What are you reading currently?



  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Still haven't gotten through Real Cool Killers... Last night I started Vasily Grossman, The People Immortal, in tandem with W.G. Sebald, On the Natural History of Destruction. They make a fascinating contrast with the inevitable question "why don't we ever learn?"
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 399 Member
    Age of Legend (The Legends of the First Empire #4) by Michael J. Sullivan
  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Have either of you read any of Ken Liu's Dandelion Dynasty series? He's supposed to be giving a talk near where I work in the fall so I'm considering reading at least part of the series. Not the kind of thing I usually read...
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 399 Member
    FitMary202 wrote: »
    Have either of you read any of Ken Liu's Dandelion Dynasty series? He's supposed to be giving a talk near where I work in the fall so I'm considering reading at least part of the series. Not the kind of thing I usually read...

    I haven't. I have the first couple in my TBR pile (on my kindle) but haven't gotten to them yet.
  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited June 2023
    FitMary202 wrote: »
    Have either of you read any of Ken Liu's Dandelion Dynasty series? He's supposed to be giving a talk near where I work in the fall so I'm considering reading at least part of the series. Not the kind of thing I usually read...

    I haven't. I have the first couple in my TBR pile (on my kindle) but haven't gotten to them yet.

    Well, I just started The Grace of Kings. It's very far from my normal fare, but engagingly written so far and I'm going to give it a try, at least until it's due back at the library! Thanks, Catfish!
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 399 Member
    FitMary202 wrote: »
    FitMary202 wrote: »
    Have either of you read any of Ken Liu's Dandelion Dynasty series? He's supposed to be giving a talk near where I work in the fall so I'm considering reading at least part of the series. Not the kind of thing I usually read...

    I haven't. I have the first couple in my TBR pile (on my kindle) but haven't gotten to them yet.

    Well, I just started The Grace of Kings. It's very far from my normal fare, but engagingly written so far and I'm going to give it a try, at least until it's due back at the library! Thanks, Catfish!

    He is the translator for Cixin Liu (or properly, Liu Cixin, no relation), who is a Chinese author of The Three Body Problem. Ken is an American and has won the Hugo and Nebula prestigious fantasy and sci-fi awards for short fiction. Interesting, I thought Cixin and Ken were related because of the similar name. I'll bump Ken's books up on my list (and Cixin)!
  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,298 Member
    My friend just mentioned The Three Body Problem so I too have bumped it to the head of the list. Kind of excited to dip into these genres I don't usually read. Thanks again, Catfish!
  • Btrflydog
    Btrflydog Posts: 1,361 Member
    FitMary202 wrote: »
    Have either of you read any of Ken Liu's Dandelion Dynasty series? He's supposed to be giving a talk near where I work in the fall so I'm considering reading at least part of the series. Not the kind of thing I usually read...

    Hadn't even heard of Ken Liu - so no. Will be interested to see what you both think of his works.

    Still working on Mr. Penumbra - I've been sick the past few weeks with Allergies and viral infection. Medicines that work put me to sleep so slowed down my reading. I'm finally feeling better.

    Started Death of a Red Heroine - Qui Xiaolong (my X for the challenge :) ) on my cell phone while waiting for doctors, prescriptions...

  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sorry about the allergies... I hear ya, fellow sufferer!

    Great call on the X too!
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 399 Member
    Weed pollen is high here. Seems early in the year for me to be having allergy issues, I can't wait (really I can wait) for ragweed this autumn.

    I'm finishing my Michael J. Sullivan series this evening I believe, unless something comes up. Book 6 of 6, Age of Empyre.
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 399 Member
    edited June 2023
    I read Winter Tide by Ruthanna Emrys, it was pretty good. Now I am on book 2 of the Diogenes Trilogy (Agent Pendergast) by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, Dance of Death. These Pendergast books are not great but sometimes I want a 3 star fluff read.
  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Weed pollen is high here. Seems early in the year for me to be having allergy issues, I can't wait (really I can wait) for ragweed this autumn.

    I'm finishing my Michael J. Sullivan series this evening I believe, unless something comes up. Book 6 of 6, Age of Empyre.

    The pollen and allergies are terrible here in SE PA too, and now the fires are making everything worse. Fingers crossed this isn't a yearly occurrence going forward....
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 399 Member
    Finished the Diogenes trilogy, Pendergast book 7, The Book of the Dead by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child.

    Now starting The Rise of Skywalker (Star Wars) by Rae Carson.

    Reading stats for 2023: 5 hours per day average
    Reading stats for June 2023: 5 hours 50 minutes per day average

    I am about 15 minutes above 2022 total average of 4 hours 45 minutes per day, but June was a bumper month in hours read. I listen to audiobooks as I walk my 100 minutes per day five days a week, and most evenings too when others may be watching television. Most of my reads are immersion reading with the ebook companion to the audiobook, but not while I am walking.
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 399 Member
    The Reign of Osiris by Anne Rice and Christopher Rice
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 399 Member
    Sand by Hugh Howey
  • Btrflydog
    Btrflydog Posts: 1,361 Member
    Finished Death of a Red Heroine. 3 stars

    Next While We Were Watching Downton Abbey - Wendy Wax
  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Felt like I was plodding toward the end of The Grace of Kings, but I can see why it would be popular with fans of that kind of book. It's imaginative, sweeping, very visual... To me, it seemed more like a detailed description of an epic movie series than a thoughtful novel, but perhaps that's the particular genre? I'll be interested to hear your take, @Catfish_Fan.
    Now I may start The Three-Body Problem if I don't decide on something more my normal speed.
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 399 Member
    Sand by Hugh Howey

    Across the Sand (sequel) by Hugh Howey

    One of my friends is reading The Three-Body Problem right now and he really likes it. I don't know much about the book myself.
  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Things have been too busy lately, but I'm going to find a chunk of time to start Three-Body properly. Looking forward to it!
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 399 Member
    Riot Baby by Tochi Onyebuchi