Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I didn't get back!! Fell asleep on the sofa watching another documentary about hidden secrets of Amazon... too many to list here! For all that a 20 kilo pack of soft wood shavings for the hen house arrived this evening via that company within a couple of days of ordering which means I dont have to mingle with the farmers at their busy store so sticking with my policy of choose Amazon purchases carefully works.
    Loved another Joy of Painting and those "Happy mistakes"!

    Off to bed. 😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hello again. I have tried to post a number of times but interruptions have been coming fast and furiously.

    Sandy, I did not pick up groceries. We have a small shopping area with darling little shops. They were featured on the news this past week saying this shutdown will cause many to go out of business if they do not find ways to bring in revenue. A number of them are filling orders received by email and/or phone and then customers drive down to the area, park in front of the store, call the store and someone comes out to put the bag or package in the back of your vehicle.

    That’s what I did today and had the opportunity, from 6’ away to discuss any probable baby shower gifts they might have. Later in the day, she sent me some photos of items they carry. If I select something, they will also wrap it for me and I can pick it up. Only option I could think of, no time to order online from anyone. So I am looking at the photos she sent.

    My friend with dementia called today and I tried to help her by looking up information on microwave ovens that are similar to what she has now, which just totally quit. Then I texted her grand daughter with the information.

    Another friend was sending messages about a house repair disaster. Multiple messages, all day. And here we go again. It has been an upsetting several days for her.

    All of your messages today were so interesting. And Jeri pretty much expressed absolutely everything I would have hoped to write. Very thoughtful comments. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    More about Bob Ross. He was a very secretive person when it came to his own life. The public was unaware of his health problems until after his death. This is what Wiki wrote:

    “Ross died at the age of 52 on July 4, 1995, due to complications from lymphoma, which he had battled for several years.”

    I have a Bob Ross t-shirt. ❤️🤗❤️ I am a fan.

    Off I go, messages are piling up out there. People are very chatty today.


    Lin ☀️❤️☀️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A Bob Ross t-shirt Lin! Is he on the front or one of his paintings? I'm hoping he will paint something other than mountains, lake and trees in the next episide as clever as they are although last night he used a small brush he had a funny name for rather than palette knife. I loved when he said the best way to start is know you can do it. I am tempted! ☺ That's sad he died so young from that awful cancer. He had such a gentle, soft voice even the BBC presenter who introduced the series mentioned how relaxed we must all feel as we watch him. He sounds Canadian as they have a similar drawl.

    Lots more cars and folk walking today but when we were leaving the field our Neolithic monument sits in a couple drove up that were obvious tourists because the lady asked us how to pronounce its name as well as several other local spots. The worrying thing was the cans of beers in their pockets and slurred words so my neighbour phoned commuity police and reported them rather than hear later they had caused an accident. Apparently several police cars were deployed to find them!

    Washing is out on the whirly washing line and pooches sitting in the shade while I finish my coffee and think about a snack lunch. Perhaps some gentle gardening this afternoon. Little Cilla is still with us although looking poorly but I'm no good pulling a chickens neck as I know I should... coward! One of my neighbour's chickens is announcing she's laid an egg and I'm thinking I'll make a mushroom omelette for my lunch.

    Like Anne I'm findng this lockdown relatively easy since my life hasn't changed too much but do understand Sandy how being isolated from your family is so upsetting. I've avoided news recently but am aware many Americans are demonstrating lockdown, egged on by the orange man and as you say, many ignoring social distancing. Only time will tell but we are constantly reminded how the Spanish flu did more damage 2nd time around so caution is the best policy... not a word Mr T has in his vocabulary!! Patsy your neighbours would receive a heavy fine if in the UK and I know what you mean in not wishing them harm but feeling frustration at their selfishness if expecting medical staff to take risks when caring for them if any are infected and spread it. Perhaps they never heard of being asymptomatic!
    Sorry, I planned a sunny, cheery post before getting on my soapbox to climb up on to my high horse!! 😖

    Oh Buzz what trials and tribulations; one thing after the other. We all love you and want to hear soon, in fact today, the pains have eased and you are feeling more like yourself. I'm sending virtual hugs across the pond. 🤗😍😘

    Time for my lunch. Take care everyone and stay safe.

    👩‍🌾🌞🌻🌷 Jackie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Just a quick post. Here’s my Bob Ross t-shirt. ❤️❤️


    Back later my friends. 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Wow LIN. You seem to have a huge collection of vintage and interesting t-shirts. I confess I only have one! Time I got "with it" but a little late in the day.

    JACKIE, never fear there's a whole lot of painting genius's ready to arrive on your TV set and show us how it's done. I'm terrible with names, but maybe LIN can help us out with that. One chap does the most marvellous flower pictures making it look so easy. The TV is running out of shows over here and are resorting to stuff from the past. And believe me, it beats much of the stuff shown just before the virus hit us.

    BUZZ, I'm praying we hear some good news from you today regarding health. I think all of us wish we could help and feel so helpless that we can't.

    It's still FREEZING here with snow yesterday and promised today. BUT by Friday the temperature reaches a glorious 9C! What's that? 48F. Goodness, we will all suffer heat stroke.
    Annie - the cool cat!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hmmm, Had to come in from my sunny garden because a letter arrived from the insurance company covering my new car stating they didn't yet receive the no claims bonus confirmation letter from my previous insurer I emailed to them March 27 so I've now forwarded a copy of that email.... another case of what my friend Geraldine refers to as "Progress"!! At least I mucked out the hen house and chatted to Cilla who perked up after a few pieces of sweetcorn were thrown in her direction.

    Gosh Lin, that t-shirt is amazing and something I would keep forever too. I'm going to search ebay to see if any are available!!

    Anne, we have quite a few new art class lessons coming up on tv. BBC have a live Life Drawing programme where we can join in with a group of experts and I understand Grayson Perry is also going to teach us on another channel. Of course he's great at pottery as well as painting so we might all have to order kilns off Amazon!!

    Time for tea, which reminds me I loved Lin's tea set yesterday that evoked thoughts of summer days and scented flowers. B)


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Earth day tribute


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Trying to limp through my washing today. Poor washing machine is leaking a bit more. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 that it keeps working.

    Jackie, sorry for the problem with your insurance forms. Sounds familiar! I need to check with my credit union, cannot login on my laptop but can through my iPhone. I need to know if 2-factor authentication is now the norm for our logins and how often passwords must be changed. Always something! Argh. Gosh, how did those people get out into your area? And drinking and driving? What is wrong with people, insane. Sorry about your poor little chick. 😟 I hope there is a chance for her to get better.

    Anne, freezing cold, NO, this is spring and we really could use some. We have much warmer temperatures today but also a promise for some storms later. Warm is nice, storms not so much. I am glad the door was fixed and hope it doesn’t do that again. Is there any fix for that? Keeping it locked is a problem if you need to leave your home quickly. How is Jilly today?

    Buzz, thinking of you dearest lady ❤️ and hoping you are getting all the assistance you need and that you are feeling a bit stronger each day.

    Patsy, BV (before virus) I got out and putted around most days, going to the grocery store or the library or something. None of that now but it hasn’t driven me crazy yet, perhaps because I still try to drive twice a week. I spoke to a friend the other day, and she had not been out of the house for five weeks. She lives with her daughter and son-in-law so doesn’t have to shop or manage other chores/trips. She did hit the wall on being home though and drove down to the auto shop run by her SIL and sat in a lawn chair and just enjoyed different scenery and was able to speak to some other people. I hope you are going for a drive every few days. ❤️❤️

    Sandy, lovely note, I had not seen it on Facebook. Odd, I usually see your posts. Wonderful ❤️❤️ A keeper for certain. Are you trying to get a WalMart order for pickup? I do not think they deliver here at this time.

    Jeri, I hope you are having a good week. Are you still having cold weather as well? You are doing so much walking. What a healthy person you are! I am sorry your iPad is acting up. Frustrating. It is my old laptop that is acting up. It is just too old to accept all the Windows updates.

    Must go and check on my washer.

    I will be planting my parsley seeds in a little pot this afternoon, I think I have kept them in the damp paper towel long enough. 🙃 Gosh I hope these things grow. I need some happy little plants around the house.

    Love hearing from everyone.

    Thinking of you often ❤️❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) It says 60 degree with showers around so I will see how it is once I am done with computer. My son sent me a text this morning saying exhausted parents, when are you coming over? I answered I don't know, everyone keeps saying to stay in. I am still worried about social distancing. Lisa told me to stay in, it's a personal choice and she supports what ever I do. Talk about stress, I am disappointed in my son that he is not worried about my health. However, I heard today that our governor might extend the stay at home order to the end of May. They feel Illinois peak will hit the middle of May. That will be tough, such a long time to be in the house and not hold the grandkids. I have to make them understand that they should think of me in Florida like her parents and maybe it won't be so stressful on any of us.

    Lin, I ordered a no touch pick up order from one our chain grocery stores which will be ready tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how many items are in stock. This way I get to drive my car and Bryanna doesn't have to go to the store for me.

    Jackie, smart that your friend called the police especially like Lin said with drinking and driving. Some people have no common sense. I hope Cilla gets better and is that really what you are supposed to do if they are really sick. I could never.

    Anne, I am sure you are sick of snow and cold weather, I hope you catch a break soon and Spring makes an entrance and sticks around until summer.

    I hope everyone has a nice day and keep safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Going on Celebrex This afternoon and hoping for miracles! Love you all <3
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2020
    Oh SANDY, thanks for a laugh to dance to all alone here apart from Jilly. I'm hoping I can pass it on to my two sons! Mike will love it.
    Meanwhile, I loved your keeper note from your grandson. I've kept this for all these years. Aren't our grandkids precious. I guess Derek was about the same age, and it shows how he viewed me!

    The pencil is faded now, but it reads

    Grandma can you come over to my house to play.

    Oh, if only time stood still!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    I love this Anne, they are special those grandkids. <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Good morning. Teatime. Ignore the things that look like cupcakes. They are probably styrofoam. 🤣


    Pretty pink?

    Lin ❤️🙋🏼‍♀️❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Zoom meeting day and hopefully later my groceries will be ready for pick up. I don't even have to get our of my car, just pop the trunk and they will put them in there. I will spray the bags once in garage and dispose of them after taking out groceries. Strange new world but so far we are all keeping safe.

    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited April 2020
    Good morning. Just doing little things around the house today. I seem to have created so many little daily chores for myself. 😂🤣😂

    I did my weekly call to one of the former coffee gals. We talked for a while, it seems she didn’t have her hearing aids in so it was difficult. She plans to call another one of the ladies in our group later. That will be a first for her. She has been waiting for people to call her.

    She did note that I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on food. Hunting for it, ordering it, preparing it. Well, I guess I do. Hummmmm. People who don’t have to read every ingredient on things to avoid gluten and almost all additives really don’t get how long shopping has always taken, even before all of this.

    Sandy, have a good day and I hope all goes well with your grocery pickup. ❤️ I have no idea what is up with your son. People are stressed and say and do very odd things.

    Buzz, I hope the Celebrex helps. ❤️❤️

    Anne, what a lovely note you shared. Love it. And wonderful that you kept it. ❤️❤️

    Hello to Jackie and Patsy. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Off to listen to our governor’s update once again. I seem to be addicted to listening in each day. ,ore for the questions posed by reporters than by her recitation of the numbers for the day.


    Lin 🌷🌷
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Love that song, the singers, the message and you, for sharing. Thanks for the bright spot of my day! Left hand totally useless due to swelling and am hoping the Celebrex works. All these pills should help, and Pat gives me fabulous massages as well. I won't bore you with stories of the excitement in my life, since there is none . I did finish Becoming (Michelle Obama). Strongly recommend it! Cannot sit at esk to prevent swelling ankles, etc. Catch the hugs I'm throwing at each one of you! 🤩........
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cold, rainy and in general, not a nice day. We are to have spring days later this weekend. Great! I do need the rays of sunshine.

    We finish watching True Detective, season 3. It stars the guy who was in The Green Book. An interesting series. Sort of creepy but interesting concept and great visuals.

    Had a lovely visit with our son. His house sell will be at the end of the month. He got a good offer and the market in the Portland area is oddly still good. Now the big challenge will be the move and he is renting a huge industrial building for his shop and he will create a clean computer-office-conference room area. He will need to hire a couple of guys to help with the move. All while wearing masks and gloves and trying to keep a distance. This causes me to have extreme nightmares. It is best that I try to think of other things.

    Our cloest neighbor is doing massive rearranging of the topography. He is hauling in truck loads of dirt and rocks. Big earth moving machines to move and shovel the big rocks. What used to be a sloping forested acreage is now a terrested area with rocks shoreing up each terrace. I guess it will be pretty once planted with grass etc. I did love the beautiful forest before all this happened. Unfortunately this decision was not mine to make. We do have lovely neighbors, just the same, even if they can’t enjoy the natural state of their acreage.

    I guess we will have to give up real books. Everything will be published as an ebook. Even the children’s story books. I had an actual real phone conversation with a publisher. She was devastated at the big changes in the publishing world. Many publishing houses are going out of business. How will kids learn to write? I hope their parents let them use crayons and markers to facilitate their creativity. The digital world is wonderful but it does have limiting aspects. Do you like graphic novels? I prefer the beauty of words on real paper and the mental imagery they produce.
    Blah blah blah from

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Another 30 days for Illinois....................ugh
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our beautiful weather in Cornwall continues and I know how lucky I am because if I couldn't spend most of my locked down days in the sunshine I would go stir crazy! First thing I was going to drive to my friends to drop off more prescription painkillers for their dog Ollie that I order online for them but during a phone call last night they said they would come to me since they had to drive through the village to check on their ponies that have been moved to fresh grass. Like Lin's friend on the phone Christine is quite deaf but refuses to wear hearing aids so when I sat in the garden enjoying my breakfast cereal and heard her knock at the rear kitchen door I called out from the garden gate but she didn't appear. Turns out she could hear me but thought I was in the house and walked in then when she saw me in the garden turned round and walked back out as she was worrying about social distancing! The drugs were in a box on the kitchen counter so she could pick them up and after a quick chat she was gone again.
    I was going to hang washing out before I walked the pooches with my neighbour but as I washed up breakfast dishes I inadvertantly leant against the washing machine during its cycle and being a sensitive Bosch it reacted to the pressure and sent the programme on to a Aqua plus programme. What this meant was extra turns of rinsing and spinning adding another 20 minutes so I left with the dogs with it still running! It was very warm in the sunshine but I had water and a doggy bowl with me so drinks were available when they needed. My neighbour joined us and brought along a couple of mugs of tea so we sat in the field sipping and chatting then, having taken a small trowel in my bag I dug up a couple of interesting wild grasses, sat them in a doggy poo bag and brought them home for my wild bottom section of garden.
    This afternoon I did some weeding and read my book so yes Patsy, I do, and will continue to, turn physical pages so long as I can obtain real books. Currently finishing a funny cat story that's a translation of a popular Japanese story.

    Sandy, I laughed so much at the video you posted yesterday and have sent its link around to friends. I was thinking recently that things went downhill for America when JFK was murdered, then Bobby of course. From your son's text message I would think he is going through what thousands of fathers are, locked down at home 24 hours daily with their children! Quite an eye opener for them and hopefully they will all learn to appreciate what mothers and grandparents do to look after and entertain the little angels after all they did have something to do with producing them!

    Lin, certainly a pretty pink tea service but I think the cakes are real too although the blue whirly topped ones don't look particularly appetising to me! At the amazingly quiet Aldi store on Monday I saw gluten free pasta packs, one a green pea variety and the other red beetroot and ginger so I bought a couple for my neighbour who is intolerant. After I had told her how few people were there she went after work today and stocked up because it had been something that had disappeared off the shelves. I know from her comments just how important it is to source these foods.

    Patsy, your neighbours are similar to mine I fear. Too much time on their hands so dig everything up, chop the rest down, spray nasty chemicals that kill everything in the vicinity doing what they call improvements! I've spent the past 15+ years they have lived next door wondering why they felt a rural area was right for them! :|
    Goodness, I realise just how strict our lockdown is when I read your son is selling property and moving things around. Nothing like that allowed here... house sales stopped so removal companies shut down. The same in Spain where my brother was going to move into a new apartment the day their lockdown started so the police refused permission. Only time will tell which approach to this pandemic is right, if any.

    Caught your hug Buzz and throwing one straight back to you. <3 Thinking of you lots.

    Unbelievably, Cilla is still with me but living on only a few pieces of sweetcorn. If it is another hot day tomorrow I will sit her in another warm epsom bath to ease her pain.

    Hello Anne, I know you're out there somewhere and might even have posted while I type.

    Getting late so I'll get myself to bed and having stripped it down first thing and put on fresh sheets and duvet cover I shall have a lovely night sinking into it!

    Keep safe and healthy friends. One of our advisors has warned us social distancing will have to continue until the end of the year.... at least! Our government will hopefully come up with a plan for a gentle return to some semblance of normality but we "oldies" will be the last to be set free!! What a year it's turning out to be but we will all come through because we are being sensible. :s

    Nite, nite
    <3 Jackie