Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - OCTOBER 2023



  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,017 Member

    @steffibabiie - how do you feel about your daughter being done with school? I had a hard time with that. But I adjusted. And then they both came back. And it's fine, but it would be OK if they moved out too.

  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 95 Member
    @FushiaKat-I'm glad your rib is healing. Congrats on your maintenance of weight loss that's impressive.

    Did good yesturday of being under calorie goal. For two weeks I've been over calorie goal and now I'm working on getting back in control.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,961 Member
    @laurelfit57 Yes! It is a smaller, more portable/compact treadmill. I will be sure to let you guys know how I like it. That's a good idea to cook ahead and freeze. We have a small freezer above our fridge so we don't really have a lot of room in there. :(

    @micaroo4 I hope you share pics! Safe travels.

    Hi all. It helped to have pretracked although I still ended my day over my calories. I will try again today. I'm drinking more water but not as much as I would like to. Have a great Weds!

    Spooky Fitness Challenge for Oct steps/minutes: 6.935 / 6,000, 76 mins / 15 active mins
    Add your steps/minutes here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-c4S-GIz9asx1ghzcAnNdyEH1LkXL670f-2mZ4AFUqk/edit?usp=sharing

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • Neon_Ninja
    Neon_Ninja Posts: 53 Member
    NAME: Neon_Ninja
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW: 173.8 lbs
    CW: 173.0 lbs

    Hiya, Slims!

    We rolled back home finally, after first visiting my mom in Ohio, then my mom-in-law in Iowa. A lot of traveling for the week and it's good to be in my own bed again, lol. Colors have popped here, and I'll try to get some photos up tomorrow. Weigh-in this week was not heinous--I stayed vegetarian, and I think it helped a lot. Man, I have a lot to catch up on!

    Hope you all are having a good week. <3
  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    @Cornanda I'm struggling! She skipped two years of school (went straight from the end of year 8 to the start of year 11) so this has come way faster than I was prepared for. Thankfully she's not moving out or away just yet, her university is only a 40 minute train ride away. She's only 16, so she can't even legally drive on her own yet here in Australia (17 is when you can get your license), so she'll be living with us still for a while yet so she can focus on uni rather than worrying about affording living on her own.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,618 Member
    @laurelfit57 That would be great, thank you! Hopefully I'll be feeling well enough to come back on by the time you mentioned stopping. I've been checking in this group for almost 5 years now my day won't feel right not popping in! It does sound like you had a great day, doing awesome!

    @steffibabiie Hm are you having lower back pain too? I had to Google that and see what it said too, maybe once you've rested a bit targeting the core and glutes first so that area is stronger could help. I went through this where every time I went up on weights my upper back would go out and ended up going to PT to figure out how to sneak around it and it helped which was mainly stretching and strengthening. I always loved the idea of just needing an odor eater in my shoes though, I actually forgot about that until you mentioned it as I haven't done it in a long time. I hope you feel better fast, it sucks to be sidelined especially just starting out.

    @865jessica Oh no hope the family is feeling better soona nd great job meal planning for the week!

    @Cornanda Yes yay you on all that exercise, wtg! Funny about Gus and the spider, it always feels so awesome when you pick a toy for them that they end up loving. Technology can be such a PITA, don't let it stop you though your body is keeping track!

    @trooworld I'm excited for you to get the walking pad, have you thought any more about where you'll put it and what your setup will be? Great job pretracking!

    @FushiaKat Great news on your rib being healed! Funny I'm doing that thinking too I'm higher than my top of wiggle room and with the holidays coming I'm worried. Aw, I hope your kitty is feeling better. Thank you hugs right back atcha! You're my role model on maintenance!

    @micaroo4 I'd love to see your photos! Safe travels.

    @Neon_Ninja Sounds like you did great as far as food, I'm looking forward to seeing the photos of yours too!

    Hi friends, love seeing all the activity going on here! I finally got my medical release today, the surgery scheduler called and asked me to try one more place which is where my telehealth doctor is and it went through, same company as the other two clinics I wasted time at but it worked and as soon as I got there someone had missed their appointment and I got to see my doctor. I was so mad yesterday when I was turned away (3rd time at that place and I kept being sent there) I was yelling in the waiting room about how ridiculous they are and how they and the call center need to be on the same page and burst into tears when I got in the car. I was planning on staying in bed after my workout this morning once I found out I wasn't seeding but am glad this worked out, I'm super flared up from this last week but am glad I got it done. I have everything lined up just need the blood test tomorrow and cleaning the house then getting a bag ready. I'm planning on some meal prep if I'm up to it then grabbing a few more dinners at Trader Joe's. Kitties will be taken care of by two neighbors as will my yard. My weight's up to 163, my CT scan yesterday showed a kidney stone and some scarring in that kidney so I'm realizing what I thought was pelvic nerve pain is that but have been drinking Diet cranberry juice for a few weeks to prevent bladder infections and it seems to be helping as far as getting them when I'm real flared up. Have a great Thursday!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,017 Member
    @katmary71- I'm glad you finally broke through all the healthcare BS and got on the surgery schedule. How long will you be in the hospital? They kick people out so quick these days. Sending hugs and healing energy your way. Please check in when you can after- I'll be wondering how you are feeling.

    @FushiaKat - I like your idea about wiggle room for the holidays. I've let my weight get away from me this year and I definitely don't need more added. Thank you.

    @steffibabiie - Oh boy- she's so smart, she stole two years from you! Glad she will be staying close for awhile- that will help. This is still a big milestone as you well know- soak it all in and try to enjoy all the "lasts". They are "lasts" for you too. I don't have anything too wise to say except that you will be OK on the other side. It's really cool to see them start to handle things as adults- it's one of the rewards of parenting!

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,017 Member
    Early Weigh In
    PW: 176.8
    CW: 176.8

    Anniversary dinner tonight!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,017 Member
    Here is Gus- one of his special skills is having cute bedheads:

  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 95 Member
    @Cornanda- Oh Gus is adorable.
    @Katmary71- I'm sorry your going through this stress with the clinic. I so hope you don't get bladder/kidney infection they are horrible.

    Two days in a row of staying within my calorie goal, I'm so happy. I had cream sauce last night and it caused horrible stomach pain and nausea. I knew better better but I love creamy parmesan spinach chicken. My gallbladder isn't work right but don't go back to my GI doctor until December so I don't know what he is going to suggest. So till then I have to stay way from fatty foods
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,961 Member
    @Neon_Ninja Congrats on the loss! Impressive considering you were traveling. I can't wait to see your photos of the leaves.

    @Katmary71 I am excited! Yes, I am going to get risers for my couch and store it under the couch when not in use. The risers were kind of expensive ($59) but it will be good to store the walking pad out of the way. I'm so glad that you got your medical release! I'm glad you are getting help from your neighbors. Have a great day!

    @Cornanda Happy Anniversary! OMG that Gus is so cute. He's got the best bedhead lol.

    @865jessica Sorry about the pain from the cream sauce. I hope it helps to stay away from fatty foods.

    Hi all. I am 96% done with my walking challenge. I will probably finish today. I already decided I'm going to sign up for another one: they have a Scooby Doo one coming out today or tomorrow and it looks fun. I had set up my Dia de Los Muertos challenge to last until Feb but I obviously overestimated how long I would need. The Scooby Doo challenge, I will shorten up to just a month. I can always adjust the end date as needed. I just stopped what I was doing and pretracked my day's food. If I don't pretrack in the morning, I am unlikely to track at all.

    Spooky Fitness Challenge for Oct steps/minutes: 6,326 / 6,000, 68 mins / 15 active mins
    Add your steps/minutes here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-c4S-GIz9asx1ghzcAnNdyEH1LkXL670f-2mZ4AFUqk/edit?usp=sharing

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • crhillis
    crhillis Posts: 34 Member
    Name: crhillis
    Weigh In: Thursday
    Starting weight (Sept 18, 2023): 157.2
    PW: 153.6 (Sept 28)
    151.6 (Oct 5)
    153.8 (Oct 12)
    CW 152.6 (Oct 19)
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,618 Member
    @Cornanda Thank you Lisa, one bright spot in all that craziness is between me and the surgery coordinator it's been brought to the call center manager and my situation had been escalated, I was called to see if I wanted an opening today right when I got home yesterday so it's nice to know that's not acceptable and hopefully no one else will go through that. The surgeon's office said a night or two and the hospital said it would depend on my pain levels. They really do kick people out fast these days. Thank you hugs and healing energy back atcha!Have a wonderful anniversary! Gus has the sweetest face ever and he's rocking that bedhead!

    @865jessica Shoot that's frustrating about the far-out appointment. Unfortunately the high fat dairy is a huge gallbladder trigger too which you know, all of my Mom's flares and emergency surgery happened after having ice cream. Since mine has been removed I have problems with greasy food but didn't personally have the high fat issue prior. My good friend's husband keeps having to go to the ER after eating meatloaf and my friend's very healthy and always points out she's perfectly fine and she ate the same thing which he would NOT want to hear in pain at the ER, I'm thinking it's probably his gallbladder too but you never know. I hope you're feeling better by the time you read this. And can I say that dinner sounds so yummy!?

    @trooworld That's great on your couch idea! Thank you! You're doing awesome with your walking, have you done any of the location walking ones where you get postcards along the way and a medal at the end? I have a few friends on here that do those, someone filmed the walks in these places and it's not that expensive to do them. Keep being awesome!

    Hi friends, one step closer to surgery, got my blood work done and some more freezer stuff plus made skinnytaste's chicken taco chili to freeze. Now it's cleaning and last minute stuff. I'm eating a little better after that weigh-in but am going out for ice cream with friends tomorrow night. Have a great Friday!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 488 Member
    Just a quick check in tonight.
    @Katmary71 I’m glad you got through all of your tests, that is crazy how you have to go to all those places, not knowing whether you’re going to get seen or not. I’m glad you got through everything though!
    This week has just been crazy for me, next week will be much calmer, and I will try to be a good cheer leader for the group :-). Vannie and I didn’t get home from Agility until after seven, by the time I got home, I was starving! Luckily, I have stocked my freezer full of soups and chillies so I was able to grab something out of the freezer and defrost it and I had enough points left over for a Fudgsicle:). Tomorrow my grandkids come for a sleepover, so I’m not sure how much energy I will have left at the end of the night tomorrow L0L.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 275 Member
    Hi all! I’m so behind. I came the other day and there were 61 posts 8 missed. Ive been reading through them though.

    I think I will just try to keep up from here.

    @Katmary71 I’m so happy you’re getting everything ready and will be through surgery soon enough. We’re all cheering for you, sending well wishes for a quick recovery and hugs.

    @laurelfit57 Have fun with the grandkids.


    For me, I have been struggling. I got 1 cycle session in, steps are up and down. Carbs here and there. It has been a busy week with no meal prep or proper grocery shop. I’m trying to get a handle on things though.

    A month before my nuero appt my stomach started bothering me, which I assume was from the medication. Now that I am finally off of it, as of last week, I am doing much better in regards to the nausea and headaches from it. But, my stomach is still bothering me when I eat. I nay have to go in and check it out. Is it an ulcer, just left over med effects? Who knows.

    So I am not so nauseated now, yay! Downside, I have more of an appetite! I really have to work on my meal prep so I don’t grab a snack (carbs).

    Hope everyone is doing great! 💐
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 810 Member
    Hey everyone! Thanks for all the kind comments :)

    I had my couple days of high this week and now I’ve had a wake up call that this journey isn’t over. I woke up with a lot of aches this morning. Foot, back… all things I’ve chalked up to obesity. But then I remembered that I’m still obese… even if I lost a nice chunk of weight, I have a long way to go.

    Here’s to the wake-up calls that push us to keep going!
  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi all

    weigh in day Friday
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 208 Member
    Well this week has been trying that’s for sure. I have struggled to stay on track. Struggling to eat healthy and struggling with staying positive. This week sucked. I’m really hoping my weigh in tomorrow doesn’t show it though I doubt it. Today I’m going to try and stay the course and begin again. It seems like I’m always starting over. But I guess that’s the nature of the beast we call addiction cuz let face facts. I love to eat and it loves to test me. I need balance.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,017 Member
    @Katmary71 - I find the healthcare system quite upsetting at times. People need better care than what is provided! I'm glad they are helping you more, but seriously? The surgeons office should be busting their butts to get you ready- otherwise he can't do the surgery and that's how they all make money. Not to be mercenary about it, but it's a win/win. However, with all the trouble you had getting in to see him, it appears he has more business than he can handle. You are doing great stuff to get ready. Enjoy yourself this weekend!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,961 Member
    Weigh-in day: Fridays
    PW: 230.8
    CW: 229.8

    -1.0 lb
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