Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Evening and I’m already relaxed in front of the fire. First thing this morning I took a dozen eggs to my friend Jill who was already out with Scruff and Misha so they were left at her door. Then another sunny walk across the moors before going on to friends to deliver prescription pain killers for their dog that I order online for them. I stood away from their door while we chatted for 10 minutes then home. More restrictions mean I’ll have to walk from home because police are stopping cars and if they deem the journey unnecessary they will fine. This includes driving somewhere to then walk and although I don’t see the harm in such a rural area I’ll do as asked, especially as drones are being used and I don’t want to be stalked by one of those things!
    It seems to me the orange man is still trying to deflect blame for the rapid increase in infections in America after his early inaction and it will all be the fault of “foreigners” crossing borders. If the situation wasn’t so serious he would be a joke!
    Every working person in Britain is going to be paid assistance by the government so I can see it will take years to recover financially but good for them for making the commitment.

    Patsy, advice I heard today that I held on to was try to stop worrying about what you can do nothing about but instead concentrate on things you can control and get on and do. Your design ideas for the Tarot cards sound wonderfully mystical and although practical plans for the worst Virus scenario might need some thought throw yourself into that ocean and swim with the creatures that will appear in the cards.

    Lin, what a great video of that loving couple. They won’t be getting bored with her wide repertoire to work through! 😁. I worry about you going out so much... please take care. We are told soap and hot water are the safest option for hand washing so I don’t even try to source gels anymore. I was using loose tea up until quite recently but never in such a pretty cup and saucer.

    Anne, I’ll have fingers and everything else crossed tomorrow for your delivery of supplies. Would Jilly eat kibble if you could get a bag and keep it for emergencies? It might take away future worries.

    Sandy, what a great idea to have a video meeting. I find chats with friends on Skype cheer me up and we always end up laughing about something. Feeling confidence in your governor must be a comfort because there are so many unknowns but best of all you are staying home.

    Barbie, I’m sorry I missed your birthday and hope you had a wonderful day.

    Buzz, will you still have assistance and exercises to help you with your walking while confined or is that on hold? You seemed so positive When it began I hope it can continue.

    Lots of weeding being achieved and I’m so relieved my hips were replaced last year because the improvements in movement are amazing. My plan tomorrow is to visit the allotment because we are getting conflicting information as to whether we can work there. I want to paint our shed that’s looking sad after all the rain we had. A silly concern si suppose in light of what’s happening in all our lives.

    Stay well and safe.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2020
    I have an emergency bag of kibble for Jilly JACKIE. So far she turns her nose up at it, but it will be a different story if hungry I guess. The grocery delivery is hopefully on Saturday. Annie.
    PS. On the news it reported that Donald wants to keep US OUT of America.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited March 2020
    He is a horse's behind Anne....sorry have to tell it like it is.
    (tried to use another word but MFP changed it to kitten. lol

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Gotcha! I've been changed to kitten as well Sandy!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,150 Member
    :) I'm a day late saying thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes. I had not realized it was my birthday until I saw the date on my phone when I got up. Jake fixed chicken mole in the slow cooker and rye bread in the bread machine so we ate well. Our normal life looks a lot like shelter at home so things aren't much different here now except that my line dance classes haven't happened for two weeks so I dance alone at home. I walk the dogs for the usual two hours in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon. Jake takes them out to the yard at other times. I shopped before the stay home order and we have enough of everything for a few weeks. I learned to use Zoom so I can participate in a few events that interest me. It's all about staying in the moment.
    <3 Barbie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    It sounds like we are all coping. We were just watching the Jimmy Fallon Show and a joke was made about what a family looked like before all of this and it was them all sitting on the couch with their iPads, etc. Present day shows the family in the park flying a kite. It really is true. I go walking everyday and I have never seen so many people out walking with families. Ironic isn't it. Most people are good about respecting the distance but I don't take any chances and head out into the road to give myself lots of space.

    Thank you everyone for your kind words about the pictures I posted of my grandkids. I sure miss seeing them but we have been FaceTiming and Melanie sends us new pictures everyday of her family, almost always featuring Andrew. Good thing because babies get big so fast.

    Here is Sammy with Andrew. Love his smile.


    I've really been getting in my steps 20,000+ yesterday and today as well.

    Anne - I hope you get your groceries too.

    We looked at the delivery service for Superstore and there is no spaces available. Ed went up to the grocery store yesterday. He said it was fine, and they had a guy outside wiping off all the carts as soon as they are returned. He went through self check out and one of the staff cleaned the checkout and the keys before he used it. Really nice to get good service like that.

    Jackie - I love your pictures that you post. I'm afraid we still have snow here. Supposed to be very nice for the next few days then cold and snow again. Spring is the time of the year we get most of our snow. We get big dumps, it all melts and then it happens again.

    Sandy - I am glad you are being taken care of in the grocery department. That is so nice. Our daughter volunteered to pick up stuff for us too, but I think we are okay.

    Good night all. Keep well

    Jeri in Calgary
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oops, fell asleep! Have some beauts of the Donald I wish knew how to put in here! My therapists will be coming to my apartment to see if it can be made more comfortable for me. My feet are simply too painful to stand on! And it's so late again!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2020
    Just had to share for now. Read that dogs are being trained as sniffer dogs to sniff out the virus.
    I knew little Bean would earn her milky bones and treats one day!!

    Look at that little baby looking at his big handsome brother. Adorable. Can you list all the children's names JERI? We are having a warm day today. 7C and then up to 13C on Sunday when Mark and Mary Jo emerge from quarantine. Instead of going up the walls from boredom, they've been painting them.

    Prince Charles, Justin's wife, and now PM Boris have the coronavirus. Is Donald walking around in a protective Plexiglas bubble?

    Anne and the sniffer dog in training.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mary Jo just text me to tell me to keep Jilly away from people. Apparently a Belgian cat has contacted the virus from her owner! Warning for Jilly, George, Betty, Brady, Katie, Daisy and all our four legged friends!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good morning, my tax appointment is coming up soon so thought I would stop by as I try to organize for the phone call but I never know what her questions will be! Impossible but will have some things at hand.

    Starting out here overcast again with drizzle expected this morning and maybe again later in the afternoon. Nothing yet. Chilly at around 45 degrees F. Heard from a friend this morning. She drove her dog to the park for a walk. Then she sat on a park bench and watched others walking. Nice outing and apparently no one too close.

    Jeri, I am in love with those little ones. So adorable and wonderful happy faces. Just can’t say enough. I noticed Andrew wears a watch? A plain watch or some type of activity tracker? I am curious as most kids (I used to see) do not have a watch now. Be safe, glad you are able to get groceries. And wow, what a step total!! Are your feet better now?

    Buzz, sleep is a good thing. I failed last night. I set a reminder with Alexa to make sure I would see that TV program and by gosh, I woke up, got the right channel, the show started and I promptly fell asleep again. Oh my gosh.

    Barbie thanks for stopping by, it is always lovely to hear from you and to hear what you are doing. You and Jake are coping well. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, yes, the poor U.S. is in a real mess. I think heaven we have Dr. Fauci. And may he never disappear! Conflicting information on everything. I wonder if they will allow you to work on your allotment. The home grown food would be a very good thing but having people getting too close is obviously a bad thing right now. A friend in Oregon says their community garden is also in turmoil. She says if the parks are closed they will be closed as well for certain but they have work parties and those would also be a problem. I pray things will stabilize and we will have a clearer direction on how to handle these life issues.

    Patsy, waving hello. 🙋🏼‍♀️ Wishing you well. How’s Katie?

    Sandy, excellent way to keep in touch. I didn’t realize Zoom was so popular until some of the webinars I have attended are on that platform.

    Anne, wishing you a good day. I had to laugh at the painting the walls comment. 😄 How did they get the paint?

    Well, back to gathering things.

    Wishing everyone good health ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

    Okay, this is how much hot beverage I need today. 🤣
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Is that you on tippy toes Lin? 😁
    No one else at the allotment until the last half hour I spent painting our shed. It looks better but took some battering from our storms so is rather wonky! Lunch in my garden and now time to muck out the chooks. The wind is gradually turning to a northerly so i feel a nip in the air after a warm morning. Brrr, think I'll put a jacket on. 😖
    Back later.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2020
    Thanks SANDY and BUZZ Think I like number four, the chipmunk. Lol. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Gawanne35 wrote: »
    Thanks SANDY and BUZZ Think I like number four, the chipmunk. Lol. Anne.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,150 Member
    Gawanne35 wrote: »
    Mary Jo just text me to tell me to keep Jilly away from people. Apparently a Belgian cat has contacted the virus from her owner! Warning for Jilly, George, Betty, Brady, Katie, Daisy and all our four legged friends!

    :) Jake asked me to keep Sasha away from people. She likes to be petted and he worries that that the virus could be transmitted from someone petting her to him when he pets her. Poor Sasha can't understand why we stay away from people when we see them on our walk.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Well I think I will stay in today. :p:p That was supposed to be a joke by the way. :p I am doing laundry and then I will do some dusting and vacuuming along with cleaning the bathrooms. What a fun day!!
    I think I like number 3 because of his painted on orange tan!! lol
    They are declaring a weather alert day tomorrow with severe storms and wind. They are worried about the tents set up as a morgue in Chicago. Very sad.

    Anne, I saw on TV from a Vet that the coronavirus is not passed from pets. Some people are so nervous about this they are turning their pets into shelters. Now maybe the owner can pass to a pet if they have the virus but hopefully none of you get the virus.

    Lin, I am with you on Dr. Fauci, I trust him more than anyone. I never heard of zoom before yesterday but it seems everyone is using it during this stay at home order. It is free for 40 minutes I am told or $15 a month. One of our members pays so she is letting us use her account. I keep in touch with grandkids through Facetime.

    Jackie, it now seems some of the leaders are contacting the virus, proving social distancing is a must. I too, turn my fireplace at night to be comfy, so glad I have one.

    Buzz, I couldn't figure out how to post the pictures here so I sent most everyone an email.
    Hope you are getting rest and feeling better.

    Jeri, omg, how cute is that picture?? It must be so hard not to see the newborn, I know how you feel. I am so glad Lisa posts pictures everyday on Facebook with all their activities besides the ones that are just for me. I hope we get to see them soon, but I am doubtful.

    Barbie, good to hear from you, hope your birthday was great.

    Patsy, keeping busy inside is a good way to not think too much about all that is going on.
    I will admit I do watch the updates from our governor and the orange man everyday. Our governor doesn't like trump much and says he will be honest with us which I believe.

    Time to unload the dryer. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Drizzly day and cold. I am dusting and cleaning the dining room. Changing out the placemats and trying to see if the dryed flower arrangement can be freshened up. If not I will see if there is anything outside that can be brought in to cheer up the dining room table. Our camellia is in bloom but I have never cut any of the blooms to bring inside. I know you gardeners would be appalled at the notion of whacking off blooms to bring inside. Not sure why but I love seeing cut flowers inside. John often buys me roses from the Costco flower stand. Also there are many roadside flower stands where you can buy small bunches of daffodils or other seasonal blossoms.

    We are doing okay. Our son is the one we are worried about but we are hanging in there as a family. I think this virus really did bring about a cultural reset. I think several restaurants here will go out of business as well as some other businesses. Our son thinks TV and movies will come back but they will be different. Maybe that is a good thing. I am ready to watch Happy Days again or the Flintstones.

    I decided to use the images from the tarot cards to design a deck of regular playing cards. Hours just slip away from me while I design, draw, paint and then start over. If it doesn’t look right or just “so-so” I need to redo the design!

    I am going do a crossword puzzle while I sip a mug of coffee and then back to my cleaning. Stay well, and calm. Words I am trying to live by..........,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,150 Member
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Unfortunately; my Rx was not delivered today and I'm venting and complaining because it's another day of agonizing pain from gout and I simply cannot stand or walk due to extreme pain and swelling.
    Here is a "vimeo" sent by my lovely granddaughter, the photojournalist. It's long, but can be paused,
    I must struggle to the bathroom and off to bed, where I've finally moved to "Mike's" side ,closer to the john! My doctor thinks the therapist was too aggressive with that 1st walk! The pain is so great, I'm beginning to believe it, too! My treatment will be delivered tomorrow.
    I simply have to share this video,which is a perfect study of our great orange one's view of Easter!

    <3 Buzz
    ....................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!......................................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Buzz I had a good laugh at the brilliant impressionist but am getting to a point where I find it difficult to spot the difference between what’s actually said and the jokes that follow. The answer is probably none! Jokes aside I do hope someone in the higher echelons of your government stop any plans the orange man has to send people back to work any time soon even if his priority is economy over human lives. A straight talking Scottish health official spoke this morning about us remaining at home for months or at least until we can all be tested to see who’s had the virus and that’s not been developed yet!

    It’s another beautiful day even if a cool wind is blowing my now unmanageable hair every which way. 💇🏻‍♀️ I definitely require a headband of some sort so will see what eBay has to offer before panic buying rears it’s ugly head in that department too (no pun intended! 😁). I took the dogs up the road and had a good look at how best to get us on to the moors so tomorrow, with correct footwear I’ll give it a go as I think we all come back more refreshed after a stroll across the open spaces.

    Anne I gather the Belgian dog was probably kissed on the mouth or nose by its contagious owner so let’s hope none of us get anywhere near this virus to pass it on, not that I kiss mine on the face anyway! 🥴 Delivery today! Hope you’ve added cookies to the order.

    It seems our UK leaders are following the do as I say, not what I do practice and I can only assume not washing their hands otherwise why has Boris, the Minister for Health and possibly other MP’s caught the virus. Oh yes, and the “expert” giving daily advice! What has really got me spitting tacks is how they get tested while frontline doctors and nurses have to face it full on, some without proper protection and not be tested? I’m disgusted by it so when we were told the testing will begin Monday I had one of my shouts, why not today?

    Rant over and time for lunch. It feels like a weekend because neighbours are outside trimming hedges and there’s a noisy chainsaw buzzing not far away.

    Happy Saturday everyone. Stay safe, stay well. ❤️❤️

    Just heard on the radio that testing of medical staff has begun.... I bet there’s been a strong backlash about Boris’ test!!