Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I am truly sorry for being MIA so much. I do feel bad that I have not been able to make it in as much as I normally do. Life has been busy with school and other responsibilities. My weight is definitely suffering due to it as well. I definitely need to find a better life balance. But so far has not happened. I find myself tired and not wanting to do anything during my rare down times. Today I planned on going for a walk but went to Church, made cabbage soup, did dishes, laundry and then slept most of the afternoon. On Friday I left class an hour early fir a hearing appointment and found out that I have traumatic hearing loss. Not sure what caused it as to my knowledge I have never experienced anything to cause that issue. Now my hearing will be monitored yearly. Also had a birthday party Friday night for my cousin and drank to much but did have fun. Saturday morning was rough from the night before but kept my commitment to my foster TOPS group and helped with their bazaar. Purchased a few things and also received something's as gifts. Tomorrow I will miss part of my class as I have a dentist appointment and couldn't make it work for after class.

  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member

    How are all of you this evening? I hope good!

    Myself? I am going to start creating scrap fabric wreaths for Christmas!

    An example below: navy blue and white (my photography is not the best)


    What do you think?
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Thank goodness for a long weekend for me. Was able to find time to stop in and say hi. I have 4 days left of class. Friday is my graduation day. Hopefully will have a placement by then but if not oh well. Will just have to keep job hunting I guess.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    I am at a friend's place for the holiday. I brought lunch meat and buns and drinks for the holiday. Then when the roommates return I am going to prepare lasagna. I am not traditional.

    Have a happy turkey day!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I finally had some time to drop in. Here is the latest of what's going on in my crazy life.

    So last Thursday afternoon I went for an interview for my placement and got the job in the spot. On Friday we had our appetizer challenge which my group placed 4th out of 4. But everyone seemed to really like our pinwheels we made. Let's just say I am addicted to them so it's a good thing they are a little pricy to make for my budget.
    dfhteone0hls.jpg Also Friday I graduated from the program. Friday night I partied alot. Saturday I didn't get out of bed till noon, then got my bus pass renewed and worked on raking leaves. Sunday was Church and house work and then hanging with friends. Monday was shopping for work. Tuesday was my first day of work and it went well. Got done early and had to hang out at McDonald's and did a little shopping for 2 hours waiting for my ride to my meeting. Today was my day off so I went to a TOPS meeting with a group I have never been to and found out I stayed the same this week. Tomorrow is back to work for 2 days. See you all on Saturday if I make it in. Oh yeah Hubby and I are separated but living under the same roof which is making life more difficult. But no other choice at this time.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had an awesome day!

    Worked Thursday and Friday. Got to learn how to pack parts of the meals on Thursday as well as bring lots of food home. The boss seemed pleased with how I did and gave me lots of encouragement along with encouragement and instructions. I don't know if that was partially because the girl that got hired the same day as me quit with lots of complaints about him or not. In Friday we had no supervisor as she took the day off and the boss was only there for a short time as he was running behind and then had to be off site for a commercial. We were supposed to work till 5 pm but got done by 2:30. After work on Friday hung out at my friend's for a few hours and got some attention from a male friend that was there that I am kinda interested in. My son spent the weekend. So on Saturday got some exercise walking to do errands and he treated me to breakfast. In the afternoon I cleaned up leaves for my side job as snow was predicted to start today. Then hung out at my friend's till dinner time. Today went to Church and then did a few things before taking a nap. I have started doing diamond art which I may or may not be addicted to. My Son and I are planning to live together when I move out as it's the only way I can afford it. Looking for a place to live is frustrating as I am not making enough hours to save for an apartment. My share for first and last would have to be at least $1450. But have asked my boss for more hours so we'll see what happens. All I can do is work hard, pray and keep the peace at home. When it comes to the ex I never know when he is going to run hot or cold. I hate having to walk on eggshells but I refuse to go to a shelter and take a spot someone who needs it more might need.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yes it sucks that my ex can not man up and be supportive. While I worked Monday and Tuesday he did nothing in the house. I think he doesn't believe I am leaving even though I keep saying I don't know how he will take care of the place when he won't do anything except watch tv, play on his phone and smoke weed and cigarettes. It's not like I ask a lot. Just do dishes and laundry, as well as cook dinner on days I work. With where I work most nights it's just heating up stuff that I have brought home on Mondays and Thursdays. I have started going through stuff and packing slowly. I have figured out that it will take me about 3 months to save enough to move out. Also that gives me enough time to get the ex his ID that he lost a few years ago and get him his own bank account so I can get off his disability check. I had asked the boss for extra hours on Friday and I am now also working 3 - 9 pm on Wednesdays. This starts next week and will give me the opportunity to learn the cooking aspect of everything. I am glad they believe I can manage that. I am so looking forward to the new challenge to prove myself. Today was TOPS and I lost 2 lbs. Couldn't believe it. Such a wonderful surprise!

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yesterday I worked a half hour extra and wanted to stay but after giving me the choice to stay or go they sent me home. It was a little weird. I felt bad leaving when they still had so much to do. They ended up working an hour extra after I left. Also the boss gave me more compliments and said that he has heard good things from the supervisor about me. I told him I was grateful for and looking forward to the opportunity to learn the cooking side of things. He told me he wanted me to learn it before my friend goes on leave for her surgery so I can take her place while she's off. Another of my friends from the course also got hired yesterday so work is only going to become more fun. Today the ex decided to stick to his usual end of month fits. Which just made me mad. Bills need to be paid before anything else. Then we got our COVID and flu shots. After I got home I went to my friends and we went shopping at the mall. This gave the ex a few hours to get his attitude back under control before I came home for dinner. Tomorrow it's back to the mall with my ex and Son for Christmas shopping.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sorry didn't make it yesterday as planned.

    Yesterday was Christmas shopping at the mall with my Son. The ex was supposed to come but stayed home which was fine with me. We had lunch at the food court. I had a greek salad and gyro. Got home by 3. Then had to listen to the ex complain that I wouldn't show him what I got everyone. Told him if he went he would know. Then went to my friends for a couple hours. Came home and made dinner. Today was Church, grabbing a few groceries, filing some paperwork online, lunch and nap. Also did some laundry, dishes and made dinner. Hopefully will make it back in to visit on Wednesday but not sure as I am working Monday - Thursday this week. Either way will definitely be in on Friday.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Worked Monday through Friday. Back to work on Monday. The ex has been up and down with his moods and that's fine as I am mainly only home when I have to be. My Son and I spent today out and about grabbing a few things for making Christmas cookies. I even grabbed a few cheap decorations because I felt weird not decorating at all. I even bought a felt tree with lights and felt decorations. Tomorrow I am going to Church twice then to my sister's as we're going to the cemetery to put a wreath on our parents grave.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sorry I have been MIA.

    Life has been crazy with work and the holidays. Got lots of things on my Christmas list. The ex has made it miserable enough over Christmas that my son left on boxing day and is refusing to come and visit with me anymore. Exercise is minimal. On days off I find I spend most of the day sleeping on and off. The ex doesn't do much around here and that drives me crazy as I end up having to do everything on my days off. I will do my best to check-in but probably won't except on my days off which are Fridays and Saturdays. Happy New Year everyone!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    My ex isn't the father of my Son but has been in his life for most of it. I can understand my ex's feelings some what. He hasn't lived with us for many years and the ex has gotten stuck in his ways but I don't consider that a great excuse.

    Anyways this week has been a long one. But so glad to have three days off. Wednesday was the most stressful of them all. I even cried at work. The ex has been sick and has done nothing around the house even when he has been feeling well. Today I went out and got some new bras that were way overdue. So much more comfortable. I am one step closer to freedom as this week I was finally taken off the ex's check. Next step is to figure out my finances so I can cover my expenses and still save money for the move. I can and will do this.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Planned on checking in last night but didn't get it done. So glad to see how active our chat is. We got a bit of snow overnight but is all melted. But more is on the way. Really was hoping for some decent snow so I could make some extra cash with my side job. Yesterday was spent sleeping doing dishes and visiting with my friend. My new routine seems to include sleeping most of Saturday. Today I went to Church, did some laundry, read, crafted and made dinner for myself. I made quesadillas using chicken I brought home from work earlier in the week. Actually got my MFP account to work properly on my phone with the website so was able to track my food tonight. Other than the ex being lazy when it comes to getting chores done his attitude today was not bad. I am learning to worry about myself when it comes to meals and let him fend for himself. We have eaten meals together for so long I have to learn to not stress about eating by myself.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Now to get on with catching you all up on what is going on in my life..... Monday was a busy pack day at work as always, Tuesday was even busier with prep for Wednesday cook day and ended up working over 9 hours, Wednesday was TOPS and lost three lbs although I have no clue how and worked over 9 hours, and Thursday got up and shoveled snow and worked only an hour over my shift and then got to visit my BFF for a couple hours before going home. That brings us to Today lol. Today I have off from work and slept in then ran some errands in the morning. Got to my sister's to spend the weekend with my son while there out of town around 1pm. We spent the afternoon just chilling and hanging out then made dinner together. So nice to have normalcy and peace back in my life for a couple days. It started raining after I arrived then switched to snow definitely more than yesterday but they say it's supposed to switch back to rain and all be gone again.

    Here's a pic of the snow on my way to work yesterday. Granted by 2pm when I took my first break it was gone. Not sure why I bothered shoveling LoL.


    Next Sunday my schedule is changing. Sundays we start at 4am and Wednesdays we start at 6 pm. This is due to the availability of our temporary kitchen for about 3 weeks while we wait for our kitchen to be completed at work. Our company is growing faster that the boss expected and we don't have enough employees either. On top of everything else our city's bus service is possibly striking starting on Monday at 12:01 am.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Last night it rained a bit which helped with the amount of snow. Was snowing again by 5:30 am and has been on and off since. Definitely cold and windy as well. Did sleep in this morning which was nice. Made breakfast for my son and I, did laundry which required going outside to get the the laundry room and climbing up and down the stairs several times. That was my workout today along with some music boogie. It's so nice that I was able to listen to music from the time I got up till I go to bed. Also made lunch and dinner for son and I. It was so nice to have someone to eat with and help make the meals. Definitely gave me an insight of what living together will be like when it happens. I also did dishes, played video games, read, and did my finances. Still no word on wether there will be a transit strike or not. Trying not to worry about it as it is what it is. Will just do my best to survive it while paying bills and trying to save money. Spending will just have to get tighter if it does happen. Not looking forward to traveling to work tomorrow as I have to take 2 buses and there's an hour wait between the two and will get to work at least an hour early. Good thing I now have a key. After work tomorrow I have to shovel the snow for my side job as I wasn't home to do it today and he has clients coming Monday.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today I got up at 5:30 am. It was sooooo cold and windy out when I went to catch the bus at 6:07 that I decided to go all the way home first to drop my stuff off and warm up a bit. That trip took about 30 mins. Then waited almost another 30 mins between being at home and at the bus stop. Was way better than waiting an hour with no protection. While waiting for the second bus I watched the steam rising of the Detroit river. It was so heavy it almost looked like smoke blowing down the river. Got to the McDonald's about an hour before my shift start time and waisted about a half hour there having breakfast and waiting for a co-worker to pick me up so I didn't have to walk the 15 mins or so to work. Talked to the boss about the possible bus strike and he said we would figure something out even if he had to drive people or figure out a car pooling system. He doesn't have to pay for his gas so it would just be his time. After work I had missed the bus by minutes and had to wait an hour for the bus so went to the Burger King to stay warm with fries and a diet coke. A co-worker bought pizza for us to eat at work. The ex ordered Chinese for dinner using the excuse that if he took something out for dinner I would have said I didn't want it even though I gave him the choice what to take out of the freezer. Tried to shovel but it didn't work so well so used a couple bags of salt to hopefully help with traction if nothing else. Lots of take out today. The furnace is not happy about the negative double digits and wind chill and is not working right but that's nothing unusual. Watching the Lions game against the Rams at least till I go to bed. Work again tomorrow. Will try to check in on Wednesday but will see what happens.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    It's been a busy week. Tuesday after work I had a meeting. Before the meeting my friends and I decided to go out for dinner. Which was alot of fun. Thursday we finally got our furnace completely fixed and water came back. Also went up one side and down the other of a co-worker that completely got under my skin. I still have no idea how he still has a job but whatever. Picked up an extra shift on Friday and went in after shoveling snow for my side job and running a couple of errands. After work while waiting for the bus my son called me crying. Turns out that his mental illness was triggered by my sister over having dinner and he lost it. Called the cops on himself and had them take him to the hospital to the mental health ward. He spent the night there and then came to my house. It got him kicked out and he is now living with my ex and I. Not the best situation. But definitely better than being where he is constantly being treated like a child instead of an adult. Saturday was my only day off and had a dinner to attend. While there found out that I am being honored for 15 years as a Director on the Harrow fair board. Left early when my ride left as I had to be up for 2 am this morning for my 4 am shift. After work a co-worker and I went to the mall to have breakfast and do a little shopping. Then came home. Tried to stay awake without napping but didn't even make it till 1:30 pm before my body decided to shut down. Still tired but trying to stay up so I sleep through the night. Almost forgot on Wednesday went to TOPS and only gained 1 lb. Not what I was hoping for but it's better than gaining more.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Lots of chatting going on and glad to see it.

    I can definitely understand my weekly account of my happenings can be tiring. I am tired and catch up on sleep every weekend.

    This week I was down 2.5 lbs. Work has been busy as always. Had a speed rack fall on me on Wednesday full of meat with minor injuries. It was partly my fault it happened. Worked 6 days this week. But back to 5 days next week. Definitely going to enjoy having Friday's and Saturday's off. Tonight is D-day for the decision if buses go on strike or not. Will find out by morning. Plan to check-in again on Friday as it will most likely be the next chance I get.

  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 861 Member
    Howdy folks. Hoping all is well with you.

    Here, I've been going to PT and getting my legs stronger. Also, been working on my vagus nerve with various head movements.

    I keep getting sick, but supposedly that is what happens when some ppl get Covid.

    I wish to have more energy to get done what I need to do.

    Peace ✌️
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Have read through all the posts the best I could. Hugs and prayers to those who need them.

    This week has been a busy and trying one. Monday I started training a new employee who is a very quick learner on my team for carbs when packing. Tuesday was prep day and it went as normal as usual. Wednesday was TOPS and gained 2 lbs. Also went into work and that was stressful as we were short 1 person and my friend was sick so she wasn't able to do the amount she normally does. We missed cooking a few things and the boss even cut out some of the things that needed to be cooked. Thursday was pack day my team was on a roll and on top of our game. That's when we discovered we missed cooking what we missed the night before. We still managed to get the packing done at a reasonable hour. Yesterday I had a busy day of groceries and then helping a friend. Reconfirmed my ride for if the buses strike as it's still a possibility on Monday. Yesterday and today the boss has been sending messages of meal complaints out to everyone. Thank goodness none of the complaints have anything to do with my team. Today I did dishes, laundry confirmed my ride for tomorrow's early morning shift with the boss, made dinner and did some reading. The ex spent the day sleeping while I did all his chores and then had an attitude all night. Yesterday while at my friend's I did some apartment searching and requested a viewing for one. It's a little out of the area I want but the price is right.
