Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Fantastic photos Jeri!! Thank you. Wow, you are a dedicated walker! Good job. You are keeping yourself on track. I finished my leftover soup and I am thinking of what I might make tomorrow. I am thinking of making an Instant Pot of quinoa. I eat it cold as cereal. Or add it to veggies. Good stuff. Okay, I have talked myself into it!

    Anne, a big thanks for the photo of the lovely flower.

    Jackie, it must be me but the video will not okay for me, it says it is restricted to U.K. hummmmm. I am sure I missed something wonderful.

    Sandy, I am glad your dear Bryanna is doing all of your shopping. My outing today was a drive through at the post office, a drive through at Walgreen’s where they did not have what I was looking for and finally a drop off at my friend’s house after finding more material for masks. So, I did not go into any stores and didn’t get close to anyone. We thought our governor could shut us down and I wanted her to have the material to continue making masks. She is actually sending them to medical personnel in Massachusetts and other locations in the East who have contacted her. She is from that area and has kept in touch with them.

    I spent the afternoon hunting on line for a few supplies to try to raise a couple of tomato plants in pots on my deck. Lots of things sold out. I will give it a try.

    Have a great evening.

    Lin ❤️❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Well hello. It’s quite the morning with freezing drizzle. Spring where are you?

    I plan to get cards ready to mail. Thankfully I have plenty of stamps as I plan to mail about 30 local cards for Easter since no one can get out to church services. I think this is going to take a couple of days, depending on how much I write in each card.

    I hand washed a bit of laundry this morning and am ready to rinse the quinoa to put in the Instant Pot. While I was in the basement, I notice I need to make a few mashed potatoes soon as some spuds don’t look great. Don’t want to lose any of them. I am also freezing more banana chunks, they do come in handy.

    Wishing everyone well. Looking forward to the return of sunshine one of these days.


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Morning tea

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just baked a bacon and egg pie. The PM is coming on tv soon. Our provincial premier says we all should know what he knows and it isn't good. Oh oh.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Another quick Hi Every Dear One of you. Had problems last night with a replacement Aide who forgot her ID and was not allowed in. Eventually, 3 replacements later someone came in and, while adequate, made me very appreciative of the 2 ladies taking care of me round the clock! I am now finding it possible to stand shortly after the first attempt and most important, I can use the bathroom almost normally!!! Pain medication finally kicking in and I can smile again. Must not sit long at desk, so am sending love to you and all the gorgeous families you share! Just received a call to remain BEHIND our own doors at all times! NO SHOPPING! Something must have come
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry has been started and I plan on some house cleaning. It is going to be a beautiful day so I will sit on my balcony and enjoy some sunshine. Bryanna brought be my groceries so I am set for a while. They called to change my mammogram appointment again so I made it for the end of May just to be safe. I am sure my primary doctor will be calling as well and I will try for the same day.

    Anne, trying to stay positive is hard but as long as we stay in things should be fine. Dr. Fauci has said he doesn't understand why everyone is not under the stay at home order and I agree with him.

    Lin, I can't believe your weather is so different than ours, it is a beautiful spring day. Did your governor give the stay at home order? I thought I read your state is one that is not under the order.

    Hello to all but I really have to move faster today, my days just run into each other and I would like to accomplish something today. Have a good day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We have a chilly partly cloudy day. There was a frost warning last night but I don’t see any frost on the deck this morning. Spring is here...sort of.

    Today is our anniversary and I will be making our dinner. I have frozen cake from new year’s Eve that I will bring out to defrost. Shrimp with Cajun rice and a glass of red wine. That will be a nice anniversary dinner and we will most likely watch a movie. Dinner and a movie...a good date night if you ask me. Miss the kids and would be nice to have gone out but this will be fun as well. The best anniversary gift I could ever wish for is that we all escape this evil virus.

    We watched the Downton Abbey movie recently and it was artistically stunning. Maggie Smith was the real star and she had all the good lines. She pulled it off with her usual understated wit and delivery. I will say, for me, the movie that captivated me more was Gosford Park. John even stuck with me to watch Downton Abbey. He loved the cars and the train scenes.

    Lin: must say you are a real treasure! Easter Cards! Hand made Easter cards at that. I know these people will feel very special to receive one. You have a good heart my friend.

    Sandy: so glad you are taking good care of yourself. You are extremely important in your family. I know your little grands miss you terribly.

    Buzz: dear one! Glad you have aides to see you through this. There are times when I think an aide would be wonderful. John thinks that would require an army to get us squared away.

    Anne: your gardening really puts me to shame. Things around here are in bad need currently. I guess I will try to peck away at things in a gradual but constant fashion. A bit of time gardening makes more than a back ache for me. I have total body ache. Seriously!

    Stay safe my dear sneakers,
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We have been put under even more stringent measures in Ontario. Many more businesses to close down, all construction to stop (I really am here for some time!) only one person to shop for groceries per family and no popping to the store, rather get two weeks of groceries. This means I have to wait until next Wednesday for Mark or Mary Jo to replenish me. Sobering thought, so far 20% of all deaths are over eighty. We have been given a projection of what will happen if we all behave ourselves compared to what will happen if we don't. I took a photo from the tv and I'll post it so it shows everyone what social distancing might obtain. If we don't follow the rules, very sobering figures indeed.
    They think this thing will last from 18 months to two years.

    Otherwise, we are doing okay. Like PATSY, I'm amazed how quickly the days are flying by. Maria tells me the altzeimer people have dropped off a big box full of puzzles, jigsaws etc to try and entertain Tony. She tells me she will enjoy them as well. When she went shopping she had to take Tony in with her because he escaped the car seat belt the last time and wandered off. She gets the message now. No socializing over Easter etc.

    BUZZ. Some good news from you. So glad.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hello, I may have watched too much today.

    Anne, I got on the CBC app and watched that conference. Sobering indeed. I also watched our governor updating the number of cases and then a lot of questions from reporters on why we aren’t on lockdown when Dr. Fauci said all states should be. And again, why did she allow a horse auction at an Amish Farm yesterday with hundreds of people attending from 6 states. Well, that was the last one. Today she shut down further livestock auctions. Harm has been done no doubt.

    Patsy, happy anniversary staying snug as a bug in a rug! Happily alone together.

    Sandy, yes very different weather. It is cold and blustery now. Hoping tomorrow’s weather is much better.

    My friends think since the National Guard is deployed that we will be forced to stay home. So get 2 weeks of all supplies now. I said, I don’t believe that. I got one admission from a friend that this rumor has been circulating for weeks now. Just gets people more whipped up. I looked for fresh vegetables on Whole Foods, pretty much everything is unavailable at this point. Now if vegetables are gone......

    A friend called me this afternoon. She had a service check on the sump pump in her basement earlier in the week. The service person wore disposable shoe covers, gloves and a mask (although I do not know if he put all of them on at her home). Anyway, he called her today, he has put himself in quarantine as he has felt unwell the last two days. Wow. Now she is somewhat concerned even though he had on some protective clothing and she said she cleaned down what he touched. I think it will be a long 2 weeks for her to make sure she is still well. But she will continue to go to the grocery store and the drug store as she has no one to go for her. I really hope she stays well.

    I have accomplished next to nothing on the cards as I did cook my quinoa, made broccoli slaw and kept in touch with people.

    Got to get those cards in the mail on Monday so I had best pick up the pace.

    Buzz, waving to you❤️🙋🏼‍♀️❤️

    Best wishes.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Another crazy day wasn't it.

    But so glad to hear from BUZZ. BUZZ I am glad you are starting to feel somewhat better. Big hugs to you.

    Anne - Living in Alberta, I saw all those figures as well. Scary scary stuff.

    Sandy - the hospital phoned for me today to cancel my ct scan as I mentioned earlier, just like changing your mammogram. So many things being cancelled. As scary as it is to have these appointments being cancelled, it's just much safer to stay home.

    Today we FaceTimed Melanie's inlaws. It was her father-in-law's birthday. We talked for almost an hour. It really was nice to sit and have a conversation with them.

    Later Melanie send us a great video and pictures. They drove out to the town that her in-laws live in outside of Calgary. The whole family stood outside the house and sang Happy Birthday and brought cards and a gift. It was so nice. Quite the choir - 11 of them singing Happy Birthday,

    Lin - your friend will certainly be on edge for the next 2 weeks. How could you not be.

    We got more snow today. Darn it. I still went out for my walk and did see several people out walking their dogs. I saw someone post suggesting if you want people to give you some space pretend to cough in your arm. LOL Sounds like a good idea to me.

    Time to head off to get ready for bed. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.

    Jeri in snowy Calgary

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Patsy and John, I'm sorry I missed your special day yesterday but hoping it's never too late to send warmest best wishes. Dinner and a movie sounds perfect!
    Hugs, Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I thought very hard before posting those figures friends. They are very scary indeed and they were released by our premier to bring home the fact that staying home or distancing really can save lives.i can't remember or missed the fatalities for the folk over 70 but I think it was 10% plus another 20% for over 80s. A staggering 30% all told. I sincerely apologize if I upset anybody but if it helps save our friends and family well worth a moment of sobering reflection. Maria's now cancelled all Easter plans with her family for Easter for instance. One of her grandchildren, a 13 year old twin has a heart condition. Her son, the girls dad, was working and he was very worried, but his work ceased roday.

    Now that we've all recovered from the shock, guess what I found in my garden yesterday afternoon as I raked up more leaves and twigs. 2 YELLOW DAFFODILS! Spring is really here! Janice passed by and we did long distance waves! I seem to be busier than ever funnily enough. Gardening, cooking, raking, planting, cutting my hair, cleaning, writing, trying to remember all I will need on my bi-weekly grocery list for Wednesday. It's a pensioners life!

    Woke up to overcast skies. Glad I got the leaves up, 4 brown gardening waste bags! before they got soggy.

    And it's porridge time,
    Hugs from up here,
    Annie. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yesterday was a busy one for me and if it wasn't for queues spaced out by lines on the ground and very few people about, I wouldn't have known we were in the middle of a pandemic. We walked in the woods and only met one couple with their beautiful retired greyhound then it was off to the farm supply store, mostly for George's new frozen raw dog meat that he loves, in fact he barks at me if I don't dish up as soon as we are home from our daily stroll. In the afternoon I met my neighbours at the allotment where we spaced ourselves out and tidied the raised beds then I came home for a glass of wine while I prepared Italian pasta with steamed veggies and parmesan cheese followed by a couple of kitkat fingers! :p

    Today the wind has moved round to the south so although blowing a bit it is warm in the sunshine. While I was out walking my neighbour popped round with a ladder and rendered a crack in the wall where the handyman had replaced a fascia board just before lockdown. In my click and collect shopping I managed to get a couple of Thornton's chocolate Easter bunnies for them because they are always there for me but at the same time recognise my independent streak so something to return next weekend.

    So far we seem to be behaving as a nation and staying home unless absolutely necessary. A lot of it is to do with our love and concern for our NHS staff that we don't want to put under any more pressure than they already are. We continue to get conflicting stories from government and those on the frontline about supplies of protective clothing but we do now know that many ICU's have as many younger people in them as the over 70's so certainly no one is immune.

    Lin, you will probably be way ahead of me on this information but frozen vegetables retain their goodness a lot longer than fresh because of the way they are produced so unless yours contain more additives than are allowed here, maybe fill your freezer with packs. Since supermarkets are only allowing one customer in as another leaves and no couples or children, the hoarding has calmed down so hopefully the US will soon follow this example. Of course it doesn't help that the man in the Whitehouse says it's up to individual States what they do when he should be leading.... Still deflecting any blame!!

    Thank goodness Buzz you are getting the help and relief you needed. An independent visit to the loo is always a good start! ;) Take care lovely lady and definitely stay behind your door because I understand Florida has become a hot spot with far too many cases of the virus.

    We really are all in this together so I do hope messaging amongst ourselves however good, bad, scared, bored or downright frustrated we are will see us out the other side with our sanity intact! It's going to be a different world that's for sure but hopefully a cleaner and more understanding one. <3

    Happy Saturday dear Sneakers (Sorry Jeri, easy for me to say when warm and sunny outside!)
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    More good news to make you all smile. On TV. A three year old was concerned the Easter bunny would be under lockdown. He's been assured it doesn't apply to Easter bunnies so not to worry!
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY PATSY and JOHN. Bunnies and anniversaries are very important right now!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Good morning. Freezing cold here but just now the sun is trying to poke through the clouds. Making a bit of progress on the cards. All of a sudden I thought about adding something else to the inside. Oh my, if I do that I will have to push the mailing date back to Tuesday. 🤗

    Fingers crossed, I am doing some laundry today. I spoke to the washing machine, good girl, you can do it. Think that will help?

    Have been texting with a friend who is usually very busy and doesn’t really engage. This time she thanked me for checking on her and we exchanged some texts without hours between each text. It was very nice.

    Just remembered I need to get a couple of checks out in snail mail so should shuffle along. My larder is well stocked but I follow many of the dietary principles of Dr. Fuhrman’s who did a Facebook live recently. He said to do your best to keep eating some fresh vegetables. Not all of the veggies you eat, but some. Particularly greens. I will look in the basement as he said if you cannot get anything fresh, raise sprouts. I did that at one time, so will look for my comtainer. The health food store *might* have some seeds to sprout. Maybe.

    So flowers blooming and tomorrow Palm Sunday. Well will watch the service on Facebook live.

    Okay, enough rambling. Love you ladies and I am so thankful for you.

    Wishing everyone well. ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    This is a photo a friend shared. Her son made everything!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    A little extra ❤️❤️ for today


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY and JOHN, a bit belated!

    Hi everyone, I'm high on meds so feeling better. Not really walking yet, but swelling really reduced. My aides will be back for at least another week, but things are so closed down here I miss nothing. Concentration is difficult, but I'll try saying HI everyday...
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Patsy and John

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) All caught up on my games and computer stuff and now thinking I should take a shower and get dressed. :D My friend Jen dropped off a face mask at my front door which an elderly lady made. I washed it again per Jen's request and will post a picture later since it has lace on it. :p I will wear a mask if I go outside but today it is cold again so it might be a few days before I wear it. I will try for another zoom call with the kiddos and Bryanna later. We did it yesterday and it was fun and everyone gets to see everyone. We should try that with our group but I know some of you are leery of the Internet.

    Patsy and John, I hope your anniversary was wonderful. Did you mention how many years??

    Buzz, so glad you checked in and pray each day gets better for you. <3

    Lin, love you we are all connected picture, it is so true.

    Anne, scary stuff this covid virus, we must all stay in and stay safe it will save lives.

    Jackie, I so agree we all have to do our part. The poor doctors, nurses and anyone who has to deal with this need all our prayers. I am sure none of them signed up for this especially if they have young families and elders, which is probably most of them. My heart breaks for them.

    Jeri, my cousin's family did something similar for her nephews birthday. A parade of about 20 cars went past his house beeping with signs for his birthday. He loved it. Yesterday a parade of cars went past my windows beeping which I think was for the teachers but not sure.

    Time to move from one spot to the next, have a good day.

    One Day at a Time