Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 99 Member
    @trooworld- I like your tiger costume and you are killing it on steps, way to go.

    Hi, I'm Jessica and I live in East Tennessee. I'm a mom of three boys 12,6 and 4. I had a medical scare in April of 2022 when I got sepsis after a outpatient surgery and four areas of infection. It took some time to recover but it "Woke" me up. I realized I wanted to really live so I made a choice to take my health and life in my hands again. So I've been making changes, went to pt to work on physical strength, I saw a NP who does a weight loss/lifestyle management program and started getting bloodwork done and working with a GI doctor to understand why I've always had stomach issues. I figure it will take me 2 years to get where I want but I'm fine with that. It took years to get this unhealth so it will take time to get health.
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 210 Member
    Morning all! Well this week I’m on nights and I’m just about ready for bed. It is dark and dreary out so I’m hoping it makes for a good sleeping day. I have a harder time when it is sunny and nice. My body wants to stay up and enjoy the sun. Lol. I will have to adjust my logs to nighttime and make sure I’m getting enough to eat. I just finished my log for last night and I didn’t eat enough but I wasn’t hungry either. My go to at night is cereal and not heavy meals so hopefully tonight is better. I an keeping my fingers toes and hell my whole body crossed to hit the big 50 mark this week. It’s a pound and half to get there so I know it’s achievable but on nights? Let’s hope. Well it sleepy time for me so have a great day everyone. Chat soon.
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 821 Member
    Weigh in October 29 Megnolia82

    Sorry I’m late!!

    SW: 228
    PW: 202.4
    CW: 206

  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    Weigh In Day: Tuesday
    PW: 87.80kg | 193.57lbs
    CW: 84.95kg | 187.28lbs
    Progress from SW: -10.70kg | -23.59lbs

    My Info:
    Working with a dietitian and my doctor to get healthy, feel great, and set a good example for my girls!
    Age: 37
    Height: 162.5cm | 5’4”
    Starting Weight on 28.08.23: 95.65kg | 210.87lbs
    Short Term Goal Weight: < 72.5kg | < 160lbs
    Daily Calorie Target: 1400-1600
    Macro Breakdown: 40f/30c/30p
    Diet: mostly Mediterranean; focus on whole foods; no alcohol; limit added sugars.
    Intermittent Fasting: 16/8 (for now – hopefully back to ADF in the future)
    Workouts: cardio and/or body weight circuits 6x per week

    Big loss this week, but only because last week’s weigh in was at the peak of a few days of gaining.
    It’s Halloween! It’s starting to catch on here in Australia, but is mostly popular in younger families (social media generations). Our neighbourhood is a lot of empty nesters, and a few older kids so we never have many, if any, trick-or-treaters. Thus, won’t be buying any candy as it will inevitably be left for us to eat. And with No Sugar November starting tomorrow, it sounds like having candy around would be a great way to sabotage myself.
    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 283 Member
    WI Sunday (Sorry I am late)

    PW: 196.4 I think
    CW: 198.8

    I’m struggling but still here. 😩
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 283 Member
    Catch up time

    Congratulations 🎉 to all those who had a loss and those on the board.

    Welcome to our new members! 💐

    Nov Intro

    I’m a married mom of 3 big kids. I have 3 rescue doggies. So we are quite the circus. Always something silly happening around here.

    My plan is to keep it low to no carbs, steps, weights and cycling. I don’t starve, overdo exercise or stress over a slip up. Which I believe is what has helped compared to past plans. I’m coming off a harsh medication and have seen a gain, and after my husbands accident I had reintroduced carbs due to convenience in the hospital. 3 months later, I still have some and it’s not helping. So really trying to get back off them.

    I previously lost over 70lbs with MFP. After some health issues I put some weight back on and here I am to do it again. I started in January and have lost 27.2 lbs with the group. The last 3 months haven’t been the greatest for losing, while focusing on my husbands recovery. He’s starting to improve and I have more time. So here I am ready to get back at it. I just need a kick in the …

    @laurelfit57 you’re Italian feast sounded great. How did the focaccia turn out?

    @Katmary71 I hope you feeling well. Miss you 🥰

    @trooworld I love your costumes. Super cute! You’ve been getting some good step in.

    @micaroo4 mam, you keep me moving. Your step count is so encouraging. Thanks! It’s so sweet that you missed Rich over the weekend. I’m so bad, I’m dying for mine to travel so I can clean out his cave. He won’t let me touch it when hems home. 😂

    @tammymccrady6278 you are doing amazing! Onederland is near! Did I miss you reaching it? I hope not.

    @Cornanda I’m on the struggle bus with you. This month will be our month!

    @steffibabiie you are doing an amazing job and keeping it going. Well done!

    @txcritter69 I am trying to think of ways to keep on track. I need something to look forward to, mid week, mid month. I feel ya. 🤗

    @19shmoo69 let us know how the reset goes. I’m considering to do a big batch of bone broth to use as a meal replacement or snack time. It helped in the past.

    Love all the pet pics! Adorable! 😍

    Here’s some pics of my lil guy Helix (RIP) during playtime, casing the joint, breaking and entering and making a run for it. He had full cheeks which made his getaway rough.


  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,021 Member
    @AmbersWay - Thank you for sharing the cuuuuuute! pix of Helix! It's nice to start the day with a smile.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 501 Member
    Super quick check in this morning, I am staying at my daughter’s while my SIL is out of town. I was able to get to the gym yesterday fora spin class and that really set the time for the rest of the day I felt much more in control and on track. After I drop off the grandkiddos off at school I am headed to the gym for some weights and a hot yoga class:). There is so much Halloween candy here! The real test will be tonight when I hand out the candy, hopefully it will all make it straight into the trick or treaters bags and not in my stomach🤣. Happy Halloween everyone!!
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 99 Member
    Hey there everyone, been struggling the last few days. This Halloween candy is getting me. I find myself justifying eating several pieces because there fun size but they add up.
    The family went to a Halloween party Saturday and lots of snacks and treats. Tried to not over do it and I did well at the party. I picked water instead of regular soda so proud of myself for that. I love fall and all the holidays but myself control is being tested by these treats, lol.
    Overall still doing go with healthy food choices just occasionally over doing it with candy. I'm a work in progress. I tell myself I'm not looking to be perfect just continue making small improvements.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,039 Member
    Congrats to our team winners: @askewcr @laurelfit57 @DebJB30 @865jessica @megnolia82 !!!

    @DebJB30 me neither! I'm glad your shoulder is getting better. Congrats on the loss.

    @badnoodle Way to show that junk food who's boss! Congrats on that loss, too!

    @txcritter69 Congrats on the loss!

    @laurelfit57 Aww, thank you! Yeah, lots of fun. I'm glad the feast was good. Too bad about the focaccia but now you know! Sounds like that was a very tiring agility match! I'm glad we don't hand out candy (no kids here)!

    @865jessica Thank you and thank you!

    @Veta2018 Thank you! I love to dress up for Halloween. OMG Benny! He's adorable. <3

    @tammymccrady6278 That must be hard to switch shifts.

    @DaveJ_43 Congrats on the loss!

    @steffibabiie Congrats on the loss, have a great day!

    @AmbersWay Sorry for the struggle. Is there a challenge we can do this next month that would help you? Thanks! Helix was super cute.

    Hi all. I am wearing a 50s-style dress with pumpkins and ghosts on it today. I will wear a petticoat under it. Today will be fun. The Oct challenge ends today, get your activity in! If you have a suggestion for next month's challenge, please either say it here or private message me with your suggestion.

    Spooky Fitness Challenge for Oct steps/minutes: 6,600 / 6,000, 72 mins / 15 active mins

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,039 Member
    @865jessica Congrats on your 30 lb loss!

  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 613 Member
    Good Morning,
    I did not buy candy. We live in a rural area, so no kids and no temptations. My husband did buy candy bars at the beginning of the month, but he already ate all of them. I kept putting them in his lunch to help get them out of the house. We have an understanding that if he wants junk food, that's something he will need to buy because I will no longer be picking out these items. I do allow myself an occasional treat that fits in my daily nutrition goals. I learned a new strategy. If I want a special treat, then I will do 25 squats and drink a glass of water first. I will reinforce a bad habit with a new good behavior.

    💪 Slimpossible Strong! 💪
  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    edited October 2023
    I mentioned this in another group, and thought it might be helpful here as well..

    For those of you who have leftover candy, and don't want leftover candy: a lot of local elementary schools back home would take any extras as long as they were individually sealed, and would organise to have it sent to troops overseas. It may be something worth checking into :)
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 613 Member
    @trooworld - I have a suggestion for next month's challenge 

    Practice mindful eating. Mindful eating is when you pay attention to everything about the food you are eating. Try eating just one meal mindfully. When you sit down at the table to eat, notice how you feel as you eat. How does it taste? What is the texture? What color is it? How does it smell? How does it makes you feel full? This can be a way to appreciate the foods you're eating.
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