shows are being recorded or at least not showing up on my TV. My son bought me a new wireless modem to save money on my Comcast bill and it doesn't seem to be working. My opinion is that Comcast does this so you will rent their modem. B)

    Jeri, talk about cute kids, those girls are more than adorable. My son and DIL are taking this Stay at Home Order seriously and don't want me to leave the house for any reason. Thank goodness for technology.

    Jackie, what a beautiful spacious walk and yes I did spot the pups.

    I guess I am going to call comcast and fight with them about their service, it will help with my frustrations. Stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just got notice our shopping by bus has been called off but there is a long list from which we can choose for the staffer to shop for everyone. And yet, I've learned some people are sneaking in cleaning people and visiting kids! With my gout/arthritis/neuropathy/lymphedema attack, I just want to stay quietly home!
    JERI's gorgeous kids look like twins
    I'm sending hugs and kisses (carefully scrubbed) to you all, but I must go waddle to my"john", which is about a 15 minute waddle in my condition! Then, to bed, if I can make it! This is absurd!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!......................................................<
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    edited March 2020
    Happy Wednesday! :) Where is everyone? The lockdown continues but today is supposed to be a beautiful day so I think I will either take a walk or try riding an actual bike although that scares me a little. I received bad news about my sister's first husband that he has aggressive cancer and although he is with his oldest daughter and her husband, the rest of the kids (5) can't see him due to the virus. I will text and/or call my niece to give her encouraging words but I know this is hard on her.
    I put a post on Facebook saying my life is starting to be like the movie Groundhog Day, I do the same thing everyday. lol
    A lot of people are doing a lot of cleaning, nope, not there yet.

    Not a whole lot of excitement going on, I continue to watch our governor with daily updates and the orange one make a food of himself each day. Some day I hope our lives get back to normal, I feel like we are watching some scary movie.

    Have a good day and stay calm.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Hello, I am here. We got a group together on Facebook IM and chatted this morning. It was fun and then one lady took it over to texting. IMs to several other people. Trying to stay in touch with folks I know and so many do not want to speak on the phone (although I do as much of that as possible too).

    It is cold and overcast. I went out on my deck and it is foggy and altogether not a day where you want to spend any time outdoors. Maybe by Sunday the weather will improve.

    I did some bathroom cleaning, not a lot, but it was something. Maybe more tomorrow.

    Also put together an okay kale/cabbage salad from a bag of veg I purchased last week. Going to have a bowl of it later. Hearing stories from my friends regarding their grocery shopping excursions. And of the things they were able to find. One friend said she went to the grocery store this morning after 10 days in the house and almost cried to be in the store. Oh my.

    Sandy, sorry for the bad news in your family. Anyone and everyone with loved ones who are ill, dying, in care, suffering, cannot reach out and hold a hand. Or go to a funeral if the worst happens. And I think on a light note, I did mention I am doing what Babe suggested to you. I am driving each of my vehicles once a week. If I don’t have drive by errands, I will drive to a grocery store or pharmacy but will likely not go in, there are too many cars in the lots. Oh, and is your Internet service better? Mine kind of pooped out last evening. Maybe too many people at home streaming the heck out of everything.

    Buzz, I am appalled at some people’s behaviors. They act like it is of no consequence when it is of utmost importance. Does this syndrome, it will never happen to me, ever end?

    Please be careful my dear friends.
