Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Something I've told Miss Bren in the past is to think about what is in your hand - will it help me or hurt me? For those of you with multiple major physical issues that you have to watch carefully over - that is so important! Keep up the good work, Marilyn!

    Did some outdoor walking yesterday and feeling it today, allergy overdrive. I got 2625 steps yesterday, 900 + steps from my extra walking. Trying to keep that going, although on these days when my allergies are going nuts, walking is difficult because breathing is difficult! Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Phew, allergies run rampant this time of year! Praise the Lord I have a home to cuddle up in!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    I had another "down" day...just got up again and perhaps can stay up awhile. I'm thinking I'll have some soup for a late lunch in a bit.

    Kim, you mentioned the shots a way back...I can't do steroids due to the diabetes...even if I was willing to take another needle! I really hate that cumbersome back brace and it did nothing at all for my pain or support need. My current thought is to clear my table off and use it to do some prep work! LOL...it serves as a catch-all for sure. That's the plan. I did that once last year and it worked well.
    Right now, just making a quick, easy meal, has me hunched over the counter in no time at all...someone once mentioned a stool but my kitchen is a teeny rectangle with nary a spare inch. Tho I am quite content to be an apartment dweller...
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 62 Member
    I am on day 3 of juicing and eating healthy!
    Going through detox
    There is nothing like fresh juice made in my Juicer!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    edited March 8
    Missy - yum! Hope the detox works and you are feeling better!

    Bren, glad you are up and able to get a wee bit done. Bummer about the shots and the brace. I wish I could help you somehow. I hope you know I'm trying to help, not meddle! Oh, here's one you'll love. It's kind of like acupuncture but they attach a TENS-type unit to the needles and send the electrical shocks right to the nerve and deaden it! Hey, no steroids - just needles! Oh boy! My, you do look pale, sweetie-greens! I did do that for a short time, but the relief was only about a week long so gave that up.

    Marilyn, thanks for the meme's!

    I burned myself the other day, well, actually, I burned myself twice. I used a paper plate to reheat some bar-b-que we made and there was hot grease on the plate. I tipped it towards me to keep the grease from going off the far edge and dumped a bunch of the grease in my hand! That one wasn't too bad. Some cold water and it went away. Then, at dinner time, we'd made some chicken soup - very hot chicken soup. I had the bowl up to my chin so I wouldn't inadvertently dribble it down my chin, and again, tipped the bowl towards me and spilled the soup on my chest. I finished eating what I wanted of the soup and noticed that my chest still burned - yep, at least a second-degree burn on that one. I found a bunch of dead loose skin around the edge of the burn and it's oozing and raw where I burned it. Just babying it right now. It's not very big, maybe a 1" x 1.5" rectangle, but it sure hurts if something touches it. I have gauze and antibiotic ointment on it today. :( I actually don't think about it until I brush against it! So praise the Lord it's small and doing alright!

    Hope y'all have a really good day today. Love you

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    edited March 8
    Owwww....Me no likey, Kim! It's been awhile since I had a bad burn, thank God... but I still do the frowny face upon remembrance. I get little ones on occasion if I fill my soup bowl too much and stick a thumb in it getting to my recliner...

    Still feeling thrown off so not getting a lot done. Lunch today was a grilled cheese sandwich on LC bread, a banana, Halo and FF yogurt. I hope to cobble together a nice salad for dinner. I have the goods in there. Taking steps to clear my table so I can use it. Small steps, wee tasks....all counts.

    Next week, the electricians will be back to hopefully finish the job from last year. My apartment is in the line up for Tuesday the 12th and our power will be off for up to 12 hours. Bummer. Guess that will be a nap day for sure and I'll make sure my Kindle is charged.

    Oh...here's my response to your sweet suggestion....xq8rgc9d3noc.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Gotcha! Love the pic though, gave me a good giggle! I giggled while I wrote the suggestion knowing that you would absolutely positively have nothing to do with that. Oh, we watched a re-run of WHAT'S HAPPENING and Rog was in the hospital. They told him they were going to stick a needle in his knee to drain the water off and he panicked - looked like how I think you respond to needles! LOL! I sure hope you get to feeling better soon! Lunch sounds yummy though!

    Y'all have an awesome weekend and if you are able in worship!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    Thanks Kim! You'd think I'd not be so needle leery after being diabetic for 12 years and on insulin for 11...and doing finger pricks 2-3 times a day. When asked which arm for bloodwork...I still say "yours" and nobody listens.

    Today's lunch was a quesadilla with LC tortillas/cheese and spicy ranchero sauce, some Lil' Smokies and an apple. Autumn Glory....I did the quesadilla on my GF grill but will fold them next time to make it easier to handle....2 halves instead of the whole....

    I've been up since 3:30 so will go down for a nap. I finally got trash to the dumpster, the DW unloaded/reloaded and running and have started clearing the table. I only put 4 things on my to do list today so I don't feel overwhelmed. I still feel wobbly and weak after 2 full days down. It was cold and windy outside...Brrr I need to get my 2024 sticker put on my car. I have it IN the car, on the visor....but was too chilled to fool with it this morning. Next time I am out there...I'll take care of it.

    I'm going to read a bit and take a nap....I had an order coming at 3-4 PM....Hope they have my collards today.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    That last one had a bad word, Marilyn! Cringe! I've been there though (without the cuss word). I finally quit having those conversations - they never worked out!

    Bren, wow, girl, you are getting a lot done. I like to do quesadillas with my sweet potato tortillas. I do fold it in half and then cut it in four pieces with my pizza cutter. I usually just do lunch meat and cheese! It also makes a great PB and J! I just have to fold the ends in or I end up with a lap full of jelly! Ick!

    Other than allergies and arthritis pain I am doing pretty good! God is so very good!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    Kim, I am getting more done in my head than in reality....I still "think" I can accomplish so much but my body doesn't agree at all. I feel so overwhelmed. The pain is a major deterrent to my plans. Even my shorter lists aren't being finished. Perhaps i need to do two things instead of four-seven?

    I got my collards this round. They were unavailable the last 2 orders. I got two bags of stir fry veggies to play with as well so hope to actually eat them. I am in the process of cleaning the kitchen again. To be ONE woman, in her senior years, who doesn't want to cook....I make such a mess in there. Oh well...

    Be blessed all...best where needed most.

    Here's the lovely veggie blend...it might make a nice salad as well...wxeqwyxir38h.png

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Wow, that bag looks like there is a lot of "green" stuff in it! LOL! I think there are four things in there I would eat: carrots, broccoli, snow peas, and red cabbage. :D Today was rather painful after doing just a little bit of shopping. Until I can figure out exactly what is wrong with my right hip and thigh I don't think I can really do anything like that. Praise the Lord the headaches are much diminished.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    Very nice green stuff, Kim... but I found myself missing onion and peppers! I had a bag last night with a microwave cup of jalapeno rice. It was very good...with some General Tso's sauce and the garlic chili oil.
    I want to cook my collards tonight....or in the morning. What little energy I muster is in the morning...evenings are much harder to get anything done.

    My pain started in my right hip as well. Now, both sides are involved and the numbness goes from hips to feet...including my right arm....No likey! I'm glad to hear the headaches have subsided some...but am sorry to hear of the other pain that makes trouble for you.

    Here's my yummy veggie meal....and lunch was a grilled bologna/cheese sandwich on LC bread....yummy.nrzkxfjbixyb.jpg
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,471 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Oh, I like that second one, Bren! LOL! I had a ham and Colby Jack quesadilla for lunch (on a sweet potato tortilla). I need to learn how to make sweet potato flour (using dehydrated sweet potatos)! A friend of mine made some squash flour and made a cake with it! She's very handy that way!

    My burn is starting to heal, woohoo. Tomorrow will be one week. I keep it covered at night and let the air get to it during the day, hopefully drying it out! I put antibiotic cream on it today because it was bleeding a little bit, but the majority of the pain is gone - yeehaw!

    Have an awesome evening y'all. We are having our fellowship meal tonight and having cake and icecream for a teen's birthday! Woohoo! Love you