Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

    Quick, before it is afternoon here....❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hello everyone. Well the good news is my groceries came delivered by a chap who looked too managerial to be delivering groceries. He stood well back from me, and I took all the packaging off things, washing hands in between before placing in cupboard and fridge. I asked for a big bag of flour but got a teeny bag and no dried milk, cookies or sugar. This means that I should lose a bit of weight in the future and the Bean lucked out, we got an extra packet of chicken breasts to make up.

    Then I tried to put a new order in after waiting 15 days for this one. No delivery times available in the foreseeable future! It showed on the site nothing before April 18th and then gave up! It did advise phoning, but I got nothing but the engaged signal! Have decided to report on the "lose a pound a week" site, if only to make sure I don't fade away!

    I think it's just as well Boris got tested with a baby on the way, and we don't want him and any other leaders shutting down the various governments by passing it on around the lot of them! I guessed he coughed on the minister of health at one of their emergency meetings. I can't figure out how Donald is escaping. Is he inside some futuristic unseeable bubble!

    Hair, I'm cutting mine and finding the easiest thing to cut and manage is a sort of pageboy. See photo.
    I'm conserving lipstick for special occasions but I can't see a special occasion on the horizon, lol. The good news is only Jilly is seeing me looking like hell!

    Well, we live another day here in isolation at least for another week. I see that gun sales in the USA have risen 70% just recently. What for? To protect ones bread and spuds, to cross the border and hold up Canadian grocery staff or delivery vans, or to go and hunt some poor little bunny?

    Weird times my friends,
    Hang in there,
    All things pass,
    Anne and the Bean. 🙃❤️🐶❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Hello, I finally got to the video. Well, he does nail the voice that is for certain. How does this guy (the orange man) go on, standing with people, not at a proper distance, and yet he stays well? I do not understand.

    Buzz, thanks for the video and the email photos. I am sorry you are feeling so unwell now. 😢

    Jackie, aha, plotting a path to the open spaces. 😅 I saw a bit on the news this morning showing an older couple in the U.K. Standing at their open door handing out their grocery list to someone at the end of one of those long handled grab-it things. Now that is a way to stay at a distance. They both were at the door though, good to see someone! So my friend, don’t get arrested for taking a very long meander.

    Anne, worries about you and Jilly. I hope you are busy putting your supplies away. And also hoping you and all of your family are well.

    Patsy, great, an actual normal deck of playing cards! That is delightful. So you are doing one set of cards for the tarot person and a regular deck as well, right? Be well.

    Sandy, how is your modem working now? It isn’t a good time to have equipment malfunctions. Although the lawn care people are out spraying poisons on the lawns, heating/cooling services are making house calls on my street, and the plumbers are also visiting homes in my neighborhood. I hope you figure out what to do or can live with the service you have now.

    I am cooking some green beans and am thawing out some red lentil chili leftovers, as I am afraid they have been in the freezer a bit too long.

    All my best to everyone. Health and safety are at the top of the list.

    Lin ❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) We had storms last night and more expected today with heavy winds and hail. Nothing much planned for today, I did clean two bathrooms, dusted and vacuumed yesterday. I think I will try to catch up on shows I missed.
    Lisa posts pictures everyday for me to see and I have to share this one because I think it just beautiful.

    Jackie, I am so frustrated with the orange man and how selfish he is. His ego gets in the way of everything he says. Fighting with two of our governors and holding back supplies, what is wrong with this guy??? And I am so tired of the people who say why doesn't the news tell us about all the people who have been cured instead of focusing on the dead. I did say to my ex sil why aren't the dead important??? Sorry, being alone it is hard to vent to myself. lol

    Buzz, I am so sorry you are suffering, I do hope your RX came today.

    Lin, I can live with the modem but it is frustrating. My son is going to look at it remotely from his home and hopefully can tell me what to do. Wow, I am amazed those people are working, my daughter just called to say her son is not working because he is an electrical apprentice and people do not want any service people in their homes.

    Anne, I have the same problem as far as online groceries, there is no delivery dates available.
    Bryanna's mom texted me to say she had to run to the hospital where she works so she will bring me some more groceries. Very nice of her and I appreciate all that people are doing for me.

    These are very sad times and I wish people would stay home until at least May 1st. I am so afraid if trump tells everyone to go back to work on Easter this virus will just start again.

    Thanks for being you ladies and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Anne - you asked about the names of my grandkids. Melanie's 10 are - Elizabeth 19, Zach 16, Heather will be 15 next month, JP and Peter are 13, Sammy 10, Mary is 9, Sarah is 6, Maggie is 3 and Andrew is 1 month. Melissa's two boys are Lukas 10 and Joshua will be 8 the end of next month. I'm glad you got your groceries delivered. We looked at that too but nothing was available. So Ed is in charge of buying groceries. It's just as well because I am a real klutz when it comes to touching things. He is much better at such things than me. In the days when we both worked, he did all the grocery shopping and I had other chores to do.

    Lin - I have certainly been enjoying your teapot pictures. You talked about thawing out leftovers. I've been doing the same. Funny how things get buried in the freezer. I reorganized my freezers so that I know what I actually have. We have a stand up one in the basement, a small fridge top one in the pantry and a side by side refrigerator in the kitchen. And hey it gives me more steps and stairs to add to my fitness numbers. I also wanted to comment how nice it is of you to be sending cards to people who are confined.

    Buzz - I just loved the video you posted. It was so funny and definitely right on. I am sorry you are having such nasty health issues.

    Barbie - I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday. Happy belated Birthday. Are you still walking a lot. I do miss hearing about your walking it always inspired me to do more.

    Sandy - 😊 It is awfully hard not being able to hold Andrew. But such is life I guess. Thank goodness for FaceTime and Facebook to allow us to see our families. I think of Ed's Mom and Dad when our girls were little. They lived in Nova Scotia and we lived in Alberta almost all the way across Canada. We'd call once a week to let them know what was going on and send pictures from time to time but because it was so far away and airline tickets so expensive we saw them maybe once a year

    Jackie - I just love your pictures of your walks. Envious for sure. I agree with your comments about why Boris and others have caught the virus. Don't think they were actually following safe protocols. I wonder about Trump too. His press conferences always show his support staff behind him and they are all standing way too close. What about physical distancing?
    As for hair you won't be alone. Lots of funny things on the internet about how we are going to look with no hair dye jobs, eye brow waxing, and haircuts etc. LOL

    I had another two great walks yesterday around the neighborhood. It was nice and sunny and warm. Today is supposed to be nice too. But we have winter forecast to come back in again with snow and cold weather.

    Alberta has just now restricted gatherings to be limited to 15 people. Heck that would eliminate our family getting together. Not that we are going anywhere near anyone. Wish we could. I do have a small turkey in the deep freeze I bought quite some time ago. Glad I did, Ed and I will have Easter dinner with just the two of us.

    Alberta just announced the cancellation of non essential lab tests, ct scans, etc. I had a ct scan scheduled for April so I guess that is cancelled. Follow up of some granulomas they discovered when I had ct scans etc. after my mastectomy a year ago. In one way I am glad because I really didn't want to go anywhere near a hospital but I am sorry I won't get the scan for awhile though. I guess that means my yearly appointment with my liver doctor (I have an autoimmune liver disease, will be cancelled too.

    Hope you all have as good a day as you can with all this isolation. Big hugs,

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi ho! Life is terrific when I read you are all healthy and safe. I think we will be okay because we are strong and intelligent. Smart people figure things out!

    Anne: Maybe Mark or Mike can shop for you Anne. They can leave your sacks on the door step and you can wave at the window. A heartbreaking way to visit but I would love to see my kids in person if only through the window.

    A drizzly day again. Sort of cold. Digging out my old wool sweaters again. I thought we were through with them for the year. Silly me! It is actually rather chilly in my dungeon, so I will keep one there for my shoulders and arms.

    Our son has designed a new temporary life. As I mentioned he normally does computer animation for TV and movies. That industry has completely shut down. He luckily sold his big house at a good price. Some people are buying because the interests rates are amazing. He is going to live on his boat and rent an industrial space for his computers and shop. Talk about a life change! He is an adventurer, I like to think about interesting lifestyles but I would never attempt anything like that when we were young.

    Lin: yes I am trying to design a regular set of playing cards as well as the one for the tarot card lady. She said I should also use the designs for a calendar. Does anyone use calendars any more? I think that is a thing of the past.

    Jackie: As I said, smart people figure out how to do what needs to be done. Sounds like you have a plan in mind to get the doggies walks done. Great! Stay safe.

    Buzz: oh my dear lovely lady, so sorry you are in pain. Does cherry juice help your gout at all? My dad used to swear by it. He said the sour cherry worked the best. Old time myths? Who knows?
    I know when I am in pain I would try almost anything...well almost anything.

    Sandy: I am so glad you have people who help you when needed. If we can stay home and just ride this out, I think after a time we can slowly return to normal. I have washed my hands so often my fingernails are dissolving. I have cut then back to nothing. I thought of your lovely nails when I attacked mine with the nail clippers.

    Jeri: a wonderful large family. Lucky you! I know people are staying touch with their doctor by phone and Skype. But tests etc are on hold for awhile. Stay safe and don’t take chances, everyone loves hearing from you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member

    Lisa surprised me today and told me to look out my balcony. I cried tears of happiness.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,150 Member
    :) Jake is very high risk--heart, lungs, cancer---so he is clearly isolating. Only one other person is allowed in our house (the woman that I walk with every morning) and Jake goes out only to the yard and across the street to the mailbox if no one else is there. I have been out twice this week (grocery and post office) only on the condition that I wear gloves and strip off all my clothes when I get home, put them directly into the washer (I enter the house in the laundry room) and go directly to the bathroom and shower and wash my hair. Then he goes out to the car and wipes everything down with sanitizing wipes. My grocery shopping trip was planned for several days so I was sure that it included everything we would need for several weeks. I made sure to go to only one store and compromised on brand or price to avoid shopping in more than one place. Our freezer, fridge, and pantry are full and we have everything we need and the two things I couldn't find, I was able to order from Amazon.

    :)Jeri, I still walk every day--30 minutes before breakfast and about 90 after breakfast with my friend in the neighborhood and 30 minutes in the afternoon. I have had to shorten my walks because they closed the neighborhood clubhouse where I stopped to use the bathroom.

    :) Our grandchildren are so far away that we never see them anyway, so the shelter in place hasn't made any difference.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lost full post and loved all of your pictures and remarks and am too tired to redo!
    My steroids seem to be easing some of the swelling and pain; the pharmacist actually gave them to her visiting mother to deliver this noon! I can stand from a sitting position again, and somewhat shuffle around which is better than not being able to lift my feet at all! I hope the underarm pain disappears, as I have had to deal with cysts all my life and have the scars to prove it! WIres in a too large bra do not help! Thank you all, and I apologize for all my complaints and venting, and I guess I trust you all to not let me down!!! Your support has been invaluable!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ahh Sandy, a magical picture that moved me to happy tears for you. Those faces are full of love! Hang in there sweetheart, keep doing what you’re doing and one day you will be able to give them all hugs again. ❤️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Ditto JACKIES remarks to SANDY. And BUZZ - very happy to read you are feeling a little better as well.
    Annie. 🤓❤️🐶❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've spent almost the whole morning making a bacon, onion and cheese quiche. Just baking. Smells wonderful. Recipe from the pioneer or early American cookbook.
    Mary Jo finally out of quarantine. Out grocery shopping and getting a few things for me, bless her.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just struck me. We are like pioneers aren't we!!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good morning. Love you my friends. My Internet service is very slow do loved to cell service. Still very slow.

    Thanks for all the posts. Hope to be able to respond later. ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020

    Tea time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes that's exactly what we all need LIN! A nice cup of tea in our best teapots to cheer us all up!
    Lovely roses!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. Happy Sunday. I've spent an hour adding items to my click and collect grocery list to shop Tuesday. Goodness I couldn't do this full time... too many decisions on not available items. We do now have early shopping slots of about half an hour for us oldies in most supermarkets now so I'm thinking I'll go back to walking round and deciding and certainly won't tolerate people getting up close!

    Great news Anne. Hopefully MJ can get a hold of what you need. Yes, definitely pioneers right now!

    Beautiful Lin, especially with the roses!

    I've spent time in the garden in spite of a late Arctic blast but it does mean I get to wear a hat to cover up the mess on top of my head!!

    Time to eat and tonight it's a Bolognese sauce I threw together the other day with a variety of back of cupboard items.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited March 2020
    Happy Sunday?? :) Gloomy windy day which doesn't help this stay at home order. I will have a video call with my kids this afternoon and later one of the ladies birthday is today so we will have a group facetime call to toast a drink to her. I will admit I am a little depressed after seeing the kiddos yesterday. Robby wanted to come in and Lisa had to remind him that we have to keep our distance. I asked her later if he understood and she said he did but the little ones don't. I didn't realize how much I miss them but we all have to stay safe and stay home if we want to get rid of this horrible virus.

    Lin, sorry about your internet service, not a good time to be without. It is probably because so many people are using it all at one time. Mine is still not working great for my TV but I am making it work.

    Anne, love your picture and if you cut your own hair it looks great. Be sure to wipe down those groceries to avoid any germs. :(

    Jackie, yes I was moved to tears and wanted to hug all of them. This is very hard but has to be done. Stay safe my friend and give those pups a hug for me.

    Buzz, I am glad you are feeling a little better and sorry about another lost post. Keep resting and of course we are all here supporting you and loving you. <3

    Barbie, poor Jake, this has to be so hard on both of you. You are doing everything right so keep up the good work. Tell Jake I said hello. Your walking amazes me, I can't walk that far but I do ride my recumbent bike to keep moving. Keep safe.

    Patsy, being single your son's new living quarters sound great. He loves his boat and still has office space so he has the best of two worlds. Keep working on those cards and when done send us a picture. Uh, my nails are not so lovely, they haven't been done in months. I did use some press on nails for an evening out not so long ago but now they are just natural and not too pretty. lol

    Jeri, I know how you feel about the new grandbaby but at least we are being responsible which I wish everyone would be including Trump. We are restricted to ten people but still six feet apart, not everyone is following which is really upsetting our mayor and governor. Be sure to check with your doctors about your tests, they might be considered essential.

    Love to all of you and hugs to all of you. Someday our lives will get back to normal.

    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Great posts today, so let's see if :o my memory is working!
    LIN, what a gorgeous set, andall the "pearlescence" and purples knock me out! Go enjoy the over-frozen chili and my mouth is watering!
    SANDY, we are definitely on the same page. I have a picture of Dr Fauci and "The Emperor's New Clothes" but MFP would never allow it! Your CHARLIE is priceless. Actually, they ALL are!
    PATSY, I have been taking the sour cherry at least 3 years. Everything helps in the beginning Then my body adapts
    ANNE, good question! He has never ever paid consequences for all the rotten things he's done his entire life. And then he gets the Presidency! HOW? HOW? HOW? Electoral College, that's how! He did NOT win the popular vote....NO WAY!!!
    Better outlook for this complaining nut!The steroids were delivered by the Mother of the pharmacist around noon so I start, ed healing today! By the second 2 this evening, I still hurt but very differently. At least I was able to answer the door by shuffling over to it! I can again "stand up" from the john, the bed, any where I'm sitting. and I suspect tomorrow will improve, since the Rx slowly goes down for about 2 weeks! I no longer feel hopeless.
    WELL, here's that LOST POST from yesterday, just waiting for me at the bottom of a lost Page! At least I cansee I was feeling hopeful, but today the Prednisone is doing NOTHING....NADA! Again, My feet and ankles are too painful to walk on! So I shall eat all at once, and sit with the legs up, and try to contain myself.
    <3 Buzz <3<3<3<3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    My hero ❤️❤️


    Telling us the truth.