Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - OCTOBER 2023



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,022 Member
    @865jessica That sounds really nice.

    @steffibabiie Congrats on the loss! I've always heard that the creams and supplements don't work. The only thing that may help some is to build muscle/lift weights. I don't think the steps will be entered into the spreadsheet, this is just a challenge we created. But I created a spreadsheet for us. See below.

    @19shmoo69 Oh no! That stinks. I use rolled oats in my meatloaf, those are gluten free, right? It comes out well. Just sub in the rolled oats for breadcrumbs.

    @Katmary71 I don't know what it is but my sinuses are bothering me lol. Cool, I hope you can attend a meeting someday! I'm sure your cake tastes amazing. I've had situations where cakes don't turn out like I planned and it's really disappointing for me. I hope you aren't too disappointed. Once, I made a beautiful 3-layer cake for my SIL's birthday and got all the way to her doorstep and then tripped and fell with the cake lol. The layers slid off and it was a mess but we still ate it and it was delicious.

    @AmbersWay Yes they have! Luckily. I even wore a new pair of shoes yesterday that were pretty comfortable. Thank you for the recommendation, I will look into Rockports. I have a bunion so I have to be careful what I get, but if I get wide shoes, I might be okay. Wow, 62,601 steps! Amazing! That sounds like a good breakfast.

    @DrewsAnna I love your hair, I have a gray streak growing on the top of my head and when it is fully "in", I am going to dye it pink! Happy early birthday! Celebrate celebrate celebrate!

    Okay everyone! I created a Google Sheet to track our steps if you want to use it. Just choose a tab, right click over the tab and rename it with your username. Then, just add your steps or active minutes (no need to do both unless you want to!). Here is the link to the sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-c4S-GIz9asx1ghzcAnNdyEH1LkXL670f-2mZ4AFUqk/edit?usp=sharing

    Hi all. I'm doing okay. It's supposed to cool down today, which I am glad for. I am going to try to remember to bring comfy shoes to work so I can go for a walk.

    Spooky Fitness Challenge for Oct steps/minutes: 6,380 / 7,000, 60 mins / 69 active mins
    Add your steps/minutes here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-c4S-GIz9asx1ghzcAnNdyEH1LkXL670f-2mZ4AFUqk/edit?usp=sharing

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • DaveJ_43
    DaveJ_43 Posts: 139 Member
    Weigh In Monday
    PW: 235.4
    CW: 234.8

    Good Tuesday morning, Slims. Not a great week for me, but moving forward with a small step. It's nice to see everyone working towards our goals and cheering each other on. Happy Tuesday!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,150 Member
    edited October 2023
    Oh my peeps. Sorry for the silence. My son was suicidal and has been hospitalized for a couple weeks. I had to do a lot of driving for DIL since she doesn't have a license. He is going to be medically discharged. He feels like a failure, but I told him he's given the Navy 7 years of his life already and those back-to-back deployments were awful. And, of course, I got sick. Been sick for 2 weeks now, but thankful it's down to basically just the cough. And to top all of this off...Hunter is pregnant again! Oh man! This puts her due date one week before Byron turns 1! Life is chaos. I'm hangin' on by a thread.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - 🫂 HUGS 🫂
  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    edited October 2023
    @DrewsAnna The pink hair is so fun! You're gorgeous 🧡

    @trooworld thanks! I thought they would be added to the regular spreadsheet as there's a spot on there 🙃 But this works too!
    Edited to add: I just noticed they're on the team spreadsheet now also! I'll keep tracking on the one you made as it might be easier to copy over to the team one from there than digging through posts x
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,670 Member
    @AmbersWay I like that vision of you artistically singing while cooking! Are the corn cakes like arepas? I may have spelled that wrong, they're corn cakes but I've only tried the ones from Trader Joe's.

    @sleepygirl Sounds like you got a lot done! I have a long way to go outside, I admire the amount you accomplished.

    @steffibabiie Very interesting research, now to find serums and creams with all this right? Making it yourself sounds like a good plan. You could always make a coffee scrub to use for the caffeine. I used to haunt the beauty blogs and sagging was one of the biggest frustrations since it usually requires surgery (it's my problem too). I use RetinA on my face, I've used The Ordinary skin products with caffeine (eye serum) and there's a niacinamide serum for the face but you're looking for full-body, right? I've heard of using micro current and red or blue light therapy for the face from the holistic pain group, I don't have the face accessories for my micro current unit though so haven't tried it. I have this unit, some of their stuff sounds clickbaitish but here's the overview, you can explore further if you're interested. It mostly talks of the face here, I went to a free introductory beauty one that basically ended with a paid for program if you wanted further training, here's a link if you want to go own that rabbit hole: https://painfreeforlife.com/revitalize-your-skin-the-top-reasons-why-microcurrent-facials-are-a-must-try/ In the free class it talked of ways to use it to lift skin, didn't think of this yesterday for some reason.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Shoot I was hoping things would be improving, I'm so sorry to hear your son is still hospitalized and struggling. I'm glad you're mostly better now. Wow so Hunter's going to be off her meds again right? Huge hugs, prayers, and love to you.

    @badnoodle Congratulations on the chaturangas and smaller clothes It's definitely more fun clothes shopping when you're smaller and feeling better about yourself.

    @DrewsAnna I love your hair, too fun!

    Hi friends! It's rainy so I've mostly been taking it easy, I did get some more fall seeds in as half my seedlings died from the heat after I transplanted them. Did my workout and went to the farmer's market, the fall/winter stuff isn't fully here and the pickings were slim. I was supposed to go to the farm but with the rain I decided to skip it. I'm going to get the charity meeting minutes out then go get in the tub, have a great night and awesome Wednesday!
  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    @Katmary71 I have a background in the beauty industry, and even though I'm now a graphic designer, I still work primarily with the beauty industry (branding, product packaging, etc), so it definitely helps with connections to find good products and get raw ingredients (without spending a small fortune). I've done coffee scrubs in the past and love them - but I'm not sure if it would be on the skin long enough for any caffeine to be absorbed. But I can get anhydrous caffeine or a concentrated oil, both of which would mix in to shea butter well. And microcurrent facials are amazing! I actually have a little device that does RF, HiFu, and EMS, and EMS is similar to microcurrent. I just need to start using it regularly, but it comes down to never having enough time.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 giant hugs 🧡 glad to hear you're on the path to getting better, it's always hard when everyone around you needs your care, but then you get run down yourself. I hope your son gets the help he needs, he obviously already has an amazing support system!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 497 Member
    First, I must tell you, I don’t think Vannie is impressed that I am checking back in. She hopped up onto my lap to cuddle up tonight, and I had to shoo her down to my feet so I could have my computer on my lap. She is a very unhappy little girl.🤣

    @Megnolia82 happy Thanksgiving to you as well, I see you celebrated on Sunday, we did ours yesterday.

    @Ambersway I am so sorry that you’re struggling, that is really hard when you are staying on track! Thanks for the welcome back, it’s nice to be here. :-) :-)
    @micaroo4 you are getting some serious steps in!!
    @Cornanda I was thinking about you the other day as well, wondering how you’re doing with your pup?
    @trooworld I really like the sounds of that adaptive yoga! I am doing a Yin yoga class now and I think I adapt it :-). I don’t feel like I am as flexible and pliable as everyone else in class but the stretching feels good :-). Thanks for letting me know about Jugar’s post, I did not see it. So excited to be officially back.😁

    Wow! Huge congratulations to everybody on that leaderboard. The Slims did really really well!
    @Katmary that cake sounds absolutely delicious, I’m glad I wasn’t anywhere near your place! Those midnight binges… definitely had a few of those myself! My You are so great always keeping up with all of your charity work, it sure keeps you busy♥️. Are you going in for surgery?
    @DrewsAnna it sounds like you have a lot of fun with your birthday shenanigans! Love the hair :-)
    I know I missed a lot, just trying to catch up on the last couple of days.
    I think I mentioned a couple of days ago that I decided to make a new perennial bed.

    When I first moved in here , at the end of my perennial bed (where Vannie is sitting), there was a huge oak tree that had big rocks all around the base. The rest was grass up to my patio. The oak tree died, so I got it removed, pulled all these huge rocks out and started a small perennial bed. From that oak tree, there are so many roots!!! I’ve spent about two weeks just trying to cut up the roots so that I could plant some thing. My son and daughter-in-law removed the grass for me so the month of September/October was spent just trying to dig out shale and roots🥴. Anyway… this is the final result I just really enriched it with lots of compost, Pete moss and black dirt. I moved a few of my other plants around, so there are a few things in there :-). I am officially done the yardwork for this year.
    Yesterday was Thanksgiving dinner out at my brothers farm, it was delicious and I tried to do just one small spoonful of everything and just had one little square for dessert. This week is going to be tough, I am going to just try to hang on. Tomorrow I am going to a dinner theatre brunch with a girlfriend and Thursday, I am getting together with about 10 cousins for lunch, some of us haven’t seen each other in over 10 years!
    That’s about it for me for tonight, I need to go get an ice pack for my back after all that route pulling 🤣. Hope everybody had a great day!!
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 521 Member
    edited October 2023
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 41 of 52

    PW: 138.4
    CW: 137.8

    Yay, another week in the green for me. Since I was gaining, I stopped eating cheese for a week and now I'm down a little bit. I love cheese!
    I did get out and do some yard work early in the morning before it got hot on Friday and Saturday, and last week I increased my step count by 1500 per day. Our Oleander's have grown thru our chain-link fence towards the empty lot beside them. I think that lot just sold so I want to get them trimmed back, it's a huge job. I filled up a giant Green Waste Can and I only did a little bit. I need to spray the palm tree seedlings again; they have spread all the way to the end of the back fence which is a long way on the neighbor side. I sure hope they appreciate us keeping down the seedlings in their lot. Who knows they could want to start a Palm Tree farm and then I would be in trouble.
    My rib is feeling so much better, it did hurt to breathe and drive too. But I'm having horrible brain fog due to the strange flare I'm having.
    It's Halloween Contest building time again so I'm working on my entry. Tomorrow is my annual eye check exam and maybe new glasses. I'm not looking forward to it since my prescription is so difficult. I always think to myself that they do eye exams and glasses for a living it should be a walk in the park for them, instead of hassling me because I'm not super easy. They should have a tv commercial that say's "near sighted in one eye, far sighted in the other, do you need distance, reading and computer glasses, we got you covered.

    @laurelfit57 I was so happy to see you return. I wondered what happened to you and if you still were in Maintenace. Your garden looks great!
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 317 Member
    Spooky October steps:
    10/9 7,584 steps

    Hey y'all,

    I did a little costco shopping and a lot of Amazon shopping today. I finally got around to making the chicken cauliflower bake and it took so to make/bake I finally got fed up and ate some cereal. Which is a no-no on golo, because it's overly processed. Tomorrow for lunch I'll have some chicken cauliflower bake with some brown rice and portion it up and in the freezer.

    I'm worried about my weigh in tomorrow. I'm not expecting it to be very good. I guess we'll see tomorrow.

    Y'all have a great evening.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    Steps for Spooky October
    Oct 1: 16043
    Oct 2: 16349
    Oct 3: 19025
    Oct 4: 16314
    Oct 5: 15773
    Oct 6: 15563
    Oct 7: 15555
    Oct 8: 16609
    Oct 9: 16685
    Oct 10: 16040
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Huge hugs to you. I didn't think anymore could get piled on for you, but it did.... :( I'm praying for all of you.

    @laurelfit57 - Gus has come a long way, but we are still struggling with the separation anxiety. I've missed seeing Vannie too. Wow! You sure do need an ice pack after all that work- looks nice.

  • Neon_Ninja
    Neon_Ninja Posts: 53 Member
    Name: Neon_Ninja
    Weigh In: Wednesday
    PW: 173.8
    CW: 173.8

    Not too bad despite the hectic week, as I thought I had gained a few pounds. We're off finally to visit our respective moms, one is 100 years old, and one is 90, lol. Will try to get onto the site with my phone but it's so old I can't get the MFP app :D--we'll see what I can do to log in because I'd hate to miss my streak and to read all the comments. If I'm not by a scale next Wednesday will weigh in as soon as possible.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 : Sending out a huge hug. You're definitely in my thoughts--please take care! <3
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,022 Member
    @DaveJ_43 Great job on your loss!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Oh gosh, Jennifer, I am so sorry about your son. No, he's not a failure, the military isn't easy and I'm sure he accomplished a lot in his 7 years. I'm sure all the running around made you vulnerable to getting sick. I hope you feel better soon. Congrats on the upcoming 3rd grandbaby! HUGS.

    @steffibabiie Oh cool. I didn't know that lol. I like what you did with your tab on the spreadsheet, I wish I were that tech-savvy but I'm not lol.

    @Katmary71 Sounds like you are continuing to stay busy!

    @laurelfit57 Awww, Vannie, let your mommy visit with us! Yes, adaptive yoga is awesome. It's basically a stretching class but it feels really good. I'm so glad you are back! I see Vannie is still a gorgeous pup! The second photo, she looks like she's saying, "Yes, I know I'm beautiful!" LOL That area you redid looks nice. Good luck at the dinner!

    @FushiaKat Congrats on staying in the green another week! Good luck with the Halloween contest.

    @Neon_Ninja Safe travels!

    Hi all. Good intentions with the walking but it did not happen: yesterday, I had stabbing heel pain. I think it's plantar fasciitis, which I've had before. I am going to wear my orthopedic shoes today and see if that helps. I tracked again yesterday and pretracked today. Not much going on, I'm working today and at work, I'm installing a Halloween display case at the counter of our library with a spooky book and creepy stuff in the case. I put exhibits in the case all year round but this is my favorite time of year to do the case.

    Spooky Fitness Challenge for Oct steps/minutes: 6,131 / 7,000, 67 mins / 20 active mins
    Add your steps/minutes here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-c4S-GIz9asx1ghzcAnNdyEH1LkXL670f-2mZ4AFUqk/edit?usp=sharing

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 821 Member
    Hey team, sorry life has been on fast forward lately!

    I’ve been transitioning to more normal eating, and I plateaued for the past week. I’m a little nervous about eating normally. But I don’t think I can stay on my current diet long-term. Its so restricted. I enjoy it but I just don’t think tomatoes, mushrooms and broth twice a day is the healthiest long-term lol.

    Off to a training this morning about an hour away, so hoping for a relaxing drive with some nice fall colours :)
    Have a good one!
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 180 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I'm sorry to hear about your son, but glad he gets to go home. I've been through similar with a family member and it is very stressful! I hope you feel better soon.
    @laurelfit57 your perennial bed looks good! You put a lot of work into it!
    @Neon_Ninja 90 and 100!! You have some good genes in your family. Just use the website to keep tracking. Sometimes I find it easier than the app.

    Trying to eat a bit healthier today. Yesterday was my uncle's funeral so food was mostly sandwiches and pizza and dainties. I didn't even track as there were so many little things throughout the day that I ate.
    It was a stressful day for all, but I managed my nightly walk and was conking out on the couch earlier than usual. After my phone fell out of my hand the 2nd time from dozing off, I finally decided to get up and go to bed. I'm jumping into the weekly challenge a bit late, but will see if I can keep on top of that.
    Have a good day!
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 282 Member

    2 spots open for anyone wanting to join.
  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    edited October 2023
    @trooworld the layout, or the total/average? Let me know and I can get yours set up the same!

    @micaroo4 you're killing it with the steps! How do you get so many in a day?!

    @ambersway I think I joined! I haven't downloaded the app just yet, did it on my computer. Do you need the app?
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 821 Member
    I am so dehydrated! Got super busy at work and nursed a single cup of tea from 8am until 6pm. Not good!

    Hope you all had a good day today!

    Tonight’s tea is called “butterfly jasmine”. I had earned a free tea so I used it for an expensive one I would never buy myself. ($25 for 50g). It is exquisite! Hand rolled little butterfly shaped tea leaves. Hence the name. Anyway, I still won’t buy jt but it’s lovely to enjoy for free :)

    My morning tea these days is “hot chocolate” which is a pu’erh with chocolate curls. Really really good and nicely caffeinated.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,670 Member
    @steffibabiie Oh that's perfect, sounds like you have a lot of knowledge to be able to make your own skincare. Your device sounds awesome! I know what you mean, with the micro current machine I'm supposed to be using it every day and it's hard to do that. I was going through old photos earlier on my phone to delete for more room and came across one with a list of foods to help increase collagen production so I'm going to list them quickly: “foods rich in vitamin A like carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots and eggs; green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, and broccoli; Onions and garlic as sulfur is important for cartilage production; berries for antioxidant protection; Vit C like in oranges, bell peppers, strawberries; nuts like almonds, walnuts, legumes, and seeds as they're high in amino acids; Bone broth as it's high in amino acids which are collagen building blocks.”

    @laurelfit57 Oh Vannie, Mommy needs some fun time on here please allow it! My cats were such a pain doing the charity meeting minutes, it's like they're jealous I'm involved in something else so they lay on my paperwork or stand in front my of computer. I'm consulting with a neurosurgeon tomorrow, most of my discs are herniated or bulging and there's one bulge in the neck that's compressing my spine which is probably why I feel crushed from the chest down. It would be amazing to not feel that way! I love your perennial bed and Vannie posing! You just dealt with why I grow in containers, I'm surrounded by oak trees, I'm sure that was exhausting! Dealing with all the bark and dirt wouldn't be easy either, those grasses should be doing great next year and all the good compost will have sunk in. Great job on Thanksgiving, you'll get through this week!

    @FushiaKat Congrats on being in the green, I'm glad you're down but know you must be missing the cheese! It's very nice of you to clean up the palm tree seedlings, I'm sure your neighbors appreciate it, you know if one grew over there you'd probably hear about it but otherwise they may not know how many spring up. I've been kicking myself over oak trees I could've pulled out before they got too big as you're fined here for removing them. Good luck with the eye check!

    @DrewsAnna You brave woman, I was close to going to Costco but went to the nearby grocery store then browsed on Amazon, I was good about getting stuff I wanted but didn't totally need. Clothes everywhere are so expensive I'm planning on Costco for that though they seem to attract cat hair quite a bit now. The chicken-cauliflower bake sounds awesome. I'm hoping your weigh-in isn't too bad!

    @micaroo4 You're doing amazing with those steps, wow!

    @Neon_Ninja I hope you're able to at least log in to not lose your streak! Maybe one of your Mom's will have a computer or newer phone to access? I hope the trip goes well!

    @trooworld Oh no definitely rest your feet, I hope you're feeling better soon. How fun I know the Halloween display case will be awesome, you have a great eye! I'd love to see it if you're up for sharing!

    @megnolia82 I'm sure after getting sick again adding new foods is scary, try one thing at a time and see how it goes, hopefully you'll be healed and eating what you want soon! I guess in a way being limited makes eating less calories easier but agree it's not the long-term answer. Do you still have that bloated uncomfortable feeling or are you starting to feel better? My friend and I were talking about that today how when you're on antibiotics it causes other issues, I'm drinking cranberry juice and eating yogurt to hopefully not have issues on either end and drink kombucha a few times a week.

    @sleepygirl79 Yesterday sounds like a sad day, I'm sorry for your loss. One day won't set you back in the long run, you got this and glad you're jumping into the challenge.

    Hi friends! I've been sleeping in a little later especially as my allergies have been pretty bad lately. The charity president was upset last night so we talked on the phone a little late which was another reason I slept in. I think I talked about this, the volunteer appreciation night this weekend the president is excited about all the little things she has planned and she doesn't collect a salary either so I didn't want her volunteering to fall through the cracks and I asked the board to chip in for a gift. It's a little awkward as her and her boyfriend have a tense relationship and she loves being with her son so we're doing a mother/son movie gift, her boyfriend will be there which will be a little odd. Anyway all but one person pitched in and I was trying to find a physical Cinemark gift card, they're on sale on Amazon today but only ecards then possibly at Costco but I'm not up for handling Costco. Worked out and got some stuff done around the house, not much else is new. Have a great Thursday!
This discussion has been closed.