Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy day here and quite chilly. Sunday we start daylight savings time again. I love it and hate it. I do not easily adjust to this annual crazy time. Did we actually save some daylight? I wonder...

    We are reading Joe Nesbo novels now. He is an accomplished Scandinavian writer and his novels are worth reading. I do have difficulty with the names.

    We are feeling healthy but rather nervous since that tour boat quarantined off the port of San Francisco is heading to Astoria. Just what we need! We have very limited medical care here and a huge ship with 2000 people, some with the virus, is heading our way.....this is upsetting everyone. Yet our hearts go out to the poor people marooned onboard. I would want off that boat if I were one of the passengers. John and I are staying home whenever possible. Reading, exercising, cooking, cleaning, repairing and I am spending time in my dungeon. I don’t feel quarantined or inhibited in any way. We still chat weekly with our son and try to contact our daughter. I have a collection of friends that we keep in touch with regularly. Life goes on but I do keep a wary eye on this virus and the political circus.

    Today I will be making Mexican food for our dinner. I am also placing an order for some spring clothing and new shoes. Thinking positive!
    Take great care,dear sneakers. Remember the best medicine is preventative medicine.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    You all sound alert, watchful, and determined to not allow this health scare change your lives tremendously! Bless you, and aside from and washing with SOAP, keep an eye on how often your hands touch your face!
    I actually tried watching Blue Bloods tonight but the complicated story lines put me to sleep!
    <3 Buzz
    ...............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!......................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    A fly by visit from me. Much to my relief the Mark family have cancelled the cruise because islands are banning the ships from entering the ports. Great relief from me and I'm sure Michael. I guess they will continue their holiday in Florida. Meanwhile, our virus count is climbing here. Not sure how many today but definitely over 50.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thank goodness our freezing wind has dropped so it is beginning to feel like Spring. No rain either so I stripped my bed so sheets and covers now waving in the breeze as they dry. A new mailbox I ordered arrived yesterday so after what turned out to be a fiddly job, its now on the outside wall. The old one leaked, although that could have just been the amount of rain and wind we've endured, but hopefully this new one will stand up to the elements.
    I chased the car dealer to be told my new Citroen is about to arrive in Sheerness, one of our ports, and should be with him by Wednesday. Now this is a completely different process to what I was initially told so imagine someone else nabbed mine! Never mind, it's coming directly from the factory in France so I have to be patient!

    A big rugby match on this afternoon for me to enjoy but first I'll muck out the hen house.

    Anne, thank goodness your family won't be cruising after all. It would have been a constant worry for you.
    We are already hearing cries for help from our citizens trapped on the ship off California and they were probably already on board before the virus spread from China so not their fault.
    My neighbours were laughing at me this morning saying I already live a self imposed quarantined lifestyle now I'm retired so no chance I'll become infected!!

    Buzz, driving home from a store yesterday I became aware I was rubbing my eyelid and told myself out loud to stop touching my face! You're right, it's something we all do so must remain aware. Stay safe. This too will pass!

    My iPhone just dropped down an alert about numbers now infected which to be honest I'm now finding annoying... A couple of hundred out of millions of us in Britain but the media seems to be going out of its way to create as much hype as possible.

    Happy Saturday to you lovely ladies. Patsy, you and John are of course doing the sensible thing but I'm guessing that like me it's not creating any great upheaval. Anne too. Hello to Lin (I'm standing by for today's teapot!) and Sandy. 😍

    Ooh, the sun has appeared so I'll go muck out!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good morning. Sunny today but another day of gusting winds apparently. I am packing for the paper crafting day. I am holding back a little bit again this month as I usually have waaaay too much with me and often feel as if I have accomplished nothing when returning home with loads of unfinished projects.

    Jackie, another very busy day for you. My busy time is a sit or stand and work to make tiny paper cardinals. And I will assemble my St. Patrick’s Day cards. I think you are right, someone else got your car unless shipments have slowed due to the coronavirus. That is happening in some places. I have heard our big ports in California are not receiving many container ships since most obviously arrive from Asia. Very big problem for businesses and ultimately consumers as well.

    Meanwhile, just a few more days to your beautiful new vehicle. Yippee!

    Anne, well, they couldn’t cruise if the ships are not being accepted at the ports. That’s new to me, I had no idea but I guess it makes some sense. I hope they find enjoyable things to do in Florida. I haven’t heard any attractions are closed.

    Patsy, I am sorry you are in the middle of it right now but you are taking care of yourself. Well done. There are other clusters in the country now. Since we did a horrible job of testing and tracking people, I would imagine many more cases will emerge. We have had few people here tested. No kits. Several tests are pending results. How the heck long does it take? I hope better protocols emerge. Washing your hands is lovely but I doubt that is the one true answer.

    Sandy, happy day to you. Such warm weather. Wahoo!

    Buzz, I laughed at your attempt to watch Blue Bloods. I like the show but do not watch the new ones, I will watch the reruns though, I know those characters and the plot. 🙄 I hope the pesky virus is eliminated soon.

    My two friends with some kind of virus still are not well. Goodness, it is long lasting. That is promoting me to do more disinfecting than usual. These mystery viruses and the flu are still common here.

    Wishing everyone good health and happy days.

    Lin ❤️❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member

    Multiple teapots today. 😉
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Now THAT'S my idea of a teapot! A bit of history as you dunk your digestive biccy. Anne
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) My kids have arrived, the stew was made and will be brought to Rob and Lisa's tomorrow. I made chicken for John and Laurie and garlic butter shrimp for me, which wasn't the best since the shrimp were tough. Does that mean they were under cooked or over cooked?
    My son is helping me buy a new modem so I don't have to pay for renting from Comcast.
    They will be taking me out for dinner after I get back from church tonight. I love being with my adult children. <3

    Anne, I just texted my daughter to tell her that your son cancelled his cruise because of not going to ports hoping she will cancel her's. It just seems to me that being on a cruise ship at this time is not a smart plan especially when a lot of family is going to her house in April.
    Just mother worries.

    Hello to all but I need to get moving.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    My view exactly SANDY. Can you imagine how boring it would be just staring at the sea or harbour walls and especially if you are in good health. Most folks on our TV are very happy to be home after being confined and quarantined in a cabin on a ship for two weeks. Also, in your case if your daughter is in quarantine however well she feels, all plans for visiting her would have to be cancelled as well.
    I think 145 Canadians are on the ship trapped in California.
    I'm another one who virtually lives a self imposed quarantined life style these days JACKIE! I guess my biggest problem would be Mike followed by Dorio or whoever delivers the groceries.
    Mikes friend discovered I need Jim jams in the worst possible way and shes found me some in the sales. If they fit, I guess I'm all set up for the worst that nature can throw! A very kind gesture I think.
    Hugs and stay safe everybody,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What the heck is Jim jam, dear ANNE.
    OW! I CANNOT use my left arm to type,suddenly! That area just below the shoulder is unbelievably painful! Other than that, all's well. Hugs to each of you................
    <3 Buzz
    ...............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!......................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    What are Jim jams? PYJAMAS BUZZ, and have been since 58 year old Michael learnt to sort of talk. Morning ladies, may your day be lovely with ne'er a mask in sight.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Good morning ladies. It’s also dodging the heavy showers day and so far we managed our doggy walk under blue skies and sunshine. Lots of mean clouds about but I’m going to do my best to get some gardening done.

    Wonderful teapots Lin and the Culloden battle scene had me wondering where we’d be today if the Stuart’s had won... perhaps all speaking with a Scottish accent! Something has definitely gone awry since my car was in a town about 40 miles away when I paid my deposit but perhaps that was just a story to get me to purchase... car dealers don’t have the best reputation in Britain! 😠

    Sandy, I’m no master chef but think perhaps your shrimps were overcooked if tough because my understanding is that most seafood needs very little time in a pan.

    I shall return but phone calls and jobs outside are already distracting me!

    Stay safe sneakers.
    ❤️ Jackie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good morning, sipping my coffee while trying to adjust to the spring forward! I have some supplies packed and will be off to church soon. Disposable gloves for communion prep, kleenex, disinfectant wipes, and my usual herbal disinfectant hand spray.

    Only 8 of us at paper crafting yesterday. Since we each have a 6’ long table we weren’t too close. Lots of sanitizing by everyone. The lady next to me wiped down her entire table before unpacking anything. And new straight from the package disposable tongs were used for those who wished to grab a giant sweet roll—usually people have just grabbed one with their hand. So more caution. The rest room was also very well stocked with Kleenex, hand sanitizer, plenty of soap in the container as well as a good supply of paper towels and of course the usual air hand dryer. Much better than usual.

    It was interesting to see what other card makers were making. Some quite darling things. I accomplished everything on my list which made me quite happy. Just enough to do while spending some time chatting.

    Buzz, ouch, sorry for that horrible pain. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Jackie, yes, well, as you describe it, I do think the car dealer was less than truthful with you. Happy Women’s Day to you as well. You are definitely keeping busy today!

    Anne, good day. As a child my nightwear = PJ’s. No idea why but that’s what I was told to do, clean up and put on your PJ’s. It is warmer than normal here today and they say, enjoy the sunshine as the week to come will be wet and cold. Hey weather man, let me enjoy a bit of today rather than dreading tomorrow.

    Sandy, happy birthday dinner looked nice! You and your family always look gorgeous in your photos. Thanks to Facebook I got a peek.

    Patsy, good morning, I heard the cruise ship will be docked in Oakland rather than in your neighborhood. ❤️

    Best wishes to everyone. ❤️❤️🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hello, me again. I was busy making a vegetable, kidney bean and cabbage soup for lunch earlier and it's now simmering away. Not sure if the laddo is showing up or not on a gorgeous 11 Centigrade day and if it sounds slim pickings for a hefty Michael I'm also baking an Italian loaf to go with it. Crusty bread and butter.
    I wonder what the Ms will do since they are not boarding the cruise ship today. If Mike shows I need the bank machine. I owe Barry for the last snow removal. And I have to pay Mikes friend for the PJs IF they fit.
    It sounds as if everyone is taking good care of themselves and I noticed today for once THE virus isn't dominating the headlines. Good news?
    Thanks for the good wishes and flowers JACKIE. I must say though that every day is sort of women's day. I mean what on earth would men do with no women to clean up after them! Maybe they'll find out today, lol.
    If Mike stays home I fancy joining Jackie in the garden if only to tidy up the remaining sticks and stalks.
    I don't like heat and humidity, but it's so great to see a blue sky and the sun.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) We had a great dinner, with Bryanna as our server. Day one of many celebrations for my birthday.
    Today we are going to Rob and Lisa's to see them and the kiddos. I will be bringing the stew and some egg noodles, Lisa will make salad. It is a beautiful day here with temps going in the middle 60's.

    Just checking in, have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just to add to our virus woes a message has just come from Jill's vet. Are we aware March is tick awareness month. Lol. We are at 54 Fahrenheit and the ticks are a bouncing, along with the lambs. Spring the sweet spring.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Home again. Wow, the wind really is strong. It had my car drifting while on the Interstate.

    Anne, oh yes, warm weather and all sorts of little bugs are alive. I had one crawling on my pant leg yesterday. Quite an ugly thing I must say I flicked it off quickly.

    Sandy, I hope you are enjoying time with the kiddos and a great meal as well.

    Jackie, still working outdoors?

    I have a big box to unpack, vitamins and stuff arrived yesterday but I didn’t take time to unpack them. Everything is so well packed and padded it takes a while. Will get to it a bit later.

    Didn’t get to any sort of teapot this morning. So, here you go.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Gorgeous family, SANDY!
    Hope the car is "on the way" JACKIE...
    ANNE's kids are lucky their Mom is such a good cook! Ticks? Oh No!
    Another lovely pot, LIN
    And a wonderful finish to everyone's weekend!
    My "atomic" clocks did not get the Daylight Savings Time signal today, and my arthritis seems on double-time, so I guess there's a storm somewhere! Hugs everybody..........
    <3 Buzz
    ...............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.....................................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Awoke to a lovely bright full moon and with barely morning light. Hello daylight savings time! I am now trying to set my internal clock. Not as easily reset as all the other clocks in the house.

    The day looks to be cold but clear. Okay! I will need a mug of good strong coffeee to get me going then attack the laundry. I remain very cautious about the virus and we are trying to stay home whenever possible. We get our mail at the post office, so must trudge in there a couple of times a week. We are now going at odd times like early evening just before dinner. Not really convenient but trying to avoid a crowd of people getting mail and packages etc. The ocean going traffic is quiet. No big vessels at anchor at our ports. I do feel we will get a handle on this soon. People are feverishly working on a shot and the rest of us are cleaning and washing our hands and avoiding crowds.

    Lin: I wonder if those lovely tea pots are ever Used? I tried to use mine from time to time. I have set with Santa and elves. I still use it for Christmas hot chocolate. We enjoy some of the old family traditions. I also have a bunny teapot but it suffered a huge chip. Now serves as a flower pot to hold a bunch of Easter cut flowers.

    Anne: I am so glad your son and family rescheduled their cruise. It will be more fun when everyone is healthy again. Florida sounds like a good place to soak in some sun.

    Buzz: exercise is not fun for me. I hate it. I have to listen to npr while I huff and puff through my exercise. Lifting my weights is the most helpful but hard to do. Counting and worrying about dropping a weight on Katie who insists on helping is the worst. I will end up breaking a toe or worse.

    Sandy: you are a really beautiful person. No wonder you don’t mind birthdays. I go into a yearly depression. Another birthday...another batch of new wrinkles! Oh well. Makeup and pretty earrings help.

    Jackie: you are amazingly calm about non-delivery of your new car. Good for you. Just want to say your Dr. John Campbell is wonderful. I believe he lives somewhat near you. Do you ever watch him on his YouTube videos?

    Coffee is ready,
    Stay healthy dear ones.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Monday! :) It was a good time by Rob and Lisa's, the kids love when their aunt and uncles visit. The stew was good, not great, but good. I prefer my regular stew with peas and potatoes but this one was healthy. Of course the kiddos did not like it which I knew.

    Today Bryanna is coming over and we will play games and have pizza. All the weight I lost will be back by Friday but I will start again next week. :s

    The stock market took a downfall today, this does not make me happy. One day at a time, can't predict the future so might as well not worry.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time