Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Well, the day ran away from me. Once I got Internet service back, I had decided to bake my own type of corn bread. So that kept me busy, grinding up oatmeal for oat flour, hunting for flaxseed meal (which I hadn’t used for a while) and lining up other ingredients, lining the pan with parchment paper etc. Big project in terms of time spent. 😉

    I will admit I have lost track of what I was planning to comment on.

    Barbie, I know I wanted to say to you that your very organized and successful shopping trip was inspiring. I think perhaps I don’t purchase things that are kept in stock? Or maybe I have a sense for poor timing? Going to the store has been quite a bit less successful. And what a great system you have in place for cleaning up as you return home. Best wishes to you and Jake! And of course—walk on!

    Anne, did you ever get additional supplies? Very difficult my friend. The one plus on the InstantCart system here is that although I might have to select a horrible date and time, like 6 to 8 pm 6 days from now, I said I would take first available. The people doing the shopping might be in the store as have selected and they will shop for a number of people at one time and then deliver it all. I have seen shoppers, back in the days when I was out shopping, in both Walmart and HyVee running about with several carts, consulting their phones and one of them told me she was shopping and always wanted to get the best produce for her people. So last week when I received groceries, it was because I didn’t want much and it was an easy add-on for a shopper already in the store so I didn’t have to wait at all. The same thing isn’t available in your store which is apparently doing all the shopping and delivery through their own system. Right?

    Sandy, we had a windy day here but it did get sunny later. I am thankful the tornados missed our county I am sorry any of them touched down but I heard although there was some damage, no one was injured. I feel so bad that people have more disaster piled on top of the current situation. I hope all of that is missing you.

    Jackie, yes, that is my continuing past time, trying to find cleaning and disinfecting products to order online. I strike out every day! But I cannot get them in the local stores either. Are you allowed to go for groceries and to the bank and such? Be sure to drive your car to keep it running well. 🤣😅🤣

    Buzz, good, you are starting to get around. Apparently the steroids are working a bit. ❤️❤️ well, I did not have any special photos of Dr. Fauci but I did watch several of the interviews he granted today. YouTube star!

    Patsy, best wishes to you and your family. I am sure you are continually concerned for both your son and your daughter. Have you been out for a drive? A friend posted a number of photos today. She and her DH did a spin around the entire metro area. I think they not only wanted to get out but wanted to drive their new vehicle some more.

    Jeri, has your weather straightened up now? Evidence of spring? Where do you walk when it is cold? I do love all the tremendous photos you post. More welcome any day.

    Hello to all other Sneakers. ❤️❤️

    Be safe and healthy

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another week starting and hopefully virus news in many areas will begin to improve. A little piece of positive news I saw today was that some British doctors and Formula 1 racing experts have developed equipment that will help many people who have breathing issues with the virus so won't need to use ventilators thus freeing up for the desperately ill. Every little cloud and all that!

    Although I have walked the dogs to the top road again I didn't take them on the moor because we have a bitterly cold wind still blowing that cuts to the bone. Poor George is a bit frustrated and grumpy because he hates walking on a lead so once the wind eases I'll get us all striding up there. It's almost lunchtime for me so I will eat the last apple in the fruit bowl with crispbread and a piece of cheddar and hope all three items appear in my shopping when I pick up tomorrow!

    I've tried to contact my brother in Spain through Skype but it reports he's not online so I just hope he's ok. Possibly overloading with everyone at home. Our clocks went forward Saturday night and I also have to think about whether he's an hour ahead still or not.

    Lin, when Anne mentioned flour wasn't in her shopping on Saturday I looked up alternatives to be used and was amazed how many substitutes there are.

    Your oat flour is included but then you probably know about all of them! Apart from walking once a day with no more than 2 people, car journeys are restricted to medical emergencies, essential food shopping and travelling to and from work if absolutely necessary. I have no doubt that somewhere on the route to the supermarket tomorrow I'll be stopped and checked by police because I'll cross over a bridge into another county so a good spot to set themselves up. I read on the BBC news website today that a man has been fined for travelling 200 miles to collect a £15 ebay window purchase and the police found his wife in the boot (trunk) of his car!! At least my new car will get a bit of a run.... 30 miles round trip at the most!
    Anticipating your tea picture! :D

    Buzz, I hate to read you are suffering those pains and do hope something can be done to help you. It seems you are between a rock and hard place not knowing if exercise is better for you or worse right now but please don't force yourself and have an accident because we most definitely need you online to see us through this awful time and you won't be able to do that if layed up! <3

    Jeri, is there anywhere close by you can take your camera? I'm guessing your flowers aren't out yet.... mine in the garden are only just showing a few leaves but the hedgerows are way behind this year so I don't think our current Arctic blast is encouraging them! Perhaps I'll take a photo tomorrow of George's current boring walk. :)

    Oh dear, I'm on my desktop and dare not turn a page and have to start again so will get that lunch organised and hopefully be back later to see what you are all up to.

    Have a good, healthy and safe Monday. Stay positive dear friends. <3
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Bye bye Apple!! 😁
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good morning. Hallelujah, we have sunshine🌞🌞, cold but should improve as the day goes on.

    Jackie, lovely photo of your lunch. The Apple looks scrumptious, I have some but they are getting a bit soft. A bit more and they may become apple sauce. 😉. And since I cannot have any type of wheat flour, all I have are alternate flours. I make oat flour since I have oatmeal but also have chickpea flour and corn flour (in addition to corn meal). I don’t use eggs either so I use substitutes for that, flaxseed meal usually, many people I know prefer aqua fava, if I have spelled that properly. You save the juice from canned beans, usually garbanzo beans. It can also be whipped up to look like egg whites.

    So, more boring I than anyone can bear, sorry! 🤣🤣. I will check out the link BTW, thanks.

    I need to pay some bills, get a check ready to mail to my church and talk to a financial institution about a renewal on an IRA. I am sure there are no options. But, oh well, I can speak with someone.

    Air hugs all round. I am always so happy to see your posts. A bright spot to the day🌺🌺


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020

    Teatime but I am drinking my coffee.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Oh my gosh!

    A young girl holds huge mangolds (beets) grown in Cornwall during the 1930s.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm drinking my coffee, that's because I've been out in the garden with Jillo the Beano. I hauled out my huge, well sort of, container full of earth and planted three definitely very seedy looking large red spuds in it to see what happens. Cut back some ivy, and managed to fill one and a half garden bags of leaves and debris. During this excitement Jillo yapped at strange noises, sniffed leaves and did what all dogs do, pooped. We came in, me for a coffee and her for a milky bone.

    I can't get into my delivery grocer at all - fully booked until the end of April, but the lads say not to worry they'll see me through, and Mark and Mary Jo brought a few odds and ends yesterday. No hugging and kissing! Groceries left outside the back door. I'm doing a running bill at the moment to pay them.

    I predict this will end suddenly, but don't take any notice of me because I was the one who thought 2020 would be a vast improvement on 2019.

    Eight of our towns firemen have got the bug. Must remember to turn the stove off, I have been guilty of being forgetful at times!

    Beginning to recover from exertions. Thinking of you all as I ponder on what to have for lunch. Oh, yes, leftover quiche!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Well it looks like we can be stuck on our homes until the end of April. That is what trump said but I will see what our governor says on his update this afternoon. I don't know how I will not be able to hug my grandchildren for that long but I don't think I will have a choice. After watching the pandemic of 1918 on the Smithsonian Channel this is very close to what they went through and I firmly believe social distancing is the answer, at least I pray it is.

    Anne, I am happy that Mark and Mary Jo are bringing your groceries, even though not hugging has to be hard. I do hope you are right and this will end suddenly and the sooner the better.

    Lin, I too, will be paying some bills today and getting caught up on computer things. Life sure is exciting these days. We do have sunshine with temps going up to 50 today so maybe I will venture a walk although I prefer my bike.

    Jackie, your poor pups don't have any idea that they are on lockdown and are missing their long walks on the moors. Hopefully your weather will improve and you can get there soon.

    Time to start my day although there is no real hurry right?? Have a safe day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny day here as well. Not sure if clouds will show up later but for right are my sunshine🎶🎶🎶🎶

    Yesterday was tough. I was blue and feeling like there was no end to this virus. I wondered if it would take us all by 6s and 7s. But today the sun is out. I have the laundry chugging along. I have a new walker to help me around the outside. It is a sort of garden walker/tractor/ seat thing. I can sit on it and scoot along as I pull a few weeds etc. it rolls on dirt or gravel easily. I know it sounds outrageous to have something like this but it is a wonderful helper.

    I bake a lot but I must do without sugar or too much oil and NO BUTTER! Sadly this makes a lot of things just not possible. I do research and try to come up with ideas. Cooking for two is often a challenge...if one of them is John. Seriously!

    Our children live in an alternate universe. They are planning and hoping for things to return to the way they were. I wonder if that will happen. Somethings could be left behind, I love that devestating pollution is going away in such a short time. We are hoping the fisheries return and our waters regain their health.

    We are watching old movies in the evening. Currently a wonderfully weird movie called “Her.” It stars Joaquin Phoenix. It is maybe 5 or 6 years old.
    Keep in touch, we need each other.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Dear Marie rang me up. Could she fetch me groceries. Marie had ALL her family for lunch on Sunday whilst my two lurked on the other side of my back door. We are not supposed to socialize at any time with more than five people and even that's frowned on. Marie had 10 people visiting INSIDE for Sunday lunch, plus Tony and herself. I decided to listen to my little family and Mr. Trudeau. "I'm okay Marie", I said "I can manage a bit longer. But do you know you're not to supposed to socialize at this contagious time". Marie assured me they are all totally healthy, they won't get the virus and she and Tony set off for the store to mingle with all the other healthy folk. I mentioned this to Mark and Michael. I have had to promise I'll only get groceries with THEM and grocery gateway if they still exist. I will interpret this as they like me still around which is sweet.

    Meanwhile, peering out the back window I caught sight of a black squirrel digging in my container and hurling spuds in all directions! So much for me planting potatoes for future hard times!

    Your weeding tractor thingy sounds wonderful PATSY! I wish I had a weeding tractor thingy. I think I got chilled whilst out gardening. It is only March still after all. I look lovely right now (sarcasm) but feel safe no one is likely to see me. Thick fisherman polo sweater over pink pyjama bottoms with royal blue polka dots. Sans makeup, must conserve the lipstick for better days. Oh and big fur lined slippers.
    Jillo is very envious of George's walk even if on a leash. We stayed in the back yard and she's now cuddled under her blankie. Maybe she got chilled as well.

    Thank you for all the children's names JERI. Poor SANDY as well also missing the children and BUZZ struggling. BARBIE, I'm so impressed with your routine, must tell my neighbour Marie next time she phones, and dear JACKIE, I hope you've heard from your brother by now. In Spain, I can understand you being worried. LIN, I don't think I will ever grow beets like those! I wonder if they were woody when cooked? I had almost forgotten mangelwurzels or beets! Lovely word, mangelwurzels!

    Hang in girls, all things end,
    Annie, thinking of you all. 🙃🌷🐶❤️

    PS. Michael will probably be back at work soon because Justin has promised businesses the gvt. will pay 75% of their wages. Mikes kinda relieved but I'm worried!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    It warmed up and I worked outside this afternoon, clearing dead stuff from my perennials that are trying to come up. Raked up some downed sticks and branches and generally enjoyed the warm, sunny weather.

    Lookie, leaves are sprouting.


    Spring may arrive one of these days.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member

    Spring in NW WA
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Beautiful signs of Spring from Lin and Barbie. Love the daffodils!
    Another bright day but still cold so the usual walk... poor George!

    I get the impression Betty doesn't really understand these walks on the roads... Just trots along with us and waits to get home for a pee! 😁

    Early lunch then off to pick up my click and collect, the biggest adventure I've had in weeks! Most of you won't be up yet but I wish you all a healthy start to your day. I will return. 😊
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hello. I've just spent ages and ages getting through to the bank. GG no longer does "pay at the door" which makes sense because no one handles the debit machine. I've had to order a card from the bank, which is free to seniors, this card lets you order and the amount is immediately taken directly from your chequing account. Like a debit card only you can't use it in actual grocery stores, just online. I'm sure you will know about this but I'm definitely thick in the skull department and it's all new to me. I guess we won't have Dorio hauling the groceries in anymore. Probably will chuck them from the grocery van and hope they land close to the door.

    Mind you, peering at the grocery site, still no vacant spots so one could die of starvation before one discovers if the card works or not. That's if it arrives in the mail of course. You have to type in the number and particulars and after that it's automatic. What do you think computer expert SANDY? No worse than doing the same with a visa I guess.

    Maybe Betty is a modest girl JACKIE and doesn't like peeing in full view on the highway! I know I wouldn't, lol.

    Now what do I do. Too cold to garden. No banks to bug. Can't fill out a grocery order with no times available, no cooking because a bit of quiche left. It should be NOvember instead of the last day of March. April fools day tomorrow. What can I say!

    Annie. At least the tulips and daffs are through and about 4 inches high. 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good morning. One more day of nice weather. 🤗

    Barbie, I love the daffodils. That is spring in bloom. ❤️❤️ Thanks for the happiness. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Jackie, at least you are out and about even though George and Betty are confused. If you have to continue to do that, they will adapt. I think. Thanks for the photos. First of the doggies on leashes. But they are still gorgeous. Those are narrow, very narrow roads. Wow! Happy driving for your grocery pickup. I trust you will be able to get everything on your list. 🤞🏻

    Anne, wow, such frustration in obtaining provisions, especially when staying at home. I would rely heavily on my family to bring things. They love you and will not let you go without. As far as your card, nope I really don’t know, I have a credit card from one of these big credit card companies and I have a debit card from my credit union. I actually have never used the debit card. 😉. I hope you get the card and all works out.

    I am doing better here as I can order more shelf stable items from companies such as Eden Foods, Date Lady,, Bema & Pa’s Vinegars, Dr. Fuhrman (mostly my vitamins), And many, many more. I do not know how long they will be able to ship, but I placed orders for stock up if they all have to cease shipping for a while. People tell me I can get anything I need/want through Amazon but it isn’t true here. Apparently we aren’t in a good location as far as shipping is concerned. For others in the U.S., I did discover, new to me, that I can go to the Amazon web site and click on a Whole Foods. I can put together an order and they will actually deliver to my house. No signature required. Again, you need to find an available time but right now it seems doable. No paper products though.

    I am taking fabric to a friend’s house today and leaving it on her porch. She is sewing masks. Several of us are restocking her today. She was on the verge of cutting up bed sheets as she is about out of fabric. Apparently just before the world went crazy, she investigated how to make the masks and ordered elastic so she is in business. I note others on Facebook are saying they cannot order it anywhere at this point.

    Well, I guess that is all that is new (and uninteresting) from here n

    Waves, hugs, wishes for health and joy.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    My morning contribution ❤️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :)
    So I received an email from someone I thought was from my meeting asking me to contact her because she needed my help. Like an idiot I responded and asked what she needed.
    Her email read:
    Thank you for getting back to me, it’s my Nephews' birthday today and stores around me are currently closed, I need to get him an eBay gift card of $300. I promised to get him a gift but I can’t get it from here because most stores are closed like I said before. Can you get it for me at any store around you, I will get you reimbursed.
    I emailed back: How stupid do you think I am?
    She emailed back: VERY STUPID
    Yes, I changed my email password and she is now in my spam folder. Be careful out there.

    I will be back later, I haven't even showered yet.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    After a cold rainy night and early morning, we have sunshine. I am feeling spring will come but she is a flirty girl. She shows up and and winks at us but then dances off leaving a cold wintery blast.

    Since my southern genes get the best of me, I made banana pudding but without the whipped egg white topping. I know you wonder, “what was the Point?” I had several very fragrant bananas that needed to be used asap. To layer the pudding and bananas, I made a sort of sponge cake to use instead of vanilla wafers. I used stevia instead of sugar. Bleck! I don’t recommend it. But John liked it. Mission accomplished.

    I have made several masks for us to use. I make the kind with a pocket for a filter. I use a cut up hepa vacuum cleaner bag for filters. We use them once then throw them in the wash. I have seen some patterns that use rubber bands or even string that tie in the back. Since John has adult onset asthma, we are trying to be very careful these days. Our sweet neighbors have offered help on just about any and everything. However unless absolutely necessary, we want to do most things ourselves.

    I do get upset and very angry at thoughtless people who insist on living their life as if this pandemic had no relevance whatsoever.

    Working on a tarot design called the tower. Instead I am using a lighthouse just still sketching out the design. I will use a stormy sea and sea creatures also in the designs. I am not doing these on the card size. It is easier to make them much larger, like a painting. Then shrink it down digitally.

    I need to wash windows but will wait for that elusive spring day. Taking down the lace curtains to wash some time this week. Ugh! Dusty and I fear a few spiders as well.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Well, I found my trip to Plymouth an eye opener and I realise now what a bubble I’m living in. Few cars on the road until I crossed the Tamar bridge into the city where I was amazed at the amount of traffic and also people walking about. How come they are ignoring the lockdown because they can’t possibly all be on their way to supermarkets? My first grocery click and collect experience was pain free once I found the pick up point, a delivery truck parked up near the store, so in no time I was heading home with it all bagged up in the boot. Interestingly it wasn’t very busy at the store and I think that’s because customer numbers are now restricted so they queue at the door 2 meters apart waiting for those in the store to exit. No more bulk shopping allowed either thank goodness so the shelves are no longer empty but several items in my list were exchanged for something similar. I say similar but a pack of 2 paper kitchen towels I’m needing weren’t available so instead I found a 4 pack of loo rolls. That made me laugh considering the panic buying that’s been going on! Back to the peace and quiet of my bubble in the countryside thank goodness and I now realise why the virus continues to spread because not everyone is practicing social distancing as we do in this area.

    Anne, I really do think the Mediterranean culture of kissy huggy ciao tutti is what’s causing the awful increase of deaths in Italy and Spain and your Marie and family are the same. Yes, there are still people who think themselves invincible unfortunately.

    You’ve been busy Patsy what with mask making, banana pud and the Tarot cards. I’m also saving the indoor window cleaning for another day, one when I’m horribly bored probably!

    Lin, that’s a fascinating tea set and unusual shape. Attractive in its own way. A couple of weeks ago when some food items were hard to come by I looked at Amazon but found nothing I wanted. Organic dried beans I usually buy disappeared, no flour or rice and extortionate prices on hand gels. I’m managing to live without! 😛

    Goodness Sandy, is there no end to what these con artists will try? Well done for spotting it though because I’m guessing not everyone does especially with so much else concentrating minds at the moment.

    Hoping Buzz is alright and finding relief from those pains. Take care lovely lady. 💖

    Caught up on Skype this evening with my brother in Spain who is bored but being very sensible following lockdown rules then chatted to my good friend who lives in Gloucestershire.... we put the world to rights that’s for sure!!

    Time for bed. Nothing planned for tomorrow so take it as it comes.

    Lots of hugs to you all from across the pond! 😘🥰😍
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good day everyone. Had a long walk then a even longer catch up with a friend who lives in London and is struggling to get ahold of supplies but we managed to laugh about lots of loo roll stories!

    I’ve just watched our lunchtime news that showed an item about David Hockney making the most of his time in lockdown and immediately thought of Patsy.

    Things to do outside and also housework so will pop back later.
    Stay safe. ❤️