Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 4



  • kwcrane
    kwcrane Posts: 14 Member
    I am 64 and have been on Keto since April and have lose 23 lbs. very slow. I guess I am real insulin resistant, I am trying to correct that if I can by following Dr. Boz on Youtube.
  • Tomsgal1985
    Tomsgal1985 Posts: 984 Member
    kwcrane wrote: »
    I am 64 and have been on Keto since April and have lose 23 lbs. very slow. I guess I am real insulin resistant, I am trying to correct that if I can by following Dr. Boz on Youtube.

    Dr. Boz is awesome. Such a good teacher.
  • jentroeger
    jentroeger Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning! I'm new (this is my first post in the group) and I just started keto (borderline carnivore) at the beginning of July and am loving it so far. I'd love to make some other keto friends, share success stories, recipes, etc. I'm down 6.4 pounds so far; how's it going for everyone else?
  • 66keto
    66keto Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone. I noticed i did join this group but couldn't find how to get back into it as not very tec. tbh ... I am missing the bread potatoes and pasta while doing the keto .
    So its been a big fail in the weight loss .
    Days when i do stick to it I feel great less bloated and no heartburn.
    How is everyone else doing .
  • 66keto
    66keto Posts: 11 Member
    jentroeger wrote: »
    Good morning! I'm new (this is my first post in the group) and I just started keto (borderline carnivore) at the beginning of July and am loving it so far. I'd love to make some other keto friends, share success stories, recipes, etc. I'm down 6.4 pounds so far; how's it going for everyone else?

    Well done .
  • Cherri3770
    Cherri3770 Posts: 7 Member
    Coming back to keto after being off for a year. Weight came back on, of course. I tried weight watchers and couldn’t stick to it….hopefully keto can save me again!
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Best of luck!
  • whdvs4zzzs
    whdvs4zzzs Posts: 2 Member
    I am new 2 group. Age 62, newly retired. Would like to lose 30 pounds. I try to eat non processed, gluten free and sugar free as much as possible.
  • katfourty
    katfourty Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I also want to lose 30 lb too. I am 54. Just went thru menapause/ COVID. Started last week at 164 . I weigh tomorrow.
    Love to have support and give it.
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Good luck all!
  • katfourty
    katfourty Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I am doing keto, call me allabtbacon!
    I am 54 yr, 5"4 and abt 160 but want to be 130.
    Happy to support and encourage and receive it too.
  • whdvs4zzzs
    whdvs4zzzs Posts: 2 Member
    I haven’t had a good start but today has been a good day. I love when you complete diary for the day, it gives a prediction 5 weeks out- a wake up call and accountability. Love it.
  • Foreverchanged1
    Foreverchanged1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey y’all! I’m new to the group as of today! Hoping to join in with accountability/encouragement and sharing hopefully great EASY inexpensive keto recipes ;) and hoping ALSO to share in great successes together in wholeness/wellness!

    I’m “Foreverchanged” just trying to remember to Breathe
  • MacLowCarbing
    MacLowCarbing Posts: 350 Member
    We need to revive this group and this thread.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,612 Member
    We need to revive this group and this thread.

  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    Getting to group going would be nice. I will do what I can to help.
  • MacLowCarbing
    MacLowCarbing Posts: 350 Member
    edited September 2023
    @2t9nty waving back :)

    @rileysowner I will too.

    So how is everyone doing lately?

    Food-wise I'm doing good; exercise-wise things are better now that the fall is here. This summer was way too brutal for me, I didn't get out a lot for walking around but now that the weather is nicer I've been enjoying more walks with the dog.

    We've adopted 2 new kittens that are keeping us busy, too. They were only 3 weeks when we got them a couple weeks ago (neighborhood stray keeps having litters and abandoning them). We also have a cat from a litter she abandoned last year, so now we have her little sisters too. Some of the others we've fostered and found homes, but others haven't made it. No one can seem to catch her to have her fixed, she's too smart for spring traps and won't go near people.

    Here are muh babies:



    Big Sister Pooka

    P3~the new Charmed Ones, napping together

  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,612 Member
    Doing great here...

    I have been doing well with the keto.

    We have an adult daughter living with us these days. She is on disability. I was at CVS for 50 min this morning to get meds for her. One of them will require a second trip, because CVS is the way it is.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    I am doing well. Keto suits me, although I have some blood work I need to schedule, and I expect that my doctor will not be happy with my cholesterol levels. Who knows, I might be one of those people whose LDL is at what is typically considered a good level while on Keto.
  • MacLowCarbing
    MacLowCarbing Posts: 350 Member
    I am doing well. Keto suits me, although I have some blood work I need to schedule, and I expect that my doctor will not be happy with my cholesterol levels. Who knows, I might be one of those people whose LDL is at what is typically considered a good level while on Keto.

    My triglycerides were going down on Keto and HDL was up but LDL didn't change, if LDL goes up I'm gonna have her test it to see if it's the large, buoyant LDL that is mainly coronary-neutral or the small, dense LDL which are the bad ones. But overall everything else is so good, I'm gonna try not to worry too much.