Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - October 2024



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @19shmoo69 I think we must have posted at the same time and I missed your post yesterday. I'm so sorry about your son, I hope he's okay. I don't blame you for not being able to sleep.

    @Jactop Congrats on the loss! And congrats on your son's wedding. I hope you enjoyed your day off.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Thank you. I put a lot of pressure on myself to get it done. I shouldn't, you are right! That's funny about Albert. Oh my gosh lol, I should definitely not watch Awake! At least until after my surgery lol. Thanks for the movie recommendations. I added them to my list to watch. I just looked up Speak No Evil, it looks like the original may have been made in 2013 but there are two made that year and I can't tell which you mean. I got a subscription to Shudder for the month of October so I should be able to watch some scary movies! Yes, I am excited! I'm glad you had a great day and got to relax a bit. Wow, you are a night owl!

    @FushiaKat I love your Trike, it's so cute! I love the color, too. I'm glad you are feeling good.

    @laurelfit57 You are welcome! It's up to you whether you want to start from the beginning of Oct or now, it's really just a way for YOU to track your steps. I don't know that anyone looks at it? I don't think it will be long and I'm getting excited! No wonder you are having a hard time getting your veggies in! LOL What a great day you had yesterday!

    @Katmary71 Thank you! That deer is really giving you trouble, huh? I'm glad the treatment helped.

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: How do you think the quality and duration of sleep impact weight loss efforts, and what are some strategies to improve sleep that might enhance weight management?
    Menopause has gotten the best of me and I'm very familiar with sleep problems. I've tried EVERYTHING and nothing seems to help. I wake up every two to three hours having to pee. No matter how little I drink before bed. No matter if I do or do not drink alcohol. Nothing changes it. Even the times are about the same when I wake up. I try to keep the room dark and cool but that doesn't help.

    Hi all. I called the surgeon's office yesterday to make sure they got the clearance from the cardiologist's office. I asked when I would get my surgery date. She said that once the surgeon reviews all the clearances, which might be as soon as tomorrow, they can turn next week's phone appointment into a pre-surgery appointment. I hope I can push the surgery date out to the last two weeks of December as we have to take mandatory vacation time at work the last week of December and I don't have enough vacation time to take two weeks off in November. I received my at-home sleep study test. Technology has changed since the last time I had a sleep study done: this one, I will wear a ring that tracks my sleep. I'll watch the video on how to use it and wear it tonight. Hopefully, I just wear it one night.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 261 Member
    @19shmoo69 Prayers for your son and his worried parents. <3

    @trooworld, I know you are anxious about getting your surgery date, and I hope they will be able to accommodate your schedule. The sleep study and wearing a ring sounds interesting. It sounds like one of those Oura rings, huh? I get up and pee throughout the night, too, and it’s super annoying! :#

    Good morning! I woke up with my chest and back muscles hurting so badly from yesterday’s workout. Today is shoulders, and I don’t know if I can do it! :D Not much going on today. I’m making a chicken fajita casserole for dinner that should be tasty. :)

    Question: How do you think the quality and duration of sleep impact weight loss efforts, and what are some strategies to improve sleep that might enhance weight management?

    Sleep is vital for weight loss, and I often struggle to get good sleep. However, I sleep much better on days I work out and don’t eat much in the evenings. I also take melatonin and magnesium to help me out.

  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday
    PW 164.9
    CW 164.1

    Yesterday, was my birthday, and I partied a little to hard. We played 10,000 and had shots. I think I had pizza for dinner because there is pizza in the refrigerator. We had a really good time though. I rarely drink booze, so I can safely say, it will be a long time before I do that again.

    Tonight, I'm going out for some Chinese food 😋 and I'll be drinking water.

  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 916 Member
    PW: 298.6 lbs
    CW: 297.8lbs

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    : @megnolia82
    Reminder To Weigh in Tomorrow To The Following: @askewcr
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    @DrewsAnna Happy Birthday! I'm glad you had a fun birthday!

    @TeresaW2024 Dinner sounds delicious! Good luck with the workout it's always hard when you're sore.

    @trooworld Wow I hope the surgeon steps on it and reads all the clearances fast so your appointment is a pre-surgery appointment, how exciting! Nice the sleep study sounds so much better than sleeping in a strange place with electrodes everywhere. I hope you only have it for one night too.

    @19shmoo69 I'm glad your son doesn't remember the seizures, I can only imagine how hard it is for the rest of you to see them. How is he doing today?

    Hi team! I got completely lost at Kaiser, turns out there's 2 parking garages but only one on their map so I was running around the wrong one for an hour trying to find my car to pick my friend up after her colonoscopy. She sent security guards out after me while I stomped across the area to the second garage and THEN found my car right away, thank goodness they didn't keep my friend out in the wheelchair since by the time I got her it was about 90 minutes after I'd left to pull around to get her! We stopped for a sandwich then my neighbors came by to help me get my awning open to block off my yard from the greenbelt, I have all my plants covered in netting now too (spent hours yesterday on it after he almost ran at me). I'm worn out and ready for bed but am going to try and stay up for a webinar. Have a great night and happy Thursday!
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    Thank you all for the prayers and encouragement. This is my son’s third grand maul seizure. He remembers nothing about them.

    Sending thoughts and prayers. That is scary.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    Starting Weight: 147.8
    Goal Weight: 140

    Tracking📉: ✅
    Fruit 2🍉: ❌
    Veggies 5 🥦 : ✅
    Protein 90🍗: ❌
    Water 72 oz 💧 : ✅
    No snacking after 8: ✅
    Exercise 60 min👟: ✅

    10/13: 147.8
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Yes I am! I hope so, too. This surgery is going to cost enough as it is, I don't need to be off work unpaid on top of it! The ring was interesting, it didn't look like an Oura ring but must function kind of like one. Yeah, I hate that I wake up all night every night to pee! You must have worked your butt off with that workout! That sounds like a yummy dinner.

    @DrewsAnna Sounds like a fun birthday, happy birthday! Congrats on the loss!

    @lislisa123 Congrats on the loss!

    @Katmary71 Me too! I am so glad I didn't have to sleep in a lab somewhere lol. That parking situation sounds super frustrating! I'm glad you found the car. I hope the netting helps protect from the deer.

    @laurelfit57 Yes, I would start out 2025 as a whole new me! The sleep study was definitely easy. Did I sleep well? NO, but that isn't the ring's fault. I just keep waking up. Ugh. Sounds like a solid plan you've got there. That's so cute that Ty does that! Cute pics. Thanks for sharing.

    Hi all. No word from the surgeon's office yet. I really think they will call me any day. I only had to wear the sleep study ring last night, which is good. It didn't bother me to wear.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

    @DrewsAnna Happy belated birthday!
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 261 Member
    @Katmary71 Ugh, I hate getting lost and making your friend wait. It must have been so stressful for you. You are giving your poor plants their best chance of life, and I hope the deers respect the netting. :)

    @laruelfit57 Good call to change your goals to accommodate how much activity you get in a day. Maybe try to use those extra calories to have a good, high-protein snack in the evenings. Maggie loves playing under our blankets, too. :)

    @trooworld, fingers crossed that you get that call today! :)

    Good morning! Well, I didn’t get my yummy dinner last night because our pastor decided to come for a visit and ended up staying until after 6 p.m. I didn’t feel like cooking, so I ordered a Philly cheesesteak pizza. Not a good choice, but dang tasty! :D Tomorrow, Joe and I will take a little day trip for our anniversary, which is on Sunday. It’s a two-hour drive north to a fairground with an arts and crafts fair. There is also an old-time pioneer village there. The drive will be nice, and we will take the walker to help him walk. I’m just hoping it will be a good day and not something I regret doing with him. Wish me luck! :)
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    edited October 17
    Thursday Ice Breaker Question

    With Thanksgiving right around the corner. What are you thankful for?
  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 125 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    Thursday Ice Breaker Question

    With Thanksgiving right around the corner. What are you thankful for?

    Without thinking, just being alive!!! (You watch or read the news and young folks seem to be dying at a young age from alcohol-drug-related accidents or suicides... or drunk drivers... breast cancer or other illnesses... or gun-related violence!!!)

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    Thursday Ice Breaker Question

    With Thanksgiving right around the corner. What are you thankful for?

    I am thankful for my health, my home, my job, and all the wonderful people and pets in my life. I am thankful for sunshine, blue skies, fresh air, and the peace and quiet of nature. I am thankful for all the hardships in my life, that helped me become the person who I am today.

  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 396 Member
    Weigh in Thursday
    PW 251.5
    CW 250

    Let's go get it!! B)

    "Lord help me to stay this course!!" THANK YOU LORD!!! o:)
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 396 Member
    I have been consistent to go to water aerobics. I is so much fun but I think I bruised my tail bone last week. "Ouch!"

    I also started to cut out bread and sugar. It's definitely a challenge. I also try not to eat after 8 at night. I try not to comment on my weight loss journey because right after I do, almost every time I fall off the wagon and gain those same pounds back over and over. :( My A1C was up in September so my doctor told me to cut the sugar and carbs. The struggle is "real" but I continue to encourage myself. I can do this. :p More blood tests in January. I'm praying for favorable results. Have a blessed day Pals! B)
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 137 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    Thursday Ice Breaker Question

    With Thanksgiving right around the corner. What are you thankful for?

    My supportive aunt and husband!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    edited October 17
    @laurelfit57 – Yes, the peace and quiet was lovely. Wish I had more days like that. Wow – glad you realized you were doubling your servings! Even as a vegan, I probably only average 2 to 3 cups of veggies per day. LOLs on the side effect, tho! I love Ty…she’s the best!

    @19shmoo69 – I remember that your son had a seizure a bit ago, but can’t remember if they know what causes them. If not, prayers that they figure it out and that they can provide medicine to keep them from returning. Hang in there. Hugs from Michigan.

    @trooworld – The “original” Speak No Evil I’m referring to is 2022. I didn’t realize there was another before it. The 2022 is Danish and yes, it’s available on Shudder. It has a bleaker ending than the 2024 one, but all in all, just a much better movie. I’ve been picking most of my Halloween movies from Shudder. They’ve got some good ones out now. Just watched Oddity last night. Kinda predictable, but still enjoyable. Just wish the wooden man would’ve been seen more. Yes, I have always been a night owl LOL. I wonder if menopause is what’s making me wake up in the middle of the night? I’m so glad you switched doctor offices. This one is so much quicker! So exciting! Even if they can get you in sooner, it seems that they would work around your schedule so you can do it at the end of December. That’s wild the sleep study can be done with just the info obtained from a ring!

    @DrewsAnna – Happy Belated Birthday and LOLs on thinking you had pizza!

    @Katmary71 – Holy ***** 90 minutes trying to find your car?!? I would’ve been screaming after 20 minutes!

    @askewcr – it’s fantastic that you’re keeping up with water aerobics…but how in the heck do you bruise your tailbone doing it?!? I hear ya about jinxing the weight loss goals. Happens to me way too much.

    I am starting out slowly with adding exercise in. The gym has a Saturday morning yoga flow class that I’ve signed up for. I’ll do some of the weight machines after the class. Hard to fit other days/times in because of babysitting Oliver. The resistance bands are scheduled to be delivered on Saturday, so I can get started doing that, too. Every little bit I do is more than what I’ve done, right? I’ve been pretty good with my food choices, which naturally makes me crave water and tea and not soda, so that’s another plus. Gotta get to Wally World (Wal-Mart) pretty soon…all out of my boxed potato leek soup they sell. It’s delicious, satisfying and low enough in calories that I can “afford” a slice of bread with it. I’ve also been craving raspberries lately…hopefully they have some decent ones. In the meantime, stay strong, my Slims!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    edited October 17
    Popping back on with an NSV! Got super snacky at 4pm here at work...instead of grabbing a bag of pretzels (220 cals) or gardetto's (230 cals) from the vending machine, I made a big cup of my veggie broth and used 2 packets (10 cals). Totally saved myself over 200 calories and temporarily filled my tummy to get me through to dinner! Yay!!! (P.S. I buy the single serve packets in a box of 50 from Amazon so I always have a few packets in my purse.)
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    My son is doing better. The history of the seizures is march of 23 he had his first one. The neurologist said he was born with epilepsy. We had no idea. The second one was this past June. We informed that it would happen every 1- 1.5 years unless it is controlled by meds. So we were very surprised when this one hit. They don’t know the trigger. The first he had just woke up. The second he was asleep. The third he just got home from work and had just sat down. He needs a new neurologist as he is technically an adult. Last I heard it’s 8-18 month waiting list.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    : @megnolia82
    Reminder To Weigh In Tomorrow To The Following: @Cornanda @bethanie0825 @davors19
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    @19shmoo69 I'm glad your son is doing better. Oh geez his seizures are confusing without a trigger to avoid. A new neurologist is a great idea but that waitlist stinks.

    @laurelfit57 Keep sharing your projects I love seeing what everyone is creating! I'm in a small town outside Sacramento, there's a small greenbelt by me that leads to the river so I'm thinking the deer followed that trail from Folsom to me. Those are a lot of steps per day I'm say you're very active too. Haha love Ty on the bed!

    @trooworld I hope you hear from them tomorrow so you can get this scheduled! I love they've managed to improve sleep studies so much I keep thinking they must be more accurate since sleeping somewhere else is a challenge.

    @TeresaW2024 Thank you! Happy anniversary to you and Joe, I hope you two have a great time and there's no issues.

    Always my family first. I'm happy to have the woman I work for back today and her asking me to work tomorrow.

    @askewcr I'm glad you're being proactive with cutting out bread and sugar. The cravings DO fade so hang in there!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Way to go on taking workout steps, some is definitely better than none! Great NSV!

    Hi team! It was a greenhouse morning followed by my allergy shot then a class with the woman I'm working with. I harvested some herbs to share with the class and have been exhausted since. I think the rain yesterday flared me up, hopefully some rest tonight reading will help things calm down. Have a great Friday!
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    Hhmmm, I guess I got kicked out of the 5%challenge, I don't even know why.

    I have been so tired and wore out today. The first thing I said to hubby this morning was "I'm done".

    I think part of my problem today is I started "Metformin", and "Meloxicam (I forget what that is for). I just haven't really felt good today. Tomorrow, I want to start getting back on track, so I hope I feel better.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    edited October 18
    @Vegan4lyfe2012 I have always thought that with exercise it is good to start out slow and steady, find out what is manageable. If you start out full blast it gets overwhelming and not sustainable. Good job on the food choices this afternoon!

    @19shmoo69 I am glad that your son is doing better. I started having seizures at 21 and by 31 they stopped. It took me a few tries with different medication's to get it right. I am sorry that your son is going to have to wait for a new neurologist, that's a long time! Hopefully things can get under control really quick for him.

    @katmary71 I am right beside a river as well and especially during the winter we have quite a few deer, coyotes and a ton of Jack rabbits! I love having the wildlife around, but our coyotes no longer have a fear of people and it can get a bit scary. What kind of classes are you taking?

    @DrewsAnna so sorry you are not feeling well today. Sorry you got out of that challenge, I never could figure it out.

    Where we do training, they are starting some morning classes as a trial run. I took two back-to-back, one with Ty and then the other with Vannie. It was lovely to do a class while my brain was still functioning🤣. I didn't have my lunch prepared for when I got home, so ended up stopping for some roasted chicken tenders and potato wedges from the co-op. They weren't a horrible choice, but next week I will do better and be prepared. I did bring an apple to eat in between classes. Next week I think I will have Apple with cottage cheese and then have lunch ready to eat when I get home. Just my granddaughter coming for a sleepover tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to some girly time. Have a great Friday everyone!

    We just started doing a little sequencing with Ty. So hard to follow all those verbal and signals, she did well though :-).

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    DrewsAnna wrote: »
    Hhmmm, I guess I got kicked out of the 5%challenge, I don't even know why.

    I have been so tired and wore out today. The first thing I said to hubby this morning was "I'm done".

    I think part of my problem today is I started "Metformin", and "Meloxicam (I forget what that is for). I just haven't really felt good today. Tomorrow, I want to start getting back on track, so I hope I feel better.

    You might reach out to ceriusly. Ask him about the challenge. My wife said meloxicam is probably for inflammation.

  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    @19shmoo69 thank you 😊 I think that is what it's for because I'm not supposed to take ibuprofen.

    I'm back in.

    There must've been a misunderstanding, they thought I left the group. I know I dropped my phone, so maybe it happened accidentally, because I didn't intentionally leave.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    Starting Weight: 147.8
    Goal Weight: 140

    Tracking📉: ✅
    Fruit 2🍉: ✅
    Veggies 5 🥦 : ✅
    Protein 90🍗: ❌
    Water 72 oz 💧 : ❌
    No snacking after 8: ✅
    Exercise 60 min👟: ✅

    10/13: 147.8
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    @laurelfit57 - Love the pix of your dogs. So cute that Ty loves blankets!

    @Katmary71 - I would have had a fit if the parking garage thing happened to me.

    @TeresaW2024 - you and me are anniversary twinsies- Ours is on Sat. 33 years. We are going to a community theater show called Bright Star. Have a fun day with Joe!

    I am thankful for my family, my dog, my marriage and most of my coworkers.

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 175.4
    CW: 174.8


    I did lean protein and veggies again, but this week I was grumpier about it. Glad I had a loss.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Thank you. No call yesterday, I need to be more patient lol. That's too bad about the dinner but nice that you had a visit from your pastor. Gosh, I hope the day trip goes well. I'll be thinking about you guys today.

    @askewcr Yay for the loss! Oh no about the tailbone bruise but yay for the water aerobics! Yes, the struggle is real but you are doing amazing. Hang in there!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Ah okay, I'll add it to my watch list. I use an app called "ReelGood" to track what I want to see or what I have seen. I added it to that. We haven't watched many Halloween movies (yet) this season, we've been watching things like the Halloween Baking Championship etc. Yeah menopause may be the culprit! Yes, I am glad I switched, too, much quicker and more thorough! Yeah I hope they can work around my schedule. I know, crazy about the ring, right? I'm glad you are going to do the yoga, I really like yoga and find it very relaxing. Weight machines are good, too. Yes, every bit helps! Thank you for sharing that NSV, that's awesome and you inspire me to get some broth to take to work!

    @19shmoo69 I'm glad your son is doing better. That's a long waiting list. I hope he can get in sooner.

    @Katmary71 Gosh, I hope so, too but no word so far. I agree with you about the sleep studies. I hope you can find some time to rest today.

    @DrewsAnna I hope you feel less tired and worn out today. I took Meloxicam for my arthritis but had to stop because it gave me headaches.

    @laurelfit57 That's great they started some morning classes. Good idea to think ahead. Have fun with the girly time! Look at Ty go! She did great!

    @Cornanda Congrats on the loss! Are you going to continue eating lean protein and veggies next week? I don't know if I could do it if I was going to be grumpy lol.

    ICE BREAKER QUESTION: With Thanksgiving right around the corner. What are you thankful for?
    I'm thankful for so many things...a good husband, a job I love, that I have the mobility that I do have, friends that support me, my doggies, this group, the list goes on and on!

    Hi all. I'm working from home today. I have physical therapy later. I'm really over physical therapy. I haven't been doing the exercises at home so I think it's just a waste of time and money to go to the appointments. My knee does feel better but that could be from the shot I got. I am almost done, I think I have two more. I'm making creamy chicken noodle soup tonight for dinner. I think it will be cooler tonight so it will be good.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"