


  • goddesshanna
    goddesshanna Posts: 69 Member
    Yay, so glad to have found the knitting group! My name is Hanna. I'm 28, married, with 2 cats, and live in Iowa. Lost my job at Borders in May since they went belly up and started to gain back weight that I had finally been starting to loose which is when I started on MFP. In between searching for decent employment, I am knitting a ton of stuff in prep for Xmas (unemployment doesn't pay well!). I'm also working on a Tunisian crochet sampler afghan from leftover acrylic yarn. Been knitting for probably 7 years now but I haven't really crocheted much. Tunisian is my gateway project. I love that knitting burns slightly more calories than just sitting there watching tv too!
  • Shannon4J
    Shannon4J Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I'm Shannon. I live in Raleigh, NC USA I am 44 and I am a stay at home mom/wife. I have 2 grown children & 3 grandchildren (4th on the way Due Dec. 17th) I am married to my high school sweetheart, he is a Computer Teacher (Novanet Coordinator) and we have a Prayer CD Ministry online together.

    I love to knit and crochet!! I am currently knitting and crocheting Christmas gifts for family, and have a good head start so far!! Woot!!

    I lost 54 pounds with MFP, but gained back 17 in the past year, & keep gaining and losing the same 3-4 pounds over & over. LOL I need to get back to my SERIOUS mindset again and get the 17 + 5 to AWAY for good!! I was 5# away from my goal weight and started letting myself go over on calories too many days. oops :)

    God Bless,
  • ElyzahMoore
    ElyzahMoore Posts: 26 Member
    I am Lyzah. I am married and I have two kids, a 12 year old and an 10 month old. I have been knitting since I was a kid. I teach knitting at our local shop. I have been an instructor for about 8 years.
  • jellybeans13
    jellybeans13 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I'm Jo, live in Norwich, UK and have been knitting for a few years :smile:
    It also helps me with stress, I go crazy when I can't knit (I sometimes get joint pain in my hands that prevents it)
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Welcome all!

    houzkat, I was actually the skinniest I ever was when I was 3 months pregnant. Most of my teen years I weighed in the 170s. When I got pregnant, I couldn't keep anything down and I got to 150. I don't recommend losing weight that way though. :laugh:

    OMG same here! lost 10 my first month, only gained 20 back.. then preggers again, gained another 10, then forgot to be concerned about losing it, hence, why I'm here. LOL!
  • saj6
    saj6 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I'm Stephanie. I'm 42 yo and have been knitting and crocheting since I was 8 or 9 :-) I read the description of this group and knew it was for me! When I started this journey my first excited thought was I would be able to buy less yarn per project therefore have more money to buy yarn for other projects LOL I am currently knitting hats for my family and myself. quick ones for my husband and son, and for my daughter and myself I'm knitting out of my new book Weekend Hats from Interweave Press. Great patterns if anyone is looking to knit some interesting hats :-)
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I'll have to check that out, Stephanie. I like knitting hats because they're quick and portable.
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    Ok everyone. I feel OLD! My name is Sally, and I turned 60 this year. Have been knitting and crocheting for years. have recently gotten back into knitting now that I have granchildren. Christmas stockings seem to be the item this year. I think I have made5 or 6 in the just last few months. Also, this year, everyone wants fingerless mittens/gloves. I've made about 5 pair of those. friend sent me this pattern for a fish hat. It's hysterical. New stitch for me, a WT (wrap and twist). So, the first fish was my test run. I used an on line video, but went back to a knit shop I know for a little more help. I think I might have it now. Sooo, new fish hat for my grandson Eli..who is 3.

    Are there any other knitters out there who knit left handed? Not left handed knitters who knit right handed, but who actually knit left me. My grandmother taught me. Too old to relearn. So..if I knit a cardigan sweater and follow the directions for the left front..I get the right front. So..there are some patterns I just don't do. My stuff is usually pretty simple.

    Would love to show you all the hat..but i haven't figured out how to post here. What I know, doesn't work!

    Happy knitting all~
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    I'm with you Sabrina..hats don't take forever.....neither do the fingerless gloves..or the Christmas stockings.....
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    Oops..that WT was a wrap and TURN, not a wrap and twist. my bad~:ohwell:
  • I'm Cathy - 28 yrs old and I've only been knitting for a year now, but I've become obsessed. I already have a whole shelf of knitting books and a yarn stash that is getting out of control. I'm also into dying yarn and a little bit of sewing. Oh, and I also knit continental, which the girls in my knitting group like to make fun of. Any other continental knitters?
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I wish I knit continental but I learned English and now I'm stuck with it. lol
  • mrsjrwest
    mrsjrwest Posts: 17 Member
    I'm from Minnesota, which helps with long winter evenings for knitting, crocheting, etc. I've done crochet most of my life and am learning to knit again now. I've never even made a pair of socks, but plenty of dishrags and prayer shawls. I'm going to learn to knit socks this winter and want to knit a sweater for my mom this next yer.
  • jadedkitty423
    jadedkitty423 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm Melissa. I'm 35 and I've been knitting for about 5 years (occasionally sprinkled with crochet). I knit a lot of cat toys and scarves.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Welcome, mrsjrwest and Melissa!

    mrsjrwest, I bet you get a lot of use out of your knitting. I wish I lived somewhere cold so I could knit nice warm hats and scarves and things like that for myself. lol
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Hello, everyone! I just joined and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Jessica and I've been addicted to both crocheting and knitting for several years now. I first learned when I was a teen but didn't know what to do with it back then. Good thing I figured it out!

    I always have a project or two with me. Always. You never know when you'll have a few minutes of down time while waiting in line! I just finished a pair of full-leg leg warmers for my daughter, fingerless gloves and hat for my son, and a sweater for myself, and am finishing up a pair of fingerless gloves for my husband. Now on to some baby clothes for the three new babies in my family, a new hat and gloves for myself (like I need more...but I couldn't pass up that yarn!), fingerless gloves for my daughter, and some socks for my son. I'm also adding more charity projects since I know my family is eventually going to say "No more!" lol I'm currently making hats for a local homeless shelter and scarves for Special Olympics.
  • Hello everyone, I'm Clare and I learnt to knit when I was little then properly last year. I'm making a plain jumper from wool from an unravelled cardigan but it's going on and on... might have to introduce a side project. I try to balance knitting with a walk but this week since I've re-committed to losing, it's been a good way of keeping me out of the kitchen. No children, just one bad cat who likes to 'help' with all my hobbies!
  • Hiya, I'm kat and I've been knitting since 2005, crocheting since 2008. I have 3 kids 5 and under though so it can be difficult to find a "peaceful" 30 minute knitting break :)

    My kids are so used to knitting that when we are out shopping, if they see knitwear, they start shouting "Mummy, it's a knitted hat! In a shop! ". And they have to recite everyday "I must not touch Mummy's knitting. Only Mummy. Not even Daddy is allowed" LOL
  • Hello! I am JJ and I have been crocheting since I was in 5th grade and knitting for about 7 years now. I love them both equally! I love them so much actually that I own a funky little yarn store! We carry only local and recycled yarn, which I feel very passionate about. I teach almost all our classes and dye some yarn as well.

    I don't remember who it was that said they wanted to be able to afford enough yarn for a sweater, but if you go to the thrift store and buy a men's x-large wool sweater with the correct seams (check on Ravelry or google it for the directions), you could end up with enough yarn for a sweater for you for less than $10. Its a lot of labor to get it, but if you have time but not money, its a great way to go!

    I am the mother of four kids ages 12, 13, 15 and 17. My daughter, the oldest, lives with me full-time and the boys choose to live with their dad during the school year. Its really hard, and I put on a lot of weight stuffing my face to relieve the pain of missing them. Finally woke up and realized that I needed to pull myself together, set a better example, and be able to do the active things that boys like to do to spend time with them when they are here in the summer and at Christmas and spring break.
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I am Hazel and from the uk
    I learnt to know and crochet at the knee of my paternal grandmother and am what I term cyclical

    at the moment I am on long term sick (bilateral pulmonary emboli) so you would think I had ages to knit or crochet - in theory yes but I cant hold a pattern in my head at present (due to medication) but am working on two items
    one is in cocoon a rowan yarn and the other is in a yarn I have spun myself