WaistAways Team Chat - October 2024



  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    @MaddawgMadsen great question! I hope to really focus on my 5k training and get under a 13 minute mile. I hope I can do this. I have said this before, I am in a great habit of weight lifting 3 times a week, but not cardio.

    I hope you had some time to focus on your mental health. That is just as important as our physical health. Also, what is a 600 series?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member

    Time for that steps and exercise celebration for September!
    In WEEK 4:
    @strong_fit_ells - top spot with 98,219
    @lauren_989 - 2nd with 90,918
    @jugar - I managed 68,400 for 3rd
    Together our 5 intrepid members moved the equivalent of 352,604 steps, or 155 miles / 250 km. We made the distance of the Atacama Crossing trail in Chile! https://www.racingtheplanet.com/atacamacrossing

    @lauren_989 wowed everyone with 404,835 steps and exercise. Amazing!
    @strong_fit_ells was right up there with 380,081 showing us how it's done
    @ashleycarole86 way over there in Europe hit 245,367 like a boss

    Together we were over over a million steps in September :sunglasses: 1,329,415 to be exact. 585 miles / 981 km. That's just a bit more than the trail through the Pyrenees Mountains from Atlantic to Mediterranean.

    Keep up the great stepping and exercising in October! More people welcome!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,395 Member
    PW - 158.8
    CW - 158.2
  • strong_fit_ells
    strong_fit_ells Posts: 148 Member
    Good morning Waistaways :smiley:

    I am really happy to report that my mindset is finally on weightloss :heart:
    Finally something "clicked" and I am really focused.

    I have my habbit tracker set up:
    * 3+ litres of water a day( I find it really helps keeps me full and no snacking)
    * over 10,000 steps a day
    * prepare my food in adavance
    * practise plank every day and push for a tiny bit longer every day. So far the longest I can last is 24 seconds, but I'm hoping if I push for 1 second extra each day I will improve towards the end of the month :blush:
    * and definitely no cheating on my set meals :smiley:

    @ashleycarole and @jugar

    I can't believe we walked over 1 million steps?? That is massive! :smiley:

    Tuesday steps 17,042
    Wednesday steps 12,937

    Have a lovely thursday everyone! :heart:
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 281 Member
    PW 142.2
    CW 142.4

    I feel like I am never going to get out of the 140's :neutral:

    I am slacking on exercise, so I need to stop that. I am going to row this evening, and do a pilates workout.

    My goal for the end of the year, besides to get into the 130's, I would like to stop doom scrolling or whatever it is called. There is a part of me that wishes smart phones were never made, I have an awful addiction to it, and I find it incredibly hard to put it down. I waste an incredible amount of time on my stupid phone, and I honestly do not know how to stop it, it's just become such a habit. I've deleted social media off my phone, but I still find stupid stuff to look at. So my goal is to be more present in my own life.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrzy my phone tells me every Sunday how many hours I was on it for the last and my top 3 apps. I need my phone for work unfortunately, but I feel like that's an excuse. Anyway, let me know if you find out how to be on your phone less!

    @micki48 you are doing awesome this week! Hitting calories and exercise!! 🎉 That is so nice of your son to make a trip to Western NC. They have had total devastation from the hurricane. A lot of companies are collecting donations which is great, too. I have been thinking of @adrimango the past few weeks and hope she and her family made out ok!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    @ashleycarole86 and @bowens1973 Welcome back! I hope your trip was fantabulous and that you have time to get over the jetlag and do all the laundry before having to get back into work mode.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,602 Member
    PW: 189.8 lbs
    CW: 189.4 lbs

    Sorry for missing last week’s weigh-in! I was traveling for work at the beginning of the week, returned home for one day, and then my husband and I were on the road to head out to a music festival. I also ended up getting a small cold in between as well, that was manageable and didn’t get in the way of the festival, but nevertheless not fun.

    The festival was amazing and we definitely got our steps in which I think helped me overall not gain weight.

    Hoping to get a workout in this morning before I head into the office. I am attempting to go into the office on my 3 busiest days in the work week, which are usually Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. That way when I work from home on my less busy days, I have time for laundry and other house tasks that our weekends don’t have time for.

    This weekend we are going to a faire for a friend’s birthday so looking forward to more steps and to the event itself. It has been a long time since I have been to a faire!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member
    Friday weigh in on time!!

    PW 219.5
    CW 216.4

    Yippee! Biggest drop I’ve seen in a VERY long time. This makes me very happy. Now to keep it up.
  • janiss123
    janiss123 Posts: 9 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    I didn't lose as much as I wanted. Still trying to break bad habits. Today starts another week for me, so hopefully this week I'll do better. I have been enjoying reading everyone's comments.

    @micki48 That's wonderful that your son, Andrew, is headed to western NC to help the flood victims! My niece goes to Western Carolina University, and she had to head home to Charlotte on Wednesday because classes have been cancelled until October 21st. At my alma mater, Appalachian State University, 30% of students have been displaced. My heart goes out to all the victims. Wish I was closer to help.

    PW 174.8
    CW 174.4

  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 311 Member
    PW: 180.6
    CW: 180.8

    This week has not been my best. I stayed home from work yesterday and had a "sick" day. I was feeling quite under the weather due to allergies. For some reason this last week, they have been BAD! But, also yesterday was a mental health day. I just needed a day away from work.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 311 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    @MaddawgMadsen great question! I hope to really focus on my 5k training and get under a 13 minute mile. I hope I can do this. I have said this before, I am in a great habit of weight lifting 3 times a week, but not cardio.

    I hope you had some time to focus on your mental health. That is just as important as our physical health. Also, what is a 600 series?

    First off, this is a great goal!

    Secondly, a 600 series is three bowling game that equal 600 or more. Essentially, 200+ for each game. 300 is a perfect score in bowling. 200 is good score. 100 is what new bowlers try to break. My highest ever game happened twice, once in high school and once about 10 years ago and that was 223. My highest series (three games) was 585, and I got that a year or two ago. I am finally at the point where I consistently get 500+ series, so I feel the 600 is going to happen soon.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 684 Member
    Friday Weigh In
    PW: 254.7 (I think)
    CW: 256.1

    Could have been worse, as my cold has evolved into a hacking cough and my TOM hit a few days ago. "Not my week" let's say.

    At least I am currently sailing my way down the Charles in a kayak. Only 9 days left of this beautiful season, and I am making the most of it.

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    edited October 5
    Today was crazy at work. My internet on my laptop kept disconnecting for 5 minutes at a time until finally it disconnected for 30+ minutes. I grabbed a different computer and it started doing the same thing. Finally the IT guy came out and discovered it was the router or something similar that was bad. So they fixed that and hopefully I won't have more issues on Monday. So now I am destressing after a busy week in a bath! My last 2 days of eating have been awful to say the least. I need to get back on track asap.

    @micki48 great weigh in this week!

    @ashleycarole86 and @bowens1973 make sure you post some photos once you unwind.

    @wishfuljune have fun at the faire!

    @Kali225 enjoy those last few days of kayaking. I can't believe how much earlier it is getting darker right now.

    @MaddawgMadsen oh wow, that is awesome! My highest bowling game was 186, many years ago. Now my goal is always to break 100 😂

    Aiming and planning for a perfect day tomorrow! Who's joining me?
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,257 Member
    FYI to the newer folks. A perfect day is just 1 day where you hit all your goals. Food, exercise, steps, sleep, whatever your goals are. Sometimes hitting just 1 or 2 perfect days gets you back into the momentum of further perfect or better days.
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,395 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrzy Might sound a bit drastic but I actually uninstalled a few apps that I was constantly on - I left them off for a couple months - then reinstalled them slowly and I find now that I only look at them for about 30 minute a day now...
  • drv123
    drv123 Posts: 72 Member
    Weigh In Day: I don't remember when I first added my weight so I'll go with Oct 1, and every Saturday from here.
    PW (Previous Weight): 210.9
    CW (Current Weight): 210

    Over the past year I've switched from 100% cardio to 100% weight training. It'd probably be wise to find a balance.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,280 Member
    Step catch-up:
    Oct 1 - 11643 steps
    Oct 2 - 9299 steps
    Oct 3 - 11540 steps + 16 minutes Peloton

    My watch keeps dying so I'm missing out on steps. It dies at like 40% now... gonna need a change.
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 437 Member
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member
    @micki48 That's wonderful that your son, Andrew, is headed to western NC to help the flood victims! My niece goes to Western Carolina University, and she had to head home to Charlotte on Wednesday because classes have been cancelled until October 21st. At my alma mater, Appalachian State University, 30% of students have been displaced. My heart goes out to all the victims. Wish I was closer to help.

    @janiss123 Thanks! Many of my former students are currently attending App State, as well as Brevard and WCU, they are all also home. We have family in Hendersonville. Their house is ok but no power or water. And the roads are all a mess or gone. Keeping all those folks in my thoughts and prayers.

    @jugar Sorry to hear your OH has Covid! He hardly goes anywhere, right?!

    @Kali225 Glad you are enjoying the last bit of kayaking you can get in.

    @ashleycarole86 Welcome home! Sounds like a wonderful trip. You’ll have that “cheese” gone in no time.

    Need to get moving. Have a great day everyone.
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 123 Member
    PW: 144.5
    CW: 145.7
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    The October Week 2 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin tomorrow, Sunday, October 6th. Please join us for the Move it More Challenge. Here's your link:


    Look forward to seeing you in the chat thread!