Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - August 2024



  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 397 Member
    Weigh in day: Thursday

    Let's go get it! B)
  • annachangesagain
    annachangesagain Posts: 15 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    : @littlebabekitty @Karlo7428 @FoxyMoxie04 @tammymccrady6278 @annachangesagain
    Reminder to the following to Weigh in Tomorrow: @19shmoo69 @megnolia82 @sleepygirl79 @txcritter69 @littlebabekitty @laurelfit57

    @19shmoo69 If you want to be partners I'll translate my chair cardio into steps. You in? I've been slacking on cardio maybe I'll do a combo of walking the neighborhood and chair cardio to shake things up.

    Heyy… i am really sorry for not posting last weigh in. I was very sick and couldnt get out of bed for 2 days. I am starting to feel better today. I will be posting this saturday for sure.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    Thursday Ice Breaker Question
    What’s one thing on your bucket list that you really want to do?

    Hike the AT

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @littlebabekitty @DrewsAnna
    Reminder to Weigh in Tomorrow to the Following: @bethanie0825 @Karlo7428 @maryirisfroehlich @lisalisa123 @davors19 @Cornanda

    @19shmoo69 I've been doing pretty good with steps, I logged them all in the forum last night. My phone is currently off so I can't see it there but it's around 5000 again (not much compared to able-bodied people but it's a lot for me). Keep up the great work!

    Hi friends! I'm doing some HOA stuff but wanted to drop in and do the weigh-in update. Have a great night and happy Friday!
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 718 Member
    edited August 23
    Thursday Ice Breaker Question
    What’s one thing on your bucket list that you really want to do?

    Waterski again

    DH and I were avid water skiers in our younger days. Our kids are starting to show interest in it so I want to be able to waterski with them next summer during our family vacation. I have almost a year to build up my arm strength and hopefully it will be like riding a bike.

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,115 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 177.4
    CW 177.2

  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 288 Member
    Thursday Ice Breaker Question
    What’s one thing on your bucket list that you really want to do?
    I want to see the Statue of Liberty.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @19shmoo69 I would love to eat sushi and ramen in Japan! That would be so fun.

    @TeresaW2024 Yes indeed! Our dogs were very tired yesterday lol as was I. No naps, I had to work, but I am working from home today and may sneak in a nap. ;) Joe sounds really sweet. And you sound like you take really good care of him.

    @askewcr Congrats on the loss!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 My MIL is okay in the car, we put on an audiobook and she just goes along with it lol. On the way up to LA last time, we were listening to Salem's Lot. We'll probably continue that on the way back from LA this time. Actually, I can see how that would be funny. :D It's kind of like a cartoon where there is dirt and things flying out of a ball of chaos. hahahaha On another note, I'm sorry about the pictures. I know how that is to not like the way you look in pictures. That wasn't nice for Hunter to say that. Big HUGS. If you road trip to CA, you definitely need to stop in San Diego and see me!!! Especially in a convertible. ;)

    Thursday Ice Breaker Question: What’s one thing on your bucket list that you really want to do? I would love to travel to Italy. Closer to home and more simple, I would love to hike again.

    HI all. I go to my doctor's today about my knee. Hopefully we can come up with a different solution than the meds that give me a headache. Have a great day!

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • maryirisfroehlich
    maryirisfroehlich Posts: 26 Member

    Friday Weigh-in
    CW: 204.0
    PW: 206.3
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,230 Member
    @trooworld – Hunter didn’t say it to be mean. She was tearful about it, too. She said it makes her feel bad that she offers me unhealthy food so much. She wants to lose the baby weight, so hopefully she’ll get serious about it, too, and we can help each other. Good luck at the doctor!
    @megnolia82 – How awesome! So glad you found your mojo!
    @maryirisfroehlich - It really is difficult when we're at events with friends. Hang in there!

    I bought a weight loss planner that someone in my WW group has been using. I like the format. Plenty of room for me to journal and doodle, too. It’s a 10 week planner, so if I like the format, I can repurchase and keep them numbered. What I need help on is the weekly meal planner. I always have great ideas for dinners, which typically become my lunch the next day. What I fail at is having good, filling snacks. Like all my brain can default to right now is hummus and carrots, which I love, but can get a little monotonous. Does anyone have any FILLING (vegan) snack ideas? I’m trying to stay away from processed foods, but leaving some wiggle room. I have GOT to stay away from the vending machine and those dang Gardetto’s that are always Siren calling to me at 3pm.

    I’m also on the hunt for any good podcasts that will help keep me motivated on my quest. Right now, I just listen to the Healthi podcast. Any suggestions?

    Happy Friday!
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 311 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 264
    CW: 264
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 919 Member
    PW: 312.2lbs
    CW: 305.8lbs 🎉
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Like you, I have carrots and hummus most days. I also eat nuts. I have a nice selection of cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans, peanuts, pistachios, pepitas, sunflower seeds, and roasted chickpeas. I also like bananas or apples with peanut butter.

    @megnolia82 - I salute you as you run past me 🫡

    @lislisa123 - nice job on the weight loss this week 👏 👍 👌 🎉

  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 718 Member
    edited August 23
    @vegan4life2012 when im in the mood for a snack I often forget what my options are so I purchased a small dry erase board and keep a list of ideas on one side and a list of my current consumable food on the other erasing as needed.

    Some of my favourite vegan snacks: Simple Mills Almond Flour crackers from Costco and canned lupini beans

    @TeresaW2024 thanks for the rebounder video recommendations. I’ve looked at a couple. I plan to try some but so far I usually put on my Spotify and step, hop, dance etc. I put a phone holder (meant for a bike) on the support bar so my heart rate is in constant view. My workouts are usually from 80-85% of my max heart rate so I haven’t felt the need to step it up yet.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @littlebabekitty @DrewsAnna @Karlo7428 @bethanie0825
    Reminder To Weigh In Tomorrow To The Following: @865jessica @Digger61 @gemwolf110 @tammymccrady6278 @annachangesagain
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @19shmoo69 my steps today are 4500 but I forgot to keep my phone on me, I really miss having a tracker! How did you do today?

    @trooworld That's interesting you've got me thinking of other NSAIDs and if I remember having headaches with them. That's frustrating it's either knee relief and headache or no relief. That sounds like an awful night's sleep yikes! I hope you got more sleep last night.

    Ice Breaker Question: What's one thing on your bucket list you really want to do? Go to Aftershock, a big concert in Sacramento (my neighbor was talking about it last night and I'm thinking about it). See Godsmack too! I'd honestly love to be able to bike ride again I really hope I can get my CRPS in remission somehow.

    @TeresaW2024 You haven't had the Giant Parmesan Turkey Meatball yet? I thought you had?! My neighbor was excited I decided to make it again and said it's her favorite (made me feel great!). Yes my roommate is moving out in a week according to him, I gave him 30 days notice a few weeks ago. That's really sweet of Joe I'm glad he's content and concerned about you.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Interesting it may be worth looking into and learning more about supplements. I was thinking today since I started GABA and increased my vitamins/minerals I'm a lot calmer (vs being in fight or flight easily) and am less anxious about replacing things I'm running out of (Covid made me a bit more determined to get stuff replaced before it runs out). I went through an ordering stuff off shopping channels stage when I was bedridden briefly and I don't feel THAT bad like I'm replacing sadness with spending but I get what you're saying. YES my roommate should be out a week from today, I gave him 30 days after he washed his bike in my flowers and “forgot” to put a ladder back in the garage and woke me up every night for a week. Hugs I'm so sorry for your sadness seeing the photo, you CAN do this! You've really had a LOT on your plate lately, I hope Hunter can see things as her helping you too. I really hope there's a way you and Hunter can do it together, it sounds like she's realizing how she complicates things for you. SO I haven't tried it yet but instead of hummus what about baba gamoush? I was going to make it with my eggplant but it wasn't big enough, it sounds a lot like hummus though. What about something like these, we had them at our Good Food/Bad Food class and they're SO good! Something like hemp seeds are great too.

    @annachangesagain No problem I hope you keep feeling better! I'll give them a head's up about the last weigh-in so it doesn't affect your status.

    @Jactop Waterskiing again would be awesome I love that there's a date planned!

    @trooworld Italy would be amazing to go to I'd love to live vicariously through you and hear all about it! I hope your doctor's appointment goes well, thinking of you.

    @megnolia82 Yay I love hearing you getting inspired and jumping right in, that's amazing!

    @maryirisfroehlich I know celebrations with friends and family is a tough one when eating healthy. Any chance you can check out menus before you go? I know that's mostly for chain restaurants and of course not everything is at them. My struggle is going out too.

    Hi gang! I caught up finally! Had a good work day, I have my watering to do still and it's getting dark so I'm heading out. My roommate's being real frustrating I've told him I can't be around artificial fragrance as I'm allergic and it affects my rarely bad asthma and it's like he's using 10 dryer sheets, I commented on it and he ignored me so I' put a sign on the washing machine that says no fragrance in my machines he can use my products or go to a laundry mat. Can't wait for him to leave. He was real reactive when I got home from work (no clue why HE isn't at work lately he may have blown his new job) and I'm trying to ignore it, luckily he left. Tomorrow's getting my produce box and going to the nutritionist's to have a test done. Have a great Saturday friends!

    I posted this above, the practitioner I'm with taught a class on Good Foods/Bad Foods and brought these and a few other things for people to try, they're SO GOOD:

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    Hi team! Would any of you be willing to be the next Member Spotlight? I thought I'd ask for volunteers for a change, I'll send you our questions and you answer them and send me some photos that mean something to you or represent how your health journey is going. Thanks in advance!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,491 Member

    I'm not going to have a weigh-in today/this week. I'm in NE Ohio visiting family and do not have anyway to weigh how I normally do.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,115 Member
    @Katmary71 - I just put my weight in my phone and realized that I stayed the same this week, maybe you noticed already.

    PW: 177.2
    CW: 177.2

    I guess I remembered last weeks weight wrong. I usually enter it in my phone before I post and will make sure I do that going forward.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,115 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - I was snacking like a madwoman while making dinner until I started having a big salad for my afternoon snack. Make sure it has a protein.

    I'm still doing PT. My hip is still painful at times. I'm up to 30 min of walking and can increase a bit this week. I was also given permission to do some step aerobics. I think I will try this weekend with no step and see how things feel.

    What my hip needs the most is for me to lose some weight, so I really need to find a way to make that happen.

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 207.2
    Today’s Weight: 206.7
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 130.0
    CW: 130.2

    My maintenance range is 127-133; I'm within my range.

  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 125 Member
    Weigh in Day - Saturday
    PW- 254.6
    CW- 254.0
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 263 Member
    @megnolia82 Good for you for having a goal and getting after it. You will be in a marathon before you know it. :)

    @trooworld I hope the doctor could help with your knee pain and get a new med that won’t have the same side effects you have been dealing with. :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 One of the things I’m learning in the Diligent Mind Self-Care program is getting to the root of how we talk to ourselves. We say things to ourselves that we would never say to those we love, like you did about your arms in that photo. As for a podcast to listen to you, I, of course, recommend Jason Seib and his Moment of Weakless podcast. If you do listen, start with number one because these short podcasts build on each other. As for snacking, have you considered not snacking? Eat three meals a day that contain enough food, and just don’t snack. This gives the insulin in your body time to drop and tap into your fat cells for energy. It does get easier the longer you go without snacking, and it sure makes eating dinner more enjoyable now that I’m actually hungry for it. :)

    @Jactop The rebounder does get the heart rate up, and they say that 10 minutes of jumping equals 30 minutes of walking. I love that since I don’t want to walk! :D I find the Earth & Owl videos helpful for learning different moves and keeping it fun, but many of them are just music, and I will often do a mixture of following along and doing my own thing. :)

    @Katmary71 I looked up the giant meatball recipe, and I might have made it years ago. I definitely should make it again! I watched Ina Garten’s meatloaf video yesterday, which also looked amazing. I’m glad you are getting rid of your current roommate, and I pray he will just leave peacefully. Will you look for another roommate? Those power snacks look so good! I would have a hard time not eating the whole bag at once. :)

    @Cornanda I’m glad your hip is starting to feel better and that you can get back to some exercise. And yeah, wouldn’t all our body parts be happier if we lost weight? :)

    Good morning! I took Maggie out this morning, and the air was so cool. It’s almost Sweater Weather!! I plan to chill on my back porch and read while enjoying this fantastic weather. My niece’s kids were all sick last week, and this morning, my sister said her throat was sore, and she was sneezing. I won’t be happy if this spreads to Joe and me. It’s been ages since we’ve been sick, and I want to keep it that way! I’m off to work out. Have a good day! :)

    Thursday Ice Breaker Question
    What’s one thing on your bucket list that you really want to do?

    I would love to travel through Europe and see incredible nature and architecture. I would stay for months and wander from place to place, talking to people, eating amazing food, and soaking in the different cultures. :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    edited August 24
    @megnolia82 Way to go, Meg!

    @maryirisfroehlich That is hard! You got this though. :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Ah ok. It would be good if you both supported each other, especially while she is living in your house. Thank you! I hope the planner works out for you. I need snack ideas, too. Here are some vegan snack ideas for you compliments of ChatGPT:
    -Chia Seed Pudding: Mix chia seeds with almond milk and a bit of maple syrup. Let it sit overnight to thicken. Add fresh fruit or a sprinkle of nuts for extra texture.
    -Avocado Toast: Mash an avocado and spread it on a slice of whole-grain toast. Sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lemon juice.
    -Roasted Chickpeas: Toss chickpeas with a bit of olive oil and your favorite spices, then roast them until crispy. They're crunchy and full of protein.
    -Stuffed Dates: Fill pitted dates with a small amount of almond butter or coconut flakes for a sweet and satisfying treat.
    -Edamame: Steam edamame and sprinkle with a bit of sea salt or nutritional yeast for a savory snack.
    -Nut and Seed Mix: Combine raw almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. You can add a touch of cinnamon or a few dried berries for extra flavor.
    -Cucumber Slices with Guacamole: Slice cucumber and use it as a crunchy vehicle for homemade guacamole.
    -Apple Slices with Cinnamon: Slice an apple and sprinkle with a bit of cinnamon for a sweet, satisfying snack that’s naturally low in calories.
    As far as podcasts go, I like:
    The Nutrition Diva's Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous
    Half Size Me
    And here's some that I've not yet listened to:
    The Model Health Show
    The Diet Doctor Podcast
    The Balanced Life
    The Happy Eating Podcast
    Food Heals Podcast

    @Lislisa123 Go girl!!!

    @Katmary71 My doctor yesterday said I need to read up on rebound headaches. She said taking to much NSAIDs/Naproxen (which I was taking 2-3 times a week) could give them to me. Thanks! I did get more sleep last night! I hope I do get to go to Italy someday. My SIL is in Italy right now enjoying it. Thank you, the appt went okay, I got a lot of information and she wants to retest me for sleep apnea (I already have a mild case that we know about). I'm sorry about the roommate, he sounds really insensitive. I hope the last week he's there goes by quickly. Those snacks look good!

    @Cornanda That's great you are able to increase your walking time and now try step aerobics. I'm sorry it's still painful at times.

    @gemwolf110 @865jessica Congrats on the losses!

    Hi all. I went to the doctor yesterday and she gave me a different medication to try for my knee. She's also sending me to physical therapy. She said if that doesn't work, then we try shots. If the shots don't work, then I have to have a total knee replacement. She had an x-ray done and my knee has been upgraded from moderate arthritis to moderate to severe. So, hopefully the med works. When I got home, my nose started feeling stuffy. I thought it was just allergies until I got a notification from work that I had been around someone who now has COVID. I wasn't feeling well and took my temp and my temp was 99.9. So, I'm thinking I probably have it now too. This morning, I'm feeling a little better but it may just be because I just woke up.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
This discussion has been closed.