Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - OCTOBER 2023



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,670 Member
    @laurelfit57 I'm glad you're back here and back to losing after what sounds like a challenging time. I'd love to see that bed!

    @Cornanda Those backpacks sound awesome, check and see if you get discounts at local attractions as well. We don't have those backpacks but do have discounted or free tickets for some things. I think there's a national park discount too but not positive. There's definitely way more stuff there than people would think! I'm still excited about the seed library at mine, I think I need to ban myself from it.Great job on a week of 45 minutes of exercise!

    @trooworld Yesterday sounds like a great day! Interesting book club, is the last hour to have a scheduled time to do it? How was the adaptive yoga class? Great steps!

    @megnolia82 I'm sure it's going to take a bit to be back on track, the variety of food should be great for your gut microbiome! Bet you're tired of that word huh? You're doing great keep up the good work!

    @MissionSlimpossibles yay on the week of October 1 of being top team by percentage and lbs lost!

    @AJV2688 @badnoodle @crhillis Way to go top winners! I had to cheat and scroll down to steffibabiie 's post to make sure I typed the names correctly, I can barely see the names as I don't have my glasses on! Great job!

    @steffibabiie There is a lot of pressure seeing all the holiday stuff everywhere so early, I held off on pumpkin spice until September but it does put on that “year's almost up” pressure. Christmas makes my anxiety go nuts as I don't have a lot of money and have a big family, I've been working on ways to lessen the stress the last few years after a bad depression awhile back over it. I DID buy fall garden stuff too early that died so I'll keep trying to plan but live in the moment. Good job not being decorations!

    @gemwolf 110 Yes the news is depressing, I try to avoid getting too into it but want to know what's going on so it's a fine balance. I bet the walls look awesome! What a gorgeous photo!

    Hi friends! I slept in late and realized it's because my allergies are going nuts (I'm allergic to cats and have 2 then ragweed I guess?). Got my workout done, cleaned up, vacuumed, and finished my book and am on the last batch of herbs dehydrating then I can straighten up the kitchen. I'm making a gluten-free Belgian chocolate cake next weekend for our volunteer appreciation night for one volunteer specifically and am going to Trader Joe's for the chocolate tomorrow so I can do a test run of it first then get everything for it. My aunt used to work in a bakery and the recipe is hers so I'm not too worried plus my brother said I can share it with them so I'll be taking the trial run there. Have an awesome Monday!
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 282 Member
    WI Sunday
    PW 192.8
    CW 196.8

    Blah humbug. Not sure how long these ups and downs will happen but I am on track calories wise and getting some steps in daily. I know this is water weight, since I’m going up 5-8 lbs every few days. Regardless, I’m sticking to my plan and will ride it out.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 282 Member
    Hi all 👋🏻

    🎉Congratulations to all those who made the leaderboard 🎉

    @Neon_Ninja your fall photo is gorgeous. Yes, I am avoiding the news for the most part. I’m focusing on appreciating time with my family. I’m due to paint some parts of the house and keep putting it off. I need professionals for the stairwell, it needs scaffolding.

    @steffibabiie the holidays came quick this year. I myself am in shock over it. Year end anxiety is a thing, I survive it with the excitement that new years eve is my anniversary. Bravo on not grabbing all the decor. Things get cuter and cuter yearly.

    @megnolia82 I am so happy you’re past the c diff. I’m sure you’ll find a balance soon and do well.

    @trooworld You’re doing great with your steps. Those zoo trips really help. Chili sounds yum. That’s a great way to have a book club. I should see if my friends would like to do that.

    @Cornanda congrats on those workouts. That’s really great 👍🏻

    @Katmary71 seeds seeds and more seeds. I have a big box of them. Have fun growing. Glad you had a better day.

    @laurelfit57 welcome back!


    Besides my sad WI that I just have to accept and move on, things are ok here. Busy with the family and keeping up with the house. Nothing new otherwise.

    Have a great day!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    Steps for Spooky October
    Oct 1: 16043
    Oct 2: 16349
    Oct 3: 19025
    Oct 4: 16314
    Oct 5: 15773
    Oct 6: 15563
    Oct 7: 15555
    Oct 8: 16609
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    @trooworld - it sounds like you work in one of the most awesome libraries there is. Congrats!

    Happy Monday to all!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,022 Member
    Woo hoo! Congrats to the whole team for achieving 1st place by both percentage and pounds lost! A special shout-out goes to @AJV2688 @badnoodle and @crhillis for leading the way! Way to go, team!

    @txcritter69 Congrats on the loss!

    @steffibabiie I love it there, it is amazing! That's nice that you can take some time off during the holidays. Yeah, it's shocking to see Christmas stuff out already!

    @Neon_Ninja Finally someone posts the fall pictures I've been craving lol! Thank you! What a great view from your porch. The news...yes, I do, too. Ugh.

    @badnoodle Congrats on the loss! Yes, sounds like it's time for a doctor visit. I hope you feel better soon. Congrats on your yoga progress! Pretty breakfast, looks healthy and filling.

    @Katmary71 It was a great day! Book club: yes! You talk about what you are reading during the first 30/45 mins and then the rest of the time until noon, you sit reading with your video either on or off and you are muted. Then you come back on and say goodbye. If you are interested, they have chapters all over: https://silentbook.club/ My allergies are going nuts too but not because of kitties.

    @megnolia82 I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving.

    @AmbersWay Thank you so much! Yes, I'm so glad we got the zoo passes. It does really help. If your friends don't want to do it, the Silent Book Club has chapters all over the place and maybe in your area or you might be able to join a different one since most of the meetings are virtual: https://silentbook.club/

    @DebJB30 Sorry about your shoulder.

    @Cornanda Thank you, yes it is awesome! Happy Monday!

    @laurelfit57 You can come back now, I don't know if you saw @jugar's post but she said jump in! Welcome back, friend!

    Hi all. I loved the Silent Book Club. For those interested, they have chapters all over: https://silentbook.club/ It was a lazy day yesterday but I did make it to yoga.

    Spooky Fitness Challenge for Oct steps/minutes: 3,486 / 7,000, 60 mins / 20 mins

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 99 Member
    @badnoodle- You're breakfast looks delicious.
    @megnolia82- Happy Thanksgiving to you. Hope you enjoyed all the yummy food.

    Enjoyed my morning walk today. It was cloudy and 55 degrees with light sprinkles of rain. Perfect weather for me especially with the leaves changing colors. I love moody weather.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all the team mates in Canada. And congrats to everyone on an excellent week.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,118 Member
    So, my family, we love our meatloaf. I haven't really tried making Gluten Free meatloaf since I had to go G. F.
    My wife wanted me to make some this evening. It so wasn't what it was supposed.
    I had to vent.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,670 Member
    @megnolia82 Happy Thanksgiving, I'm glad your husband was able to come. Great job not going overboard, that's great!

    @AmbersWay Never enough seeds right? I think I just like options, I'm like that with books and various soap in the shower too, I made a rule I have to finish one to start another on both of those. I'm glad you're just going to accept and move on, you'll get to a balance soon though I know it's frustrating.

    @DebJB30 Oh no I hope your shoulder improves fast, let us know how your appointment goes. I'm glad your appointment is soon.

    @Cornanda Happy Monday my friend!

    @laurelfit57 The weather does sound great there, hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

    @trooworld I think allergy flares now are ragweed, right? Thank you for the link, I signed up for the newsletter and I'm following the Roseville and Sacramento leaders on Instagram.

    @865jessica Sounds like a great time to be out walking in a very warm sweater or sweatshirt. There's something to be said about taking time to appreciate the moment like that, I'm a lot happier trying to experience everything around me. I wish the weather didn't cause pain as I used to love fall a lot more.

    @steffibabiie I don't know anything for a fact but definitely keep your skin moisturized well. People swear by collagen but I don't see any difference taking it to be honest. If you look in the general forum or search the forums you'll find topics on this. I didn't loose skin until I got down real low and it still bounced back a bit after I was done losing but I also ended up putting on some more weight that helped fill the loose skin. If you find answers definitely share them! I know on the thread the people who lost a lot were leaning toward surgery.

    @19shmoo69 How did it turn out? I bought gluten-free bread crumbs and really had to increase the amount used compared to what I used to regular bread crumbs (double to triple it). It still felt more wet than it does with gluten ones.

    Hi friends! I let the stress of this appointment Thursday then weather pain get the best of me and had a Midnight binge, making a cake last night played a part in it because I kept having problems with it. It needs a few hours to cool on the counter then a night in the fridge so I rushed to the store last night to get it going and had thought I'd let it cool enough but the (gluten free test run cake for volunteer appreciation next weekend) did quite a lot of expanding in the fridge after I took the springform pan off, it kind of looks like someone dropped it off a skyscraper. I went to cover it with whipped cream frosting and overwhipped it so it was unusable and my shelf stable cream has to be refrigerated for 8 hours so I took a bottle of whipped cream and most the cake and dropped it off with my brother's family. Hopefully they'll try it, it's Belgian chocolate and tastes amazing just looks terrible. I got stuff for the charity done and spent over 2 hours trying to cram my medical history in the neurosurgeon's patient forms on the website. Got a lot to do tomorrow so I'm headed to bed soon, have a great Tuesday!
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 282 Member
    @Katmary71 aww sorry the cake did that to you. I avoid baking due to these things 😊. I prefer my artistically sprinkling things into a pot while I sing 😂. Seriously though I stress over baking although I can manage well enough. I hope you’re feeling better and the pain subsides.

    @trooworld thanks for sharing that link. I’ll look i to it. Have your tootsies recovered from the job fair? I imagine heals can take its toll. I wanted to chime in, rockport heals have been amazing. They have thick memory foam pads in them and the sole has a grip to it like no other. I pull them out for weddings that are hours long and I have heavier gowns to drag along. They have been the best.

    @19shmoo69 sorry about the meatloaf. Definitely try Katmary’s tip.

    @steffibabiie you’re doing amazing 🤩 I don’t know any tricks for loose skin. I did hear that losing too fast can play a role in that. Not sure how true that is. I lost 70+ lbs in a year and my skin did well. Now that I gained some back I hope that I am as lucky.


    My steps

    1. 14,862
    2. 8,374
    3. 8,924
    4. 9,050
    5. 7,422
    6. 7,674
    7. 6,295

    Total 62,601

    Nothing new today for me. Made my corn cakes (thin rice cake type thing) with italian roast beef, jalapeño cheese and scrambled egg for breakfast. My new favorite. 2 pieces for around 300 calories including my coffee.

    Going to the mall and hoping to get extra steps today.
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 180 Member
    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Ate modestly yesterday at my parents and had some keto pie tonight. It was decent outside this weekend so tidied up the yard before winter hits. Did some weeding, put away the flower pots, and refilled the hot tub. The nights and mornings are getting to just below freezing now, so most of the plants aren’t flourishing anyway. Was hoping to get some Halloween decorations out, but it just didn’t get on the schedule.
    Congrats to all those with loses. Looks like quite a few pounds shed! I seem to keep bouncing around the same 3 lbs. I’ll have to get serious right quick!
  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    edited October 2023
    @ambersway thanks! I'm thinking it should slow down a fair bit very soon, as I'm not in any extreme deficit or following a crash diet. So hopefully I can maintain a moderate pace of losing and hopefully that prevents the worst of it. Supposedly intermittent fasting can help as well, but I think it is highly dependent on how long you fast for. I think it's mostly in genetics and age, so hopefully I get lucky and end up like you with no issues!

    @19shmoo69 Oh no! It's always disappointing when you try and make a substitute for a favourite and it just doesn't quite hit the mark. I've always made meatloaf (granted, I've only made it like 3 times in my life) with rice in place of breadcrumbs. I think I got the idea from the filling in cabbage rolls. Not sure what you changed to do GF, but if the gluten free breadcrumbs tip from Kat doesn't work out, maybe try that?

    @Katmary71 Oh gosh, that sounds like a stressful evening!
    So, I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to research and I love reading through scientific articles to find out what is actually backed by science. Topical collagen has had no scientifically proven effects, I didn't research supplements as I take one anyway with my daily vitamins, and I have noticed improvement in the rate of growth in my hair and nails since starting it. After reading through a few things today, it seems there's nothing that you can really topically apply to directly improve it. Skin needling/derma rolling, and RF can help. And there are a few active ingredients that can help in a secondary way by adding moisture and helping to improve the skin overall: Vitamin A (retinol - promotes regeneration of cells and collagen production), Niacinamide (promotes healthy cell metabolism), Caffeine ("accelerates the drainage of the lymph system from fatty tissue, improves the microcirculation of the blood in the capillary vessels, exhibits anti-cellulite properties, activates lipolysis, and releases the excess of fat from adipocyte cells by reducing their size."), and Allantoin (promotes cell regeneration and wound healing). I'm sure there are more out there, but these were a few I found today. So I'll probably get these and mix it with some shea butter (vit. A & E) and make my own concoction. At the very worst, I'll have really soft skin! 😂
    Here's an interesting article on caffeine if you're as much of a nerd as I am. It was interesting because I was under the impression that caffeine wouldn't have long-term effects, and was a just temporarily masking symptoms.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    Steps for Spooky October
    Oct 1: 16043
    Oct 2: 16349
    Oct 3: 19025
    Oct 4: 16314
    Oct 5: 15773
    Oct 6: 15563
    Oct 7: 15555
    Oct 8: 16609
    Oct 9: 16685
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    @19shmoo69 - I have a meatloaf recipe that has oatmeal instead of breadcrumbs, but it's on paper so I can't easily share it.
This discussion has been closed.