Chat Room



  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    Our high today was 3 degrees above 0 and the low was 9 below. At our warmest time I shoveled our porch and walk. It was still too cold. We had 5 inches of snow. Because of snow, blowing wind, and frigid temperatures, we had emergency travel only and schools were closed.

    Connie, come in when you can. Hopefully things will get better for you.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Read through everyone's posts.

    Bea - Thanks for understanding. I am grateful for being able to come in at least once a week. My days off are my days to check in.

    Last night it rained a bit which helped with the amount of snow. Was snowing again by 5:30 am and has been on and off since. Definitely cold and windy as well. Did sleep in this morning which was nice. Made breakfast for my son and I, did laundry which required going outside to get the the laundry room and climbing up and down the stairs several times. That was my workout today along with some music boogie. It's so nice that I was able to listen to music from the time I got up till I go to bed. Also made lunch and dinner for son and I. It was so nice to have someone to eat with and help make the meals. Definitely gave me an insight of what living together will be like when it happens. I also did dishes, played video games, read, and did my finances. Still no word on wether there will be a transit strike or not. Trying not to worry about it as it is what it is. Will just do my best to survive it while paying bills and trying to save money. Spending will just have to get tighter if it does happen. Not looking forward to traveling to work tomorrow as I have to take 2 buses and there's an hour wait between the two and will get to work at least an hour early. Good thing I now have a key. After work tomorrow I have to shovel the snow for my side job as I wasn't home to do it today and he has clients coming Monday.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    It was 28 degrees F. this morning when I got up. The high today was -9 degrees. It’s supposed to be warmer tomorrow with the high at 2 degrees above 0. A lot of things are being canceled, but we’ll still have church.

    I’ve stayed home all day today. I did touch base with a friend today. She moved away a couple years ago. That was good to hear from her.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today I got up at 5:30 am. It was sooooo cold and windy out when I went to catch the bus at 6:07 that I decided to go all the way home first to drop my stuff off and warm up a bit. That trip took about 30 mins. Then waited almost another 30 mins between being at home and at the bus stop. Was way better than waiting an hour with no protection. While waiting for the second bus I watched the steam rising of the Detroit river. It was so heavy it almost looked like smoke blowing down the river. Got to the McDonald's about an hour before my shift start time and waisted about a half hour there having breakfast and waiting for a co-worker to pick me up so I didn't have to walk the 15 mins or so to work. Talked to the boss about the possible bus strike and he said we would figure something out even if he had to drive people or figure out a car pooling system. He doesn't have to pay for his gas so it would just be his time. After work I had missed the bus by minutes and had to wait an hour for the bus so went to the Burger King to stay warm with fries and a diet coke. A co-worker bought pizza for us to eat at work. The ex ordered Chinese for dinner using the excuse that if he took something out for dinner I would have said I didn't want it even though I gave him the choice what to take out of the freezer. Tried to shovel but it didn't work so well so used a couple bags of salt to hopefully help with traction if nothing else. Lots of take out today. The furnace is not happy about the negative double digits and wind chill and is not working right but that's nothing unusual. Watching the Lions game against the Rams at least till I go to bed. Work again tomorrow. Will try to check in on Wednesday but will see what happens.

  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    Hello all, just checking in. We're cold here in central Ohio but no snow to make it worth it. Just bitter winds.

    I'm getting better at opening the MFP app to log nutrition. I have discovered that the days I work my second job are more difficult to stay on track. We get a free food item and beverage on shift (I work in a coffee shop similar to a Starbucks). I'm going to evaluate what I eat at home vs work on the days I work there.

    Thank you both for the encouragement to stay. It may be a couple months before I can venture to other groups. Most of the ones in my area are half an hour or more away and I would need to change my work schedule some. I have a couple vacations planned so will hold on off on trying new ones till then. (one thing at a time, more for my office manager than me)

    Wishing you the best day, JP

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    It warmed up to 0 today. When you mention double digit below 0 are you talking about F. or C.? When I talk about temperature, it’s F.

    We got into the car this morning to go to church. It started fine, but the transmission was frozen. I’d never heard of that happening before. We bundled up and walked to church. Good thing it’s only a block! I usually walk in nice weather.

    After church, we tried the caravan and the transmission worked! So we went out to eat.

    We spent the rest of the day at home.
  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    F degrees.
    I've never heard of that either but with it being so cold I'm not surprised. Glad it got to working later on.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    It was warmer today, but still hugging around 0. Last I checked it was -4, but it was above 0 earlier.

    On Tuesday it’s supposed to be in the 29s. Then snow Tuesday evening through Thursday morning. Depending on how much snow, we might cancel TOPS on Wednesday morning. I hope not!
  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    edited January 18
    Hello All, I hope you are doing well.

    @stiggymt - I'm not even paying attention to the temperature anymore. It's just plain cold now. Winds finally died down so not bitter cold. I'm preparing for a trip south to Williamsburg area. Group I'm traveling with joked "it will be warmer if only at freezing rather than below". I'll take it.

    My chapter cancelled Monday, but I took the opportunity to travel and visit another group. It was refreshing. I'm glad I went and hope to occasionally make it back again. Definitely what I needed. They allowed me to step on their scale understanding that it wouldn't be official to my progress. I was down :0) I'm super glad because with my trip I don't know if I'll make it to either group Monday.

    I didn't log in Monday night (my goal is to log in every Monday after weighing in at a minimum) to share because I went from there to my parents and had a good long visit and when I got home, I needed to get started on my schoolwork (first day of two online classes). I hope I don't get burnt out. I think it will be okay. I just finished the reading for both courses.

    Anyway, I blathered on way to long here. I'm going to enjoy a cup of tea and read a book while I wait on laundry to finish so I can rotate loads . . . need clean clothes to pack for the weekend hehe.

    Have the best day, JP
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    We had TOPS on Wednesday. We got 2 inches of snow and it had quit snowing. So we all decided to go ahead with the meeting. I lost .6 pound.

    We had another snowstorm that went through last night. All it produced was another couple inches.

    I’m so ready for Spring! But we still have at least a couple months for that.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    It's been a busy week. Tuesday after work I had a meeting. Before the meeting my friends and I decided to go out for dinner. Which was alot of fun. Thursday we finally got our furnace completely fixed and water came back. Also went up one side and down the other of a co-worker that completely got under my skin. I still have no idea how he still has a job but whatever. Picked up an extra shift on Friday and went in after shoveling snow for my side job and running a couple of errands. After work while waiting for the bus my son called me crying. Turns out that his mental illness was triggered by my sister over having dinner and he lost it. Called the cops on himself and had them take him to the hospital to the mental health ward. He spent the night there and then came to my house. It got him kicked out and he is now living with my ex and I. Not the best situation. But definitely better than being where he is constantly being treated like a child instead of an adult. Saturday was my only day off and had a dinner to attend. While there found out that I am being honored for 15 years as a Director on the Harrow fair board. Left early when my ride left as I had to be up for 2 am this morning for my 4 am shift. After work a co-worker and I went to the mall to have breakfast and do a little shopping. Then came home. Tried to stay awake without napping but didn't even make it till 1:30 pm before my body decided to shut down. Still tired but trying to stay up so I sleep through the night. Almost forgot on Wednesday went to TOPS and only gained 1 lb. Not what I was hoping for but it's better than gaining more.

    JP - I am glad that you had a chance to visit another group. Great job at losing even if it's not official.

    Bea - Congrats on your loss as well. I don't think I have heard of a transmission freezing unless that's why people plug their cars in in the winter when it's really cold. I am glad it was working by the time you got home. Just think it got you some extra movement.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    We’ve had cars that didn’t start in the extreme cold. We started our car every day when it was so. But we didn’t try to drive it. Maybe we should have.

    Today’s adventure is freezing rain. Church was fine . But this evening our bible study was canceled because of it. Then we got an automated call from our sheriffs department saying emergency travel only because of freezing rain. There is always idiots that will travel anyway!
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    Weekend is here. It warmed up here into the 40s. Sun was shining this afternoon.

    Our church had a chili cook-off. I made a pot of chili and won 3rd place. That’s pretty considering mine is not hot. It has just a little spice to make it taste better, but still family friendly. I still have a little left over. Not much else is going on.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Lots of chatting going on and glad to see it.

    I can definitely understand my weekly account of my happenings can be tiring. I am tired and catch up on sleep every weekend.

    This week I was down 2.5 lbs. Work has been busy as always. Had a speed rack fall on me on Wednesday full of meat with minor injuries. It was partly my fault it happened. Worked 6 days this week. But back to 5 days next week. Definitely going to enjoy having Friday's and Saturday's off. Tonight is D-day for the decision if buses go on strike or not. Will find out by morning. Plan to check-in again on Friday as it will most likely be the next chance I get.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    We’ll be going to see our son this weekend. We have a grandson and granddaughter that has birthdays within a short time.

    We had to go to Missoula today to do the things we forgot to do last week. Weather was just the opposite as what it usually is. It was beautiful here with sun shining. Then we got to Missoula and they were all fogged in. The fog was really thick! Most of the time, we have the fog and they have the sun. Kind of nice for a change.
  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    Hello, I hope all is well.

    Been a while since I've checked in.
    Went on a long weekend vacation to Williamsburg,Va. Did quite a bit of extra activity, walking and going to the pool, and felt great. My diet changed quite a bit from what I normally eat while away. Unfortunately it sent me into a tailspin of bad habits.

    Went to my groups meeting on Monday, last night, and gained official weight. Ironically the program was the July / August 2023 Things Learned at the Retreat article. It was on par with somethings I was trying to figure out as I plan another trip in February with the same group of people for a longer time.

    I'm also learning more about myself and my habits when I study and do school work... I get the munchies. I'm not sure why this is. I don't remember doing this when I was younger. Of course, when I was younger I was also more active and had some better habits than I do now.

    I'm not too mad at the gain. I'm refocused and getting back to tracking my nutrition and fitness.
    I meant to log in and chat last night after my meeting but I visited my mother and a friend of hers and didn't get home till late. I like the idea of checking in at least once a week after my meetings.

    @CSEGUIN2 - I really enjoyed going to a different group. I plan to visit a few others including while I'm on vacation. I hope I can get it to work out. I told one of the ladies in my base group and she seemed really interested. She mentioned that she wished we would combine into the other group in the same town. I don't know if or when that might happen. A couple more pals decided not to come back so we are down to 8 total.

    Well, I've gone on long enough. Time to crack the text books and get to work.

    See you all lighter!
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    Today was a quiet day at home. Fog moved in so it’s been really foggy.

    Tomorrow I go to TOPS. We’re the only TOPS chapter in our county. The closest other chapter is about 40 miles or further, depending on which direction I go. Missoula has 2 chapters.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Have read through all the posts the best I could. Hugs and prayers to those who need them.

    JP I am glad that you're enjoying visiting different TOPS groups.

    This week has been a busy and trying one. Monday I started training a new employee who is a very quick learner on my team for carbs when packing. Tuesday was prep day and it went as normal as usual. Wednesday was TOPS and gained 2 lbs. Also went into work and that was stressful as we were short 1 person and my friend was sick so she wasn't able to do the amount she normally does. We missed cooking a few things and the boss even cut out some of the things that needed to be cooked. Thursday was pack day my team was on a roll and on top of our game. That's when we discovered we missed cooking what we missed the night before. We still managed to get the packing done at a reasonable hour. Yesterday I had a busy day of groceries and then helping a friend. Reconfirmed my ride for if the buses strike as it's still a possibility on Monday. Yesterday and today the boss has been sending messages of meal complaints out to everyone. Thank goodness none of the complaints have anything to do with my team. Today I did dishes, laundry confirmed my ride for tomorrow's early morning shift with the boss, made dinner and did some reading. The ex spent the day sleeping while I did all his chores and then had an attitude all night. Yesterday while at my friend's I did some apartment searching and requested a viewing for one. It's a little out of the area I want but the price is right.

  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    Hello all, I hope you are all well.

    @CSEGUIN2 - it sounds like you have a lot on your life plate. Living with an ex is tough. I did it for three months before I could move out. Stay strong and focus on what you need. You got this.

    @stiggymt - my county only has one but it meets Monday mornings while I am at work. I travel to the next county over where they have two groups.

    I went to my groups meeting tonight. I turtled. Our no no / yes yes is to track or journal food all week. I need to get back to this anyway so good choice. I should be on MFP more if I am tracking.

    After my meeting I went to my parents. My mom is doing the weight watchers point thing. She made a yummy dinner with all zero point foods. Then we watched Spaceballs. I forgot how goofy that movie is.

    My brother has me doing a push-up challenge. I'm calling this month my "warm-up" month. You are supposed to do 100 pushups a day, every day for a month. I am doing incline pushups from counters and table tops and only about 30 to 50 a day depending on what else I am doing. I bet this was the kind of thing people did during covid shutdowns when all they had to do was pushups all day. My job was considered essential so I never would have had the time like now.

    I hope everyone has a great week.
    See you all lighter!
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    We were at our son’s home celebrating a couple grandkids birthdays over the weekend. We had a fun time. The kids sure grow up fast!

    I’m not sure I could do 10 pushups, let alone 100. I know my toes and feet couldn’t handle it.

    Tomorrow morning I have TOPS, Considering I ate like a pig (or it felt like it) this weekend, I think I might have a loss! On Saturday, there was pizza, chocolate cake, and ice cream. Then on Sunday , our son’s church had a potluck dinner. Ugh! Monday, I ate wisely on our trip home. This morning, the scale was nice. I ate wisely today also. We’ll see how tomorrow goes.