Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Just stopping by to share a lovely wacky teapot. 🤗


    See you later ❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited April 2020
    Happy Monday! :) Another nice day for taking a walk. It is supposed to get cloudy later so I hope I get out before that happens. Nothing else exciting same old, same old.

    Lin, cute tea pot, I only own the regular black kind that whistles when done, although not sure the whistle is working. Only my daughter and daughter in law drink tea. I do sometimes when sick which I hope doesn't happen.

    Anne, Canada had a mass shooting among all the other chaosis, sad world right now.

    Looks like Lin and I are the first ones posting and my page has flipped so I will check back later. Have a great day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hello, the drizzle has stopped and the sun is out, for a while. I am going to drive to the post office to mail a few letters. Might also stop by my credit union although maybe I should save that for another day. 🤣🤣

    Followed up on a payment I had sent that was never processed through my account. They were quite nice on the phone and verified they had received the money and my renewal confirmation should arrive in the next week or so.

    I also planted a few basil seeds in a pot that I put on the kitchen window sill. Also have a few parsley seeds which I am soaking now and will plant them in another day or so. I put them in warm wet paper towels and wrapped it in aluminum foil.

    After my trip, I am going to read about how to make tempeh. I found a few articles so we will see. I have no idea how difficult it is.

    That is about all from here other than a lady at church who was pregnant and due later in May went to the hospital with high blood pressure. It didn’t resolve so she had the baby by C-section yesterday. I guess the baby is okay and won’t have to stay a long time in NICU.

    But another lady wants to do a baby shower on Sunday. We all meet in our cars and drive in a line up to the new mom’s home in another town and parade by her house yelling and honking and we each leave a baby gift. List forthcoming. Hello, I will not be able to shop or order anything by then. Poor planning. Most everyone is old in our church. Sorry Heidi, no gift from me next Sunday. Oh well.

    Sandy, you have a kettle. You either plug it in if it is electric or put it on the stove to heat water right? A teapot is the neat thing you can actually brew the tea in. I admit I am normally much too lazy to make my tea in the pot. I did, once upon a time as I used loose tea and it worked out much nicer.

    I just love pretty teapots! Unique teapots! Ugly teapots! 🤣😂🤣

    Take care everyone. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes, I've visited the place where the murders took place. Beautiful rural place and friendly, lovely people. Indeed very sad. It's such an unlikely place for this to happen, one wonders if the virus played a part in causing stress which led to violence and a mental breakdown. Totally and unexpectedly sad.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hello everyone. Changed my mind; I'm not forging ahead alone yet. Realize y head is not where it should be!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. The sun has returned although windy enough for me to wear my new hat when I walked the pooches. I think I look like one of the many eccentric ladies of a certain age I see around the village so will now view them in a new light! 🤠
    My shopping expedition was a great success from the quiet roads to an almost empty supermarket with stacked shelves. I even managed to buy a large pack of rice although it was long grained rather than brown but I'm sure George won't mind as it's mostly for his lunch mix. The drive home was quiet too and no sign of police who might question my journey so I'm thinking a trip every couple of weeks will see me through lockdown.
    Another treat was this evening when I switched on the BBC world news only to discover they've decided to cheer us up by offering alternative programmes that offer new hobbies while stuck at home rather than depressing news. The first was the Joy of Painting where the presenter created a beautiful picture using only a 2" paintbrush and a palette knife and had me thinking I could do something similar for the first few minutes before realising he had a definite talent unlike me!

    That was followed by The Beauty of Maps which might sound boring but in fact was fascinating and all about a Medieval wall map that hangs in Hereford cathedral that is the o my one in existence. It meant I've missed Coronavirus news updates today and feel all the better for that!

    Anne, I too spent a wonderful holiday in Nova Scotia so was sad to read about the mass shooting. Nowhere is safe these days unfortunately. I'm so happy for you now you will have regular food supplies. I've got 3 unopened packs of dark chocolate digestives in a cupboard as I can't do without during cuppa time!

    Sandy, I'm pleased you are out in the sunshine walking and am sure you will feel so much better too. We all need to get a break from the 4 walls occasionally.

    Now that teapot is bonkers Lin and each time I look at it I see a different shape! Tonight I'm imagining a sea lion!!

    Well I tried earlier to Skype my brother in Spain but no answer so will give it another try before bed although he's an hour ahead so perhaps already asleep.

    Take care everyone. A special hug for Buzz... you are on the mend lovely lady but please take things slow but sure. 😍

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Jackie, Bob Ross!!!!! Beloved painting show on PBS for a long time and we still get reruns. Everyone loves him. Happy Little Accidents. How wonderful. 😄😁

    A quote by Ross—We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” “Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you're willing to practice, you can do.” “There's nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend.”
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! This is my third try at posting! There is a goblin hiding in my iPad or else it is the internet gobin again.

    We had a lovely warm spring day. John took a full load of cardboard to the recycle center. We had to, we had no choice but to do this. We were running out of room to store all of the empty amazon boxes. We try to order when ever possible. The cardboard was to the ceiling in the garage and the shop.

    Jackie: the Bob Ross painting classes are still shown here as well. I think I heard he died some time ago but not really sure. He is the best. I also love his philosophy of creativity.

    Anne: I agree about the stress and depression getting to people. Our neighbor had another big bbq on his deck. 20 to 25 people all eating, laughing, having a wonderful time. All in close contact on their deck. I felt a bit resentful as I declined the invitation. But I didn’t resort to snarky comments about social distancing but I thought some rude unsaid remarks. And I really don’t wish bad things to happen to them but I hope nothing happens as a result of that happy gathering.

    Buzz: I hope your aides are helping you and that you enjoy their company. We all think of you constantly and sincerely hope you are feeling better. Isolution is also very painful. There comes a time when the computer and the TV are not enough. From that Point of view, they are necessary as well.

    Lin: I watched mass on YouTube last Sunday. I tried to make the experience as peaceful and quiet as possible. I did feel somewhat restored after. But I can see internet church isn’t the same.

    Good nite dear ones, be safe and healthy,
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2020
    JACKIE and LIN and ANNE. Yes! Here we all are sitting in three different countries and joined together watching the "happy little accidents man" and itching to create our own happy little accidents.

    Huge crash in the night. Jilly ran to the back door to investigate. She ran back to fetch me barking. The outer glass door had worked itself free in a very high wind and had crashed against the house. Now securely locked because we are promised powerful gusts all day, but wasn't she a brave little dog letting me know instead of being scared, all 12 inches in height! Usually I don't lock the outer glass door so the family can enter with their keys if needs be.

    PATSY, it's so neighbourly and friendly normally in NS that it is being questioned if the isolation and maybe financial woes sent a seemingly normal man over the edge. I believe he was a dentist by trade. Golly I shall view my normally cheerful dentist with even more nervousness as he advances towards me with his instrument of torture!

    I'm dealing with isolation pretty well actually, but only because I'm sort of used to being alone in normal circumstances. Everyone here seems to be following the rules and indeed my province is cautiously optimistic we have reached the peak. They attribute it to everyone being sensible. A lot of innovative ideas coming to light. For instance something called a chicken hop organized by two teachers to get children distanced but out in their street and into the fresh air. Alas, another is drawing and cutting out broken hearts to send to a province in mourning, as indeed we all are in Canada. I think it was Justin who said "today we are all Nova Scotians".

    Michael lives near a normally very busy highway, but on his hour long walk yesterday beside a ravine he could hear the birds sing and all sorts of creatures are appearing on his condos lawn. Mary Jo is thrilled how fresh the air smells in her garden, and it does in mine as well.

    So, despite all the present sadness, all is not lost and hope springs eternal,
    God bless dear Sneakers,
    Annie and her brave little guard dog.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’ll be back later but just wanted to add a note to Anne’s comments about clean air and Mother Nature’s quick recovery. Apparently a survey in the Uk shows only 9% of us want to go back to the way life was before the virus so there’s a lot of hope if politicians and BIG corporations listen, take note and do the right thing.... perhaps look at Costa Rica’s amazing creation of their healthy eco system and truly happy citizens.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    National Tea Day (according to Facebook)

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    No I'm not lost and yes we are all ok. One Hour, One Day, One Week, One Month all seem to meld into one time pattern. We continue to stay home except for food pickup.

    This week was our 45th Anniversary and Ed and I picked up from a nice restaurant we've gone to in the past. It was on Sunday so there was a Prime Rib Special. 10 oz prime rib with mashed potatoes and other veggies. I got a nice salad, Ed a lobster bisque and it also included dessert. Cheesecake for me and pecan pie for Ed. All for one price. Actually there was enough for 2 meals as there was so much food. So yesterday I heated it up and we enjoyed it for a 2nd day. It was just as good as the first day. Prime Rib nice and juicy.

    Buzz - I am sorry you are having quite the time. But I am so glad that we are on your essential list. I always look for your posts. I especially loved the Titanic post. LOL

    Our kids and grands are all doing great. Sarah our sweet 6 year old has learned to ride a bike. She could hardly wait until her Mom took a video of her riding it so they could send it to us. Sarah is an absolute darling. Our 10 year old grandson Lucas is so wanting to play soccer again. His Mom has been cleaning out the basement and he is hoping there will be room there. Their backyard is still filled with snow.

    What do I do everyday? Walk, and walk and walk. Listen to books. A little cooking and helping Ed flesh out his family tree. At least this self isolation is allowing Ed to really do a lot of work researching his family tree. I know from when I work on mine that it is a never ending quest and so easy to get sidetracked.

    My stupid iPad which I use mostly for the internet has decided to go crazy again. It is like a ghost took it over. It randomly moves from page to page. Opens up other apps, etc. It's a sensor problem apparently. That has stopped me from doing a lot of posting as it is my favourite mode. I'm typing right now on my laptop and I don't like it as much.

    Anne - that was so horrible about NS. Still in shock. But you have your brave little dog.

    Patsy - I too have problems at time with my posts. Poof and they are gone. Sort of like my crazy iPad.

    Lin - love your posts. Good quotes.

    Jackie - when I came in from my walk this morning I looked in the mirror and saw quite the hairdo. The wind had certainly given me a new "do". Oh well, in most eyes I'm an old woman so that's okay. I'll be the crazy old lady who goes for long walks everyday. LOL

    Sandy - the letter from your grands was sooooo wonderful. Made my heart glow with love.

    Patsy - I laughed about your ever growing pile of Amazon boxes. I'm sure that's quite a problem for many of us.

    Poor Ed his Keurig decided to act up. I think it got plugged because he doesn't run vinegar through it from time to time. I stopped drinking coffee because it irritated my acid reflux. Ed took it up instead and no coffee for breakfast can be a tragedy for sure. Hmmm he just put a cup down beside me. Oh it smells so nice. I do miss my morning coffee.

    Time to go. Sitting for way too long.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Jeri in Sunny Alberta (at last)

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We've got SNOW, and guess what, the high wind last night that had Jilly barking jammed the outer back door. I couldn't get out, and no one could get in. She can't manage the open wooden steps at the front and I can't manoeuvre them carrying a wriggling dog. Mark to the rescue with his trusty tool bag. He's unstuck us and didn't have to take Bean to the vets with a heart attack from the excitement of seeing him from the inside. Never a dull moment in this old house. Actually, between you and me, one of these days I'll take an axe to it. Aaaaaaaagh!
    Fortunately we had spare pee pads and Jill's got a good memory!
    Off to make a cup of tea now the barking, tail wagging, hammer bashing etc are over.
    Anne, the long suffering.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Off to obtain a curbside pickup at a local retailer. Trying to help a local stay in business.

    Back later. ❤️❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) The sun is shining but the wind and temps are cold, no walking today.
    My cousin has invited me to an online bingo game tonight, which should be fun. Everyone puts in $20 and depending on how many people the six games will be split to the winners, wish me luck.
    I am attaching the letter Jeri was talking about, although it is a little hard to read, it melted my heart.

    Lin, glad you are able to get a pickup, it looks like Walmart is still a week out so I should probably order today to get it next Monday. Love the tea pictures, funny.

    Anne, so did Jilly at least get a walk when Mark came? Thank goodness your boys are so good and come when needed, you are a lucky mom.

    Good for you for making your anniversary special even in the midst of a pandemic.

    Jackie, I am not sure we will ever get back to a normal way of living for a long time. I know people want to go back to work which would be fine if they all did the right thing but even with the demonstrations people are not social distancing and wearing masks so how are we supposed to stop spreading the virus? I would love if our governor opened our state on May 1st. but I really doubt he will.

    Buzz, hope you are still doing well.

    Patsy, that is a lot of boxes which makes me laugh because in my recycling garbage can today I put out one big cardboard box. I bet the garbage guys think I am crazy.

    Have a great day everyone, we will get through this together.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Impossible arthritic attack hands and feet! Thank heaven I kept my aides!Cannot type :s Thanks for the cheer.
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member

    Jeri and Ed. ❤️❤️
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy anniversary Jeri and Ed! Handing hands and remembering special times...even if you are not with friends and family...are even more special because you are sharing the memory together.
    Patsy☘️ and John
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member