WaistAways Team Chat - MAY 2024



  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,068 Member
    Yes, TGIF! We have a group spreadsheet at work that needs to be updated by May 17. I know we still have time to do it, but things with deadlines like that gives me antsy feelings to just get them done. Long story short...I hate laying in bed thinking about it when I could be working on it (and not getting paid...just do it at work Lauren) 🤓

    It sounds like everyone has some good weekend plans!

    @micki48 I'm sorry you didn't get that job, it sounds like you had perfect experience for it.

    @jugar I can just see you and Jasper both getting soaked from the hose!

    @ashleycarole86 snow?! It's been in the 80s(F) all week here! Feeling like spring going into summer! Make sure you share some pictures by the lake 😄
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrazy hooray for meeting your goal! That is so exciting and your trip sounds amazing. So glad you get to go finally.

    @micki48 That stinks about the job. I'm sorry to hear that you feel ageism was involved. Hopefully more opportunities will pop up. Hugs

    The week is going pretty good. It's been a little crazy with a track meet for each of my older 2 kids. My middle son turns 13 this weekend. Tomorrow I have a job interview for a part time occupation therapy job in my neighborhood school district where my kids attend. My husband also works there. Fingers crossed because I really want this job. Despite everything going on I feel like I'm doing well and eating on track.
  • katzservant
    katzservant Posts: 36 Member
    Sorry, I've been absent this first week. Things have been really crazy in my life; hopefully, everything will return to a normal pace soon.

    My name is: Karly, live in the USA
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday

    I've been sticking to my daily eating goals and staying under calories. (Did cheat one day last week ) Need to work on exercising, haven't been doing any lately with everything going on. Not really an exercise person, but will give it a go.

    Plan to start doing Zumba and some yoga workouts as soon as possible. Just need all the craziness to die down. When it does I'll start posting more regularly

  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,599 Member
    @lauren_989 - Rhode Island is such a small state LOL but that is so cool! I am familiar with Richmond. 😊 Hopefully the weather is nice when you are up in the area in July! We had such a rainy summer last year.

    PW: 196.8
    CW: 197.4

    So far, I have completed 60 minutes of intentional exercise and have another 30-minute session this morning. No workout planned for Saturday except for lots of walking. Sunday, I have a 45-minute spin class so that should get me to my goal of 150 minutes of exercise.

    The last couple of days, my steps have been really low. I am going to try and take at least one of my work meetings a day as a walking meeting so that I can increase my steps.

    For fun this weekend, I am seeing a play in the city, so we’ll be going out to dinner tonight.
  • tlcjen12
    tlcjen12 Posts: 18 Member
    @jugar cw-176 I don’t know what happen this week lol. I need to step it up lol
  • Vio_let23
    Vio_let23 Posts: 40 Member
    pw: 185
    cw: 185

    Morning Everyone - Hope you have a great day and weekend !

    We're taking my 2 daughters to the Zoo today. And hopefully will do some outdoor things this weekend.
    I feel I'm stuck at this current weight. So, time to rethink things.

  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 298 Member
    This week has been busier than I expected. Monday was painfully slow at work. Tuesday was a little better. Wednesday and Thursday definitely picked up steam. I have been in a funk at work for a long time. I shared quite a bit of it a few months ago. I decided earlier this week to make it better for myself and teach myself some new skills, so I'm learning HTML. I figure this way, I can help maintain our company's website instead of hiring out that role. Especially since I have been so slow lately and have the time for it.
  • bowens1973
    bowens1973 Posts: 190 Member
    CW 241.2

    Sorry for being late!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Ruth_2024 wrote: »
    CW 229.0

    Hi team! I keep meaning to post and getting distracted.

    One of the things I'm trying is a health diary. It occurred to me that if a gratitude diary is helpful in changing your perspective, then maybe I can use the same idea to learn to see myself as a health-conscious person who makes good choices. Every day I write down 3 healthy things I've done. Admittedly, some days I have trouble coming up with anything better than "brushed my teeth and wore sunscreen", but I'm going try it for a while and see how it works.

    Great first week @Ruth_2024 ! You hit just over the "perfect" 1% loss that I think is the most sustainable rate. Aiming for a % of body weight rather than a number of pounds to lose per week works well. When you start out, 1% might be 4 pounds, but as you get closer to your goal weight, it might be only 1 pound, so you get to celebrate that smaller number too!

    I love your idea of celebrating healthy things you do every day. One of the other teams celebrates "Non-Zero Days" where no matter what, you do one thing every day that is healthy and makes the tomorrow you feel better. We did that for a while on our team too, but I like your version even better! You skipped a snack you were craving, or drank an extra glass of water, or did one exercise - that is great! Celebrate it and acknowledge how it gives you joy. You'll want to do it again :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I told my husband about this challenge I’m doing, and just like the last challenge I joined, he jumped right in with me. He’s also the cook of the family so it makes it easier when we’re doing the same thing.

    We also decided to be alcohol free 5 days a week, and have the option on Sundays and Thursdays if we so choose. I find that we do better in pretty much everything when we have the option.

    My weigh-in is tomorrow and looks like I’m losing a lot of bloat this first week so it should be a decent loss. Next week will likely be a really small loss if any but that’s the beauty of getting comfortable with natural fluctuations- they don’t have power over you anymore. Just keep going.

    4 lbs to go, which either means extremely focused and accurate logging for 4-5 weeks or a fairly focused logging for 8-9 weeks. I’d rather just knock it out and get it over with 😆.

    You're getting close! If you do knock it out and get it over with, maintaining is a whole new chapter that requires at least as much attention, especially at first. It won't really be "over with" - but we have a section of the team roster that is for people in maintenance (the Goal Zone) and it really helps to stick with that for a while as you develop your maintenance skills. I have been maintaining for quite a few years, and still sometimes I end up back on the regular team for a little while if things have gotten a little too loosey-goosey. I just got back into my goal zone weight today after a few weeks of being just over the top of my zone. Feels good!

    Your alcohol free days will be an important tool as well. It makes a big difference. WTG!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,385 Member
    Good morning WaistAways!

    CW: 183.2 :neutral: I haven't been eating weight-gain calories, so I'm hoping this is just water.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Late Friday weigh in.

    PW 221.1 (I think)
    CW 220.6

    It’s green so I’ll take it. But I REALLY don’t like that 22_ anything. My body seems to think this is a great new place for a set point. Hey body!!! No. It. Is. Not. My goal is no 22_ for next week.

    This week was a lot. After being told I was not chosen for the lead first grade position last Friday, (I’m associate teacher now and had years back been lead) my partner’s husband had a medical emergency and was hospitalized. So I have had to lead all this week and likely next after the “No Thank you.” Just felt icky. Of course I did my best for the kids. It would have been kind if one of admin came by to say thanks for stepping in after the news we gave you. We appreciate you. But that would NEVER happen. They were ghosts. Anyway, I am a professional. Thanks for the support friends. @conleywoods I will keep my 🤞🏼 you get that position you want close to home.

    That said, I was spent when I got home and did way more sitting than I should have. And cleaning my pantry. Not in a good way. We have some mice who decided they like it in there. They are probably diabetic by now because they have eaten every piece of leftover Halloween and Easter candy that was in there. So I guess that’s a plus. 😂

    I have some plants that need to get in the ground before our hot, sunny days kill them. Bee balm, a peony root ball thingy and a new yellow rose.

    Vikki @Gidgitgoescrzy I’m sure you will have everything in line before you go. You strike me as a very organized person. I even predict you’ll come back from your trip holding steady or be a little less. Have an awesome time and please share some photos.

    Have a wonderful day everyone. I’m going to check and see how many days I logged last week and do better this week.
  • katzservant
    katzservant Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 4
    Weigh-In Day: Saturday

    PW: 290.8
    CW: 289

    Happy! 😸 Not only to be in the green! But, also to finally be in a new decade.

    This month bought healthier food choices and not junk food. Stayed with food that was gluten free (as I'm gluten intolerant) and plan to make better choices with what goes into my mouth.

    This Week's Goals:

    1: Water Intake: 64+ fl oz daily
    2: Including exercise routines: Yoga and Zumba
    3: Doing 20-30 squats daily
    4: Walking daily. (Have to start and see how long I can walk)

    Don't have much strength in my feet/legs. Will have to start slowly and see how much endurance and strength I have and go from there. As I'm able will increase and/or change exercises and minutes.

    My ultimate goal is to not only lose weight; but, to build a healthier and stronger body.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Karly 😸🌞

  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    PW 128.6
    W1 125.2 (mostly water)

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,068 Member
    I had my 5k this morning and had a great time for me, even though it rained the entire race 🌧 I brought a towel with me so I could dry off slightly before getting in the car, but I was soaked from head to toe. The race was star wars themed and a few people dressed up despite the rain. I have a few pics below.

    @micki48 at first I thought you meant you ate a lot from the pantry...mice a definitely worse! The save a heart traps with peanut butter work well!

    @katzservant great loss this week and congrats on the new decade! I think you have some great goals eastablished. Definitely don't overdo anything at first and get an injury or discouraged.
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