Chat Room



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I have skimmed through all the messages. Prayers for those who need them.

    This week has been busy, stressful and ending good.

    To start I worked Sunday morning then in the afternoon had a viewing for an apartment. Buses didn't strike as they came to a tentative agreement. Voting will be this weekend. Worked on Monday. Early Tuesday morning woke up to a fire in a vacant building near us. Had Tuesday off and hung out with friends and filled out the apartment application. Went to TOPS Wednesday morning and was surprised to find I lost half a pound. Worked Wednesday night. Worked Thursday and had today off. I was in contact with the manager of the apartment all week working on trying to get it. Came down to needing a Cosigner which I had on the back burner. Sent the info to them today for the Cosigner and was accepted right away. Moving day is March 1st!!! Ex still has no clue. Also today got a new phone and running shoes. Now for all the packing with out tipping the ex off to much. Also the Boss cut me back to 20 hours next week. This means I only work 3 days next week unless we can get him to give me more time.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good afternoon

    It’s been a busy week! We were traveling on Monday home. Tuesday I took Mary to Missoula for her monthly shopping. Wednesday, TOPS. I had .5 gain. Thursday I took Mary for doctor appointment and dentist appointment. She had a filling and a tooth pulled. Friday was mostly resting and catching up on things. Today I’ll really rest.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea you definitely have been busy. You'll have that gain off in no time.

    Today went through some stuff and packed what I am keeping. So much more to do. Signed my part of the lease. Son and Cosigner still have to sign tomorrow. I am working at 4 am tomorrow then coming home and going through more stuff. Still have to get lots of boxes as well as get hydro delt with and getting my moving crew organized. Also today did some laundry, dishes and helped my Son make dinner.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today is a long day. Got up at 2 am after only sleeping for a couple hours to be at work for 4 am. Had a great work day. Came home and just forced myself to stay awake by playing games on my phone. Once my friend was home my Son and I stopped by so we could get the lease signing finished. That has been completed. Filled out online form for the hydro to be in place for the beginning of the month. Then visited until she left to go to her son's for super bowl. Now just waiting for dinner to arrive. Have to be at work for 9 am tomorrow so not sure if will make it through the whole game. Definitely weird not really having a party this year for super bowl. Talked to the boss on the way to work this morning and he added Tuesday so now I have 4 days this week.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    This week is turning out just as busy,at least through Wednesday. Today, I took Mary for a CT scan. Tomorrow, she’ll get an echocardiogram. Wednesday, Robert will see a pulmonologist for his lungs.

    Not much else going on.
  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    Hello TOPS pals! Sounds like everyone is keeping busy. I feel bad for only posting once a week on weigh-in day. (ps I'm down a little this week)

    I've developed a new routine that after my meeting I go to my parents and have a late dinner and watch a movie with them. Tonight my moms friend was over and we sat and chatted while I half watched movie with my dad. It was Titanic so I knew what was going on and if I missed a part no worries.

    Well, off to bed for me. I wish you all the best week ever. I hope all your plans and travels go well.
    See you lighter. JP
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good afternoon

    Today, I’m catching up on things and taking it easy.

    At TOPS yesterday, I had a small gain. For the last 3 weeks, Dianna and I have had the exact same weight. We laughed about it. I called her a copycat. lol It’s weird!

    It’s snowing today. I’m ready for Spring!
  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    Hello, Sorry I dipped out for a while. I was in a slump but am working out of it. I hope everyone is doing well.

    I went to my meeting this evening, I'm down. I am actually less than when the year started so that's a win. My short-term goal is to get down to the weight I was when I joined four years ago. Ironically, I joined a weight-journey support group to lose only to gain. Maybe this is the year? Maybe this is the year.

    Anyway. I hope you are doing well in life and on your journey. See you all lighter? See you all lighter.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good afternoon

    You’re doing great! I think I’m back on track. The scale will tell the story tomorrow at TOPS. I’m not sure what happened to Connie. She’s been gone for her longest time since we started here.

    I see a surgeon for a consultation next eeek. I’m not sure what to expect. It’s for my neck. It’s for arthritis and degenerative disk. There was a big difference between the MRI a few weeks ago and the one about 3 years ago.

  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    You can visit groups on the app! Not just a laptop! I may be around more!

    💐 I hope everyone is doing well.

    📚 I am finishing two classes while working two jobs so haven't been social anywhere anyhow.

    ⚖️ I think I am finally ready to do this weight loss thing. Started walking on my lunch rather than play games on phone. Been eating veggies and fruit. Been drinking water. No cooking haha just buying cut v/f from grocery and going at it like a rabbit but I'm doing it.

    🍫 But the real reason I think I'm ready is I was frustrated over my final project and roommate offered me sweets to make it better and I said no and later found myself angry like sweets fix anything.

    🤫 Anyway. I've been quiet and this groups been quiet. I truly hope all is well and that I hear from you when your ready.

    Hugs 🤗 see you lighter!
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    I check in here every day to every few days. There’s been no activity here so I haven’t been posting. I don’t know what happened to Connie. She dropped out of sight.

    I’ve been losing small amounts, but at least I’m losing. Our TOPS chapter still isn’t growing. I’m not sure what else to do. I advertise on Facebook on a local community page. We’ve done craft bazaars.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member

    This is a couple of the bazaars that we did.
  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    I hope she is okay.

    📈📉 We actually discussed ways to increase membership. Some ideas were to volunteer as a group, group walks, hand out balloons and material at community functions, ride in a pickup in local parades. All of which would be photographed and put on social media and submitted to local newspaper. We're going to talk yo the other group in town to have a bigger presence. I have ideas about fundraising, and so does the tops website, but one thing at a time.

    🎵 We also sang a couple new songs tonight out of the songbook. That was fun.

    ⚖️ I had a pretty good week. Stayed focused and did most of what we're supposed to (water, move, veggies, etc.) Also had a couple more moments when people suggested foods a reward and I frowned at it. Non-scale-win!

    📚 On a non TOPS topic, I got an A in both my classes and have another starting week on Memorial Day.

    I hope everyone is well and has a great week. See you lighter
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good afternoon

    It’s actually morning but will be noon soon. I have a doctor appointment this afternoon, right after lunch. We’ll eat at Cracker Barrel. I usually hav grilled chicken tenders wit steamed broccoli and fresh fruit cup. There are good choices at Cracker Barrel!

    Out TOPS meeting was this morning. I thought I would have a loss, but I gained. That means I probably have to change the batteries in my scales. We are making plans to attend our SRD in June.
    Mother’s Day was my challenge this last week!

    I think (but don’t know for sure) that maybe Connie has too much on her plate. Problems with her husband that is leading to divorce, new career, moving, and who knows what else. I just wish she would stop in once in awhile. It’s been months since she posted anything.

  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    One thing I found with SP, and now MFP, and I suppose IRL too, is to give people space and be there when they come back. As someone who isn't geared toward a lot of online interaction on any platform it's nice to see friends there wheni come back.

    I've calculated that if I loose around a pound a week I can reach a short goal by end of year. I don't weigh at home, only at group.

    We didn't go to SRD, we talked about it but for a variety of readings it didn't work out. We will be having a chapter ceremony tomorrow. At least one woman is an award winner.

    If off for now, see you lighter :0)

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    It’s beginning to look like only 2 of us will go to SRD. One of the gals has a husband in ICU and it’s not looking like he’ll last long.

    Our TOPS meeting is canceled for this week. No on is able to be there except me.

    I spent the day today mowing our lawn. Im almost done. I should be able to finish tomorrow. It’s a big job. I’m tired now’
  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    Hello TOPS Pals! I hope the day finds you well.

    I'm sorry for your friend and her husband, I will keep them in my heart.
    We had to cancel a meeting last week for low attendance; only had four show up tonight.

    We are starting a new "contest". It is from the November / December 2018 magazine.

    It is a nine week accountability challenge with a buddy system. It looks easy and fun.
    I have purchased pins from amazon to pass out to buddies who complete the weekly task.
    My plan is to log in on Mondays after our meeting to share what the weeks challenge is.
    Then, later in the week when I'm checking in with my Buddy(s), I will check in here too.

    This week one - to Smart Snacker: using the My Day One, the Real Life guide or a past issue of TOPS news, make a list of healthy snacks to enjoy for the week. Badge Buddies should share their snack ideas with each other at least once outside of the meeting.

    Chat with you later, see you lighter. JP

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening!

    We just got back from SRD. It was all good. We had a fun time. I’ll show an activity we did at SRD. We’re doing it tomorrow at our chapter meeting.

    We’d probably more active here if notifications were sent out when someone posted. I would make that suggestion for tech support, but MyFitnessPal is not friendly to Apple users. Since I got my iPhone, I haven’t been able to post in the community.

    Your challenge sounds like a good idea. I’ll check it out.
  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    I'm glad you had a good time at SRD.

    My group seems to be enjoying it.
    This is week two and badge buddies are supposed to fill up a trash bag to dispise of junk food. I passed out trash bags. I haven't filled mine yet but I also haven'teaten at home yet.

    I agree about notifications and activity.

    I hope you have the best day, see you lighter.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good afternoon

    My goal for next SRD is to regain my KOPS status. I’m going in the right direction. 20 pounds to go. I will do it!

    The trash bag activity sounds good. Not much junk food in my home. I don’t bring it in or any healthy food (like grapes) that I can’t control and end up over eating. I rarely bake any goodies unless I know I’ll have help eating.

    Have a great day!