Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My handyman Jim popped back to replace a fascia board after lunch while I drove into town to stock up on treats and pet food. The queue was sensibly spread out without anyone having to say anything and it’s obvious from the lack of traffic that many are staying home. Interesting that solidarity within the European Union is breaking down so I’m relieved we in Britain are free to make our own decisions even if currently we appear to be going against the norm.

    You did make me smile Patsy as you described your response to naughty John’s panic dash for supplies but watching news of your increasing numbers of people diagnosed In America I’m sure such bulk shopping is catching! Talking to handyman Jim about the crazy toilet roll panic here last week and what I called a breakdown in society he suggested the next step was to buy a gun to protect these toilet rolls but I told him he’s been watching too many futuristic end of the world movies. We were of course joking which is a typical British response to adversity!

    Sandy, I’m sorry to read Babe’s procedure didn’t have the required effect so more worry for you. You can only hope the doctors can improve things with medication and you’re in my thoughts. ❤️

    Anne, we’re told contact with saliva and sneezed droplets are what spreads the virus so hand washing is imperative and apparently the majority are comfortable with this approach. I’m sure you would know if Barry sneezed or coughed in your direction.

    Lin, that set looks good enough to eat! Such a stunning colour.

    The rain is pouring outside but my fire is lit and we’re all cosy. 😌
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No coughing or sneezing JACKIE, just a rasping, whispery voice. Guess I'm safe, but I did wash my mitts when Barry rasped off. It's Friday 13th which means a gathering of Hells Angels etc in a local town. Barry told me he was staying home with his motorbike because of rain and high winds. I had no idea he went to these gatherings, so maybe he's the right guy to be friends with if we end up having gun fights over toilet rolls!!! Did you see a knife was pulled in an Australian bog fight?

    Anne, considering wearing a bandana to be pulled down as a virus mask.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I know SANDY, I was joking! Pretending to be a biker with a dual purpose bandana! Believe me, I'm a frail little British woman, definitely not a biker! Ha ha.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    They have now closed all the schools in Illinois, masses at churches have all been suspended.
    I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Everything closing here as well. Churches, libraries, schools you name it. Mike says he is seeing a huge decrease in cars on the roads. The airport is virtually empty. Travellers are now asked to isolate on return and Toronto's mayor is doing just that after returning from England.

    I wonder if it's natures way of putting the planet to rights after all the damage we've done?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Our governor won’t do anything. She is a joke. Universities, some school systems, athletic events, library events, music events and much more all cancelled or postponed while she sits on her hands. She seems incapable of making a move unless pushed into it. They still refuse to test people here if they don’t have the older criteria—travel abroad is pretty much it. Many people are ill and asking to be tested, nada.

    The state boys basketball tournament has been going on this week. Each team has had to pick 100 to be admitted to their game, that includes players, coaches, trainers, etc. People were told to watch the games on TV.

    Movie theaters are either not showing as many movies with big break between shows to clean down the theater and/or not seating as many people in a theater, empty seats between people.

    As far as I have heard, no churches are closed this weekend but a number of them stream services live and have told people to stay safe and stay home and watch the stream. But, send in your money or give online.

    Meanwhile, I have spoken to a number of friends who went to the grocery store today. It was wild out there with the shelves being stripped bare of cleaning supplies as well as Kleenex (that is new) and the meat counters were empty as well. The store personnel told one friend who was shopping this afternoon that it has been insane all week long and this employee was really tired as today was non- stop from the time the store opened. And my friend said the parking lot was full.

    You cannot order toilet paper on Amazon from my locality. All unavailable. That depends on your location of course since they have warehouses all across the nation.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Florida appears to have closed down! Few people going to the dining room here and dinner gets delivered. Costco and every other store is emptied out, bare shelves! Someone saw a single roll of TP somewhere and when she picked it up saw it was $9.00! Looking closer, there was a picture of Trump on it and she could not resist buying it!
    As far as my son goes, it appears Germany is not allowing anyone OUT! Go figure!
    SANDY, hope Babe gets better, and glad the kids cancelled the cruise!
    JACKIE, drive in great health
    LIN, we all have strong reactions to all the news and no one is wrong! Love the last set!
    ANNE, please don't catch anything!!!!!
    PATSY, got a kick out of your post.
    Now I have to get stuff out of the dryer I forgot was in it! Will probably have to re-do!
    STAY WELL, dear ones!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Will Come of All This!!!...........................................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    This morning as I took the dogs out to our parking area I saw a picture similar to this, one of our local deer standing on our track and gazing about. A beautiful start to the day!

    The ground is still waterlogged and there were a few times during our walk on the moor my feet sunk into mud with a loud squelch so George and Betty both had to sit in the baby bath when we returned home to soak off the muck. My boots are drying out before I clean them! I detoured on the way back for more packs of raw dog food, a new pair of wellies and a bottle of red wine in case I stop off with my friend for lunch after I collect the car. That was our plan but sensibly I will try to talk her out of it because she had a cancer diagnosis and half a lung removed less than 2 years ago so I think it wouldn't be wise after I've been in the dealership with an array of people. I'm a tough old bird but she will definitely be in the vulnerable catagory. Just have to drink the wine myself!! :p

    Have you seen this video of quarantined Italians singing at night in Sienna. Isn't that beautiful!

    It's time for my lunch then I'll make plans to get chores done. If I have to stay home a few weeks I won't run out of jobs to be carried out and there are at least 3 books on my coffee table waiting to be read. Not sure I'll be singing out loud though as I don't want to upset the neighbours!!

    As ever, take care dear friends. Be cautious but don't be scared.... that was said by our government weeks ago!!

    <3<3 Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just a guess LIN, but I would think the buying of Kleenex is linked to the lack of toilet paper. I mean you could use it instead.

    Meanwhile life for the Bean and I continues much the same. We get up, we have brekkie, we have a game of chase and hide around the room, well the Bean does. More like a stagger for me. She hides under the coffee table whilst idiot here says "where's that doggie" then "THERE she is" at which point she zooms off around chairs, tables etc. Honestly if the neighbours spotted me they would consider hauling me off, mmm, but maybe not as the crisis continues.

    Our radio, our tv, our internet is full of nothing else. Italians singing on balconies, princes bowing and clasping hands together, prime ministers standing on their doorsteps, people asked not to show up at ERs with the sniffles, the media is having a field day reporting but just like JACKIE and her delight at seeing the deer, Michael sent me a photo today of a deer looking up at his bedroom window and Jilly continues with her zoomies. The animals are as always, not worrying about toilet paper or cans of baked beans etc.

    As I continue to chuck out old paper backs I'm finding a few that I've completely forgotten "who done it". That should keep me occupied with all the media turned off.

    With less cars on the road we once more might hear the birds sing.
    Happy Saturday ladies,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Another lock down day for me as all the masses are postponed. I will continue until Monday when I have an appointment for my yearly physical and a mammogram.
    I thought they might cancel as the hospital doesn't want any visitors for their patients but so far it is a go. My friends still want to go to dinner on St. Paddy's but I am still deciding.
    Babe said this morning all his numbers went back up to where they were when he came to the hospital so he is one miserable human being. Hopefully the doctors can fix him and probably want to do it quickly to get him and his son out of there.

    I do love how people are coming together during this crisis. People are offering seniors help with any errands or things they need, including my granddaughter who doesn't want me to leave the house. My friend posted on Facebook that anyone who has children and needs food she will be happy to buy them cereal and/or milk or anything they need. With all the schools closed it will be hard for a lot of parents and a lot of kids who go to school for a safe place.

    Stay safe my friends and remember to keep three feet away from people just to be safe.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good morning. Very light snow continues today with temperatures just at the freezing point. I flit from thing to thing around here. Cut up veggies this morning for a part of my breakfast, did some die cutting, read a bit on a book, Facebook posts, texting with a friend.

    She was kind enough to check in to see how I am doing and volunteered herself and her husband to get anything I might need. This is the lady who does not like to be around people and who limits her social meetings in the best of times. What a dear.

    I also got up late, had a nice long shower and plotted things I might do. I have advanced to getting out some file folders. 😂😂

    Two of the libraries where I attend book clubs have cancelled all activities for the remainder of this month and then they will see where we are with this whole thing. Our large mega church has indeed cancelled all in person services with only online worship available. And that really is huge since they have gigantic congregations in probably 5 separate locations around our metro area.

    I sort of wonder if this goes on for months will people calm down and stop buying everything on the shelf? Or will we have to scramble for our food and supplies? I had something in my Amazon cart that became available and I started to check out but the delivery estimate was in August of this year. So never mind, I deleted it.

    Anne, oh gosh, using Kleenex for TP would work I guess but I predict lots of plugged drains. Some are apparently using baby wipes which is making moms absolutely angry according to what I see on Facebook. Happy little Bean. What a joy to have with you even if she wears you out. And books to read. Good diversions. I am watching old Westerns on TV today. I would watch PBS but it is money raising time and there are far too many extended fund appeals!

    Jackie, sweet little deer. That is a good way to start the day. And good for you, the purchases sounded good and I am certain you will find a use for the wine. 😉. Yes, I have seen the singing video. Quite lovely. And helpful for people to be reminded there is music. Tick, tock countdown to the new car!

    Sandy, there are few things to do out there right? Well, not things I would be interested in I guess. I am still on for church tomorrow. At least for this week as some families are off on spring break vacation. I am sorry Babe isn’t doing better but I do hope he gets out of the hospital soon. And I agree, I have had several friends do that same type of post, offering to get food to people with kids who will miss school food programs or the parents aren’t working. Very kind.

    Buzz, hello dearest. My gosh, Germany will not let him out? Wow, I did not read that anywhere. It is all chaos isn’t it? I hope he can work everything out. So much stress.

    Well, at some point today I *plan* to make broccoli slaw and use up some old spuds by making mashed potatoes. My hands are in the water too often. My knuckles are red.

    All best wishes for health and happiness. ❤️❤️


    P.S. just heard all Senior Centers in the county are closed until the end of the month. Makes sense. Youth programs go on as usual....hum.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    And for something whimsical

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! Sunny and rather cold but no rain so far today. We are alive and I think (so far, at least) we are able to avoid the evil virus. We are concerned for our kids, of course. Their jobs and financial well-being as well as their health.

    John ran out early this morning in search of the elusive TP. It is gone currently. John said Costco and Walmart was jammed with shoppers. When I was a kid, we moved our cattle onto leased federal land to graze and we had a “cow camp” which was a cabin and a outhouse toilet. There was an old Montgomery ward catalog installed to use as TP. Aaaaaarrgh! Horrible but we loved camping out and playing in the river. Just a bit of rustic living from the past.

    I have decided to calm down and start a bit of spring cleaning as well as some creative projects. There is really nothing else reasonable to do. I read we are into this for at least a couple of months. That is really nothing. That will whizz by if I get involved in a couple of projects. Sooooooo! This will test our ingenuity.

    I am placing an order for some new books from amazon. Plus some glue on jewels for my ball cap and my garden hat. I believe in sparkly fashion statements.
    KIck this virus into the weeds...we simply don’t need it!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    When I was a kid, it being wartime, I didn't know toilet paper existed. We cut newspaper into squares. These squares were threaded onto string and the pack dangled from the obsolete toilet roll holder. Ha, those were the days!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Funny Anne, I was reminiscing earlier with my brother on Skype about cut up newspaper hanging up on string.... all that black ink!! His small coastal town in Spain has just been placed in lockdown and as we talked I could hear a police car announcement as it drove past his apartment telling everyone to stay at home. Hooray for The Bean keeping you entertained!

    Just heard the over 70’s are going to be asked by the government to self isolate from Monday but most of my friends are already doing so. It’s because our health service is always stretched this time of year so it won’t cope with this virus on top of the usual influenza cases. I’ll have to sneak out to collect my car on Thursday though!

    Wind howling outside and yet more rain forecast for the morning but looks like a few dry days next week so I can occupy my time pruning shrubs that should have been cut back a month ago. I’m loving Patsy’s idea of a sparkly garden hat and might do something similar to cheer things up. 😉
    Off to bed now.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    An adorable teapot Lin but that poor little mouse looks terrified and who can blame it!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    My lot have landed home. I've just read that a beach in Miami has been closed and any Canadians travelling from there should isolate. And in Quebec all over 70s are asked to stay indoors at home. Wonder if that will happen here! Poor Bean and all the other dogs confined to back yards!
    Newspaper squares, yes I've wondered how many British kids went to school with hitler plastered on their bums from the ink. It used to rub off on your hands whilst handling, so.......
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My remark about the TP is our citrus fruits are no longer individually wrapped, which was often used when I was a kid! And once TP became the choice of most familkes, there were 500 sheets to a roll. The prices have risen as the sizes have shrunken! I wakened this morning with ghastly arthritis in both shoulders and could not move a thing! It seemed lovely outside so there goes my weather/arthritis theory! My friends are trying to get me to consider Assisted Living or at least an aide, and I'm fighting the thought tooth and nail and wondering why! I really have a difficult time telling other people what to do, as I much prefer becoming friends and chatting (as with my "cleaning friend") and I'm a bit old to change too much! Let's hope it's simply the start of PT and things will become less painful!
    Love you and all your posts, which is like reading a family diary! And I'm groggy for lack of enough sleep, so I'll try again tonight!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Will Come of All This!!!...........................................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Sympathy sent BUZZ because I'm a mass of old achy bones this morning as well.

    Now some rather good news regarding the empty grocery shelves. People with stocked up carts are being interviewed and it isn't selfishness at all. They are double stocking for elderly parents, friends, and neighbours. This is especially true of the new immigrants to our shores who know old folk who's English is not good at the best of times. Mike of course brought me the frozen veggies, health bars and chicken for Jilly.

    Mark says he will self isolate as advised until he is absolutely sure he's okay after the recommended fourteen days are up. The time left of his ruined holiday! That's okay by me, I am just glad they are home and we communicate all the time via text, phone and email anyway.

    I hope my ex up in "those thar hills" of Quebec and asked to isolate being 84 years old has equally good neighbours.

    Hope Buzzes bones are flexing up like mine are now as I write, feed little Bean and drink my coffee.
    Cold here, but who cares, we are all tucked up in our cosy safe homes.