Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - SEPTEMBER 2023



  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,022 Member
    Oh my goodness- I was on vacation and I'm so far behind!

    Quick intro: i'm Lisa, live in FL, married, two adult ish kids living at home, small, young doggie. Been in this group since early 2020, I think, and really count on the support I receive. Struggled with weight since young adult hood.

    On the struggle bus now- been trying to turn the ship and get losing again- been stalled out for months now.

    Visited my parents and in laws- no exercise happened, ate out the whole time- came home to a 1 lb gain, not bad. Perhaps the bad habits will hit the fan at weigh in tomorrow. We'll see. It was nice to see the fam.

    Skimmed all the posts, probably missed some things- but letting you know that I am thinking of you if you're doing well or struggling.

  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 211 Member
    @trooworld wow great pics!
    Well I am finally back to normal life and as you can see I am actually able to take the time to post something. When I’m not working I have been canning. Got my tomatoes done, pickled beets and my dill pickles. Now I’m gearing up to make my applesauce and apple pies. I do a bunch up and freeze them so all I have to do is pull one out and cook it up. It’s great in the dead of winter to smell hot apple pie.
    This is a good week so far Started a beginner’s Pilates workout. 28 days. I see it on my facebook so I thought I’d give it a go. I will let you know how I’m doing. Well I’d better get back at it so hope everyone has a great day today.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    @steffibabiie – Please share your tabbouleh recipe! Where you live looks amazing *swoon* My knowledge of Australia is limited to crazy oversized creatures and horror movies. I’ll pop a photo below of the area where I live.
    @maggybd – Nice goal!
    @Katmary71 – Hope you’re feeling better today.
    @megnolia82 – Any special tea you prefer at breakfast?
    @trooworld – I love being in my craft room. Currently rewatching (mainly only listening to) Bates Motel for the 4th or so time while stamping. It’s very relaxing. What craft project are you currently working on? And the view from your walkway is beautiful! I’m laughing at your hubby trying to hide his face in Daisy’s picture hahahaha and it’s perfect that Violet has a violet leash :)
    @Cornanda – Nice job with keeping the weight in check while vacationing.
    @tammymccrady6278 – Oh my! Apple pie! Scrumdiddlyumptious!
    Dinner last night was fabulous as always and our server was super nice and attentive. Ended up giving her a 25% tip :) As usual, though, I ate too much… I had to do the Detroit Lean just so I could breathe. It got me thinking…falling down a rabbit hole as I do so very often. I need to switch things up. I did so good losing weight with the old WW Turnaround points system (back in 2010). I still have all the info and the spreadsheet I had created back then for tracking. I’m going to give it another go, but also change my weigh in day to Fridays so I can start off the weekend with all the flex points. I’m committing to a minimum of 2 months using this form of tracking.
    Here's a picture of Silver Beach from the bluff above. I work a couple blocks away from Lake Michigan.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    @broncobuddee Please change my weigh in day to Friday. Thanks!
  • Neon_Ninja
    Neon_Ninja Posts: 53 Member
    @trooworld : Gorgeous views! I can bet you love the weather there. Awwww, Daisy and Violet are adorable! Such cuties and I love their outfits.

    @steffibabiie : Simply awe-inspiring scenery where you live. Wow! And I'm with Jennifer, if you have a good tabouleh recipe, can you share?

    @Cornanda and @tammymccrady6278 : Hi there! *waves*

    @vegan4lyfe2012 : What a beautiful beach! Good luck with the WW points--I had some success with that in the past, too. Sounds like a good plan--you got this.

    Just a couple of hiking pics, one from the Smokies at Waterrock Knob (the park is fairly close by):

    The other is from a place called Panthertown. Named a long time ago for the panthers which used to be pretty prevalent in that area. w3ku17hhanwo.jpg

    And finally, a view from the neighbor's house up the hill from last week, lol: s12sam3rq4al.jpg

  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    edited September 2023
    @trooworld I love that seal (sea lion?) beach at la jolla. We used to go for drives down there and my daughter would be entertained by them for hours. It smelt awful though 😂 Daisy and violet are adorable! I'm sure they keep you on your toes.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I've never made it to any of the great Lakes, it looks beautiful! I usually eyeball my recipes, so when I make it tomorrow and have to measure everything, I'll let you know. It's definitely not a fully authentic replacement but it works. 😊

    @Neon_Ninja what gorgeous views! Is that a bear?! And yes will definitely share after I write down the recipe x
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 323 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday
    PW 158
    CW 156.2

    I'm late again, however, in my defense, I went out with a friend and I got more han a little tipsy.

    I should have posted earlier in the day.

    I'm still doing "GOLO" I'm down 6.2 lbs and 1 inch off my belly. I'm hoping tomorrow I will finish cleaning my pantry to throw out some more stuff.

    I always thought that eating clean meant fruits and veggies. I never realized what really goes into it.

    I'm going to try and make a conscious effort to be more active here, so I can see what's going on with everyone.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,213 Member
    @Neon_Ninja - I saw the photo of Nell, and she looks so much like my friend's dog Ryder. Ryder is also a cross between shepherd and a black mouthed cur. I don't have very many photos, but here are a few:



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,065 Member
    @Cornanda I was just thinking of you this morning. I forgot you went on vacation. I'm glad the visit went well. 1 lb isn't a bad gain considering you were eating out the whole time.

    @tammymccrady6278 Thank you! Oh man, you make me wish I were a canner! Congrats on starting the pilates workout!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I just finished a viral Tik Tok trend: take a thrift store painting and make it spooky. Most people just add ghosts but I did extra because I'm extra. :D I'll share a few pics. Yeah my husband hates his picture taken lol. He'd probably kill me if he knew I put that online. :D Yes! I bought Daisy a leash with daisies on them but I don't like that leash as much as the one she has. I wish you luck with WW Turnaround system. I hope it helps you. Oh what a pretty picture!

    @19shmoo69 :D I do love your sense of humor, Darren!

    @Neon_Ninja Thanks! I do love the weather except right now, we've been having HOT weather for weeks. September is actually our hottest month, it can get up to 100F during September. :( Thank you! I love those little stinkers! Wow, great pictures! A bear in the neighborhood??? WHOA! That would be scary!

    @steffibabiie Thanks, believe it or not, I never know if they are seals or sea lions. I think they are seals, though. It is an awful smell lol. Thank you, yes they do! :D

    @DrewsAnna Congrats on the loss, sounds like you are doing awesome on GOLO.

    Hi all. I woke up with a migraine. I think it's from the heat. I took some migraine medication, hopefully it starts working soon. I wanted to share the craft that I just finished. It's a thrift store flip of a painting to a spooky painting for Halloween. I painted the frame black. Here's the before and after and a little closeup of the detailed border.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."


  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 292 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 244
    CW: 244
  • Neon_Ninja
    Neon_Ninja Posts: 53 Member
    @micaroo4 : Omigosh, I love Ryder! He has the same sweet face as Nell. I wonder if he's as vocal as ours--whenever she gets excited, like seeing someone come home, she barks, lol. They are some super smart dogs, that's for sure. What a cutie! Thanks for posting him!
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 100 Member
    I love seeing everyone's photos.

    Been a busy day for me, I've got a nasty cold and had an ultrasound and MRI already scheduled for today. So I did that all morning and had not had anything to eat or drink since yesterday so I was super moody and ready to eat when done. But I didn't stop and get fast food although I thought about it. Small victory there because before I would of justified getting the fast food as a reward.

    The day is not done, I'm taking my kids to a birthday party and know there will be cake and sweets. Hoping to stay strong and only get a small piece of cake.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @Megnolia82 Oh no I hope your power is back on soon, what a hassle! Funny how thrown we get when we can't start the day the way we're used to, it's hard.

    @trooworld I LOVE that photo, my brother went to San Diego State and I visited a few times, it's so pretty there. Your pups are the cutest!

    @Cornanda Welcome back from vacation! Good luck with your weigh-in, that one after vacation is rarely fun, that actually came out without much damage!.

    @tammymccrady6278 Yum I wish I lived by you to learn from you AND mooch a piece of apple pie! Good luck with the 28 days, you got this!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Two months is a great trial to see how it goes, you can do this! Such a pretty photo.

    @Neon_Ninja Wow that hiking photo is amazing, it must feel wonderful to be up there after hiking the day away. So green in your area!

    @DrewsAnna You're doing so well, wtg! We'd love to have you posting more even if it's just a quick “I'm doing fine”, do what works best for you.

    @micaroo4 Ryder's beautiful!

    @trooworld No not the migraine return, grr. I love the painting, the little skulls on the outside are real cool too!

    @865Jessica Good luck with all the test results! Great job not stopping for fast food, the more times you drive past them the easier it gets (first time is super hard though!).

    Hi friends, on a little early to catch up for yesterday. I'm on steroids and still waiting for my medication that ran out to be filled, I'm hoping I'll get it today so I can get some sleep. Did an hour in the greenhouse, had my charity meeting last night, and pain clinic appointment in the morning so the last two days have been too busy. Enjoy the rest of Friday and have a great Saturday! I'm off the wagon on the challenge at the moment but will get it back, I needed a break while feeling bad. I'm on steroids for 15 days so it's going to be a challenge not to eat too much!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,213 Member
    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh-In Day: Saturday
    PW: 128.0
    CW: 128.0

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,213 Member
    How is everyone doing with the No Junk Food Challenge? For me, it's going great. I don't normally eat a lot of ultra processed junk food anyway, so I took this challenge as an opportunity to reduce added sugars. So I nixed all the obvious treats where sugar would be found, and then started checking labels for sugars in the not so obvious places. I notice a difference in cravings now that I'm not eating added sugar.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,133 Member
    @micaroo4 I'm doing terrible with the junk food. I had kind of gave up on everything and started eating everything.
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