Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JULY 2024



  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 311 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 267
    CW: 266
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    @maryirisfroehlich - Nice loss! Great job 👏. Logging works. Logging is honesty.
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 425 Member
    Good morning,

    I have had peroneal tendinitis in my feet for a long time. I had to quit Zumba, jogging and kickboxing because of it. Last night I ordered a new pair of Hoka athletic shoes that will be exclusively for Zumba classes.

    Today, I'll be giving my feet a rest from exercise. My bestest buddy needs a bath really bad, so that's the main plan for today.

    Y'all have a great day 😀 😊 😄
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 919 Member
    Username: Lislisa123
    Weigh-in day: Fridays
    PW: 319.2lbs
    CW: 319.6lbs

  • FoxyMoxie04
    FoxyMoxie04 Posts: 6 Member
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 148 lbs
    Current Weight: 146.4 lbs

    It's not much, but it's something!

    @laurelfit57 Your pup is adorable! I have a border collie as well. They're such good dogs!

    I hope everyone had a good week! I've been busy helping my sister and her husband move into their new house. Her husband has never had a true "house" with an actual yard (been in and out of apartments) so they're both very excited! It's easy to take it for granted when you grow up with a lot of space and a plot of land to romp around on. Their dogs are super happy to finally have the yard, too!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    : @AyaTheTyga @rjv230 @bark2j5 @askewcr @Karlo7428 @bethanie0825
    Tomorrow Weigh in Reminder to the Following: @jessica865 @Digger61 @gemwolf110 @tammymcrady6278 @annachangesagain @NanaB1835
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @DrewsAnna Way to go I'm happy you made it to class, sounds like a blast! Are the Hoka shoes ones you've tried before? I have a lot of feet issues and am always curious.

    @Cornanda Thanks it's been a challenging month or two! You had a GREAT loss!

    @trooworld I've actually never used migraine medication, luckily the real bad ones stopped in my late 20s until now. I hope yours goes completely away! Ironically a friend was curious about micro current and the video I sent her said how the vagus nerve stimulation could be done for migraines, it DID help for a bit. I tried the cold pack on the back of the neck and it came back as soon as I stopped. That really stinks your migraines got WORSE with menopause geez! Those sleepless nights are the worst I hope all went well with the doctor today.

    @TeresaW2024 I was on steroids a month ago and it got my hormones out of whack. Let me know if Maggie likes the video! Jasper likes anything moving, Asher seems to like butterflies the most (he's introverted and kind of shy and standoffish whereas Jasper's an extrovert). Shoot sounds like the drive is out for her. I'm not sure with dogs but some of my cat's favorites are ones with a wand going across the screen or a ball, I never would've guessed so many videos were out there for animals! That's an awesome quote!

    @maryirisfroehlich You're doing awesome!

    @FoxyMoxie04 You're doing great, woohoo! I bet all the moving is helping you burn a lot of calories, it's very nice of you to help them move. That's wonderful hearing how excited they are I hope they'll be very happy there.

    Hi team! Trying to get a lot of stuff done around the house today. Three of my aunts are at my parent's which is about 30 miles away, two live in Washington and one not too far away but she's staying over. My one aunt was having a lot of pain and when she got here she was still struggling so they took her to the hospital and at first we heard it was a hernia that needed surgery but since then they've found cancer in a lymph node they believe is contained and she has to get back home for surgery and follow up with an oncologist. We had a fun weekend planned and now she can't leave the hospital today because of how much pain she's in, I don't know how she'll fly home like this. She doesn't want my cousins to know yet so I didn't even tell my brother, he'll hear about it with our plans Sunday. I'll see a few of them tomorrow and am going to take my extra walker, my schedule is light next week and I could go along and help but we'll see. I almost have the board meeting minutes up and my garden needs lots of love so have a great night and wonderful Saturday!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 598 Member
    @katmary71 we definitely are an animal loving group! I cannot even imagine 111°! We were right around 100 for three days and that was brutal. So funny today it was only in the mid 80s, usually I would be complaining but it seemed cool L O L. , I got the dogs out for an evening walk tonight, it was lovely! I am so sorry about your migraine, and the idiot with the gas mower and the fire, you must be feeling rough! Big hug to you♥️. So sorry to hear about your aunt

    @DrewsAnna yay you for getting to Zumba!!

    @Cornanda congrats on the loss!!

    @Trooworld. I am so so sorry that you're suffering with your migraines., But glad it was a better day today. Good thoughts for you as you go to the dermatologist♥️

    @TeresaW2024 good for you that you didn't want a snack when your sister got one! I think I might've joined in😜

    @FoxieMoxie04 how old is your border collie? Ty is just seven months old and is just starting to collect her brains lol

    It has finally started to cool off here. It was in the mid 80s today. Normally I would be complaining that it was too hot but after our heat wave, it seemed absolutely lovely. I was able to get the dogs out for a walk in The River Valley this morning and when it cooled off this evening, we went out for a walk. I got to the gym today for the first time in a long time and did my weights. I have decided that I'm not going to worry about cardio at the gym, I'm walking the dogs so much and doing that hill, I think that's enough for now. I met a friend yesterday for lunch and she is being a machine over at the gym, it inspired me to get back to do my weights. Hope everybody has a great day today!
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 425 Member
    @Katmary71 this is my 2nd pair of Hoka's, they are so comfy. They were recommended from my Podiatrist. She also recommended Books & Oncloud. I couldn't find the Oncloud and Brooks don't carry kids sizes, I wear a size 3 or 4 in kids. They definitely made a difference with my feet.
  • annachangesagain
    annachangesagain Posts: 15 Member
    Username: annachangesagain
    Weigh in day : Saturday
    PW: 160.9 lbs (73 kg)
    CW: 159.2 lbs (72.2 kg)
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 263 Member
    edited July 13
    @DrewsAnna I hope the new shoes help your feet so you can keep up with Zumba. :)

    @FoxyMoxie04 That is awesome that your sister and brother-in-law have a home to enjoy for many years. I remember when I got my first home. It’s a very special time. :)

    @Katmary71 I’m so sorry about your aunt and her cancer diagnosis. What terrible timing being away from home. I hope they will be able to manage her pain so she can get home.

    @ laurelfit57 we all will be celebrating when we get back into the 80s! Giving up cardio at the gym and using it for weight training is a good idea! You get in so much walking that you don’t need to stress your joints by doing gym cardio. Have fun in nature and with those amazing dogs! :)

    Good morning! So, I’ve decided to put myself in support for a while and stop weighing. My scale has been moved into my closet and out of the bathroom. My program encourages us not to weigh, and I’ve been stubborn and fighting that idea. But yesterday, while talking to another woman in the group struggling with giving up her scale, I realized it was time to give up mine. I’ve been tied to the scale most of my life, and with the scale, I did lose 80 lbs. But with the scale, I also gained back that 80 lbs. I’m not saying I won’t ever pull it out and see where my weight is, but for now, it needs to hide, and I need to do the work on getting fit and healthy. Wish me luck!! :)

    “You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.” ― Stephen King
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 397 Member
    Weigh in day: Thursday

    I'm so sorry for the delay. I am out of town and just got the opportunity to post.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Thank you. I tried to take a nap however, Violet had other ideas for me lol. She kept walking all over me and her little feet hold a lot of weight and man, did that hurt lol. More on the appt below. That's great that your mindset is shifting! Great quote. A European world tour would be amazing! I think a break from the scale will be a good idea for you for a bit. I hope you continue to come in and post here. HUGS.

    @Maryirisfroehlich @davor19 @annachangesagain Congrats on the losses!

    @DrewsAnna I have Hokas and I love them. I hope they allow you to keep going to Zumba. Oh I just read you've had them before.

    @FoxyMoxie04 Great job! I haven't had a yard since I was a teenager living with my parents. I miss it! My dogs would love a yard.

    @Katmary71 That's good the bad ones stopped. I find the migraine medication helps a lot but leaves me nauseous. How's your head today? Mine is better although it's lurking lol. Thanks. I'm sorry about your aunt, that's terrible. Can she have surgery there?

    @laurelfit57 Thanks, it's a lot better today! Thank you. That's good you were able to walk the dogs comfortably. Weights are so good for you (not that I do them!), I'm glad your friend inspires you.

    Hi all. My mole turned out to be not skin cancer and not a mole, but something called "Seborrheic Keratoses". As I said, it's not cancerous, just ugly and a bit itchy. She froze it off and it will fall off in a few days. I'm very relieved. Last night, we went to a free concert in the park. We brought dill pickle chicken salad and a small bag of chips along with some adult beverages. It was really fun but it got so cold and I didn't have a jacket.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 125 Member
    Weigh in day- Saturday
    PW- 259.8
    CW - 257.6
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 213.6
    Today’s Weight: 212.9

    Got Zumba, Aqua and mowing the lawn all this last week. Zumba tomorrow, Aqua later in the week. Next week is the last week of this course then a break until next class starts in October.
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 219 Member
    Weigh in day Saturday
    PW 184.6
    CW 183.6

    Total lost 65.9 lbs.

    Over a year of working hard ! I’m so happy right now. More so that I am back on track and behaving myself. Thank you all for being here with me. Not sure how I would be singing if I had not found this group.
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 4,007 Member
    Username: Digger61
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 205
    Today’s Weight: 207
    Up 2 this week not bad for being off work this week. I had a week of tests at the hospital
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Day - Friday
    PW - 266.2
    CW - 261.8
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    The Jul Week 3 Group Challenge is live and ready to begin on Sunday, Jul 14th. Please join us for a 7-Day Workout Plan! Here's your link:


    Stay hydrated and have fun! See you in the chat thread!
    Jessica :blush:
  • Karlo7428
    Karlo7428 Posts: 22 Member
    @Katmary71, I have entered my weight in the spreadsheet, MissionSlimpossible.
  • FoxyMoxie04
    FoxyMoxie04 Posts: 6 Member
    @laurelfit57 She'll be 7 this month! She's still just about as energetic and playful as she was when she was a puppy! Much more energy than me! haha.

    @Katmary71 Sorry to hear about what your aunt is going through. Cancer is horrible. I wish her well in her treatment and I hope her outlook is better than expected.

    @gemwolf110 Fitness classes are fun! I never tried Zumba. I used to go to a twice-weekly fitness course when I was in college, went with friends. It was very motivating!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 130.0
    CW: 127.3

    My maintenance range is 127-133; I'm within my range.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    Karlo7428 wrote: »
    @Katmary71, I have entered my weight in the spreadsheet, MissionSlimpossible.

    Good afternoon Karlo! I'm not sure how you have access to the spreadsheet, but only the captains should be entering information please! Please continue to post your weight in the group chats.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 598 Member
    @trooworld so glad that it is not cancerous! I have had a few of those and it seems the older I get the more I get, my mom is the same. That concert sounds like fun!

    @tammymcrady WOW!!! Huge congrats on not only your loss but all the work you have put in!

    @FoxieMoxie04 I can deal with energy, I just forgot how long puppies brains take to engage sometimes🤣.

    My daughter and her family went camping this weekend so I didn't have my grandkids for a sleepover last night. About this time on Saturdays I am trying to put my house back together lol. I love my grandkids dearly, but I kind of feel like I am having a very chill weekend:).
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    Karlo7428 wrote: »
    @Katmary71, I have entered my weight in the spreadsheet, MissionSlimpossible.

    Good afternoon Karlo! I'm not sure how you have access to the spreadsheet, but only the captains should be entering information please! Please continue to post your weight in the group chats.

    @lauren_989 @Karlo7428 The spreadsheet only has editing access to the captains and I don't see anything entered for you, you post your weight in this group on your weigh in day so I can log your weight properly. Let me know if you have any questions. Your weigh in day is on Fridays.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    : @AyaTheTyga @rjv230 @bark2j5 @Karlo7428 @NanaB1835
    Reminder to Weigh In Tomorrow: @19shmoo69 @megnolia82 @sleppygirl79 @txcritter69 @littlebabekitty !vegan4lyfe2012 @laurelfit57 @AyaTheTyga @rjv230
  • Karlo7428
    Karlo7428 Posts: 22 Member

    I will post my weight below.

    Starting Weight:314lbs
    Current Weight:311lbs
    Goal Weight: 240lbs

    July 5th:314lbs
    July 12th:311lbs
    July 19th:
    July 26th:

    August 2nd:
    August 9th:
    August 16th:
    August 23th:
    August 30th:

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @865jessica @gemwolf110 @Bethanie0825 Congrats on the losses!

    @tammymccrady6278 You are doing so well! Congrats on being 65.9 lbs down. Awesome!

    @Digger61 I hope all goes well with your tests.

    @laurelfit57 Me too! I was worrying myself into a frenzy lol. The concert was fun! That's nice you are having a chill weekend. We all need those every once in a while!

    Hi all. Yesterday, I went to visit a friend who had just had surgery. It was a nice visit and she appreciated it. Then, my husband and I went to a new fancy donut shop that had just opened. We got a donut each and coffee. We were sitting outside watching them give free donuts away to people who tried to come in after they closed and pretty soon, they brought out a dozen donuts to us, too. We brought them home and gave them to our neighbors and their kids. We have a few left, but we will give them to my MIL. I am not tempted as donuts are not my thing. Today, we are playing video games and running errands.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    P. W. 251
    C. W. 255
This discussion has been closed.