WaistAways Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 550 Member
    @jugar I am going to weigh in Wednesday this week instead of tomorrow when I get back to my normal scale.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 610 Member
    hello, February!

    I'm Kay, 29, living in Boston, working in finance downtown. Struggled with emotional eating, restrict/binge cycles, and generally poor nutrition choices since college, dieted on and off for almost a decade now. Found this group in Aug 2020, took some breaks here and there (always a regret! this group rocks). Started seeing a new doctor in July who specializes in weight management, and I started a medication that can help treat binge eating disorder, which has really helped me since then. I don't log daily on MFP anymore, only use the app for weigh logs and this group/community!

    we knocked it out of the park in January! wooooo!!

    I use a physical habit tracking journal, started in November so just on my 4th month using it now - I love it but I was going a little easy on myself to get lots of "checks" in. I upped the ante this month by adding "lights out by 10:30pm" to the daily section. Many of you likely know that ~80% of my posts start with "ahh how is it almost midnight"-type thoughts. And here we are again at 10:40pm. I have not checked off this box yet this month. So that's the goal the rest of this week.

    @eggfreak Monk is my all-time favorite TV show!

    @micki48 I see those steps Michelle, lots of lovely checks for 7k+!!

    @EvMakesChanges Okemo was so fun this past weekend but I did not get to ask about for Sarah! We got a late start in the morning and packed sandwiches in our pockets lol - by the time we headed into the lodge, the kitchen/cafeteria was already closed. boo hiss but I will certainly be back, I liked the mountain a lot.

    @zumbaforever name ideas for the one spot fish off the top of my head, based on google images: Dot, Spot, Eyepatch, Inkblot, Skunk, Ravioli :)

    good night!!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    Kali225 wrote: »
    @zumbaforever name ideas for the one spot fish off the top of my head, based on google images: Dot, Spot, Eyepatch, Inkblot, Skunk, Ravioli :)

    Or what about Appaloosa? They have spots too! I love the idea of a fish named for a breed of horse :smiley:
  • ChelleChelle1031
    ChelleChelle1031 Posts: 54 Member
    edited February 6
    Good Morning Beautiful People!

    This was the “insight of the day” in my email this morning. I thought to myself “what does that mean, I don’t want to always be going uphill in this journey.” So I did a little Sherlock Holmes work and found a speech that he gave. I’m paraphrasing some of what he said, as the speech was applied to his Spiritual Journey. However, I love how I can apply it to my current health journey.

    *** As the challenges around us increase, we must commit to do more to qualify for the companionship. One great burst of effort won’t be enough.

    Only a steady, ever-increasing effort will allow us to higher ground. I know what some of you are tempted to think: “I’ll have to be careful not to set the bar for myself too high. I wouldn’t want to fail and be disappointed.”

    I did a little high-jumping over a bar in high school and in college. I know what it is like to be running toward the bar and see that it is higher than when you jumped last and that you are now looking way up at the bar. Some of you have been high-jumpers so that you know that it is very different when you come toward it so that you can look over it. I know what happens when you look up at that bar. You think, “That bar is over my head. Is it physically possible to put my whole body over a bar above my head?” As I look back, remember I was a physics student, I realized that I must have decided that some law of physics limited me. Well, the laws of physics did apply, but the limits were more in my mind than in reality. When I now see junior high school students, some of them girls, jumping higher than my best, I wish that I were young again. I’d set my expectations higher. More was possible than I thought, and more is possible you and for me. And more is necessary.

    Set the bar a little higher for yourself. And then set it a little higher. ***

    Wow! I was thinking I sure do that! So what bar today are you going to raise a little higher?


  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    @ChelleChelle1031 Wow. Thank you for the quote, the thinking on it, and the inspiration! Today I have a huge task in front of me - to complete the first draft of a difficult report. The initial draft supplied to me by my lawyerly sidekick is 73 pages long. I envision a 5-6 page version. Cliff Notes squared! So it is a steep hill, I have done about a third of it and I have a slightly oiled process that will certainly be well-oiled by the end of the day. Or at least I hope it will be. I can take some of tomorrow also if needed, but it must be to the review team tomorrow. Off I go! Thanks again for the fantastic inspiration to keep me going. Onwards and upwards 💪🏼
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 550 Member
    @ChelleChelle1031 wow! That is a great speech that you found. I am definitely guilty of doing the burst of work along with not setting the bar too high. I think that if I set bar too high, I might give up or be disappointed if I don't reach it. But that is definitely motivating and doing little things every day adds up.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 250 Member
    Hi WaistAways! I am sad that this is my first check-in of February and it's already the 6th.

    A brief intro on me - my name is Jolene. I am 38 years old and live in SW Colorado with my husband and two dogs. I was really into sports as a kid and through college. I continued with sports - primarily soccer - through my 20s and also got into long distance running. Then in September of 2013, I hyper extended my hip and gave up on all exercise. This last May, I saw a picture of myself and didn't recognize who I was any more. That was the motivation to get me on MFP, tracking calories, joining this group, and finding exercise that works with my body now. Since May, I am down about 25lbs, but I have yo-yo'ed in the same three pound range (170 - 173) since November. I am hoping to make serious moves in February.

    As to the questions @jugar asked, what works for me is planning my meals out. What does not work for me is alcohol. I go through periods where I don't drink it at all and I do amazing. But, the thought that one hard seltzer, or a couple vodka sodas while I'm playing darts, isn't going to hurt me is the thing that isn't working. I can have one or two drinks and I will still make my workouts the next day, work, all of it, but my mental health isn't there, and my workouts aren't nearly what they should be.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 250 Member
    @ashleycarole86 - Thursday, February 1 - 4,886 steps
    Friday, February 2 - 8,296 steps, 40 minutes of spin, 1 hour of CrossFit
    Saturday, February 3 - 2,782 steps, 1 hour of spin, 30 minutes of CrossFit
    Sunday, February 4 - 5,682 steps
    Monday, February 5 - 4,985 steps
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