Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Murky day today. But I am deparately trying to find ways to keep my spirits up. I can usually dig myself out of a bad mood by using the old Hollywood device...”Fake it till you make it!” If I put on a smile and hum a song and pretend all is well, I can usually get happy after awhile. I may be the original Pollyanna.

    I also read about the effects of this virus and it is absolutely terrifying. We are sheltering in place. John runs out for meds and needed supplies then comes back in to change clothes and do a big wash up. It is like a horror movie we all have seen.

    We also watch movies after dinner. Looking at old movies now. They were so good back in the day. I still love Out Of Africa. Redford was dreamy! Streep was amazing even back then. Things are so weird, I even listened to a John Denver CD. For me, this is quite significant. I have always considered him rather soulless and without depth. That may have been too harsh.

    Hope everyone is well and on the alert to avoid exposure wherever possible. By the way, elegant and beautiful tea set. I have never lived like that but it would be nice.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Don’t worry ladies, my car was picked up this morning once I arranged insurance and I’m absolutely delighted with it. What’s gone on the past few weeks has been nothing more than typical incompetence that seems to happen in so many businesses these days.... what my friend calls progress with a hint of sarcasm! No sign of the damage so just a mark on the plastic spoiler that required attention and I’m told the dealer who was handling the sale had to be tested for the virus after feeling unwell and although it’s no more than a cold he’s been told to stay home. Everyone who’s seen it says it’s fabulous and I’ll take a photo tomorrow to post here.

    A dry day but freezing cold because of a wind travelling across from Scandinavia but I did spend a couple of hours at the allotment this afternoon with my neighbours. In the end we got too cold so headed home and my fire is now glowing as Brady snoozes in front of it and I’ve poured a glass of red wine while deciding what to eat for an evening meal. Apparently bottles of wine have been restricted to 2 per customer and in our daily report from officials today a retail industry spokesperson said £1 billion extra has been spent in Uk supermarkets in 3 weeks so she wondered what everyone was doing with it all (sarcastically!). Others are calling the panic buying immoral because medical staff finish long shifts only to find empty shelves when they go to buy themselves food. Hopefully that will sink in.

    Oh goodness Buzz, what an absolute scare for you and something any of us could find ourselves confronted with. Once when I couldn’t be sure if I had cleared a Trojan in my system I set my computer back to factory settings!!

    Sandy, most cars in Britain are imported from Europe so once the Citroen dealerships here sell a large enough number they get transported from France. I heard in the week their factories have shut down because of the virus so I got my order in just in time, although I know it should have been with me 3 weeks ago!

    A beautiful tea set Lin and I see now acorns appear to be the favourite style of knob on teapots!! 😁

    Not feeling hungry so perhaps I’ll just have chicken and coleslaw salad, especially now I’ve finally warmed up. Ooh.. Tom Jones and Dusty Springfield in old black and white tv recording... must be because there’s no usual Saturday sports to broadcast.

    Happy Saturday lovely friends. I’m so happy to have your friendship. ❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member

    No sports on TV? I KNEW there had to be an upside to the gloom and doom! Sorry sporting fans!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    We are on page 1000?. Wow.

    Enjoy your car Jackie!

    Good shows on PBS this evening. Must stay up late to sample everything!

    Patsy, I have not gone all in. I do not strip off clothes and wash them immediately. Probably because my washing machine could die any day and it is not a good time to have a new one delivered.....just doing my best. (And my microwave is making unhappy noises too!)

    Hello Anne, Sandy and Buzz. Must finish my eats and also must soak my tootsies so I can watch these programs tonight. And I hear there’s a new Maigret tomorrow evening.

    Everything can be a delight!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Stayed up a bit late tonight to watch a film Movie Stars Don't Die in Liverpool, a true and rather sad story about actress Gloria Grahame. Amazing mix of alternative tv popping up as someone dredges the archives for alternatives to football!!
    Also what could be a good piece of news, a British vacuum cleaner manufacturer has developed a prototype ventilator after our government asked engineering companies only a week ago to help with ideas and it could be mass producing in days. Wow, I'm always so impressed with such ingenuity.

    Yes Lin, 1000 pages of posts about our day to day lives.... here's to the next 1000 for all of us! 💖💗💜

    Patsy, so long as you stay safe with your John you can be Polyanna any time you wish. 😁
    It still seems so unreal like a bad dream but then hits home at the oddest times but remaining careful and positive is a must for all of our mental health.

    Time for my bed. Nite nite 😴
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My final check of the day before retiring. There was a mysterious change of password for my online banking around noon when an agent from the bank suggested a new ID AND Password. Eventually, I shall overcome!
    We are all happy for one another, and wish JACKIE a wonderful use of her new Citroen!
    Now I lay me down to sleep!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hey, the suns shining! That's enough to lift the spirits!
    I'm having a coffee and in between i'm singing to old songs I've unearthed. El Paso for one. Jillo who has a smidgen of chihuahua in her DNA is not amused as I sing "Jillo, my Mexican girl". I think the sunshine is having this effect on me, and I'm not actually going nuts just yet.
    Michael thinks he might be laid off next week.
    Yesterday I was reduced to watching "The 39 steps" on TV, original 30s version. My parents had the book in a bookcase in the front room and I read the story when I was about six! Maybe the TV staff are all in their homes not functioning and not just me but everyone will relive their childhood again, or at least learn what granny read, watched, or listened to.
    And on that note, I can't "sit in my saddle" (tra la la 🎸🎼) any longer, but must do my walk around the house for 30 minutes.
    Anne. Jillo is back in her basket under her blankie.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Blue sky and we've lost the keen wind although still breezy but that makes for a perfect drying day as I work my way through the laundry basket.
    I walked the dogs round the block, stopped to talk to friends who drove past and they offered to do any shopping I might require which was sweet but Paul suffers with asthma so I certainly wouldn't send him into a supermarket!
    My neighbour sat on my deck with her tea and toast breakfast dog sitting while I took a last trip to collect pet food from the local farm supply store to see me through the next month. That's a worry gone because it won't hurt me to go without some items but I'd hate for them to be hungry. They had a good selection of dog kibble for large dogs so I messaged those friends
    I'd seen earlier because they had told me the pet shop and supermarkets had run out and they were very concerned for their Labrador.
    I've enjoyed an early snack lunch of crispbread, a slice of Gouda cheese, Apple and grapes so will now put an extra layer on and finally get some serious pruning and weeding done... might even attempt to cut the long grass that was once lawn!!

    I'm told neighbours 2 doors away are self isolating after one was unwell last week. No test done, just advised to stay home!

    😳 I'm sorry I forgot to take a photo of my car and it's now put away.... tomorrow!

    Happy Sunday

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I can’t believe this but I am up after only about 4 hours of sleep. I know I will be dragging around this afternoon. I think it is to be murky all day today. A frosty overcast morning right now.

    We had a lovely long chat with our son yesterday. He is chewing his nails like everyone but we will all get by. I can see this isn’t going to be over anytime soon.

    Our daughter had to let her dear old dog go. He had cancer and was in very sad condition. Her whole family is dealing with the grief. A terrible time to have this added to the stress of today. But this was a very sweet rescue pit bull who was born in the animal shelter. Our grandson volunteered there for years. Opie was 12 years old and was a sweet old dog friend to our grandson. He brought little puppy home and they have been inseparable ever since.

    On a happier note, I will be tuning in Sunday Baroque and we will have salmon patties, and a small salad for Sunday dinner. To erase the feeling of cabin-fever, we are all (Katie included) going a ride this afternoon. We are not in need of any supplies, just need to see the countryside and get out of the house more.

    We all must take great care and keep positive.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Hello, overcast and cold here. Maybe a bit of snow later. A neighbor posted on the Facebook page for our street that anyone who wanted a free Shamrock shake should check the communal mailbox in about a half hour. Apparently their friends own a franchise McDonalds and they wanted to support them so they did a run to the drive though and brought them back. Many people seemed interested and wanted to know how to pay for them. But they would not accept any $. Wasn’t that sweet of them?

    Later there was another post to participate in a bear parade. You put some kind of toy bear in your window or on the porch and people can walk their children around to try to see all the bears. I put one in the window but forgot to let them know. Should do that later.

    I plan to do laundry today while praying the washer keeps working. If I had a new machine I would probably wash 3 times a week!

    I texted with a friend for quite a while this morning as we caught up a bit. Amazing how things change these days when you have not been in touch for more than a week. Her husband has had a respiratory thing for about a week. No fever, they think it is a regular cold but they ran out of Kleenex. A cousin brought them 5 boxes and left them on the porch. They are so happy.

    Anne, I love old movies. I am slowly working my way through The Thin Man series. No hurry! Amazon is given a peek at the first season of a number of shows for the next week. I am going through Season 1 of Julia Child’s The French Chef. I just like how she attacks things, never gets flustered and her voice. Lovely! So I would watch 39 Steps!

    Jackie, glad you got your family all stocked up. Hope everyone in your household stays well. And of course we will look for a photo of the much anticipated car!

    Sandy, you really are dedicated with your bike! Well done. Has it been warm enough to go out on your balcony? Really hasn’t been here. Coat still needed.

    Buzz, I hope you are getting some sleep. You keep working through such upsetting things. I would be frazzled. My online banking is still unavailable and today they’ve posted that they hope to be up sometime tomorrow. Meanwhile, I tried to login on my credit card site and it refused my browser repeatedly. I installed the mobile app on my iPad and was able to get logged on to pay my account. Nothing seems easy these days.

    Patsy, let us know how the tarot project goes! Hugs to Katie from me.

    Must try the washer. See you later.

    May you be healthy and safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

    Something a bit different
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    edited March 2020
    Happy Sunday! :) I caught the tail end of a mass on TV thanks to a friend. It feels weird not going to Church but I am following the rules. Babe called this morning to say he needs my tax papers that I got in the mail so he can get his taxes done. I told him he had until July 15 but he wants his done now. He said his son would pick them up and I said no that I would mail them. I only have two things, my social security statement and my stock statement. It is people like them that make me so angry with the stay at home order. I will bet the accountant is not going to be happy to see them. SMH

    I binge watched the series on Netflix called The Stranger and loved it except for the first episode. Since I liked that my daughter has recommended two other British crime series, Safe and The Five. I will start with one of those today.

    Lin, we too, are expecting snow today which I thought I read wrong. It has not been warm enough to sit on my balcony or take a walk. I could take a drive but Bryanna would prefer I stay in my house for now and I am okay with that.

    Patsy, I am so sorry about your daughter's dog, the worse part about owning a pet. They should live as long as we do. :'( Enjoy that ride, it does sound good to me.


    Buzz, I do hope all those troubles are behind you and you can get some peace and quiet and sleep. We do worry about you and love you. <3

    Anne, enjoy your sunshine, maybe a walk outside is in your future? I am sorry to hear Michael might be laid off, it is because of the virus?

    I will be having a video call with my adult children and then later a Facetime call with the kiddos which is always hectic and Lisa looks exhausted. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes SANDY, there's a rumour the whole business will shut down. Mike will have to manage on savings I guess until everything opens again.
    Busy making raisin bread. No intention of starving....yet. Or losing weight!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A pretty floral tea tray and contents LIN and better still a crumpet ready to have melting butter spread all over it!!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Or a slice of my raisin bread warm and dripping with butter.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Both sound appealing.....
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I've been hankering for raisin cinnamon bread all week. ANNE, send me a sniff!
    Once I get m tax stuff together, I will stick it in the priority Mail envelope and send it to my accountant. I just hope I found everything that got planted into my computer. I still can't believe I fell for that old fraud!
    It's getting lonely eating all our meals in our apartments. No Gathering is the rule. My son tells me Germany and European countries are all under strict restrictions, and my DIL cannot stand being alone! Empty store shelves there, too.
    Is that butter in the teacup, LIN? Pretty set.
    You chose properly, SANDY. No face to face meetings!
    JACKIE, waiting for the snapshot!!!
    PATSY, so sorry about your daughter's sadness. It's never an easy choice!
    I'm falling on my face today, so I'll get my achy legs up and sleep in that lounge chair as soon as I grab a bite.
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Thought I’d drop in to see how everyone is making out. We are fine. Staying home except for necessities. I did go for a lovely walk and couldn’t believe how many people were out there. Did lots of stepping off the sideway to keep a safe distance

    Really missing seeing our girls and their kids. But we’ve FaceTimed Melanie a couple of times. They just had #10, Andrew a month ago. 5 boys and 5 girls.

    We just think it safe to stay home and not expose ourselves to things.


    This is Mary Jo and Andrew.

    Keep well, Jeri
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JERI, so pleased to read your message, see the beautiful children, and know you are well.
    People are very good over here as far as the virus goes. I read that there's talk of isolating us oldies in our homes for 12 WEEKS. What! Thank goodness I've got the Bean but no face to face human contact, no human hugs for 12 weeks! I wish the Bean could talk. She really tries!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Jeri, amazingly beautiful children. ❤️❤️ So happy to see you and to hear that you are doing well. Better safe than sorry is the old saying. Probably a reason it stays with us.

    Air hugs.
