Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week 17

JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member


luvmyjp - Welcome back and WOOT WOOT! You broke the 30 pound mark!!!!

craft338 - YEAH GIRL! Cracked the 20 pound mark!!!

lpeacock06 & kckramp - 10% lost!!! What an accomplishment!!

pinkita, Neize, & leslyta - You are all less than 5 pounds away from your Christmas goal!!!

nevermorex - You've surpassed your SECOND GOAL!!!

Sugs94 & pinkita - WAY TO GO WITH 3+ pounds lost in ONE WEEK!!! And so nicely tied at the same weight!!!

You are all so wonderful and I thank each and every one of you for your patience, support, and kind words. My daughter is feeling better in her own head but she is still sick. We were supposed to see the doctor tonight but got a call that they didn't have power and moved her appointment until Saturday so she's still on a super amount of medication until then. SOOOOOOO crazy distraught and frustrated and sad and uuuuuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :explode: :explode: :explode: I just want my baby to feel better! angie and all the other moms of sick kids, I give you more credit than I did before. This is incredibly difficult! :cry:

Can you believe Thanksgiving is a week away?!?!? :noway:
I know I have 40+ things to be thankful for and your names are all on the chart above :flowerforyou: I hope you know how much it means to me to have you involved in this challenge! You are what keeps me going!!!

The feedback I got from last week's challenge seemed pretty positive. I apologize to those that were unable to complete it due to physical limitations but I am glad that you all stuck around. If you have any suggestions for exercises that might work for everyone, please message me!


Since there is only 5 days until the next challenge week, I'm going to throw something incredible hard at you. :devil: Complete what you can because I personally know I can not do it all. The goal of this physical challenge is IMPROVEMENT!

The exercise is called a Pyramid Workout. It is a series of exercises that you will attempt to complete 10 reps of. You work your way down from 10 of each to 1 of each or 20 seconds of each to 2 seconds. Sounds simple right :huh: :noway:

Your exercises are
1)Burpees - We did these with the first couple of weeks.
2)Kettlebell Swings - You do not need a kettlebell to do this exercise. I use a 5lb hand weight and it works perfectly.
3)Plank - At this point you should be more than familiar with the plank. It is an incredible core workout and I do these daily regardless of whether it was part of a challenge or not.

SO... The challenge is to complete the Pyramid Workout in one shot.
Round 1 - 10 burpees, 10 kettlebell swings, 20 seconds of plank
Round 2 - 9 burpees, 9 kettlebell swings, 18 seconds of plank
Round 3 - 8 burpees, 8 kettlebell swings, 16 seconds of plank
Round 4 - 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, 14 seconds of plank
and so on... Continue to countdown for each round until you get to.....
Round 10 - 1 burpee, 1 kettlebell swing, 2 seconds of plank

This is one of the most intense FULL BODY workouts you will ever have. :sick: Push yourself to do one more set each day! And if you make it all the way through, WE WANT TO KNOW!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

If you can not physically do the pyramid workout, challenge yourself to a NEW cardio workout for at least 15 minutes each day. Check out youtube or some cable networks have free videos available. Try something new! :drinker:


Look at your goal weight that you set 16 weeks ago. It is attainable? Is it completely out of reach? With just a few weeks left, we are wuickly closing in on our big finale. And I want everyone here to have the chance to meet their goals! So take a look, if you're more than 10lbs away from your goal, you may want to revise your numbers. This is your chance! :smooched:

You challenge is to change your final goal to a number that you CAN reach! If you believe you can reach your goalo where it is now, AWESOME! If you don't, just let me know what to change it to. The end of this challenge should be a positive one, not one of disappointment because we didn't make our goals. LET'S DO IT!!! :bigsmile:

:heart: :heart: :heart: As always.... LOVE YOU ALL!!!:heart::heart: :heart:


  • shelly650
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Thanks Jenn can't be easy to put this together when you have a sick little girl, I am sure I can include everyone when I say that we are really gratefull that you take the time and effort to do this.

    I am really excited about the Challenge this week, it looks like a lot of hard work but I need to motivate myself again and this looks like the perfect way to do so.

    If possible I would like to cut 10lbs off my target and I am now wanting to get to 210lbs, I think this is attainable and I am going to try my hardest in the next few weeks to hit that goal.

    I hope you are all well and see losses on the scale this week.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I've been better this week with my eating... not great... but not horrible either. I'm still trying to pull myself out of this funk. :frown:
    Congrats on all the losses. :smile:

    And Jenn -- more well wishes for your kiddo :flowerforyou:
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    bump for later :smile:
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Sorry for my absence its been crazy... Jenn sorry you're little one is sick that is dot easy for sure. Hope all is well for everyone else... Saturday is my b-day so I'm going to splurge just a little... Not sure on what yet but something. :) have a great week everyone!!
  • johanna_elaine
    Just curious... We do a round a day?? Or all ten rounds each day??

    I'm leavin my gOal where it's at. I know I can hit it as long as I keep me eye on the prize. Yesturday was a good day to get me motivated. My fiancé shops at a place called "Platos closet" and it's pretty much an up scale goodwill/salvation army. You go in with name brand clothes in good shape and in style and sell it to the store . They turn around and mark jeans that would run $100+ and sell them to the public for $40 or under . He is constantly shopping there , but they don't sell "big girl" sizes there. I got curious and tried on a 13/14 (biggest they carry) and they are so close to fitting! So I'm motivated to be able to shop there this summer without any problems!!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Just curious... We do a round a day?? Or all ten rounds each day??

    All ten rounds... every day :)
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Sorry for my absence its been crazy... Jenn sorry you're little one is sick that is dot easy for sure. Hope all is well for everyone else... Saturday is my b-day so I'm going to splurge just a little... Not sure on what yet but something. :) have a great week everyone!!

    Glad you're still with us :) AND HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    I've been better this week with my eating... not great... but not horrible either. I'm still trying to pull myself out of this funk. :frown:
    Congrats on all the losses. :smile:

    And Jenn -- more well wishes for your kiddo :flowerforyou:

    We all hate seeing you down :brokenheart: I really hope you can pull yourself up and out of it! And if not, that's what we're here for! ::virtual hug:: You are doing an incredible job! If there's anything you need, just let us know! :smooched:
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Thanks Jenn can't be easy to put this together when you have a sick little girl, I am sure I can include everyone when I say that we are really gratefull that you take the time and effort to do this.

    I am really excited about the Challenge this week, it looks like a lot of hard work but I need to motivate myself again and this looks like the perfect way to do so.

    If possible I would like to cut 10lbs off my target and I am now wanting to get to 210lbs, I think this is attainable and I am going to try my hardest in the next few weeks to hit that goal.

    I hope you are all well and see losses on the scale this week.

    I'll take care of changing your goal, NO PROBLEM! Glad you're still with us!!!
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    Afternoon all-
    Jenn....healing thoughts to your little girl. Hope she is feeling better. I am definitely motivated again. Struggle with eating clean...but I am staying on track with my WW points. Today even treating myself to a mocha before work. Have enough of my weekly treat points to cover. I won't make my origional goal for the challenge...but I will kick the 180's before the challenge ends...and they will be gone forever if I have my way about it!!!
    Keep on keeping on everyone and have a great Thursday.
  • gennybunny1
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    i'm REALLY hoping for a loss this week.
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    With a birthday on Sunday and Thanksgiving on Thursday I will need to make some good choices. The 170s are not all that far away & I do really want to make my new Christmas goal so I have already started thinking about how I'm gonna make that happen. I don't have any real answers yet, but I'm thinking on it.

    Do you have a place to log in the exercise for this week? Would it count as circuit training?
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    bump for tomorrow
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 198 Member
    Hi everyone once again I have been terrible and once again I am back!
    I can't remember when weigh in is as its been so long but I haven't given my numbers for weeks so I'm just going to give it to you today. CW- 231.4
    I'm off to start my 30day shred DVD to kick my *kitten* into gear!!!
    Hope everyone is still kicking *kitten* and once again Jen you are a ROCKSTAR for doing this. I think without this challenge I never would have lost all my weight. I now just have to get my head in the right frame of mind to continue my journey and stop thinking about the past!
  • MarlenaLB
    I will have a loss this week. I am working and going to continue to work hard for the next 5 weeks. I can do this. We all can. Reading all your posts are so motivating. Thank you
    Thank you Jenn for all your hard work and motivation!!! You are awesome!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Bump for later.

    Thanks Jenn, and hope your daughter is better in time for Thanksgiving... and hopefully sooner!!!
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    I am going to change my goal to 155 by the end which is up from where I was before summer but I seem to be having lots of challenges and need to focus on getting back to that. I don't usually do the challenges because I do an intense workout every morning with two of my peeps but this week's challenge sounds like something that would mix it up for us. Thanks again Jen.