

  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,310 Member
    edited November 2023
    Viewing the message boards in:
    🍁🦃November Dailly Logging and Weigh-in Challenge🏈🍂
    SusanPalmer3308 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Susan, 70, retired teacher, 5'3" and started November 8 at 186. I'm married, with one son, living just outside of Philadelphia. My husband and I down-sized 6 months ago, from a 140-year-old handmade house to a high-rise condo. Twelve years ago we both had bariatric surgery, which worked well for me and not at all for my husband. His weight and mobility drove the down-sizing. Between Covid, housing research, financials, moving and letting go of a home and town I loved I gained 36 pounds. I've used a Fitbit for years but added MFP and FitDays for an electronic scale. I just learned how to use an air fryer and love it! My downfall is wine, which I've spent months excising from my diet. My goal is to weigh daily, keep to 1200 healthy calories and 5,000 steps a day (low bar--it was 10,000 before the move) and lose 6 pounds a month till I get back to my ideal weight of 150. This is my first full week. I'll probably post weekly:
    Nov. 8: 184
    Nov. 14: 181
    Nov. 21:
    Nov. 28:

    Hi Susan. You did just fine posting here. If you would like to participate in this group, great! We welcome you. We do all of our posting in the Discussion thread called: HOW WAS YOUR DAY???? A DAILY CHECK IN. When you want to check in, simply click on that discussion and add your words in the Leave a Comment box. I have copied your introductory post into that discussion thread.
    Right now, Cat and I (Randi) are active here. We're checking in daily and weighing in on Mondays.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,310 Member
    Cat, I can't believe you pulled it off yesterday. Good for you staying within your calorie goal in spite of the trip to Cracker Barrel. Today was good for me. I ate well and got in plenty of exercise.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Welcome Susan. Nice to have you join us. I am Cat, 70 years old and slowly recovering from knee replacement. My goal is to lose 20 pounds and I dont care how long it takes as long as I am losing and not packing it back on.

    I visited my sister in WV today. No tracking but ate decently. No exercise unless you count a short walk in the cemetery to dress our parents graves for Thanksgiving. Lots us driving and too tired to exercise when I got home.

    Tomorrow I babysit the two youngest grands, a four year old and a six month old baby. My whole day will be exercise 😂 and sometimes I don’t get time to eat. Their mom is a nurse at the hospital, so she works 12 hour shifts. Whew!

    Good job Randi! I wish I was as faithful with exercise as you.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,310 Member
    Today was so-so. Over on calories, but exercise was fine. I find that I love my exercise. I wish I could get a good grip on the food part of this. Hope you enjoyed your day with the grands.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Great day with the grands except for the usual 5:00 meltdown by the 4 year old. This time I made a video and showed it to her when she had calmed down. She was horrified 😂
    I am so tired, I don’t even remember what I ate. Lots of walking around lugging a chubby baby, so exercise was covered.
    Tomorrow is a day at home so I will be able to do everything right for a change.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Met calorie limits toda but no exercise. Youngest son has a job interview Monday and has to start driving out on Sunday. His wedding suit from five years ago was about 30 pounds ago, so I spent the day taking it apart and letting it out as much as possible. Will find out if it fits tomorrow, but it was a long shot. I have a feeling i will be watching his kids while he goes suit shopping. Then I will have pants to hem.

    Managed to catch up on laundry and cleaning and make a nice lunch. This was a good day, even if I didnt exercise. I think I had forgotten how much I love to sew.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,310 Member
    edited November 2023
    Yesterday went well until we went out for dinner. I was not going to have any alcohol, but the restaurant had my favorite beer, a locally brewed IPA, on tap. They also had fresh, warm rolls served with a spicy flavored oil. I had a beer and a roll, but I did bring half of my dinner home. Exercise went well.
    I have lost my love for sewing. I keep reminding myself that I need to finish the throw pillows for the living room, but I always manage to find something else to do. :D
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,310 Member
    Bad day for eating. I don't know what is wrong with me.! Hope your day was better.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Nope. Four year old wanted hot dogs and pizza. I was a bad cat
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,310 Member
    My day was much better than yesterday. Whew! Hope your day was better, too. :)
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Had kids all day agaim. Both were sick. Whew! Glad to be home.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Well, I stayed at the same weight. More evidence for me that I cannot skip tracking or exercise.
    This is the one place where I want to be a LOSER.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,310 Member
    No gain is always a victory in my book.
    A friend of mine said this last week when my weight stayed the same. :D
    I'm up 0.6. :(
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,310 Member
    Good day!!! I (slowly) jogged 6 miles and stayed under my calorie limit.
    Hope you don't get what the grand kids had.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Son called today to tell me they tested positive for covid. I have 15 people coming for Tgiving. Or maybe I dont….. will start testing every day and see what unfolds.

    I am impressed with six miles Randi. Well done!! I confess I didnt exercise or track today. I have been so tired I ended up slugging in my chair
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,310 Member
    Fingers are crossed that you stay well.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    So far so good with the covid testing. Hope we can stay neg for Tgiving
    Another no tracking day. Sometimes I have to take a worthless bum day.
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,310 Member
    Sometimes I have to take a worthless bum day it easy and not put so much pressure on myself.
    There, I fixed it for you. Fingers remain crossed that you stay well. I remember you had Covid when I joined this group, and it took you some time to get your energy back.
    Today was good for me. I was a little over on calories, but I did a ridiculous amount of exercise. I'm going to try an AARP barre exercise class tomorrow. I have no idea what that will be like.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 315 Member
    Negative covid test but runny nose and scratchy throat. Loading up on zicam and airborne. Fingers crossed.

    Cooking cooking cooking. Made cornbread and french bread to tear up for the oyster dressing.
    Two pumpkin pies.
    Getting ready to devil some eggs.
    Will make fruit salad and rolls tomorrow. My husband does the turkey, dressing, green beans, mashed potatoes. And gravy. We will have a houseful.

    I so admire your exercise work ethic Randi. Thanks for the encouragement
  • rstanford3
    rstanford3 Posts: 3,310 Member
    Have a great Thanksgiving, Cat. We are going to my husband's sister's house. I'm the only vegetarian, so instead of bringing a vegetarian entree, I'm going to bring a protein smoothie and drink that with my plate of vegetables. It worked for me last Thanksgiving and allowed me to stay on track. She doesn't have desserts that I like, so that's a bonus. I'll just have to get all my exercise in during the morning.
    Today was another good day. :)