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The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    In my experience, boys tend to stay to themselves as they figure out who they are and what they want to do. Eventually, either when they are settled or have a significant other, they pay more attention to family. I take what I can get from my boys. Jeff is in FL and doesn't reach out much. We asked him about the hurricane and suggested portaling so we could see the kids and talk to them. We portaled yesterday. David is gone so much with work but does text and reach out when he can. I try to text or call him but the 4 hour time difference makes it a challenge at times. I am excited to see him and his family in 10 days. Rory reaches out if he has a question or is responding to our text or call. It takes days for him to respond if at all. If I send my texts to him and Hannah as a group, I'm more likely to get a response.

    The wallpaper is finished and the laundry room is put back together. I need Russ to put up the toilet paper holder and the towel rack. Then I need to explore shelving for my basket storage.

    I finished Halen's poncho except for sewing on the buttons on either side. I continued work on Ellis' which was started last winter but came up to some stitches that weren't right and couldn't fix the mistakes. I pulled it all out and am starting over. Ugh!!! I am avoiding the boxes in the pole barn that I need to go through but I probably should just tackle them and get done. I will feel better if I do.

    Beautiful day here but I haven't stepped outside, LOL! Laundry, want to bake a peach cake, knitting timelines...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    Oh - the devastation in the Carolinas. There was so much press about the worry for Florida and it's the mountains that are demolished. So horrible. I pray the agencies can work better than they did for Katrina.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    I don't know how these communities that get hit with big storms ever totally recover. Ashville NC looks bad and this is a new situation for them. I'm glad we saw it last spring. I feel for all those people that lost so much and for lives lost. Florida got hit but I'm not seeing as much coverage on the area of Big Bend that was hit first. I'll stay up north with fresh water, minimal bad storms, etc. Knock on wood...

    I plan to go to Aquafit tomorrow morning, then begin my sorting of trip clothes for AK. Russ is doing a delivery for Power Book Bags in the northern lower peninsula of MI so he will be gone all day. I was going to go with him but decided to stay home and get things done. I worked at PBB's today for 3 hours. I also want to go through some of my kid's books in the basement to take a few to the girls. They love books!

    Weather will cool off beginning tomorrow.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    I was up much of the night with intestinal cramping and in the bathroom. Ugh! After the 4th or 5th trip to the bathroom I turned off my alarm for Aquafit and decided to let myself sleep if that happened. I woke up at 9:45am! Russ was off on his deliveries so I made a cup of Aveda Comfort Tea with honey and started knitting. I finished Halen's poncho by sewing on the buttons, went downstairs to bring up my suitcase and the books I want to give the grandkids in AK and in FL now and for Christmas. I am depleting the children's books I used in my career by regifting them to my grand kids. I need to be conscious to save some for Rory and Hannah's first child too (if they get married and go that direction).

    Russ made it home and is taking a nap. Over 300 miles of driving today. I'm glad I stayed home. Eating light, working on projects, made my packing list, and planning to watch the vice presidential debate tonight.

    I hope your week has started out well.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    Hopefully you are feeling better. Wonderful that Russ is helping your cool Powerbooks.

    I have this pit in my stomach and heart. Last night I grabbed my phone to scroll Facebook and I noticed a new picture had been added to my niece Caitlin's account. It was a pretty seaside photo. I thought maybe she was on vacation (and I noticed a new profile pic of tulips). I went to click on the photo to see if it had more info, or a caption and it was gone. So I wandered over to her profile to see if anything else was on there. Nothing. It felt odd. But I just laid down and went to sleep. This morning I am still feeling off about it. I have never added her husband Christian, but I went to his profile because he has made public posts in the past to see if he had any pictures and the first thing I see is his status is single. But his picture is still one with Caitlin. I go back over to Caitlin's and she doesn't have a married or single status showing. Now I know not everyone does the status. I don't. And I don't know if their statuses have always been that way. It just all feels wrong with the random picture change (and other pictures disappearing.) I sent her a check in text this morning but haven't heard back - also not unusual. But something feels off - my stomach hurts. Please, not this on top of the scary brain tumor.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Your gut is telling you something. Didn't they just get married two years ago? Maybe the brain tumor has been difficult on their marriage. Wouldn't she tell you if she moved somewhere else? They live near you in NE don't they? Has your sister gone completely dark on you? Holidays are approaching for you all.

    I have set my goal for knitting 25 rows per day to finish Ellis' poncho. I don't know if I can do that on vacation but can make progress on the plane. I just have to be careful not to screw up on my stitches.

    I'm hoping to get to Aquafit tomorrow morning and then I will be focusing on packing and laundry. I contacted my brother's ex-wife who lives in Anchorage to see if she would meet us for dinner on Monday Eve. We all loved Beth so much and were so bummed when he wanted out of his marriage. He has never dated since the 90's when they divorced and prefers being alone. She married again and stayed in Anchorage. She is hoping to move to Bellingham, WA where her daughters and grand kids are. My brother is there too.

    Fall temperature is finally emerging. The colors on the trees are changing slowly. We will miss peak color but hope to see something left when we get back.

    I won't be taking my computer to AK so won't be able to check in. I haven't been able to use my phone to get to this link in several years.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    Yes. Caitlin and Christian got married just 14 months ago. I hope my stupid brain is just making a story up. But something doesn’t feel right. And frankly my grandma had sensitive feelings sometimes, Michele has had it too. And I have as well. It’s not psychic, just feelings that make sense after a revelation. And yes it’s silence from Michele. When I saw her at July 4 it was just surface conversations. I’m not going to keep poking. I’m here. Hopefully at some point she’ll feel like she can talk to me again. I can’t keep touching the hot stove
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    You’ll have to keep notes on your Alaska trip so you can give me the updates when you return!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    well, my niece texted me back this morning. She said things are going ok, just waiting for her next big session of scans, tests and appointments in later November to see what's going on with the tumor and if they are going to get more aggressive with it. That she has been working with her primary on trying to find relief for her headaches/migraines. So I replied back that I am praying for her everyday (which I do) and that I am here for a ride, talk, walk or whatever. But I don't necessarily feel, like whew. I looked my sisters Facebook page last night - and she is a low, low, low volume user, but I know she had a couple of wedding pictures in there. And they are not there anymore. It's Caitlin's business and if she wants everyone to know she will share. Just like she did individually with the tumor. I will just continue to pray. I do also pray that Christian is living up to his vows. It might be too real, but he needs to love her through it.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Photos missing on both their pages is interesting. Your instincts don't lie that something is up. Time will tell...

    I went and bought some travel size toiletries today at Target. I also bought Halloween cards to send off with a couple of my Halloween children's books that I will give each set of grand kids. I will take the books and cards to AK to save the cost of a package. I'll send FL kids package when we return.

    I need to figure out which suitcase I am taking. I have two carry-ons and a large. I will not take the large but not sure which carry-on. I'm hoping the smallest will work if I pack right.

    The color is starting to pop here. Still a week or more from peak color.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    I found our discussion on my phone app. If I can do so in AK, I will check in. We leave Sunday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    glad to be through another week

    Happy trip prep!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Packed except toiletries and knitting in my carry on. Half done with Ellis' poncho so I will finish the other piece over the next week.

    Tomorrow, wash towels and sheets, put clean sheets on bed, visit Sarah at nursing home, water plants and feed starter. Vacuum house and knit...

    Hope you and yours are well.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    Caleb made it home last night. I love seeing him. Still working on my own issues with how I feel about him dropping out of school. I asked him why he was doing the ASE classes if he wasn’t planning on doing mechanics long term. He shrugged. It’s cool to have it. Say that I did it. But a college degree isn’t cool to say you have.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    Have a safe trip!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    My middle brother dropped out of college after 1-2 years and went on to be a butcher, cabinet maker and not sure what else. Around age 30, he joined the Peace Corp and went to Africa for two years. That experience lead to him going back to college and getting his bachelors and masters in civil engineering. He worked his whole career after that in Alaska, American Samoa, and northern AZ specializing in clean drinking water systems and waste removal in communities in North AK, AS, and AZ for the Native Tribal Health Organization. Sometimes young men are late bloomers and just don't know what they want to do with their lives. C sounds like a smart guy who will eventually figure it out as he matures. Don't lose hope!

    Packed and ready to leave. My sister will pick us up at 10am tomorrow and drop us at the Traverse City airport. Short flight to Chicago, check in to our motel and talk to Rory and Hannah on the phone from there. Dinner out, sleep and catch our flight on Monday to Anchorage.

    I'm glad C came home and you had some time to visit. Take what you can get from your sons. It is few and far between as they move on in life.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    Yeah. He got home at 7:30 last night and left at 2 pm today. It was a nice visit, but I hate that he doesn’t even stay a day. But of course I have Zach who will always be here. Such a different picture for this time than I thought

    Have a great trip
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    It's a phase and all will be well. C must love his independence and being at his own place. You live so close so it is easy for him to just come for a day.

    Packed and waiting for 10am when my sister picks us up to take us to the airport. Short flight to Chicago. I wish we could have flew on today to Anchorage but that would have meant another connection in Seattle and late arrival in Anchorage. Easier to do it in phases even though we are paying for two nights in hotels.

    I will check in via phone and keep you updated on our adventures. I hope we see a lot of wildlife.

    Enjoy your Sunday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    Good heavens, hurricane Milton is looking really bad. I hope your Florida kids are not in its path. We have two plants in Sarasota. They are looking at a direct hit. I hope they get out and stay safe.

    Safe travels
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    We are in Anchorage and get to Homer tomorrow. I sent a text to FL kids to find out if they are expecting lots of rain. Bad hurricane season. I couldn't handle it over and over.

    Going to dinner with my ex SIL she is picking us up and we are going to a Thai place. Yum!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    Almost there! Have fun
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    Well, it's hump day.

    Had a visit with the cardiologist. He thinks my EKG looks good. It still reads as abnormal due to the size of some of the waves, but since all the (nasty) stress tests and ECHO's were normal, he says that is just my rhythm. Of course, if I go in to an ER, or in for surgery or whatever, they will all stare at the strips and believe something is wrong because it reads 'abnormal'. So joy. Hopefully they believe me when I say, hey my cardiologist says it's ok. Of course my bp was way high. I swear that nurse thinks I'm lying when I say it's fine at home. I'm a white-coat. The doctor believes me. But now I'm getting a complex from the nurse, she is really brusque and always kind of barking the questions and makes me feel even more anxious. If they tried to put me on an a true b/p med I would end up passing out because as soon as I get home, I'm fine. meh.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    Hope your visit is going amazing. That your Florida kids made it through safe.

    Week is almost over thank goodness!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Florida kids are good. I'll know more tomorrow if they had any damage. They are getting home today.

    All is well in AK. The girls are very busy and cute. We will watch them tomorrow while David works on their house. Give Chantrelle a needed break. Low key visit which is fine with us.

    Sounds like you had a good appt except white coat syndrome.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    The girls were over for 1.5 hrs this morning. We played, read books and gave them lunch. Ellis had a melt down at about her nap time and Russ took them home. Quiet afternoon reading and relaxing for us. They will all be here soon for dinner.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    Glad your visit is going well! Also glad the Florida family is safe.

    Had the dermatologist appointment today. Can’t believe it’s been a year. He looks like he is 19 years old. Making me feel old! No suspicious spots.

    October is half over.

    I saw the job that Zach interviewed for is not listed on their website anymore. Keep trying. It’s so depressing

    Soak up the visit’
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,896 Member
    Well the hatchets are coming out at work. The word on the vine is after they work everyone over making sure we have a good audit next week, the week after that they will be cutting 10% of the office. I’m not surprised since sales have been down. But sad I hate knowing people who do good work will get let go and the useless opex and other job suckers will still be there. I probably survive but will surely pick up more work. Those who claim themselves leadership are shameful
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    We just got home within the last hour. Long day and night! We haven't slept since Thursday night since we were on airplanes and in the airports for the last 24 hours. We have few edibles to eat and I'm hungry. We had a good trip and a great rental. It was so nice to spend time with David, Chantrelle and the girls.

    We bought punch cards for the aquatic center in Homer so Chantrelle and/or David can take the girls swimming. They love to go and getting the cards for them was our birthday present for both the girls. They don't need any toys and we thought an active experience was a better gift. They loved the books I gave them from my own collection. I gave Chantrelle their Halloween cards and a few more Fall/Halloween books when it gets closer to the day.

    My sister Lynn picked us up at the airport. She is a horrible driver! I think she was too busy talking and not paying attention to her driving.

    I'm sorry Z did not get the job. I think it is so rude they don't let the applicant know if they gave it to someone else and why they didn't get the job. I hope you are safe with your job. How is Bernie doing? Has he had an attitude adjustment or is he still surly?

    Well I'm tired so I'm going to nap and then shower.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    I slept 3.5 hours, showered and then we went to the fundraising party at a winery for Power Book Bags last night. We skipped the movie with the author because I knew it would be hard to stay awake. They had a good turn out for the fundraiser. Lots of people and it raised 25,000 last update I heard. The winery provided appetizers and desserts with wine for our generous ticket price. That was our dinner. Kara, Director of the non-profit, was very happy with the results. I think it was a lot of work for those that helped put it together. I helped a little by Myapproaching 4 businesses to sponsor but otherwise did not have time with leaving for AK and having house guests. We did donate 3 of our family pets' photos for the big screen prior to the movie, buy two movie tickets and two tickets to the party at the winery. So financially we helped do our share.

    Today we are going to drive around the county and look at the Fall color before all the leaves are off the trees. It is still beautiful but peak color had to have been a couple of days ago. Things will get quiet in the county after next weekend and we will all burner down for winter.

    Time for Fall comfort foods once in awhile. I will make my budget goulash for tomorrow night. We have some acorn squash from a friend's garden so that will go well with it too.

    My cousins will be here election week closing up their cottage so they have invited the cousins to come for a comfort food dinner and watch election results on November 5th. Russ won't go because he never watches debates or election results like I do. I'll take an overnight bag in case I decide to spend the night.

    I may do a Covid test today. I have either caught a Fall cold, have increased allergies or have Covid. I had my vaccine before we left for AK but one never knows. I've never had Covid so not sure of what current symptoms are.
    My head is achy, congested, sneezing and scratchy throat. Hope it isn't Covid since I went to that party last night.

    I hope you are having a good weekend.