Name a Fruit or Veggie A to Z
T- Tomato Sauce 🥫
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U - Ugli fruit
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T - Tasmanian Apples
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oops think Linda and you posted same time. No worries 😉
V- Vidalia Onions
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W - Watermelon
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X- Xoconostle cactus fruit grows at the end of nopales, or cactus paddles, sometimes in clusters of up to a dozen on one paddle. Xoconostle cactus fruit is pear-shaped, tapering to a point. The small fruit is 5 to 7 centimeters long and around 4 to 5 centimeters in diameter. It has a pale green skin with a muddled hue and will attain a pale pink blush once ripe. Xoconostle cactus fruit, like its prickly pear cousin, is covered in clusters of small spines that once removed, leave little circular scars. The flesh of this cactus fruit variety is bright green to a pale peach or pink and has a smooth, juicy texture. The seed cavity of the Xoconostle is centralized, whereas other prickly pear varieties have seeds embedded throughout the flesh. The bright red center of the Xoconostle cactus fruit has a few dozen, small edible seeds that have an appearance similar to the seeds of a passion fruit. The flavor is described as complex with a sour tang and an acidic finish.
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Z - Zizania latifolia known as Manchurian wild rice is the only member of the wild rice genus Zizania native to Asia. It is used as a food plant. Both the stem and grain are edible. Gathered in the wild, Manchurian wild rice was an important grain in ancient China.
A wetland plant, Manchurian wild rice is now very rare in the wild, and its use as a grain has completely disappeared in Asia, though it continues to be cultivated for its stems.
A measure of its former popularity is that the surname Jiǎng (simplified Chinese: 蒋; traditional Chinese: 蔣), one of the most common in China, derives from this crop.
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A - asparagus
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B- Beet Roots
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C - Cucumber salad
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D - Date and walnut banana bread
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E- Eggplant
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F - False Jaboticaba
False jaboticaba, scientifically known as Myrciaria vexator, is a fruit that resembles the jaboticaba but comes from a different species of tree. It has a dark purple skin and a juicy, sweet pulp. False jaboticaba fruits are often used in making jams, jellies, and wines.
They are known for their unique flavor and are enjoyed fresh or used in various culinary preparations. Trees of false jaboticaba are popular for their ornamental value, as they produce clusters of fruits directly on their trunks.
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Linda this is new to me. Haven’t heard of this one before but sounds like it would be good in jams and jellies. Have you used this before?
G- Grapefruit
It used to be one of my favorites but can’t eat it anymore as it’s not compatible with my BP medications. 🙁
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H - honey
I have not tried it Judith but it does sound delicious. It would be an interesting tree to see with all the fruit on it's trunk.
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I- Iceberg Lettuce 🥬
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J - Janoticaba Jelly