Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Saturday and we are all doing our due diligence. Keeping our distance but still keeping track of neighbors and family in case a great need arises. Both John and I want to thank you all for the anniversary wishes. It is a true fact that John considers himself one of the senior golden sneakers. He knows everyone’s name and how very special each one of you are. We had a lovely dinner, followed by cake and a glass of wine. We decided to watch a funny romantic movie...My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Old but the jokes still hold up and John thinks the family reminds him of my Irish family. They were also loud and certainly not very classy. But adorable in their own way.

    I certainly am cooking a lot these days. I am trying to clean everything and disinfect as I go. This is important but very Boring!

    Anne: dearest friend, your infor was offered out of friendship and affection. No apology necessary. We are all concerned about each other.

    Lin: I remember sprouting seeds years ago. I would sprout different kinds of seeds, alfalfa and radish seeds etc. I also remember a ceramic pot that was made just for sprouting seeds. I wonder where I put that? It must be in back of the cupboard somewhere.

    Buzz: relief from pain as well as feeling even a slight more mobile is a joy in itself. I hope you know you are loved. It sounds like your facility management wants to make sure you are safe. Since you are in a hot spot area, special care must be taken. We are thinking of you constantly.

    Jackie: it is comforting to hear that people in your area are responding in a responsible way. Locally I would say we are doing the same. However! I believe that in our more populated areas this is not the case. Panic is barely contained. It is good to stay away from our densely populated areas. Our vet by the way, has a few techs, that are suited and with masks, attend to emergencies out in the parking lot. They also bring pets into the clinic to be attended to by the vet if that’s needed.
    Again! Thank you all for the anniversary wishes. It means the world to us. Seriously!
    Patsy☘️ and John
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) This is for all of us who are spending our self isolation time doing crafts:

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Back from our morning walk in glorious sunshine. George was in one of his grumpy moods barking and jumping at a car that turned into the road behind us then a lady jogger who passed by keeping her distance so I decided since it's Sunday we can restrict the walk. The hens have been fed their breakfast and George his raw meat so I'm going to tidy and hoover, at the same time looking out for a mouse Brady brought in last night and let go in the dining room! Doors are open to the garden so hopefully it will scent the fresh air and leave.
    I was taking a photo of tulips and primroses smiling in the sunshine but Betty decided she wanted to be included as she drank from the bird bath!

    I'll pop back this evening my time and see how everyone is.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Something to make our gardener JACKIE smile. Some folk here, mainly men at home in isolation, are digging up their front lawns and planting veggies. One man said he will put a notice up later offering his crop, mainly kale and cabbage at the front, to anyone who cares to pick it. I guess he's saving the peas, lettuce and beans etc at the back for his own family. Love the tulips and primroses but especially little Betty.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Good morning, it is a bright sunny day albeit still a bit cold. Improving! We are expecting a hot day on Tuesday, maybe near 80 degrees. Goodness, what a roller coaster. This a bit hard on the plants, poor darlings.

    Barbie, I am still laughing at the picture. Do you continue to knit? If so, what are you making now? Or have you also taken up crochet as a designer statement? I looked at the photo and for a moment I thought oh, where are Jake and the doggies? Like finding the hidden objects in the picture. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, adorable Betty and gorgeous flowers. Ah, peaceful and lovely. 😃 Sorry that George is grumpy and gosh, I hope the mouse decided outdoors is far better than indoors.

    Patsy, your evening sounds delightful. That is a very good movie and seems a good choice for an anniversary celebration. Did Katie watch the movie with you? I am in a suburban area where not everyone is kind. Some of the things that local charities, churches, and restaurants are doing is stupendous though. Trying to keep people fed. Keep on keeping on! I did find my sprout jar and sprout house but unfortunately no sprouting seed. So, I went online to try to hunt for some that would arrive within a week. Wow, difficult but I think I got a mixture that should arrive late in the week. Will get everything washed and ready to go. I have time to rinse the sprouts several times a day!

    Anne, are you cooking or baking today? Still working your way through a cookbook? I am glad you are texting and talking with your DIL. You do have some things in common for sure! I hope if they go shopping that they will be able to fill your list.

    Sandy, are bees a problem on your deck everyday? Some kind of nesting thing going on? Have you taken your car out for a drive? I am keeping to my once a week per vehicle schedule. I hope you have a happy day with lots of video calls with family.

    Buzz, thinking of you today. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Praying that your medication brings you relief.

    Jeri, is it warming up at all? Any flowers blooming? I just have day lilies and some other perennials in a foundation planting. I go out each day to see how tall the leaves have grown. 🤣😅🤣

    Sorry for anyone I missed. Going to watch Facebook live for our Palm Sunday church service.

    And yes, still working on the cards. All addressed and have left the hardest part, writing in them. ❤️❤️

    Long distance hugs and wishes for good health and safety ❤️❤️🙋🏼‍♀️❤️❤️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Today we have:

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thank you ,m y cheery friends! Just popping in to say hello, and I think of you all every day, too! Be careful and retain good outlooks and we'll all muddle through. So far, some daily improvement, but insurance coverage remains dubious since my aides are not with an agency. To heck with it, they have been here for me round the clock! I'll worry next lifetime! And I've started reading Michelle Obama's "Becoming" and am enjoying it much!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I had a video call with my kids which I needed because I was feeling depressed this morning. I cried most of the Palm Sunday Mass but I usually do with the readings. I will have another video call when the kiddos are done napping and later my sister's children have invited me and my daughter to join their zoom call.
    I am staying in place and my understanding is the next two weeks will be the worse for us in Illinois. I don't plan on going anywhere and if the weather is nice I will just stay on my balcony. We will get through this together.

    Buzz, happy to hear from you and glad you are feeling some daily improvements. <3

    Lin, no, the bees were just around that one day, who knows what they were looking for? Probably just woke up from the cold weather. The church I go in person had a virtual mass on the computer and it was wonderful seeing our pastor. Sad readings but next week will be joyous.

    Anne, wow, your neighbors are being creative but not sure I would want to dig up my front lawn for a vegetable garden. :p

    Jackie, love the picture but tell me is that a statue of a cat next to Betty? The arrangement is beautiful. <3

    Barbie, I did see that picture on Facebook and it is still funny to me.

    Patsy, I thought I read that Portland was bending the curve and less cases are being reported.
    I might be wrong but it would be great if that is true.

    I will continue to ride my bike and hopefully when this is all over I will be ready for a swimsuit even with all the wrinkles. lol

    Try and have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just watched our 93 year old Queen addressing the nation. She was absolutely lovely.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful day but around 5pm clouds built up and it’s now raining. After 3 months of constant rain I never ever thought I would say we need it but know my garden will be happy. A couple of hours were spent at the allotment as we’re still tidying then when I got home I did some clearing at the bottom of my garden. It’s good to be settled with feet up.
    No sign of the mouse Brady brought in although George did sniff round the base of my sofa as if he knew it was there but is now quiet so hopefully the poor creature went out the open door earlier.

    Anne, Seeds like so many things are in short supply here so I think many people have an idea to grow their own vegetables as lockdown continues. Like the man who offered basics out front I would keep the tastier veggies out of sight just in case! Sue who helped me with my garden last year emailed a catch up and mentioned she has filled her garden room with seed trays with an idea to have an honesty box outside her door because at the moment she can’t work. I’ve got a few for our allotment too.

    Sandy, it’s an emotional time for families kept apart but thank goodness for modern technology so you can still see each other as you talk. We have public service tv broadcasts telling us to stay in and one shows a young girl calling her gran and them both waving. That brings a tear to my eye to think of so many of us having to shut ourselves away as important as doing so is.

    Barbie, the picture of the room full of crafts made me laugh out loud. Someone has been very busy even before lockdown! 😆

    Buzz, lovely lady, you sound much more in control of your pain but I do hope your health insurance doesn’t restrict your recovery. One day at a time as Sandy says. ❤️

    Lin, today’s teapot and cup and saucer look as if they could be from the Worcester ceramic factory. I visited once and did a fascinating tour where we were shown each process but definitely those people painting designs on to pieces were the most admired.

    Patsy, of course John is one of us! I think we all sprouted seeds in those pots at some point and I’ve no idea why I stopped! Even mustard and cress would make a tasty addition to an egg salad or sandwich... I shall have to investigate because the ready to eat pots bought at supermarkets never have that kick of flavour that growing your own does!

    After a busy day I shall aim for an early night. I’m watching less news recently, in fact have avoided all talk of statistics today so hopefully a restful sleep.
    Stay safe and well. 🥰😻🙋🏼‍♀️🤦‍♀️🌹💖
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Gawanne35 wrote: »
    I've just watched our 93 year old Queen addressing the nation. She was absolutely lovely.

    Yes, absolute inspiring and reassuring. I very much enjoyed listening to her.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly cloudy today and a bit warmer. Nice to see the sun if only for a few minutes at a time. Katie went crazy this morning and barked non-stop for at least 45 minutes. I had a headache and was ready to commit murder and mayhem. But she pranced around John and wagged her tail and showed no apology for her rude behavior. Harrumph!

    Anne: I saw the message from Queen Elizabeth and I too was very impressed. At this scary and dangerous time, hearing a leader take the spotlight and offer encouragement and support is what real leaders do. We, here in the US, do not have that. When there is absence of leadership, history shows us that chaos ensues. I think we all can see that here right now.

    Jackie: I am constantly amazed at the way Betty has joined in your little family. She had such a rough start in life and yet she has shown her appreciation to you and George (maybe even the kitties). I would never have guessed she could make that dramatic adjustment. She is such a sweet little girl.

    Sandy: we are indeed lucky to have family to care about us. The internet lets us keep in contact. Church services aren’t the same but our devotion and commitment remain unchanged. We will stay healthy and hope for a new normal soon.

    Lin: isn’t it heartwarming to dig out these things from our past and put them to use? I always get a rush of memories when I find myself using treasures from the past. I am so sentimental it is laughable. I remember sprouting mung beans for my stir fry veggies and fried rice dishes. I even baked almond cookies. The family loved it all!

    Buzz: hello dearest one! So happy to see you here. And feeling better! Michelle Obama’s book is a nice page turner. I know you will like it. I did! We will have much to discuss and evaluate as the election frenzy ramps up. A good time to start feeling better. Excitement is building.
    Stay in and stay healthy,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    edited April 2020
    :)Lin I am impressed at all the Easter cards you've made and especially impressed that you plan to write in each one. They will be appreciated even more than usual this year since greeting in person isn't possible. I am only knitting. I knit a blanket over the winter for Project Linus but primarily knit hats that I contribute to a local agency to be distributed to people in need. Right now I'm accumulating them in a box until the time comes that they can be delivered.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Just stopping by for a moment.

    Barbie, what wonderful hats! I love the patterns and the colors. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    I have tired myself out trying to think of something supportive to write in each card. My brain needs rest.

    See you all tomorrow. 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️

    Lin 💤💤💤
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning Sneakers and a happy Monday as we in Britain set off into week 3 of our lockdown. Our Queen was inspiring and just in time as PM Boris headed for hospital where I'm sure they will insist on complete rest. Goodness knows who will stand in, just have to hope it's someone with an air of authority.

    First thing this morning I was greeted by Brady's bottom as he pushed himself under the chair in my sitting room while George rushed about excitedly so I'm afraid I had to do what I'd hoped I wouldn't and push the button that releases the leg rest so he could quickly grab the mouse and run outside... George in hot pursuit! Of course it could have been a new mouse he'd just brought in!! 😲

    It's another beautiful sunny day and my garden is sitting up after last night's rain. We've walked our usual one mile route where I only saw one extremely overweight gentleman stepping out up the first hill in shorts and t-shirt and I thought good for him when it could be so easy to sit at home.

    Sandy, yes that is a stone cat on the edge of my granite bird bath.... not exactly appropriate but I always say he's watching the frogs that occasionally jump in!

    Lovely hat's Barbie and for a great cause. All charities are struggling through the epidemic just when so many need our support.

    Lin, you are incredibly supportive at the best of times so I'm sure if you are seeking the right words for your cards they will come to you once you've rested.

    Patsy, somehow I'm happy I'm not alone when it comes to sharing my home with a dog who, if he feels the need, will bark for hours even when I tell him he's giving me a headache. No doubt Katie had her reasons too.
    I'm so sorry you feel your country to be rudderless in its hour of need but you Americans are strong so will get yourselves through and out the other side just like the rest of us I'm sure.

    Time to put my mother's old 1970's coffee speculator on and indulge in a hot cross bun! I shall vacuum and dust the bedrooms before lunch then continue my work in my garden. My neighbour the teacher told me yesterday she is finding isolation difficult as her partner continues to work so I offered to lend out George any time she wants to walk so she won't feel lonely.

    Good morning to Anne and Buzz.
    Stay safe. Hugs across the pond! 😍
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    For mother's speculator read perculator. 😃😄😅
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Love the hats BARBIE!

    PATSY, Bean barks twice as much since we've all been confined at home. Goes completely berserk when the odd dog walks past and I join you in the headache department. She's especially bad when I get a phone call from the old country from my cousin Tony and lovely wife Pauline. It seems to coincide with dogs and owners walking past. Poor Roy is in a respite home at the moment and none too happy but the operation affected his walking and the past and the present are now jumbled together. For instance my cousin Valerie died 23 years ago but he thinks she's put him in the home whilst she goes off dancing with her mates.

    So you did have a mouse in the house JACKIE. I must say George, Betty and Brady keep you well entertained in these solitary times.

    LIN, I echo Jackie's sentiments in how wonderfully supportive you are.

    Warm enough for that swimsuit yet SANDY?

    BUZZ, hope you continue to feel more like the old Buzz and

    Hi, grandma Jeri. I think you are having some snow!!!!

    Marks going to the grocery store today to get me and them all stocked up before the Easter rush.
    Michael is talking of coming over on Wednesday with the Jilly Beans treats. If warm enough, he thinks we can maybe sit in the garden and wave to each other while Jilly dashes back and forth. Mmm not sure that's a good idea. Meanwhile I've just cleared out my art cupboard and tidied it up again. We are getting ridiculously clean!!

    Imaginary Hugs to everyone, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Good day. I have spent a portion of the morning straightening out a problem with my bill pay. Something I pay each and every month was unexpectedly refused by the company I was trying to pay. Several phone calls, lots of time on hold, I finally paid the amount due by credit card and hopefully all is straightened out now. I learned a lot about the bill pay system. Not my fault, not actually the credit union or the intermediary processor’s fault either. Everyone was under control and pretty nice. So, just took lots of time.

    Patsy, wahoo, yes, it is nice to use things from years ago. And I will receive a sprouting seed mixture today according to the shipper. Long ago I sprouted mung beans and a few years ago I was crazy about broccoli sprouts. But I didn’t have the time to rinse several times a day and rotate. Should do better this time. I have also been eyeing my old yogurt maker. But it is difficult to get enough plant milk to make it as well as the finding vegan starter. I have some starter in my downstairs chest freezer. We will see.

    Buzz, goodness, an insurance muddle. Darn. I hope it gets straightened out but meanwhile, I trust you continue to receive the care you need. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, aha, more lovely weather. We are cold, gray and drizzly here today. Tomorrow very warm weather is expected which makes me shake a bit thinking of the conditions that spawn tornadoes. Hey, always thinking, a problem I have. 🤣 the weather forecaster said no severe weather is expected. 🌷🌷

    Anne, I hope your family obtains some supplies for you and Jilly. Did I mention I wrote an email to my local health food stor late last week? That is a way to place an order and after it is filled you can drive over and they will put it in the back of your car. I received a response that they didn’t have supplies of many things so if I would wait until Tuesday they may have more. Looking forward to a call tomorrow. They have several of my daily remedies such as Ultra Tiger Balm in the large tin (one that I can get my fingers in without all of the salve ending up under my fingernails.).

    Sandy, hello. Hope you are well and happy with all the video time you get with your family.

    Jeri, sending well wishes to you. May you and all of your family remain safe and healthy ❤️❤️ Love all the photos you share. All the children are just lovely.

    Well, tada, the cards are now completed including the needed birthday card. I plan to make my trip to the post office drop off in a little while and may also try to return my last library book in the drop off. Our governor has ordered many other things close down including campgrounds which will depress many people. I have a friend who has been camping (in their lovely big rig) for a while and planned to stay 2 weeks. Oops.

    Wishing everyone well. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    An artsy teapot🌷🌷❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) We have a beautiful day with real feel temps in the 70's. Rain is expected tonight and tomorrow. My friend told me to go for a walk but I think I will just sit on my balcony. We are told that the next two weeks are crucial and everyone should stay home.
    Even though I have a mask, I just feel better staying in my own home.

    Lin, our videos call were great but I am still missing being with the kiddos. I know I am not alone and will get through this one day at a time. <3

    Anne, I am glad you are getting some groceries, they have actually told us to not go to the grocery store this week. :(

    Jackie, you just make me laugh with your casualness about the mice that Brady brings in the house. I would be terrified and probably not sleep a wink. You are indeed a true animal lover.
    Your little pond is just beautiful. <3

    Barbie, such talent, those hats are just beautiful <3

    Patsy, I agree that we are lucky with modern technology and able to view masses from our churches in our homes. Easter of course will be so different without being with family but one day we will all be together again and do lots of celebrating. <3

    Buzz and Barbie:

    Have a great day
    One Day at a Time