Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wishing us all
    ..........I'm seeing less pain. Be well, dear friends.
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy Easter darling sneakers. It looks like a clear sunny day and while John and Katie are enjoying a late sleepin, I am making plans for a small Easter dinner for John later. A phone chat with our son and hopfully our daughter a bit later with a mug of coffee and a few rather magnificent strawberries from Costco. I am impressed at the measures costco has gone to safe guard their staff as well as customers. Someday we will be normal again....the Easter bunny still visits thanks to amazon.
    Stay well dearest friends,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member;url=;psig=AOvVaw1ucItbH2vlAwUYB8taKWAP&amp;ust=1586802122641000&amp;source=images&amp;cd=vfe&amp;ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCKjDztjA4-gCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAz2658fg2jk456.jpeg

    Hello dear friends, I hope you are enjoying a peaceful day. Another sunny one for me and after walking the pooches round the block I sat in my neighbours’ garden for morning coffee and to exchange chocolate Easter bunnies. We managed social distancing by creating a wide circle round their table but then as we laughed at dear George’s long fringe while he chased a ball, hair clippers were brought out and Louise gave him what I can only describe as a mullet so he now appears to have a constant startled expression! Had a fun Skype catch up with a dear friend too before lunch but yesterday evening a FaceTime chat with friends who live in London, Ontario wouldn’t work for us so instead they phoned and we nattered for nearly an hour. They had spent Winter months in Florida but luckily watched CBC News so heard Justin Trudeau’s advice to all Canadians to come home. They made it just in time and have decided to spend future winters at home! I expect a lot of folk will feel a need to stay close to home for some time to come.

    Our weather is going to change overnight so I’ve potted on plants that arrived in the post and sat in the sun reading, generally making the most of the warmth. I heard that a neighbour I would sometimes see in the morning driving off to buy a newspaper contracted the virus and died last week which brings it home I’m not in as safe a bubble as I assumed.

    Stay safe and well... not too much chocolate either! 😋😛😝
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello, very cold day. Thunderstorms, falling temperatures, increasing wind....could be snow and/or ice later. I am very glad to be indoors. Oooh, little ice pellets falling now.

    Anyway, I have watched a number of church services online and listened to some lovely music.

    I have also signed up for a grocery delivery for Thursday morning. They have extended the delivery signups due to high demand. We will see what I am able to get. Apparently going to the grocery store in person is producing much better results now. Well, maybe some day.

    Take care everyone and thank you for all the lovely greetings.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    A rabbit today 😅

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Jackie loved the video.....keeps things in perspective. <3
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Today I am going to be very brave. Yesterday I went out in a howling wind and came back in looking like someone who had put their finger in a light socket. My hair is thick but fine in texture. Today I am going to be very brave and cut the damn lot short. Do not expect a photo. I just hope It will grow quickly before we all emerge into daylight again. (Reminder to self - Must look out for a hat like JACKIES.)

    Other than that life is spectacularly flat. It's like living on a desert island. The highlight, I washed the sheets, the pillow cases and everything else I could find. Beans blankie for example. Then I cooked the pigeon masquerading as a chicken. Did an awful lot of texting and phoning and my artist grandson sent me a photo of his latest abstract painting which could be a fiery sun in a cloudy sky or a coronavirus emerging from the wash. Actually quite clever and maybe I'll dig out the paints and have a go at this abstract stuff. Can't garden, rain all day.

    Moan, or as we used to say in the old country, chuntering done for the day, off to find the scissors. Mike says with his curly hair he's beginning to look like a giant dandelion puff ball but won't let me cut it OR go near him. Mark who's hair is slightly dark chestnut is beginning to look quite caveliar whilst Mary Jo, peering at her through the car window, definitely Rapunzel if that's how you spell the dame with the long hair hanging out of turret windows name.

    Oh, happy Easter Monday dear ladies and John.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. Apart from a howling gale that blew anything not tied down round the garden last night, including a very heavy patio umbrella with its stand, the sun is shining and it's relatively mild. After washing my hair so it fluffed out even more than I could have anticipated, I wore my new hat on our walk and the few people I met didn't giggle behind a hand or look shocked so I'll continue to use it until my dear hairdresser is allowed back into her salon. Once home I sat George on my knee and did my best to tidy the long hair under ears and across his cheeks so now the poor boy looks as if he got drawn into the lawnmower!! This lockdown is going to have to continue until some of it grows back otherwise I'm in trouble with his groomer.

    The weather has been incredibly kind allowing gardening to be carried out for the past 3 weeks but I am aware you are not all getting the same warm sunny climes so do hope your true Spring is just round the corner.

    Yesterday afternoon my neighbour dug up a huge Cardoon and split it into about 6 plants giving one to me that's now potted into an old half barrel that I uncovered as I cleared the bottom of my garden. It will be quite a feature once it gets established because the silver foliage tends to spread out before large thistle type flowerheads shoot up to over 6' in height, a bit like a Globe artichoke. I'll have to check if they are edible!

    Lin, that rabbit is not only appropriate but also the cutest thing I've ever seen. Not sure about pouring tea out of it but I imagine it's incredibly tactile so I'd sit it on my lap and stroke it all day! :D

    Ooh Anne, good luck with your hair cutting session! If you saw the way poor George is currently looking you would understand why I wouldn't dare set to on my own hair. Not to say I won't change my mind after another 3 weeks locked down!

    Housework should probably be quite high on my list of things to do but instead I'm going to go outside and soak up my daily dose of vitamin D. Time for a light lunch first. My chocolate Easter bunny was demolished yesterday so I must think about what I'm eating today. :|

    Take care. Have a safe and healthy Monday.
    <3 Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well I did it. It's gone back to shaggy and curly and I suspect I look like George but not so pretty.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Time for a pretty teapot photo


    Lin ❤️❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited April 2020
    Happy Monday! :) In spite of the stay at home order my Easter was nice. We had a zoom call and stayed on for an hour just laughing and having fun. Of course the kiddos added to our humor since they were so loud. But at least I got to see all my children and all my grandchildren. I am grateful.

    Even though I just received my grocery order on Saturday I still need more items. They were out of some of my basica so I am hoping Bryanna will go for me today. I haven't really left the house since this began so why start now??

    Anne, I am sure your hair looks great, the last time you cut it, it looked good. Me on the other hand would be a disaster. Does Jilly still love you? That is all that matters.

    Jackie, I am jealous of your beautiful weather, well except for the gale. We are back in the 30's with strong winds. House work should be on my to do list but didn't sleep well so I am just going to be lazy.

    Lin, loved the bunny and the new teapots every day. If Bryanna can't go shopping for me, I will put in another order and hope for the best.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Came through what I was concerned might be a stroke last night, since I do not ordinarily have headaches, spent the night with ice-packs sitting in my lounge chair switching to bed before my night-aide left. Must have dozed since I wakened when my daytime aide arrived and when she stood me up for transfers, I COULD STAND! 😁 No gout pain today! Hallelujah! Finally, I see light at the end of the tunnel! Enjoyed all the posts and sending my love to each of you!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dears! I have the laundry on and Katie fed and the dish washer is gurgling and bubbling so we will have clean dishes soon.

    As I mentioned before, I have no fear when it comes to cutting my hair. Snip snip away. Hair does self correct with a bit of time. How can you go wrong? I cut what little hair hair John has. He enjoys the attention and the smell of the special hair conditioner I use when I cut our hair. I distract him by turning on the TV in my dungeon. He watches whatever old series is on...The Twilight Zone is his favorite currently.

    We had a nice Easter under the circumstances. A long chat with our son and a chat with our daughter. They are so different, it really is like they came from different families. They have different values as well. They are both good people!

    I wasn’t able to get the zoom account activated in time for a Easter visit. Everyone says it is really easy to set up! (?). I get so frustrated by the fact I can’t understand and work with all the great computer software applications. I feel helpless at times. I am not very good with machines of any kind.

    Time to rotate the laundry. Back later, will try not to whine so much.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hi, what a big day here today. I made a trip to the post office to mail some letters and on my way back I drove by the hardware store. Did another circle and went into the parking lot. I think I may have spied 25 lb. Morton Softener Salt bags and some potting soil on sale. Must try to get through on the phone to talk to them.

    But meanwhile, I was able to place a grocery order with Whole Foods for delivery today! Excitement. Apparently everyone fought to get their supplies before Easter and now there are more open spots. I have an order in for the remainder of things I am trying to get from another store on Thursday morning. Yes, another open spot! I have never seen this much availability in the weeks I have been doing this.

    I tidied up some storage areas and found the nut milk bag I had been looking for. Wahoo! I ordered soybeans for making into milk or sprouting or making tempeh. We will see how that will work out. Also ordered some little seed pod things for my old Aero-Garden. I know where it is and in the next few days I will get it out, clean it up and get it ready to launch again. It didn’t work that well before, very dirty from leaves and debris but it is worth a shot again.

    My first batch of sprouts are chugging along and looking much more like edible sprouts. 😀

    Intensely exciting day compared to many others. I also am putting together bits and pieces of leftovers in my card making endeavors and have 5 card fronts pretty well finished, most of a whimsical birthday card with an elephant in huge purple glasses I colored quite a while ago as the focal point, and 3 more cards that are tentatively layed out but nothing is fastened down yet.

    Time to start organizing the trash but it is still very windy. Hope it dies down later

    Must run. Back later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Me again. Time for hot tea?


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Sending a note to you my friends.


    Hugs 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Now there's a happy little bird.
    Just a quick good morning because Michael is dropping off Jilly treats and odds and bobs. I'm hoping he will take her for a nice long walk, but he says he will never forgive himself if I he gives me the bug. (From his clothes from shopping). Mark and his dad don't think he should linger and definitely keep six feet away. So I'm not sure if it will be a quick dash or not. If a dash The Bean will go nuts because she loves Michael more than anybody else.
    Sunny here after gale force winds yesterday. Hope today is good for everyone.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our lovely weather will continue until Thursday so I must make the most. 😎 Needing hen supplies I drove the pooches to our local woods that are enroute so they had their first walk off lead since lockdown began. George was so full of himself he made me laugh all the way round while Betty trotted behind kicking leaves when he did and sniffing any blade of grass he found interesting. No cars parked there until we returned and a family got out of theirs and walked towards me so I stopped before making a point of giving them a wide birth. Definitely not locals because they didn't speak but looked uncomfortable so no doubt slipped the police net and slipped into Cornwall!! Utter chaos at the farm supply store with delivery trucks scattered everywhere and customers queuing to get to the yard at the rear so I waited outside on foot in their one out, one in line for the few items I wanted inside. Bedding for my hen house was left for another day because that would have required my joining the chaos! I stopped at the farm shop on the way home for salad greens, locally produced sausages plus carrots to add to George's lunches but managed to ignore home baked cakes on a shelf next to their counter!

    Plans for the afternoon... saw up a few thick branches for the log burner then cut the grass.

    Counting my blessings I have a home I consider a safe haven anď of course my sneaker friends! 😍 oh yes, then there's my mini hothouse in the garden room where seeds are beginning to sprout. 👩‍🌾🥕🌽🥦🌶

    Take care and stay safe.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin, I was going to comment that blue China must be your favourite colour but then you post pink, gold and yellow... Pretty just the same! 😁
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited April 2020
    Happy Tuesday! :) I am kind of surprised I know what day it is since they all run together. Not to warm here and we have had some snow flurries. I wish Spring would come and bring some warm weather and sunshine. :) Thinking I will do some cleaning today just for something different. :D
    I hope Bryanna goes to the store for me again, it seems like I need something everyday. I am not used to eating at home so much so I am going through food fast. lol

    Jackie, you do keep yourself busy which is a good thing. Riding my bike helps me and my mood plus the added benefit of staying healthy. The weight is staying the same even though I would like to lose those last few pounds. Once I do I am going to call the stay at home order off. lol Your mini hot house plants look like they are thriving, great job.

    Anne, Michael is being very cautious which is a good thing. I know you miss your boys as much as I miss my grandchildren. I said to a friend yesterday if I have been confined for four weeks why can't I go visit my grandkids and she said because it isn't what you bring them it is what they might bring you. It is true but so hard.

    Lin, love your note, thank you. <3 Like Jackie you keep yourself busy. I don't know where my days go but by the time I am organized it is time for dinner.

    Patsy, zoom is easier if someone else starts a meeting. So far I only get invites so not in charge. I might have to see if I can do it and invite all of you one day.

    Buzz, hope your still feeling better and things are improving.

    I guess I will take a shower just because. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time