


  • scarrier715
    scarrier715 Posts: 16 Member
    Real Name: Susan
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 315
    CW: 280
    GW: 150
    UGW: 135
    Location- Windham, Maine
    Age: 62
    Sex: F
    2 grown sons, 2 beautiful daughters-in-law
    1 grandson, Derek 7, 3 granddaughters: Anna almost 2 years, Abbey one and a half years and Samantha 2 months.
    Divorced: Celebrating my silver anniversary of my divorce this year.

    I hit an all-time high a year ago and on November 5, 2010 I began converting to a paleo/primal eating style. I started out with reading "Neander Thin", then graduated to Mark Sisson's "Primal Blue Print," Sally Fallon's "Nourishing Traditions." I have read a bunch of others, but names start to escape me, let's see - Nora Gedgaudus "Primal Mind Primal Body." Anyway, cutting out grain, dairy, beans/soy, sugar and processed foods has been much easier than I thought it would be and the bonus of energy, weight loss and feeling better is amazing.

    I'm excited to find MFP and especially excited to find 3 nice low-carb primal/paleo groups on MFP.

    Onward and downward.
  • scarrier715
    scarrier715 Posts: 16 Member
    On one of the outer groups, folks are talking about making pizzas with portabello mushrooms flipped upside down as pizza crust and filling the cups with the pizza fixings. That sure sounds good to me, but I have not tried it yet.
  • Real name: Kim
    HW: 178
    UGW:125( healthy BMI zone for me)
    Height: 5 ft 2 inches
    sex: female
    Status: Married 12 years in Oct., 1 daughter who is eleven.

    Weakness- fresh baked bread-OMG just the smell of it makes me drool and gain about 5 lbs.
    Strengths- A wonder supportive family and friends.

    Hubby went low carb about 5 or 6 months ago. He has since lost 50 lbs. and that is with out really exersizing. He has a busy job so he is on his feet alot walking around but he doesn't do any extra exersize. Seeing the weight come off of him has been a great motovator for me. he does Atkins. Talked to my doctor and she feels south beach will be better for me due to some other things I have going on. Glad to have a doc. who agrees low carb is a better way of life :) Can't wait to start.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Hi all , just found this group

    Real Name: Paul
    Height: 5' 8"
    HW: 315
    CW: 264.6
    GW: Under 200 or around there
    Location- Llanelli, South West Wales
    Age: 49
    Sex: M
    Children 2 boy of 18 and a girl of 14

    Started my journey in Jan 2011 by loosing a stone to go to Italy for the rugby put some back on then lost some then put on
    Went on holiday in September to Turkey and decided to eat healthy while there but as I was drinking decided to attend the hotel gym for an hour each morning I had put 2 Lb on when I came home and my son who is a gym member asked me to join his gym as they had a free months trial
    Last month was told about the Dukan Diet lost a stone in 7 days have modified the diet to a healthy eating plan (I'm a chef)
    So now i do low carbs or carbs in the morning most of the time I still have a drink and an occasional treat but put an extra effort at the gym to compensate :bigsmile:
  • fatcitizen
    fatcitizen Posts: 103 Member
    real name..... Kathy
    HW....248 lbs
    Cw...231 lbs
    GW.....160 lbs and see from there
    Location...Michigan, USA
    2 grown/married daughters...1 granddaughter (8months)
    1 dog/ 2 cats
    Married for 27 years
    Diet plan.....no dough (no pasta, pretzels, doughnuts, cake, etc....if it is made of dough I don't eat it)
    weakness....emotional eater.....you name the emotion and I'll eat
    strengths.....volunteer (4-H leader and non-profit organization treasurer) I like to sew.....
  • Me:

    Real Name: Kelly
    Height: 5'6
    HW: 245
    CW: 234
    GW: 140
    Location- Long Island, NY
    Age: 28
    Sex: F
    1 kid 17 mo old boy, and 1 15 mo old female dog
    Not married- but have a great BF.

    Diet Plan- Started atkins again, only thing that works, but not as strict trying my best to keep it under 20 carbs right now, but not going crazy as long as it's under 40

    Super weakness---carbs lol
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hi there!!

    I just found out yesterday that I have PCOS so I am going to be decreasing carbs and following low GI diet. hoping that will help me finally bust though my 8+ months long plateau. I am looking forward to any advice/recommendations. my plan is to eat 255 of diet from carbs, which is down from 40%.

    About me:
    5'8" 168.8 pounds
    I am currently in my second round of p90x, 1 week to go!!!!!
    I run 3-4 days per week.
    age 39 (soon to be 40...24 days and counting!!!!
    1 daughter, age 6
    Live in Massachusetts

    My goal weight is 150's
  • Hello fellow low carbers!!

    Real Name: Angela
    Height: 5'6.5"
    HW: 194
    CW: 179
    GW: 140
    Location- Oak Park, Il (Chicago)
    Age: 39
    Sex: F
    Child: 18 yr old daughter & 11 yr old son
    Married (for the 2nd time)

    I focus on low carb eating - 10% of calories (35 grams a day) and 10 grams of sugar

    My weaknesses are: Chocolate, Wine, Baked goods

    My strengths are: Preparing my meals and sticking to my plan (especially now, during the holidays!
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Height : 5 ft 4"
    HW: 138
    CW: 130
    Age: 43
    Sex: Female
    Met the love of my life last year
    Two girls aged 12 and 14
    London, UK

    Diet Plan: I want to stop eating cr@p and focus on real food. I know it's two weeks until Christmas and I'll have a fridge full of chocolate at the end of term (I'm a primary teacher and I get loads as gifts!) but I want to stay away from processed food (I'm having Christmas Day off though) and make sure I am fuelling my body well and keeping myself healthy.

    My inspiration is Zoe Harcombe - this woman will disagree with all of the quasi-science on MFP (see http://www.zoeharcombe.com/the-knowledge/20-diet-myths-busted/) but she dedicates her life to obesity research instead of just trotting out the same old stuff. I have met her and I wish I had continued to follow the diet instead of sliding back into old ways and regaining it all. I felt better, I had no sugar cravings and I felt good about myself and how I was nurturing my body. Today is the first day of regaining control for me.
  • bmonahan115
    bmonahan115 Posts: 121 Member
    Real Name: Brandi
    Height: 5'10
    HW: 235
    CW: 159
    GW: 135
    UGW: 135
    Location- Northern New Jersey, USA
    Age: 24
    Sex: F
    No children
    Not married- but have a great BF.

    Diet Plan- Primal Diet and going to start keeping under 50g carbs per day. I eat plenty of lean meats, fish & veggies. I have PCOS and have read too many success stories to not try to make this switch so i can finally get off all medications and live naturally as I've wanted!

    This is coupled with getting as much exercise as I can.

    Super weakness
    mashed potatoes! but heard the mashed/riced cauliflower is an amazing replacement, still haven't done the carb difference to see if its worth it or should i just cut it out all together to get away from temptation.
  • Real Name: Caitlin
    Height: 5'8"
    HW: 184
    CW: 169
    GW: 160
    UGW: 160
    Location- Bronx, NY
    Age: 25
    Sex: F
    No children
    Not married- Living with my boyfriend

    Diet Plan- Pescatarian Low Carber... try to stick to about 40 net carbs a day. Get my protein from eggs and fis

    Super weakness
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    Real Name: Michelle
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 169
    CW: 169 (pre-pregnancy 157)
    GW: after pregnancy 125
    Location: Charlotte, NC
    Age: 35
    Sex: F
    1 daughter and 1 one on the way (16 weeks today)
    Married for 13+ years

    Starting the South Beach Diet Plan soon at the suggestion of my OBGYN. I am trying not to gain as much as I did during my first pregnancy (about 60+ pounds, well over the norm)... Any suggestions or tips gladly appreciated.. My one weakness, especially now during pregnancy, salt and vinegar pringles.. The first 2 weeks will be rough!! Best of luck to everyone!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Real Name: Marie
    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 215
    CW: 198
    GW: 160
    Location- Mesquite Texas
    Age: 81
    Sex: F
    3 childdren 6 grand kids, 4 great grandkids and 1 great great due in Ja, of 20Been married to a wonderful guy for 56 years
  • shadea4455
    shadea4455 Posts: 173 Member
    Real Name: Ashley
    Height: 5'6
    HW: 230
    CW: 203.9
    GW: 180
    UGW: 160
    Location: Pittsburgh, PA
    Age: 23
    Sex: F
    No children
    Not married- Live with my boyfriend of 7 years, so it certainly feels like we're married :)

    Diet Plan- Atkins... I did Atkins a few years ago and lost a lot of weight, then fell back into old habits and gained a ton of weight. I tried counting calories and doing the whole grain thing, but it just doesn't work for me. A week and a half into Atkins and I've already lost 5 pounds, so yay!

    Super weakness
    Pizza... French Fries... Chinese food...
  • caligirl04
    caligirl04 Posts: 33 Member

    Real Name: Laurie
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 186
    CW: 186
    GW: 155
    UGW: 155
    Location- Nashville, TN
    Age: 43
    Sex: F
    2 kids, ages 20 & 16

    Diet Plan- trying to keep to a low carb plan. I find it difficult to keep on track...I am looking for input! I do use the treadmill and lift weights (dumbbells) at home.
  • Oplesandbanonos
    Oplesandbanonos Posts: 99 Member
    Real Name: Erin
    Height: 5'8"
    HW: 158
    CW: 146
    GW: 138
    UGW: don't know what this means!
    Location- Texas
    Age: 25
    Sex: F
    No children
    Have a boyfriend, not a very supportive one

    Diet Plan: Not a very specific one, mostly just trying to stay under 50g a day (hard to do around the holidays) and if i do go over 50g, let it be natural foods. I don't have a work out regime yet but i'm thinking of starting 30 day shred for the new year and trying to find a crossfit gym. i get intimidated by the machines and my lack of knowledge on how to use them and the weights at a gym.

    Weaknesses - sweets.. i'll eat anything with sugar in it. Bread and pasta.
    Strengths - not caring about what other people think about my lifestyle choices. i do what i want.
  • caligirl04
    caligirl04 Posts: 33 Member
    Beginning Atkins...great program! And using George Stella's Livin' Low Carb cook books...but does anyone else have a hard time counting carbs on MFP?? Between the calories and carbs, I'm getting a little confused with which to look at! Any tips will be appreciated!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    HI All!
    Real name : Kym
    Height: 5'3
    H.w. 126
    c.w : 112
    g,w : 110
    Location: Brisbane, Australia
    Sex: F
    Age: 43
    Status : married, with 2 teenage boys.
    Diet plan ; Carbs under 30g, Paleo - non processed food, no grains.
    Exercise: walk dog 30 mins/day, do 30 mins of weights 3x week, boxing 1x week, ballet 1x week
    Weakness (es) : fruit, chocolate. creamy puddings.
    Strengths: I am getting creative with my cooking, to suit the grain free life, and am enjoying regaining the feeling of energy I used to have. I like to paint, dance and I love music.
  • Don26
    Don26 Posts: 46
    Hello All...
    My name is Don
    Married for 20 years with 2 daughters.
    I am 46, 6'-0" tall and currently @ 226 pounds.
    I am not new to this, I am a low carb veteran.
    I first did the Atkins diet about 6 or 7 years ago.
    I had hit my heaviest @ 246 pounds and got down to 183 on the low carb diet.
    The weight crept back on over time so here I am again.
    I have tried doing the "healthy eating" low fat/low calorie rout for several months now with minimal success so I am going to try this again.
    Starting the induction phase today.
    Going to get back into body building too so I think this will help up my protein intake as well.
    Any advice would be appreciated. :smile:
  • lucy1945
    lucy1945 Posts: 153
    Hi Everyone! so glad to be here! Thank you!

    i''m 36
    h.w. 224
    c.w. 202
    goal 145
    real name : Paula
    my hair color changes, lol
    2 boys...13 and 14 y.o.
    married 17 yrs. :)