Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    I did my little drive this afternoon to return a book at the library and to mail cards at the post office. There was a line of cars at the post office waiting to put mail into the outside drop. Only one other car at the library drop off.

    But there was some traffic and I paid attention, not one person was wearing a mask. Including me since I planned to be in the car.

    Sandy, nice eyelet lace trim on your mask. Cute even in your mask!

    Time to run along. Trash must be put out at the curb.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My dear beautiful friends, so lovely reading your posts and picturing your daily lives and receiving such warm greetings. My aides see improvement every day, and we seem to be safe so far from the virus, so I'm happy for even slow improvement. Nothing showed up under my arm in today's pictures, so again, negatives can be positives!
    Stay well,
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A few clouds about but it's a warm day. We've walked our usual mile and I'm now contemplating housework before driving to deliver a birthday card and some of my chooks' eggs to friend Jill I used to regularly walk with. I'm also going to visit the local Aldi store and queue to buy fresh produce (hopefully!). My summer hat has arrived that will cover my thick unruly hair on our walks and also a biography to read about Princess Louise, daughter of Queen Victoria, who bucked the trend to break away from her mother's control. I can never say I'll get bored while this lockdown continues!
    Me wearing summer hat!!

    Love your mask Sandy. Take extra care if you do wear it out anywhere won't you.

    So good to hear from you Buzz and know you are well cared for. You stay safe as well. 😍

    Must get on. The morning has already run away with me. Hello to all sneakers.
    Keep well. ❤
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Woooo, look at that hat! I have been eyeing an old cap thinking of slapping that on but it cannot compare to your lovely chapeau. ❤️❤️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE! "Where did you get that hat. Where did you get that hat" to quote the old song. Love it, and suspect we will all be looking for hats soon, or trying to create buns! I'm trying for a sticking out pony tail right now.
    Mike says he will try and cut his own hair and won't let me near it. I guess most of the men will soon look like swashbuckling pirates (Justin) or something that's crawled out of a Stone Age cave! (Mike)
    Anne. 😋❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hello friends. Back from a trip to the health food store. Things are not working smoothly. I emailed my order, they just called to say it was ready to pick up but wouldn’t really discuss substitutions or what I wouldn’t get. So I drove over to the store and called for them to bring my order out but the phone system was broken down. So I put on my masks and gloves and ducked into the corner of the store and got the attention of a young gentleman. Described the problem, told him other people were out there. He walked by me, closely to see who else was out there. He brought out my order but instead of putting it in the back of my car he just handed it to me. I got home got everything cleaned and put away. Discovered two charge slips, my own with items received and another one charged to my credit card for lots more stuff and of course higher $. Now a new problem to sort out.

    Am I growling? I think I am. Won’t order often me thinks.

    I do wonder how many months we will be letting our hair grow but least of my worries. 🤣❤️❤️

    Well, time to try to start sorting the overcharge issue.

    Hugs ❤️❤️

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I am sending white light to the British PM for his health to improve! I wish illness to no one!!!
    I love the hat and the face, too, JACKIE!
    Having a rough day, but cannot complain! Aide says I slept 1.5 hours so back to bed I go! Darn gout won't leave me in peace!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Ah yes, a teapot? How about some lovely cups?

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. Birthday card and eggs delivered and we had a 10 minute catch up on her drive while keeping a good distance then on to the supermarket where the spaced out queue only went out and along the front so within 10 minutes I was ushered through the entrance where a pleasant young man sprayed the trolley I had just collected and offered hand gel. I managed to find my favourite bags of Italian salad leaves, British Braeburns, bananas, grapes and satsumas but still no rice for George. Thankfully free range chicken available perhaps because not everyone would pay the price and I also found fresh cod and also fishcakes so with all of that and my crispbread and fresh egg custard tarts I waited patiently in the line to pay and get out! Everyone keeping their distance and thankfully the checkout workers now have a solid plastic screen between themselves and customers and what looked like plenty of sanitizers to use on their hands. I can't fault how the operation works and will adjust accordingly and not be grumpy!! Interesting that young shoppers were more inclined to wear masks and gloves than us oldies but we do, at the moment, live in an area where there have been very few cases of the virus so I am content to continue with hand gels once in my car and washing with soap and hot water when I get home.

    Buzz, I'm sure our Boris will appreciate your healing white light and I have to say that although he wasn't my choice of PM he has certainly done his best to jolly us all along through this pandemic in his own way so I don't like to think of him being so unwell and am not convinced we are being told everything. He does have some of the best doctors in the world working at the hospital he was admitted to so truly is in capable hands.

    Anne, a ponytail would be fine but my hair at the back is layered so it will take forever to get long enough. It's just going to be a thick mop but this new hat is a perfect size that offers room to grow!! I predict 1970's retro style hair for men returning as they turn into hippies. Most are already adorned with beards!! (Can you be adorned with a beard?)

    Lin, what a frustrating shop for you as it sounds as if staff have not been given instructions on how to operate. Mistakes are the last thing you need to be dealing with so I hope you can easily rectify the problem.

    Time to prepare my veggie stir fry for the evening meal and also get the pooches and Brady fed.

    Take care and stay well. <3

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) We have a wonderful day here with temps going into the 70's. Storms later but for now I will sit on my balcony and try and get some vitamin D. Maybe I will even go for a walk but probably not. lol
    I ordered some groceries from Aldi's which will be delivered Saturday. I gave instructions to ring my bell and then I will open garage for them to put groceries in garage. Bryanna insists on coming to wash all the groceries before bringing in my house. I think Lisa and my son think I am being paranoid but Bryanna is just as bad as me. lol

    I will try and get back later, it is so nice outside I really want to sit on balcony.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well Mark collected my groceries this week and I have to give him top marks for what he bought. Excellent veggies in particular. I made a really hearty veggie, cabbage and kidney bean soup for lunch, enough for three days. Mark and Mary Jo (she did their shop while Mark did mine) rolled up in their car with sanitizer sheets to wipe everything down and we managed a long distance chat, then away they drove to pick up her work computer so she can work from home. Oh, he managed to find me a rather small chicken for Easter. And small it is, hope it IS a chicken. It's organic anyway whatever it is.

    I am so upset that Mr Johnson has ended up in hospital. I really like him and pray that he recovers. The news today was quite encouraging, no pneumonia etc.

    And that's about it from me. We, the Bean and I are having a laid back day. We did manage a walk at 7:45 this morning. Not a soul to be seen! It's sort of overcast here and looks like rain on the horizon, 55 F right now.
    Stay safe,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! It is almost noon but I have had a lot of chores to get underway before stopping to chat with you all. Our day is overcast, a bit chilly but no rain. Katie has barked ferociously at a mama deer and her young “teenage” baby. She has discussed life in general with our resident crows and robins. She is now on her living room tuffet, taking one of her many naps.

    I have no fear, I just get out the scissors and attack my hair. I figure even if I make some disastrous mistake, time and a bit of hair stying gel will help the situation. Plus who is going to see me? John needs a haircut as bad as I do. Maybe even more...

    Grocery shopping is always a pain, even in the best of times. I just cook whatever is available. I research the internet for recipes to deal with items I rarely, if ever, buy. I do wonder what happened to all the brown rice? Surely everyone is now living on rice. It used to be a staple around here. Totally gone now. The upside is, what might have caused John to turn up his nose in the past, he gives new things a try and discovers he likes a lot of things he hadn’t tried before. However Kale is never going to be a favorite.

    I Do adore Jackie’s new hat. I have a few hats that are similar. I think I might try to get my daughter to knit one of those wooly hats like Barbie makes. I had a pattern to make gardening hats, some with larger brims to shade in the sunny hot summer. In the past, I must have made dozens of them for family and friends. Just for fun I often attached bows, feathers or flowers or JEWELS!
    Press on,
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2020
    Talking of untidy buns- i Was going to show you me looking like something out of Jane Eyre. Changed my mind upon viewing enormous photo of yours truly. Deleted. Enough to give SANDYS grand kids nightmares. Yeuk. Maybe masks are a good idea after all! Hair is not our only problem, dentists in short supply as well! I might put photo on the avatar, smaller, but there again, Jilly Bean is much much cuter.

    Marks posh fairly new range given up the ghost. He's trying to repair. Pray he doesn't electrocute himself. My sink still leaks. Don't think I'll drown.

    And on that cheerful note I'll away,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited April 2020
    Buzz and Barbie, this time I have the right date💕

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Good morning, I wrote a check for the lawn service who get nervous if they don’t get paid immediately. On the way back from the communal mailbox, the sounds of the birds was so marvelous that I sat down on the little front porch and just listened. The Robins were very chatty. ❤️🤗❤️

    I have more mail to sort through. I leave it for about a day before I tackle it. Just in case. 😉

    The health food store responded to my email request regarding my charges. It took them several tries but it is apparently sorted out now. I will check my credit card account soon. Just in case.

    Time to start on more birthday cards. I plan to keep mailing cards to the folks on my list as well so
    I ordered postage online which should be delivered later this week. Planning ahead. Just in case.

    It is also time to sort through my fresh vegetables. I have some broccoli slaw mix and some nice lettuce to chomp on soon before it goes bad. I should have had some for supper last evening but I wanted something hot. I put some cooked quinoa in a bowl, topped it with some shelf stable chili I keep in stock and added seasoning. Zapped it in the microwave. Yummy.

    Plotting to grow additional little pots of veggies on the deck. Praying the birds, bugs and small furry creatures let me have some this time round.

    Anne, we will have many challenges I would image. I try not to think of the enormity of the situation. Little bites. Best wishes to Mark as he tries to fix the range. I talked to a friend yesterday and she actually sat down and figured out how to get her hearing aids working again. I was amazed! Luckily she had the little filters etc. needed for the repair.

    Patsy, all the staples have been purchased apparently. My friend in Portland hasn’t been able to purchase rice either. People want things in the house that last a long time. Like rice and beans.

    Best Passover wishes from me as well. I drove by the Jewish deli yesterday on my trip to the health food store. They were diving in and out of the door and I wondered how people were getting the foods they needed. I heard last night that deli made and delivered over 300 meals at no cost with financial assistance from a local organization. Wonderful!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    A perky, saucy little teapot. 🤣😅🤣

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy Passover, Buzz and Barbie! I understand this is a very very special day for you.

    Today looks clear and it might warm up a bit. Ohhh! Did you see that moon last night? Stunning and it was supposed to be a pink moon. To me, it was a pale orange. It was huge and so bright. The thing often described in poetry, song and murder mysteries.

    Locally they just extended the lock down until the end of May. We have 5 cases in our county. But 3 have recovered. Almost Everyone is making an effort except one of our neighbors...they had a deck party and BBQ. I know how hard cabin fever can be. John suffers and needs time to do his repairs and solitude to plan his day. We are lucky to have enough space to do that without causing undue stress.

    I will try to plan a Easter dinner for John and I, plus a call to our kids. I do think that things are due for a societal change. Not sure how or what but I think change is in the wind. Maybe that is a good thing.

    I am not much of a gardener but am thinking...hummmmm! It will be lovely to see some flowers and tuck a few lettuce and herb seeds here and there. We need a bit of help in that regard. Some strong folks to help with the big pots and soil. We will see who is available and how that could work out. More on that later.

    Another mug of coffee then a quick mop on the kitchen floor before John and Katie get into full action mode. Feeling very slow and fuzzy-headed today.
    Have a safe and pleasant day, I will be thinking of each and every one of you.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thank you for all your wishes, dear family, and of course I wish you a Happy Thoughtful Holy Thursday, Good Friday , what is Saturday (?), and Easter Sunday: Holy Week! This year coinciding with Passover 's Last Supper (1st Seder!) and thinking how much is really related but we humans don't always realize it!!! Few will be celebrating holidays in the usual way this year, but more virtual and ZOOM dinners popping up. Eating alone in one's room is hardly Holiday spirit, but being grateful we are well is a blessing.
    Very little change in my condition other than the loss of 19 pounds!!! I'm sure that's the Prednisone! Lymphedema down, gout up. Next week it will be reversed! Meanwhile, I'm screwing up everything I attempt! Rx Fog! ANd my internet goes in and out, so while I can say it, STAY WELL!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2020
    It's been a beautiful day, sunny and hot. 😎 I didn't take the pooches out until 1030 so sent a text to my neighbour suggesting she come with us and she could walk one of the dogs on the other side of the road and pretend we weren't together but by the time she found the message and responded I had already set off. Never mind, we've made a plan to do it tomorrow.
    Since it's such a warm day both George and Betty were showered so are now clean and fresh except both joined me later as I cleared more of the wild bottom and George picked up a few dead leaves in his tail!
    I'm now enjoying afternoon tea and an egg custard tart on my swing seat.

    Anne, I hate photos of myself these days but accept that's how getting older looks! The annoying thing is selfies can only be taken at arms length!

    Patsy, I met a couple on my morning walk, a similar age to me and we stopped to chat from a distance. The man admitted he was starting to go stir crazy and I laughed when his wife said when he starts to walk circles round the dining table she knows it's time to get him out! 😃 I missed the moon because we had cloud cover but I've seen some stunning photos on the BBC website.

    Lin, there is either a world shortage of rice or supplies are hard to come by with countries shut down. No brown rice or basmati to be had here either. Some people must have their cupboards overflowing after all that panic buying. I love that crooked teapot... what a larf!! 😂

    Wishing Buzz and Barbie all the best this Passover. Continue to remain safe and well. Hopefully a better day for you Buzz. 😘

    Sandy, are you enjoying sunshine on your balcony? We all need some Vitamin D to help us get through.

    Ghastly daily statistics just popped up on my phone. Incredibly sad for so many loved ones.

    Must get on and either prepare an evening meal or use my incinerator to clear the pile of cuttings chopped easier.

    Take care and stay safe everyone. 🙋‍♀️👋❤