Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ah Buzz, you got in just before me. That's some weight loss but certainly not the best way to achieve it. Good to know you remain safe. 😍❤
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited April 2020
    Happy Wednesday :) It is sunny for now but rain is coming later. I don't think it is warm enough to sit on my balcony in my swimsuit as I did yesterday but will be good for fresh air.
    I heard some disturbing news this morning from my friend. Her son is in isolation because his doctor thinks he might have the virus. The doctor said they will know for sure Friday depending on his symptoms. His daughter is a nurse and my friend said the hospital just moved her to the floor where the virus patients on ventilators are. Sad news but hopefully they will be fine, I know my friend is really worried but all we can do is pray.
    I got a package from Amazon today and without thinking brought into my house. I immediately sprayed it with lysol and then took the pills out of the box and sprayed that box as well and then washed my hands. I am getting so paranoid with this virus but the numbers keep going up in Illinois and we are considered a hot spot. Will be so grateful when we get our lives back even though they will probably all be changed.

    Buzz, I agree with Jackie that is some weight loss, I pray you are on the road to recovery. Our Easter/Passover will certainly be different this year. My daughter is having a zoom Easter dinner for us all to eat together.

    Jackie, I love the new picture as I love all of them with your critters. Makes me smile as I am sure it does all of us. Enjoy your walk tomorrow but keep social distancing.

    Patsy, wow, really until the end of May? I am sure hoping that we can leave our homes by the end of April, this is so hard. People like your neighbors get me so angry, what is wrong with them??

    Lin, I am glad you got that charge taken care of, we have enough to worry about. I love hear the birds chirping away it really is making it seem like spring is here.

    Anne, well you already changed your picture but you looked great to me. You certainly don't look your age and should be proud. Is it your range or Mark's that is having problems?
    Did you tell them about the leak?

    Enjoy the day if you can, hopefully the sun is shining.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2020
    It's Mark and Mary Jo's range SANDY that's broken down and I've still got the leak and am coping with a bucket. Just praying the oak tree doesn't start blocking the outside drain pipe again with its roots. Not a plumber to be seen. Mark won't come in and fix the sink pipe if I can cope and especially after he's been to the grocery store! This will all pass but I think the end of May is optimistic. We have been told 12 months to two years!
    We are incredibly lucky though in this age to be able to communicate with friends and family.
    And of course we are all in this together. No exceptions in the world.
    Please stay safe everyone,
    Janice just knocked on my door. I kept the glass outer door shut and talked to her through it. I shall lose my friends at this rate! Felt terribly paranoid but when the sons are so careful I feel I must follow their instructions. She's 13 years younger than me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Anne, I have heard similar things but at the same time people are saying schools will be back in session this fall which would indicate a lot of people will be out and about. It is confusing but I do known there is no way everything in my house will hold together for a year or more without service call and maintenance.

    So fingers crossed, prayers, and hoping if there is anything I can fix, that I will find a way. And may we all hold together.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just read "Trudeau says return to work will be graduated and likely months off". The Globe and Mail.
    Oh boy,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    There is no way I can stay away from my grandkids for a year let alone for the next month.
    Let's pray there is a vaccine found fast or at least something to help us all.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    One day at a time Sandy... this pandemic is the most disruptive event in our lifetime according to most analysts so we just have to wait and see what happens next. Personally I find it easier not to dwell on it too much but hang on to advice someone gave at the start to concentrate on what I can control.... that's when to put the kettle on for a cuppa or what time to walk the pooches. Oh yes, let's not forget shall I wear my hat today? 😎
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »
    One day at a time Sandy... this pandemic is the most disruptive event in our lifetime according to most analysts so we just have to wait and see what happens next. Personally I find it easier not to dwell on it too much but hang on to advice someone gave at the start to concentrate on what I can control.... that's when to put the kettle on for a cuppa or what time to walk the pooches. Oh yes, let's not forget shall I wear my hat today? 😎

    :)Jackie, I am with you, taking life one day at a time. I can control what I eat, where I walk, who comes into my house, how I entertain myself, and my attitude. There is so much to be grateful for. I am so privileged compared to many others and I don't want to lose sight of that.

    <3 Barbie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Great advice JACKIE. And miracles DO happen SANDY.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Absolutely BARBIE. I was lying in bed with the Bean and thinking exactly that. So much to be grateful for.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2020
    A beautiful day so I've dug out my umbrella for the deck so I can sit in the shade and read for a while.
    My neighbour joined us for a quiet walk for about an hour and we stopped off at our local Neolithic Trethevy Qoit which is some sort of ancient burial spot for someone important all those year's ago.

    A cheese omelette for my lunch and now thinking I'll put the vacuum round the cottage before chilling. I'd better start upstairs because George and Betty have crashed out in my sitting room after their long walk!

    Hoping everyone continues on in a safe and healthy way. Yes Barbie, seeing how some areas of society are struggling right now I'm truly grateful for what I have and the wonderful friends in my life.

    😍🙋‍♀️❤ Jackie

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Thank you for reminding me of things I preach to all of you. One Day at a Time and so much to be grateful for. Today is my meeting and I am leading so I will remind everyone to be grateful and to take is one day at a time. You are such good people and I am very grateful for all of you.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning to you beautiful sneakers! It is a lovely but cool spring morning here. Marveled at that gorgeous moon again last night. It was amazing to clearly see some lunar features.

    John did a supply run and we are set for a month. He might dash out in a couple of weeks to see about fresh fruit and veggies, but maybe not. Our pantry looks ready for almost any eventuality. I also can’t help feeling a bit depressed about not seeing and hugging our kids. But we will talk on the phone and I am trying to understand and set up a zoom chat with them. I am not a techie but our son and our daughter are very knowledgeable. Our grandson is a gaming champ so he is impatiently trying to help me. He can’t understand how I can live and be uninformed about technology. Until now I have never felt the need to learn more about technology.

    I am also very grateful and blessed. But I often descend into dark worrisome places. Exercise, cleaning our home and being with John and Katie help me enormously. At night I lie in bed enumerating my blessings. You must know that you sneakers are at the very top of my list.

    Eastertime is such an emotional time for me and is bound up in my beliefs, memories, family and the uplifting church services. Mixed in with odd chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs and lovely Easter baskets. We are a strange culture. A little of everything stirred together while we run around in our new clothes with a basket gathering eggs. Huh? I have a couple of special hand painted eggs we bought from a Russian village when we lived in Alaska. I love them. They are so fragile I keep them in a little box but they are brought out at Easter to wonder at the artist who painted them.

    Thank you for letting me be a member of the sneakers. You are all very tolerant of my rants and political clap-trap. I am grateful!.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Good day. I did a bit of cooking this morning and had a nice long conversation with one of our coffee club members, well, former library ladies and now former coffee ladies. She does not have any Internet access and does not turn on the television all day. She waits until the evening news. But she reads newspapers, in print, each day. Our local paper, the Wall Street Journal and another Sunday newspaper, I cannot remember which one, maybe the New York Times?

    She is well caught up on current events due to the daily reading. Consequently, we talked for a long time! Maybe an hour or so. She is quite sad about the Holy Week and not being able to worship with others. While spending more time in prayer and meditation she very much wants to be with others during the next few days with the Maundy Thursday service a Good Friday service and the two Easter services. If she had an Internet connection at least she could stream those services from several different local churches. She of course has no email account so cannot avail herself of all the special devotions and messages that have been available.

    Anyway, a good catch up!

    The handyman showed up with his helper this morning and they worked on stabilizing my backyard fence. I am so glad because as they finished, the wind started gusting again and is forecast to continue to be strong through this evening. Just in time. Very thankful.

    Have also caught up with some Facebook friends and have placed a grocery order for delivery whenever. Another one of those, will take any available openings, but will be delivered by Sunday. So we shall see.

    Jackie, loved the photo. That must have been a lovely walk.

    Sandy, yes, you are usually reminding us of the one day at a time mantra but we all have times when the enormity and uncertainty throw us off balance a bit. I am happy to see you are back on track. And I hope the meeting went well.

    Patsy, I loved to hear all of the bits and pieces you shared about Easter, your traditions, and your own honest uncertainties that plague all us in a dark moment. We love you and John and Katie and will be here❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ And wow, what a shopping trip!!! If I would go to the store myself, I might be able to find more things. As it is, I am relying on others and whatever times they have to make deliveries. But all in all, doing well.

    Barbie, you always have things totally in hand. You are my hero!

    Anne, are you cooking today or waiting to make your big Easter dinner. I saw an ad today saying you could make an Easter dinner for under $10. A small chicken, potatoes and carrots! 🤣😂 In my childhood that winks have been poor rations with no bread or pie.

    Must go. I think some type of delivery may have arrived, something trumped against my house.



    P.S. yes, that was the delivery thump 😉
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

    Interesting color.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just had a lovely surprise and have to share. Derek my grandson and his love Bev have sent me a beautiful bunch of purple tulips and a card! I haven't had flowers bought me for years! It will be the first time in his 27 years we haven't had Easter together!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LOvely posts, dear ladies. Feeling groggy and anxious to switch to new grout medications in a couple of days. Hoping it works for me. Meantime I keep my fingers crossed! Reading BECOMING by Michelle Obama is teaching me much about Chicago. I' m liking the book! Stay well, my loves........
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    101 years old and he's just beaten the corona virus. Worth remembering it's not all doom and gloom!


    Then there's your beautiful tulips and card Anne. What a thoughtful young man Derek is.

    Bedtime for me.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good Friday morning friends. I've just had my traditional boiled egg and "soldiers" for breakfast. Bean had a little egg yolk sprinkled on her chicken. It will be fish cakes for lunch. No meat on Good Friday.
    Out in the garden, despite a sprinkling of snow yesterday, my daffy down dillies are in bloom along with the hyacinths, and inside Derek and Bevs tulips are cheering me up no end.
    Hope today is safe, peaceful and contemplative for everyone,
    God bless,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good day, nothing new here so here’s a lovely tea set


    Hugs ❤️❤️❤️

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️🌷