Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here I am Sandy 😁 another gorgeous day and warm too although we're warned it's going to get cold by the weekend. So long as it's dry I don't mind.

    Had a long walk on the moors when the only person I saw was a policeman cruising on the road below as we made our way to the top. When he saw me watch him he waved out the window which I thought was nice. He was probably checking car parks because lots of mobile homes were driven down from London where the virus is at its worse and are being asked to go home.
    My afternoon has been spent in the garden cutting back shrubs and listening to a family get together in next doors garden (The not so nice people who are obviously invincible when it comes to contagion!!)

    Buzz, the people in your community sneaking visitors in should be shown the video of an Italian health official angry because someone let a hairdresser into a care home who gave the virus to her client who then died. He was ranting who was going to see her hair as she lays in her coffin! Quite true of course.

    Have a good day everyone. May the sun shine on your bonces! 😄

    Stay safe.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Oh my, I just spent the last half hour typing a message and poof while I was proof reading it, it disappeared. Grrrrrrrrr. I’ll try again later.

    Here’s someone to make you smile, sweet little Maggie

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    And she does make me smile Jeri. ❤️❤️

    Thank you.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Hello Barbie!!

    Sending you happy birthday wishes as well as wishes for health and safety ❤️❤️🎁🌷🎁❤️❤️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm still around SANDY.

    ALL the children make us smile JERI. Beautiful children.

    Well, I don't know about you but I'm sort of glad to be living here right now. Justin to my mind is quite impressive in coping with this horrible bug. It doesn't look as if anyone will starve and no one need pay rent or a mortgage if they can't. Our electricity bills are reduced.

    Every cloud has a silver lining and as the weather warms Bean and I will spend more time in the garden planting last year's leftover veggie seeds now that the dear old homestead has a reprieve from being pulled down.

    Mark and family are out of quarantine on Saturday, and I'm very pleased Michael has been sent home on two weeks sick leave for the moment whilst others at his work place have been temporarily laid off.

    The other good news for me is, so far I don't know anybody who has got the bug including you dear ladies. I pray this continues.

    My grocery order will hopefully arrive on Saturday after a two week wait, and then I guess it will be just as long or more to the next one.

    Just as JERI'S children are so beautiful, so are Betty and George JACKIE!
    LIN, a lovely lady herself with her beautiful teapots.
    SANDY, please be careful if you ride an outdoor bike. Remember the 70 year old who got blown off his bike in front of me and Mike. He ended up with broken hips. Don't want that happening to you dear friend.
    I guess PATSY is up to her eyes in Tarot card design and Katie brushing.
    BUZZ I'm on another page so can't read your comment, but I hope any old dears in your place who risks your health by sneaking in hair dressers, cleaning ladies etc should be locked in their rooms!

    And I'm off,
    Please stay safe ladies along with your husbands Patsy and Jeri, and all the ones we love,
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh, it's BARBIES birthday! Happy Birthday Barbie! Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    I am staying home and on my balcony for fresh air. Chicago's mayor gave an update and it really ticked off that people are not listening and they will now issue tickets or worse for people who are not listening.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    I thought this was sweet.

    Member Of The Family.
    What would I do without you,
    My precious furry friend?
    Part mischief, but all blessing,
    And faithful till the end.
    You look at me with eyes of love,
    You never hold a grudge,
    You think I am far too wonderful,
    To criticize or judge.
    It seems your greatest joy in life
    is being close to me...
    I think God knew how comforting
    Your soft warm fur would be.
    I know you think your human,
    But I'm glad it isn't true..
    The world would be a nicer place
    if folks were more like you.
    A few short years is all we have
    One day we'll have to part,
    But you, my pet, will always have,
    A place within my heart.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sweet ladies. A nice day today with some clouds and a lot of sun. Great! We are driving by Walgreens to pickup my meds and then the liquor store to get alcohol. I use it to wipe off kitchen counters and various doorknobs etc. i’ll bet our houses have never been cleaner. Well mine isn’t all that clean yet but we are working on it.

    The tarot card project is fun. I want to see if we can use the designs in some way to make a set of regular playing cards. It reminds me of the old manuscripts with birds and dragons etc incorporated into the first letter of a paragraph. I never thought this would be so interesting. I am now researching several cards called major arcana cards. Like the equivalent of ace of hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades but these are really more visual than those.

    I am digging into a cookbook from my hippy days. It is the Moosewood cookbook. Vegan and good ideas for meals during the great “shelter in place” period. As long as we can hang in there until virus blows away or mutates, we will be okay I think. Our neighbors are calling us regularly to check on us. That is a comfort.

    Damon, our son is doing okay but like everyone he is really being careful and very frugal. Our daughter and family will be okay if there isn’t a emergency. Her health is a concern. Her meds are amazingly expensive. So far, so good!

    Love to all,
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    LIN, you sure know how to make a gals eyes water! The poem is exactly like the Bean, describes her completely and also my lovely Jenny, long gone but with me forever.
    Thank you!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2020
    Love all the pictures, and the fact that everyone has retained their health!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!......................................................<
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    HELLO everyone! Hope you are all well. So far we are okay. I had a very restless night mainly fussing internally about this virus and how John and I would deal with it. Since we are elderly and there is really no one to step in and take care of us, we must be proactive and figure this emergency plan in advance of any infection.

    I notice everyone is busy this morning. I eagerly awaited everyone’s news posts but I was the first one here. It is a partly cloudy day, sort of cold. I guess I need to let Katie out and check to see if all is well in the back yard. So coffee brewing and a load of laundry washing, computer fired up to send some visuals for my current tarot card. This would be a deck using images from our area. The ocean and sea life as the spirit voice. Does this sound “far out” ? Remember that from our hippy youth? This is a good antidote to all the virus talk and worry.
    Be well and healthy,
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm still alive and kicking. Michael has been advised by his doctor not to visit me and I guess that goes for Mark as well, because I'm in the high risk group. Any groceries to be left at the door. Should be interesting on Saturday IF my long awaited grocery order shows up to be paid for at the door.

    The only other news is Trump is considering sending the military to line our border to stop people popping back and forth. Mmm. Mixed feelings about this but it's still in the air at the moment.

    The Bean is getting low on doggie food, so if my groceries don't show I shall have to send an sos to the sons. She will be okay as long as the groceries are delivered.
    Hey oh, hang in there ladies,
    Annie. 😷🐶❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    I just watched a lovely video. Love it! ❤️❤️

    Has anyone viewed it?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Am alive and am quite happy right now. The sun came out this afternoon and it warmed up. I sat outdoors for a little while and then decided to cleanout the downspouts. They were packed with wet leaves and other debris. Pleased me to do something. Couple that with oh boy, fresh coffee from my subscription with Camano Roasters is arriving at some point today. Just opening that box is a treat. Only twice a year and I am fortunate they are still shipping.

    Anne, if he is planning to send troops it will be to keep us from fleeing the U.S. I heard from a Facebook friend, her daughter and husband are moving back to the heartland and leaving NYC. I wonder how many others will leave? I am fervently praying your supplies are delivered. I hope your sons will be able to obtain what need if your delivery service doesn’t come through with necessary items.

    Patsy, your tarot project does sound interesting given the local spin on the cards. I have only seen quite traditional designs. Unique!

    Yes, it is a busy time. I think I spend half my time trying to chase down supplies. Most all household cleaning products, paper towels, disinfectants, bleach, Kleenex, paper towels, the elusive TP are not to be had online. I regularly check Amazon, Target, WalMart, Office Depot, and Walgreen’s and there is nothing to order. Once in a while I will find that Target May have some TP but you cannot order it for pickup. So you could run over to the store and find it is all gone. I wonder when this craziness will subside? Oh, and I do not even check for hand sanitizer, not worth the time.

    Just trying to figure out how to get along, how to pay for things, how to manipulate my accounts so I don’t get in a situation where I cannot pay bills etc.

    On the other hand, my income tax appointment is still on since I have done telephone appointments for years. She moved it up to a morning appointment since they are no longer seeing people in the office. I am glad. Might as well get it over.

    Our governor is about to speak again with the latest bad news. She follows every step dictated b you know who. Color me unhappy about that. Oh well, I guess she tries.

    Continued wishes for health and safety.

    Lin ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

    Once upon a time, I made my tea that way.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and we had one online using zoom. It was wonderful and so good to see everyone. We were able to talk about our feelings and share stories. We will do this each week we are in lockdown. I am so grateful.

    Lin, our governor is also on but he does not agree with the orange one so we listen to him as he is honest with his assessments. Illinois is up 673 new cases today with a total of 2538 and 26 deaths. This is really bad and I still can't understand why some people don't take this serious. Hopefully the stimulus package will help you and others who need help.

    Anne, I agree that you are in the high risk as I am. Bryanna does bring in my groceries which even that makes me nervous but she is very cautious. She does stay home when not running errands but still who knows what the groceries might have on them. It is a scary time but we will get through it if everyone listens.

    Patsy, I also live alone but in most cases the virus is contained at home unless you have underlying problems. Let's hope none of us gets it but if we stay home we certainly will get though this. Just enjoy each other and try not to worry.

    Hope all is well with Jackie and the pups. Hello to Buzz and Jeri. Everyone stay in and stay safe or if necessary to go out practice social separation with at least six feet apart.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Had a think and I agree with our Justin. I really don't want troops manning the border from either country. Canada and the US have long been on good terms. People have family on both sides. I think it would be most disturbing to view military personnel and maybe tanks. I would rather we take our chances. Anybody who wants to leave home and come here from the US would be desperate I think. Maybe to save a child with lung problems etc. No, leave the border unmanned Donald with mutual trust on both sides.