Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    You are in my prayers, sister! Hope you are up and doing better quickly. Oh, how funny - I am picturing your new "exuberance"! Keep that foot on the ground with the bad knee! Yeehaw!

    Still congested and coughing. Am just going to take it easy today - again!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    Praying you feel much better very soon! Taking it easy is totally necessary some days and I'm so thankful we can rest in Jesus! Love and prayers for us all...
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 63 Member
    my youngest turned 22 on the 15th
    Where does time go?
    My daughter goes to heart doc tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers. She is 7 months pregnant now. The baby is doing good. I'm so excited to meet her!
    I will be going with her tomorrow....pray for me...I tore a muscle in my leg..and I am having some pain...little hard to walk ..ugh.
    hugs and prayers
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    Wow! I'm with you on the young'uns' "aging out"! I remember your SP picture of them in the pool as littles! Mine is 50....
    The years do zip by and our journey have many twists, turns, stops, stalls and U-turns....but no matter where we are, God is with us always.

    Prayers for your girl and for you in the time ahead. In no time at all the little one will arrive and you'll be off on another awesome journey! Blessings to you all!

    I rested better last night, am up at 3:30 and feel better than I have in several days. I managed to wait for pain meds until 10 PM last night and I had been taking the Tylenol 2-3 times a day for the past 3 weeks. I am so thankful the knee is so much better. That was some truly awful pain. We all have experienced some of that nature...more than once!

    Prayers for us all...for healing, strength, balance, rest...Provision, protection and the precious peace of God in all our circumstances. Love you all...and am so thankful for you!ed8cptxud34y.png
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Missy, praying for all of you!

    Bren, you are so right, rest seems to be the only thing I can do right now. Several in our Church are sick right now with whatever is going around :( God knows and in His time we will see His healing. I'm on day 11. No new symptoms, just head and chest congestion and fatigue. I need to do better about taking the cough medicine!

    Not much else going on with me. Love y'all very much.
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 63 Member
    So .. today I'm pretty sure my injured calf muscle just completely ripped! I can barely walk, and the pain is horrific. I'm going to try to go to urgent care in morning if I can walk well enough.
    hugs and prayers
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Oh, Missy, I sure hope they are able to get help for you, sister! Will be praying. Let us know what you find out.

    Still sick. I did take some Dayquil-type med this afternoon, so hopefully that will help. It's a lovely orange color and tastes worse than the green stuff! Ick! But helpful!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    Oh No! I'd think that would warrant an emergency call. My heart and prayers go out to you, Missy. As horribly painful as my knee has been for 3 weeks...I can't imagine that. Do you have crutches or a walker? You need something to assist you.

    Kim, this thing you've had has gone on long enough as well! Prayers for recovery for you and all those at Church, in this battle. I hear you on the nastiness of Nyquil/Daycare...had used both in the past. I do manage to avoid picking up some things by staying isolated. It's a good thing I get along well with me.

    Marilyn, hoping all is well at your spot. You've been so diligent and stable in your efforts to eat well, lose some weight and balance things out as needed. Kudos to you and continued prayers for you in the time ahead. I'm still bouncing around....have just been so fatigued and this knee thing has really whipped me.

    I was down again almost all day yesterday, was awakened at 5 PM by the manager, needing to move my car so the repair team can get to our parking area at 7 AM this morning. I just had her do it rather than hobble out myself and hike back. I was feeling really weak and weary. I had a can of soup and a Greek yogurt for dinner. I feel better this morning and am thankful. I want badly, to get the kitchen area restored to order and the vacuuming/dusting done. I'll see what I can get out of me today.

    Have a blessed weekend...prayers for all our assorted needs and God's comfort and healing. He knows where we are and what provisions are necessary. Love you all...x1das5yn040w.png

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    What a comforting thought from Isaiah! I've thought a lot recently about how miniscule my life is. You wouldn't even see the dot of my life on a timeline, and I am just one in billions who live on the face of this earth - and yet, the God who created the heavens and the earth knows my name, has a plan for my life, and He loves me! That is just beyond my understanding how this huge powerful God could know a speck like me, and know me better than I know myself. And knowing everything He knows, He still loves me. Wow!

    Marilyn, I'm getting concerned, sister. I hope you are doing well. You are in my prayers.

    Y'all are in my prayers. I hope you found an answer, Missy. Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member
    So here is an update.

    Thursday I went to the hospital for 9.15 am as they requested. Was scheduled for surgery by 11:15 am but didn't get taken to the OR will 2.15 so my anxiety was in full force. But had great anethiest (sorry am sure I spelled that incorrect) He first gave me an iv with some anxiety meds, then the surgeon started to freeze my arm while they continued to give me meds through the iv to relax me. They put a blue cloth over my head and I was away with no cares listening to them talk and do the procedure. Was back in recovery by 4 pm and at 8:30 pm hubby came and picked me up. Surgeon said that all seemed well but time would tell - I can't feel the 'thrill' of the fisquala but he can hear it. Praying that this one works as the 4 before didn't and this is the last one that they can do. It is now all in God's hand.

    My arms is sore- and itchy. Need to leave the covering on it for at least 2 weeks and have them check it out on the 3rd week and to take out stitches. All around the elbow where he worked is bruised and swollen.

    Now to get back on track for weight loss. Had gained some weight - am not at 234.8 and need to get this back down to 230 asap. See the kidney doctors end of June so I am praying that I will be in the 220s by then

    Praying for all of you ladies - remember to lean on Christ and follow His directions and things will be better - it is when we try to do it ourselves without going to Christ first that leads to problems.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    Thanks for the update Marilyn! You check in daily so when you go missing....something is up at your spot. I am so very sorry you've had such issues getting this settled and usable! I'd be crying all the time. Our prayers are with you that this time goes well and also for your weight loss goals. You've certainly done your part in this battle. Yes....You are in God's hands...always!

    I need to hobble down to the end of our property to retrieve my car. Mary moved it for me but I have a pack of bottled water in the trunk I want to bring in before our temps hit the 100 mark. It's been a very long time since I walked that far....and i need to hold onto Jesus!

    Have a blessed day all....we all are in some sort of physical battle at the moment. God sees our struggles, knows our pain and is our comforter and healer...our strength and stability.....our provider and hope in all we face. Love you lots.vhaj55lx226m.png
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 63 Member
    I didn't go to the doc. I think it may be a muscle problem. I have had this happen to this same leg before, and the doctors did nothing but wrap it and send me home. I do not need the extra expense for that! The pain is still really bad..I am walking with a limp. I have been treating it my way..and I pray it gets better soon...or I will be forced to go to doc. My calf muscle is hard as a brick! It stays hard, like no relief! Makes it hard on me...cause ya'll know I have a garden to take care of. My hubby has been helping me, and that has been a burden lifted. Please pray God will heal whatever it is. Thank you so much!
    prayers and hugs
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Marilyn, I'm so happy you checked in. Praise the Lord you haven't had to use the fisquala! Keep up the good work, God is blessing!

    Bren, Oh boy, I hope all went well in getting to and back from the car!

    Missy, It almost sounds like a muscle spasm, but that would relax with stretching! Wow, I sure hope that it will go away on it's own. Are you able to wrap it like the last time, without a doctor's help? Get plenty of potassium and fluids! Those are helpful when muscles act up!

    Saw the eye doctor today and my prescription stayed pretty much the same so will try to do without new glasses. I will see her in six months because the pressure in my eyes has been higher than normal - no greatly higher, but it's been that way for three years. She said I am glaucoma suspect but because my nerves look healthy she hasn't diagnosed me with glaucoma yet - praise the Lord for His hand in this!

    Well, not much else going on with me. I love y'all!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Good morning my Beautiful Lovelies! I hope you had a good night and are feeling well this morning. I'm doing better. Not totally out of it yet, but feeling more like myself - praise the Lord!

    I hope you have a good day today and fix your eyes on Jesus no matter what you are going through. Love you
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Oh dear, I hope everyone is alright! Missing you and praying for you!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    Thank you Kim! I've been running by each day...and you all remain in my prayers.

    My nephew called a couple of days ago. My brother's memorial service is set for the 31st with a catered lunch prior. I have decided to not go. Even with the generous and caring offer to come get me, physically, I am just not up to the stress and interaction. Others may judge me for my choice but I'm OK with that as well.

    I'm still in a lot of pain and being easy with the knee until it's healed. This has been a tough time of late.

    Mary just came for my keys again to move my car. It's the pool guys needing it moved...blowing a lot of stuff around, needing access there where I park...at least I'm not napping this time and knew what she needed. I "heard" replacing my carpet the first time. LOL....and moving my things in and out.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Yeah, so good you posted, Bren. I worry when I don't "see" you! No judging here. You have to do what is best for you and your health. That would be a very stressful day and you have to decide how much of that you can take. I'm sorry you will miss the memorial, but maybe someone can take some pictures of family and send them to you - although you may have a hard time seeing them clearly!

    I'm feeling better. Not out of it completely, but not coughing as much and clearer in my head! Praise the Lord, He has kept me through this! I really want to be back in worship this Lord's Day!

    Love y'all and hope the rest of my lovelies are doing alright! Praying for y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    Thanks, Kim.
    His son and his bunch....is the only family there. Donald and I....were the last of our "unit"....There are many still living there that we went to school with and were his friends but very few I'd recognize. Maybe 2 out of 10.

    This morning, I took my trash to my car...and just that hike about had me winded and I had to sit down in the stairwell to recover before coming back to my apartment...not good at all. I'll take more out tomorrow and drive it around to the dumpster. I feel so weak and whipped most of the time.

    I'm thinking I'll either have another can of soup and cheese toast...or toss something in the AF for dinner. I am hungry but not enthused about cooking. I have a pack of ground pork in the fridge and would like to do a pot of soup tomorrow....I'll see if that happens. It might become a meat loaf?
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Yum, I like the burnt end of the meat loaf, although I can't seem to cook it long enough to get that burnt end! Sigh. Oh, it's done, just not well done on the edges! LOL! This is awful to admit, but I like pork fat when it is charred on the grill (on the edge of a pork chop)!
    Please be careful, my friend. I'm praying for you!

    I need to research when toasted cheese sandwiches and tomato soup started to go together. I grew up with that - if we had tomato soup we had grilled cheese sandwiches. My dad would put oregano in the soup, made it much tastier. It wasn't until we were in our teens that we ate grilled cheese with other things. I've seen Andy Griffith shows where they talk about have tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches!

    Almost done being sick. Still have head congestion, but my cough is mostly gone, other than irritation from the postnasal drip!

    Love y'all, keeping you in my prayers.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    I am so glad to hear you are near recovery! Whew...You and your thing....me and mine! LOL...

    The cheese toast is SO good with the soup. I had the Progresso Ravioli style last night and 2 pieces cheese toast in the air fryer. It was delicious. Oh I love a grilled cheese sandwich too! I do mine on my little George Foreman grill. I have a can of tomato soup in my collection.

    I didn't get more trash out today as I didn't get it collected. I'll aim for the weekend. I actually thought last weekend was Memorial Day weekend and wondered why commercials kept pushing the ads...Shhh...I didn't tell anyone else that. Like recently, I got up at 7:00, thinking it was morning, put a pot of coffee on, got dressed for the day...turned on the computer and saw it was PM. Oh well....

    I did get the dishwasher unloaded and will reload and run, got the meatloaf made but did not have the gravy that was part of the recipe...made it anyway. It's OK....just not "wonderful"....it had some burnt spots....LOL. I did some small taters in the air fryer and they were perfect. I'll divvy up the meatloaf and put some in the freezer since I can't feed my kitty kats.
    Calico Granny, Big Beefy and Sister have been spotted this week and I can't give them anything. Granny is so beautiful to be over 12 years old! My heart still hurts for them.

    Here's my dinner last night...It was really good!4uhqz0b398qt.jpg