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  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 49 Member
    I'm so excited for you to reach your goal! I believe in you :0)

    I have quite a way to even for my "part one" goal. However, the scale has gone down three weeks in a row.

    I try not to buy things I over-indulge on. I'm not doing good on that right now but the bag assignment helped.

    Week Three if our contest is to do page 23 (or 25 of the download available version) of the my day one. It discusses how food isn't good or bad,it's about control. It encouraged us of list food that makes us happy, then a list of food that I'd healthy and see where they can overlap. I'm not sure of the assignment but going to look at it later this week.

    Hope you have the best week, hugs.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good afternoon

    I definitely do buy things that will cause me to over eat, including healthy food. Too much of a good thing is usually not good. I rarely buy grapes because I’ll eat one more and one more and one more until they are completely gone. But I really enjoy them when they are offered to me.

    We have 3 contests that we do every week. I’ll explain later. I have an appointment this afternoon.

    Have a go day!
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good afternoon

    I said I would get back to the contests we have every week. Every one brings 3 quarters and a healthy food (apple, banana, carrots, etc.).

    The healthy food goes to the Loser of the Week.

    We have 3 containers for the quarters. One marked HaHa, another marked Gain and another called Fruit Basket.

    Haha Each week a name is drawn from those present. Then the following week, if that person Turtles or loses, that person gets the accumulated quarters in the Haha box. If that person gains, all she/he gets is a Haha.

    Fruit Basket This goes to the Loser of the Week in the previous week. That person collects the accumulated quarters in the Fruit Basket box.

    Gain Each person that gains puts the 3rd quarter in this box. This box accumulates for a month. At the end of the month, the Loser of the Month gets $5, which is accumulated in this box. In the event that everyone (or most) is doing good on weight loss and there isn’t enough money, then money is taken from the Chapter Treasury.

    We’re advised that we should change the name on the Gain box because it might be thought to be fat shaming. Maybe to Loser of the Month Fund. That seams wordie