
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 325 Member
    I did well on calories until 7:00 when I ate ice cream. Repenting tomorrow.
    No exercise.
    Babysit the three middle grandboys tomorrow. They will make me play basketball, so there will be exercise.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,700 Member
    It was a good day, even for exercise. Hope you enjoyed playing basketball. Heading to the train stations to pick up our daughter. :)
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 325 Member
    Babysat this morning. Now home to bake cookies. Gotta start getting ready for the grandkids.
    Diet and exercise out the window til next Wednesday
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,700 Member
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,626 Member
    Merry Xmas everyone

    Made some sausage rolls in the air fryer so yummy so i plan to be naughty elf tonight.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 325 Member
    Ooh sausage rolls in the airfryer sounds so good! Merry Christmas to all!!! We can talk about losing weight next year 😊
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 325 Member
    Christmas is over. I am taking the rest of the week to be a mess and then hitting restart on Jan 1.
    Hope you had a grand Christmas.
    God bless us everyone!
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,700 Member
    Sounds wise, Cat! Happy New Year!!!
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,626 Member
    Looking forward to the new year hopefully it will be a better one for me.
    Enjoy the rest of the festive season.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 325 Member
    I think I have let things get out of hand for too long. Will try tracking again tomorrow. I can’t go on eating everything in sight. I am scared big time to get back on the scales.
    We had a little party for the military bowl and I had a glass of champagne when our team won. Now I realize I will wake in the middle of the night with a crippling leg cramp and regret my celebration. Why do I so easily ingest things knowing I will pay the piper later?
  • StrongerJan
    StrongerJan Posts: 289 Member
    Good afternoon! New here and looking for a good spot for more accountability. 68 yo, newly retired, a new puppy ( retirement will not be calm for a long time).

    Starting fresh on January 1st.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,700 Member
    @StrongerJan - Welcome! We are a small but supportive group. We like to check in daily to report how our day went. We weigh in weekly on Mondays. We don't have to report our actual weight, just how our weight changed from the week before. The holidays have been tough, but we'll be back at it in all seriousness on Monday. Current active group members are Cat (titus2cat), Ann (annliz23), and me (Randi).
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,626 Member
    Welcome @StrongerJan it's nice to have a new member, I too am retired with a new puppy, she is a challenge but getting on well with my other dog.

    Cat don't worry just enjoy the food then refocus and see the results. We to have loads left over so I plan to enjoy it then start again.

    Randi keep positive

    Happy New years everyone

  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,700 Member
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 325 Member
    Welcome @StrongerJan
    Nice to have another buddy in our group.
    Happy New Year Y’all and God bless us everyone. New year, new goals, new efforts. Wishing us all success.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,700 Member
    edited January 1
    Okay, it was UGLY on the scale this morning, but I am ready to get back on track!
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 325 Member
    Up two pounds😬. Today is a new year and a fresh start. My goal is to drop one pound this week. I realize I need to make myself exercise even on babysitting days when I make an excuse of being too tired. Thanks for all the support I find in this group. Please hold me accountable. Instead of focusing on the big picture, my new strategy is just one day at a time.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 325 Member
    @Femmigirlz we check in here
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,700 Member
    edited January 1
    Welcome @Femmigirlz and @StrongerJan. Today is weigh-in day so you just need to get your starting weight. Good luck to us all!
  • StrongerJan
    StrongerJan Posts: 289 Member
    Good Morning and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

    Already accomplished the weigh in and all things considered :p - it was not as bad as I thought.

    Hope that we can all get refocused and headed in the right direction.