Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Ice breaker question Thursday!!!

    The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are 3 people you want on your team?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,482 Member
    @txcritter69 Thank you! It was a great day! It is soooo hard to find a vet to trust. I think mine will be retiring soon, too, but luckily his son is taking over and we see him sometimes and like him a lot. I hope you had a good day and got what you wanted done! :D

    @morenin Do you think you should make a doctor's appt? Congrats on the loss! And eating 5-7 servings of non-refined produce, awesome! I haven't tried any fruit this week, but am looking forward to the good fruit of summer.

    @AmbersWay Great day! I hope your trip goes smoothly.

    @laurelfit57 How's your sleep been lately?

    @Katmary71 No, no good to think of your body as the enemy! I'm sorry you are flared up. Is it raining there? LOL I'm glad you are done with the book you were annoyed by. What book was it? That's cool you are making a birdhouse! And cool to put them in parks and local spots. Thanks for the article, I'll read it later.

    @19shmoo69 Darren! Good to hear from you. I hope you are well. I absolutely love this week's question! LOL

    ICEBREAKER QUESTION OF THE WEEK: The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are 3 people you want on your team?
    First, my husband. He works out and has muscles and is powerful, is very intelligent, and a great sense of direction. He also has my sense of humor so will keep us laughing. I would also take his sister. She's tough as nails and smart as anything, and level-headed, too. Lastly, I would take one of my friends, Holly. She hikes a lot and has done a lot of camping. She would know how to survive in the wild world of the zombie apocalypse! I'll tell you who I am NOT taking: my diva best friend, Carri. She would want to find the nearest mall and hang out in it and would probably trip and get us killed lol.

    Hi all. Fun question this week. I love zombies. I can't wait to see your answers. I did okay eating-wise but did not track anything. I think I shut down from being overwhelmed. I have a work project I am working on that is above my skill set. I have the IT department's help but it's even above the IT guy's skill set so we are learning as we go and that scares me because it is a very important project. I don't want it to get messed up.

    No Zero Days: Ate the meals I planned.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Good morning
    🟡 Food on plan with a focus on fresh/frozen vegetables - drank the ginger lemonade I had in the fridge, which put me high on sugars; will not buy another of those!
    🟡 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets (12+) I only did 2
    🟢 Movement: 45 min including an outside walk
    🟢 Steps: 7,000 over 11,500!
    🟢 Floors: 5
    ⚪ Stretching or yoga

    Thursday plans
    ⚪ Food on plan with a focus on fresh/frozen vegetables
    ⚪ GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets
    ⚪ Movement: 45 min including an outside walk
    ⚪ Steps: 7,000
    ⚪ Floors: 5
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 283 Member
    Ice breaker question Thursday!!!

    The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are 3 people you want on your team? This is actually a hard one. I have just realized how small my circle really is. I know I would want my husband, he is a jack of all trades. He is an ex-military and retired Correctional officer, so hairy situations are a skill he knows well. As far as the other 2, I would have to recruit them along the way as to what skills anyone would have to give us a fighting chance.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,953 Member

    REMINDER TO MY FABULOUS FRIDAY FRIENDS THAT TOMORROW IS WEIGH IN DAY: @bethanie0825 @Cornanda @davors19 @trooworld @Teresa2024 @buniphuphu
    @morenin Sounds like some rest would be good for you right now. I hope your orthopedist is able to get you in soon for the shots. Are you still planning that or are you going for a second opinion? Aw thanks for taking me! Baked chicken sounds delicious!

    @19shmoo69 I had a bunch of journals and notepads with one diary entry then I gave up, I definitely get that!

    @trooworld Not raining today, I’m flared from the treatments I’m doing. Today was better, I’m getting improvement in my feet but there’s more burning in the back, I’m hoping it will get better. Thanks! I hope you’re able to successfully handle the project with the IT guy. What is going on with your hand now, has it healed?

    @AustinRuadhain Ginger lemonade sounds delicious! Great day!

    @txcritter69 Yum please share your Crockpot Tuscan Garlic Chicken recipe! I was thinking of cutting my garden back too but we’ll see, I was hoping to get raised beds going and I think it’ll be too expensive to do now. Hope you got some good cleaning in!
    @micaroo4 ROFL I’m sure @19shmoo69 didn’t expect an answer to be “screw this we die!”I have the giggles now but agree with you!

    @txcritter69 Oh boy I may add your husband to my list too!

    @askewcr Yay congratulations on getting in the 240s!!!! So happy for you!

    @laurelfit57 Yay you’re doing great! Sounds like a good regroup time with your choices today.

    @TeresaW2024 I’m so glad the brush worked out well! I was thinking of my shower, it’s hard for me to get up and down so that brush sounds perfect. Yikes I’m sure lifting weights didn’t help your wrist! Oh my goodness how frustrating to have your printer offline, good luck being patient with dinner and Joe!

    @Veta2018 Wow that’s a great step achievement! Oh no hope you’re feeling better soon, get a lot of rest.

    Hi team! Been a long day, I got up and worked out then was at the greenhouse until noon repotting tomatoes with the farm manager. Time always flies when we get to hang out there, he’s fun to chat with. Where the greenhouse is at the high school is in the ag area, the kids were trying corral the pigs and goats and they kept running up to the open door and making us laugh- UNTIL a goat ran in and went straight to a seedling tray! We managed to get him out without eating plants. I met with two of the charity board members (president and her mom who is on the board too) to go around and ask businesses to post our Easter Baskets for Kids program flyer in their windows and had lunch. I was trusted with a secret by the president yesterday and she decided to use me as a buffer to tell her mom about a personal issue (Mom is a board member too) and it went well, she decided to come with us and we had a good time going to lunch and running in and out of businesses. We went in a bakery and he kept feeding us samples so I didn’t do so well food-wise today!

    No Zero Days
    - Great morning workout
    - Got a lot done at the greenhouse
    - Fun hanging with friends
    - Not too great with diet but that Middle Eastern bakery is a great discovery he’s an awesome baker and it’s right by my brother’s!
    Zombie Apocalypse This is a tough one! I’d pick my Dad, he’s great with mechanics and computers (if they’re even still around) and is great at staying calm and objective. Second would be my neighbor Jen, she was a police officer and is a lawyer and in great shape plus she knows how to grow food. Last spot would be the person with military skill and unless I take @txcitter69 ‘s husband I’d pick a guy I don’t know too well with military background I told you all about before, I had a meeting with him for the charity and was told he has eyes tattooed on the back of his head so he’s never taken by surprise so I couldn’t wait to talk to him.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Ice breaker question Thursday!!!

    The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are 3 people you want on your team?

    My husband and my son and my son's girlfriend? My husband's my best friend and he's an Eagle Scout. We are a great team. My son is smart and me makes me laugh, and same for his girlfriend. This just 3 thing is confronting, though. That's not very many.

    Also, what about pets? I have a small menagerie and adore them. I just had to shoo the black kitten away to type the last few sentences.
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 114 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    @morenin Sounds like some rest would be good for you right now. I hope your orthopedist is able to get you in soon for the shots. Are you still planning that or are you going for a second opinion?

    I haven't been to see this orthopedist yet, but his receptionist said they might be able to do shots same-day if approved. It's actually been several years since I needed shots, which is why it caught me by surprise. But shots helped me last time I had knee trouble.

  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 306 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 260
    CW: 261
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 241 Member
    Weigh in week:  Week 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW (1.1.24) : 252.0
    PW: 248.4
    CW: 248.2

  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 241 Member

    @morenin I agree that being sent to physical therapy would be a nuisance, but if you are sent, tell them that you want to learn how to do exercises at home, and they can give you printouts of the exercises and teach you what you can do.

    @Katmary71 I’m laughing, picturing you stopping that goat from devouring your precious seedlings. :D I’m glad that conversation with your president and her mom went well. It’s nice that she trusted you to be a buffer between them. I wouldn’t say no to fresh bakery samples. :)

    Good morning! Well, I should be happy that I lost .2 lbs, but dang it hurts to see that I’ve only lost 3.8 for the whole year. What the heck happened to my determination to make this happen? It’s a complete lack of discipline and planning. And yes, it’s Joe and his progressing dementia constantly stressing me out so much that I can’t focus on sticking to what I need to do to lose weight. But the fact is that he isn’t going to get better, and I have to figure out how to deal with him and take care of myself at the same time. It's something to think and pray about, for sure. :/ In other news, I bought these Swedish dishcloths that arrived yesterday, and they are fantastic! Question: Am I now so old that cleaning products are the thing that brings me joy? :D
    2024 Word: Strive
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Good morning
    🟢 Food on plan with a focus on fresh/frozen vegetables
    🟢 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets
    🔴 Movement: 45 min including an outside walk
    🔴 Steps: 7,000
    🟢 Floors: 5

    Not a total fail, but I am looking forward to moving more today!

    Friday plans
    ⚪ Food on plan with a focus on fresh/frozen vegetables
    ⚪ GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets
    ⚪ Movement: 45 min including an outside walk
    ⚪ Steps: 6,500
    ⚪ Floors: 5
This discussion has been closed.