WaistAways Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Sun Jun 9 - 13727 steps
    Mon Jun 10 - 10562 steps
    Tues Jun 11 - 12706 steps
    Wed Jun 12 - 10659 steps
    Thurs Jun 13 - 5897 steps
    Fri Jun 14 - 7504 steps

    Back tomorrow with my final day of stats!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Another week down! I am happy that I have kept up with the squat challenge - I hope it is going well for you too @Gidgitgoescrzy and others. We're up to 30 now and it feels good 🦵

    I'm heading to Alberta on Tuesday to visit my daughter for 9 days - good thing we're not going to be in Calgary with the difficult water problems :grimace: I hope you are able to work from home and wash at least a few clothes @ashleycarole86 - it is hard not having water, that's for sure. We might go to Calgary on the last day before I leave, so I'll let you know if we're going to be passing through. It would be great to see you.

    Great job on the 5.6 miles this morning @lauren_989 ! And staying on track, meal prepping - sounds like you are on a roll :smiley:
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,293 Member
    The last couple days I’ve been a little off food wise. Nothing terrible but more snacking than I was doing. I’m sure it’s the job thing. I just want to know for sure for sure. I feel like then I’ll relax.

    I had all kinds of snacks out when my daughter came over Friday after work. We also opened a bottle of wine and I had a glass and a half.

    Time to log it all and rein it in. Sitting in my yard tonight. Hubby’s hot Indian music on and there are sirens coming from the road. Not the most chill. 😂 I just did a calming guided meditation. It was helpful. It is soooooo lovely out tonight. Cool, no humidity. Smell of someone’s fire pit in the air. I’m feeling very grateful and lucky to have this home and yard to enjoy. The milkweed flowers smell lovely too.

    Made sure to hit my 7k today. Missed it the last two days.

    @jugar Sending prayers for your young friend and his devastating loss. He is lucky to have you and your daughter. ❤️

    @lauren_989 Gook luck with your travels north. Hope your dad’s surgery goes smoothly.

    @ashleycarole86 Wow! Water restrictions for that long. That’s an adjustment. Hope you find that silver lining.

    @Kali225 Hope kayaking was wonderful. That storm sure pushed out the heat and left us with a beautiful day and night here in Philadelphia.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    Sunday: 13,551 + 4 mile walk @ 3.8 mph
    Monday: 7,339 + 60 min body pump
    Tuesday: 7,774
    Wednesday: 7,235 + 2.5 mile walk @ 3.5 mph
    Thursday: 7,126
    Friday: 8,017
    Saturday: 13,096 + 5.6 mile walk @ 3.6 mph
  • Lyss983
    Lyss983 Posts: 31 Member
    Happy Saturday! Tried out a "make your own workout" app and seemed to go well, so I'll try it again tomorrow. Also got a set of resistance bands in, looking forward to adding those into the workout rotation!
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 260 Member
    The horse show went well. We are headed home right now and it is going to be a late night! I am impressed with my niece driving us through Salt Lake City towing a horse trailer and three horses! All of this after she was awarded grand champion for the youth division!

    My doctor did send the biopsy order in. I just have to get it scheduled. I left a message to schedule it yesterday.

    I have to spend tomorrow fishing on the lake with the owners of our company who are in town from Germany. It will be fun, but it will be another long day after this horse show.

    Here are a couple of pictures from the show. Enjoy!
  • Heathere244
    Heathere244 Posts: 8 Member

    PW 181.4
    CW 177.9

    Sun 20280
    Mon 10187
    Tues 7286
    Wed 4582
    Thurs 12319
    Fri 9689
    Sat 15675

    My goal this week is continuing to track calories.
    11000 steps daily
    Strength training 3 x’s this week

  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 555 Member
    Happy June 16th! I've missed you all and am getting back into the swing of things. I'd like to change my weigh in day to Wednesday, please.
    My tracking has been non-existent, as has my exercise. I realize how easily overwhelmed my emotional system has been, especially this year with the death of my brother in May, 2023 and Dad this April. It's better when I can keep my head in today and not get worked up about future events.
    So, with that in mind, I'll track my food today, take a walk, and make better food choices with more veggies and fewer processed foods like crackers, which have been tasting really good for a few days!
    I'm catching up on all of the posts since the beginning of this month. I'm glad you're here to keep me moving forward. Every step counts.
    PS @Lyss983 and @Kali225 I'm definitely an unfrosted strawberry pop tart aficionado, AND rarely buy them because, well, I'll eat them all!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    Happy June 16th! I've missed you all and am getting back into the swing of things. I'd like to change my weigh in day to Wednesday, please.
    My tracking has been non-existent, as has my exercise. I realize how easily overwhelmed my emotional system has been, especially this year with the death of my brother in May, 2023 and Dad this April. It's better when I can keep my head in today and not get worked up about future events.
    So, with that in mind, I'll track my food today, take a walk, and make better food choices with more veggies and fewer processed foods like crackers, which have been tasting really good for a few days!
    I'm catching up on all of the posts since the beginning of this month. I'm glad you're here to keep me moving forward. Every step counts.

    I can change your weigh in day to Wednesday. I know you have been going through a lot recently! Don't forget you also have the option to be on the support team if needed. Thinking about you! <3
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 555 Member
    Ruth_2024 wrote: »
    PW 224.8
    CW 224.0

    Thanks for the motivation with the squat challenge! I know I really really need some sort of strength training. Daily squats don't quite work for me atm,...

    Here's a quick thought for you to consider: After using the toilet, start to stand up (without using your arms to push on your thighs), then start to sit again (but don't touchdown on the seat). Repeat 2-3 times every time you use the toilet. Then, stand all the way up and move on with your day. I promise you that within 1 week, your thighs will be so much stronger that you'll feel more confident doing more "regular" squats. What are squats good for if not to help us use the toilet without struggling to push/pull ourselves up into our old-person years?
    I've given that advice to a lot of older people at the therapeutic pool where I worked, and they reported great success. So simple, yet effective. One of my favorite combinations!
    Let me know if it works for you.

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    I had no idea they made unfrosted pop tarts. As an icing girlie I'm trying to figure out how that could be better than their frosted counterparts :p

    Sorry for your friend's loss - I'm glad he has a loving person like you in his life who can be there for him during this tough time

    Way to go! I started this year in the 230s and that's where I want to get back to. My goal was to weigh less at the end of the year than the start but I've got to lose over 20 pounds to do so.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    June 15 steps:
    5704 steps
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    Sunday weigh-in

    PW - 188.5
    CW- 188.3

    Tiny, I know, but still green, so I'm happy.

    Back later with my stats.

    Oh, before I sign off - has anyone here tried Lose It!?

    Now that MFP has taken away the Newsfeed, I think I'll give it a try. Anyone else using it?

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    edited June 16
    @EvMakesChanges I love that squat/toilet trick!! I am going to start doing that!

    @strong_fit_ells great loss and congrats on getting into the next decade!

    @ashleycarole86 I like Ellie's thought of 1 pound a week and you can still lose this year! I know some weeks may be more and some less, but it is a realistic goal. And I am with you all the way on the icing 😂

    @smcewen99 that's a great weigh in for being in a hotel and out of town all week! Portion control is very important and if you don't have a scale or measuring cups, you can always use your hand. I love the photo below to help with this!

    @YinxFed I may or may not use lose it haha. Actually I have been on it for a few years. I only stay on MFP for this group 😄 I like the layout better than MFP for tracking. However, you get more features with the free version of MFP. You can't pretrack the next day or get macros broken down for the day if you don't have premium. The barcode scanner is premium as well (as is MFP). Oh and you can only track water with premium. Only get premium (if you are going to try it) when it goes on sale. Don't pay full price. It goes on sale pretty often. Although you are in the UK so I'm not sure if anything is different there?

    I had a decent day today. Kind of restful and didn't do too much, although I went to a couple stores and strolled the neighborhood. I am working on my crochet project some today and relaxing before my short work week.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    Here's my stats for the last 7 days.

    Sunday 9th June - 9419 / 38mins Walk/Run
    Monday 10th - 3058 / 41mins Hesther Robertson 12 Week 4.0 Day 57 - Killer Cardio & Core
    Tuesday 11th - 3455 / 44mins HR12W4.0 Day 57 - Full Body Metcon
    Wednesday 12th - 6898 / 40mins Walk/Run
    Thursday 13th - 1920 / 73mins Yoga
    Friday 14th - 5555 / 50mins Aerobics
    Saturday 15th - 5186
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    Hello Friends,

    In the end @lauren_989 I decided to try MyNetDiary instead of Lose It! It has an impressive food database, free food barcode scanner, really responsive food (including macro breakdown), water and exercise log, and it syncs with my Samsung watch.

    I will still be coming in here for the Waistaways, but MyNetDiary is looking good at the moment. I'm interested to see if it makes a difference to my progress.

    In other news - yesterday was fun as my choir did a performance at our local Dine & Devour Food Festival. And I even resisted the temptation to buy some yummy provenance after the gig!

    Today I am completely relaxing. No work for me today. I even cancelled my Forest Run today because I feel so exhausted. I really need to take these bouts of chronic fatigue more seriously, as it's a constant reminder of my MS.

    Loving @strong_fit_ells suggestion for losing 1lb a week. I would love to be able to do that. I'm going to keep @EvMakesChanges in mind whenever I go to the loo this week - thank you.

    Take care, Friends.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    A busy and wonderful day today! Garden, hanging laundry out in the sunshine, playing with Jasper, cleaning up my corner of the barn and all my tack, discovering another piece I need to put into one of my projects, good food, and ACKKKK! I have not packed for my trip out west yet! I leave tomorrow afternoon!

    OK, I'm going to start working on that. At least all the laundry is done :smiley:

    And the 30 squats. On it.
This discussion has been closed.