2 week challenge



  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Soooo, this weekend did NOT go as planned!!! It started with being roofied at the bar Wednesday night and that making me feel horrible all weekend! Yey for that.... Luckily my bf and friends were looking out for me and noticed something was really wrong and took me home and took care of me all night.. I ate whatever my body could handle all weekend (none of that being alcohol!!) so I may have gone over calories from the quality of the food, but probably not by much... Definitely ate a ton of carbs and lots of sodium though..

    The next few weeks will be coming back from that and starting to work out again. I plan on going to jazzercise 4 days this week for sure. This weekend I will be helping my sister move into her new house (she's signing today! yikes!) so that will burn some calories as well I'm sure!

    I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving (for those in the US) and weekend :)
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Soooo, this weekend did NOT go as planned!!! It started with being roofied at the bar Wednesday night and that making me feel horrible all weekend! Yey for that.... Luckily my bf and friends were looking out for me and noticed something was really wrong and took me home and took care of me all night.. I ate whatever my body could handle all weekend (none of that being alcohol!!) so I may have gone over calories from the quality of the food, but probably not by much... Definitely ate a ton of carbs and lots of sodium though..

    The next few weeks will be coming back from that and starting to work out again. I plan on going to jazzercise 4 days this week for sure. This weekend I will be helping my sister move into her new house (she's signing today! yikes!) so that will burn some calories as well I'm sure!

    I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving (for those in the US) and weekend :)

    I totally can't believe that happened to you :( I'm so glad you were with people that could take care of you and that you've come out of it ok!! So scary! Just work back up to what your body lets you do!

    So, reality has hit. My careless eating, no tracking, blah blah blah, has the scale almost to where I started on MFP. Good thing is the hubby and I start back together today. We are going to Cabo the First weekend in February so we have some serious motivation :) But because of the surgery, I have to wait 2 1/2 more weeks to do anything with any impact, pick up anything more than 10 lbs, or do anything that engages my core. Man do I have my work cut out for me :ohwell:

    So here are my goals:

    1. LOG
    2. do 20 min of some type of cardio 4 days (walking treadmill, stair mill)
    3. CLEANER eating
    4. body resistance (squats/lunges)

    Have a fabulous week everybody!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yikes to being drugged, Shan, that is horrible and scary! Any idea how it happened? you think it was the bar tender? Glad you are ok, but sorry you had to spend your weekend like that.
    Jen, I am going to go look at your pics. I need to take some "before pics" I started Jamie Eason plan yesterday and I am sore! Those narrow pushups are tough.
    The scale is up a little bit for me, but I know some of that is water.
    So... The two week challenge for me is sticking to the Jamie Eason plan for workouts and eating, to the extent I can. I have to factor in a little cheating for a couple of occassions, but trying to stick with the approved foods list as much as possible, plus taking a multi-vit every morning and omega 3s, 6000 mg.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Wow, you all are doing so great!!! Success stories left and right, eating plans for Thanksgiving, workouts!!! I'm impressed and I'm jealous, lol!! I can't wait to jump back into all of this again with you ladies!!! I will ease back into it slowly and aiming to start y clean eating and logging again on Monday.

    I got my drain tube removed today and feel so liberated! 3 more weeks of wearing my binder and then I can start working in weights! I posted some before and after pics and what my stomach "really" looked like, like I said, I could hide it. Also some after surgery pics. Feel free to ask any questions!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
    I saw your pics and I bet your dr. will want some for his portfolio! lookin good, chica!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Amy - I have no clue how it happened, it's extremely scary! I'm definitely going to be more cautious now though! I knew the bar tender, so it would be crazy if it was him, but again, never know I guess..

    Jen - I just saw your pictures, you look AMAZING!! I'm glad everything is going well with you post surgery, please don't over exert yourself!! Follow the doctor's orders!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I agree, jen, those pictures show an AMAZING difference! I'm 43, so I'm okay with having a little excess skin (gravity's gonna get us all...), but it sure is a dramatic difference to see such a nice, taut tummy area!

    To the person who roofed you, shander, that SUCKS!! I'm glad you had friends around to take care of you! (I don't know a lot about "roofies"....how did you even know that someone had done that?? I would have just presumed I was having a bad reaction to something I ate/drank??)

    I've now been on the "body for life" fitness plan for 2 weeks! I think it is going well. My weight is up, which isn't fun to see on the scale, but my muscles are sore, which I think IS the point of this exercise!

    My 2 week challenge:

    1. No late-night snacking.
    2. replace any "afternoon cravings" with a protein shake.

    That's it. That is enough change, I hope, to make a difference on the scale....
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    Hello everyone!
    Jen - your pictures do look amazing. So jealous - I have the same type of excess skin on my tummy. I might have to look into that surgery as a reward if I ever get to my goal weight.
    Shander - I am so glad to hear that you are all right. How incredibly scary!!!

    Well. I am back again and hanging my head low. I have been terrible and haven't had time to keep up the workouts lately and the scale shows it. I am up 10 lbs from my low this summer. I feel disgusting. My pants are all too tight. Luckily (maybe) I got rid of all my bigger clothes as soon as I could, so the only choice I have to to get back on track and lose this weight again.
    I signed up for a half marathon on Earth Day with a friend, so that will hopefully give me a great motivation to keep up with my training schedule.
    So, my two week goal is:
    1. Back on track with food. Log religiously again and stay under calorie goals.
    2. Stick to training plan for running and lift weights on non-run days.

    I am going to try logging into this thread every couple of days to keep myself accountable. I can't believe I let this happen and I am determined to reverse the damage and get to my goal weight!
    I know I have said this before, so I totally understand all of you who are shaking your heads in disbelief or annoyance.

  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    beeps - I knew it was that because I was fine one minute and black out the next, I have no memory of that night what so ever, I had 4 drinks that I can remember over a 3 hour period (and I can usually drink much more than that) and my friends said the difference was a matter of 10 minutes so that is very quick for it to be just alcohol related.. so fun times, but all is well now :)

    arwen - That's good that you got rid of your bigger clothes and the good thing is that you realized that you had changed and came back to get back in shape! It probably isn't 10lbs of fat, so once you start eating cleaner and drinking more water some of that should fall right off! Those sound like great goals, congrats on signing up for a half marathon!!

    According to the dial scale that has a mind of it's own at my house I'm back up about 6lbs from this weekend, but I know it's water weight from the sodium and carbs, so I'm not overly worried, it just makes me feel bloated. I won't be getting 4 jazz classes in this week I just realized! My sister just closed on a house today (yey for her!!) so I'm going over to see it tonight instead of working out... I'll help with some cleaning (walls, cabinets, fridge, everything!!) so that will burn some cals, but it's more about making her happy :)
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Hello everyone. I just joined this group yesterday as I am trying to get back on track after going overboard on Thanksgiving. I am 5" 9" and weigh 136 lbs. My current goal weight is 135, but my body is being stubborn about that last pound. Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you to whoever started this group. I don't get a ton of support from my family and friends as they say I am skinny already and am being ridiculous for doing this. They treat me like some one who has a drinking problem.
    Two week goal (beginning yesterday)
    1. Food - Net 1360 calories per day
    2. Excercise - 3 days strength training, three aerobics classes. 1 day running - I run outdoors 3 miles every Sunday morning.

    Thanks again everyone!
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    Checking in - Day one went well yesterday. I stuck to my planned meals and stayed under my calorie goal. Although the munchies hit pretty hard (habits) I managed to keep myself to one small Caveman cookie, which did not put me over on calories.
    My planned run of 3 miles on the tread did not go as well - I ended up walking at least half of the 2.5 miles I managed to finish in 35 minutes. I knew that I was behind in my training because the last few weeks I have barely been able to work out once or twice in a week. But this was depressing. Luckily, I have about 19 weeks until the half marathon, so I know that I can get to where I need to be in time.
    I was down over 3 pounds of water weight this morning, which was really nice to see. I was really worried that most of the weight was not water.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Welcome, Abigail, the group for people with a drinking problem is "like minded lushes" :tongue: but seriously, they are a fun group too. I will have to go over there to report my two days of not drinking!
    arwensb, glad it was a lot of water weight, and that is discouraging about your run but now you have the marathon planned and that should help you stay on track.
    I did Day 2 of the Jamie Eason Livefit trainer and it went ok. I am so sore, which I think is a good sign. The last two days were all upper body, today will be lower body. I took some before pics. I think my arms look ok but my whole trunk is just like one big rectangle, especially from the back, I have no waist, and it looks like my shoulders are about the same width as my hips! well, maybe there are things I cannot change...
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hey Ladies! I am sad to see all the "not-so-good' stories on here over the last couple days - but it's also nice to know everyone has their ups and downs and we are all here to support one another.... I hope a weekend of relaxation for those of you in the US has given you a new found energy and motivation for your 2 week challenge! :happy:

    I am coming up to the end of Week 2 of my first 2 week challenge (Thursday will be my last day), and so far so good - I have managed to stay under 145 even after some not-so-great choices this weekend - which always seems to be what happens when my fiance is home on his off-shift! But none-the-less I am still under....

    For my next 2 week challenge I plan to kick-up my workouts as I have only been doing the bare minimum - 2 or 3 days a week depending on when my bootcamp classes are. And also to stick to my Clean-Eating plan more consistently - I have my Christmas Party for work and a friends Stagette coming up this weekend, so come Monday I will definitely need a new goal and new motivation!

    Like a few of you on here, I have also decided to take a "Before" Picture (and I did not like what I saw) - My plan will be to take an "After" picture in mid-May - 6 months from now when my wedding dress will be in - and also a halfway one in 3 months - hopefully I will work up the courage to post this to my MFP profile!

    Anyways that's all for now! Stick with it girls and I look forward to hearing of everyone's success this week!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    You ladies are all way too young....so, nopey, I'm not doing ANY pictures for you!! (And, as a consequence, I am not doing any pictures for me, either.)

    I do think it is much more realistic to plan for some long-term goals for myself. The "body-for-life" program is supposed to be 12-weeks. But, I think I'll be doing it for at least 20 weeks and, by then, let's face it, it will be habitual and I'll just keep it up!

    But, I can say that, 12 weeks from now, I will be on a beach in Hawaii for 10 days straight. And, that is a very realistic goal to have lost 10 lbs., 4% body fat and a gazillion inches!!

    For now, I am still "up" in my number on the scale. This does scare me - and I have to just keep telling myself all the muscle work is just resulting in my muscles hanging onto water (for recovery). I am hopeful the scale number will drop by Christmas, even if a little, and then move onto my long-term strategy (even 1 lb. per month would get me where I need to be by summer).
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    aschief-have you set a date for your wedding?
    I was thinking, I am going to Cozumel in February, Beeps is going to Hawaii in 12 weeks, Jen is going to Mexico in February too, I think, who else has a reason the look great in February? We got Valentines day too!
    Hmm, should I start a new 12-week challenge? probably I won't, but we all know it's a 12 week challenge broken in to manageable 2-week steps:wink:
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Aw man! I'm missing the February vacation!! I do have one set for Punta Cana in June though :) I have lots of time to get to goal!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I like it broken up in 2-week chunks. Some weeks I want to focus on "nutrition" and some weeks I want to focus on "exercise" - with any luck, I can focus on both at the same time. But, I also become VERY de-motivated when I am not succeeding at something, despite all my best efforts. This way, if something isn't actually working that well for me, I can change it up after 2 weeks!
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    No vacations on the horizon for me :-( I will just have to live vicariously through all of your adventures!
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    Hey, I'd really like to join this group if I could?

    I was in another group but the founder upped and closed their account :S

    About me...

    age: 25
    height/waist/hips: 5'2" / 27 1/2" / 38"
    goal weight: 115 or 25" waist, whichever comes first

    I recently trained for and ran my first marathon, a process that I thought would have resulted in weight loss, but it didn't. I gained weight and lost muscle tone even though I was counting my calories and burning 750 - 1500 calories per run. I was really confused by this so I started doing some research and now it all makes sense. By training for a marathon I basically trained my body to be able to function using as little energy as possible so I was hardly burning any fat, and not only that I trained it to be better at storing fat because the long workouts put your body into survival mode so it wants to hold onto everything. Argh!

    I love running and I don't want to give it up and I will probably do more marathons in the future, but I do want to challenge myself to put a new spin on my runs and workouts that will help me to tone up, gain back my muscle and lose the weight! My self challenge right now is 30seconds of stair sprints once every hour at work (which I am loving because they wake me up) and 30 seconds of sprinting every 5 minutes during every run.
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    Welcome Nadine!
    Sounds like you have great goals and you know where you are headed. Are you doing any strength training? We have found that really helps a lot in addition to cardio when you are already relatively lean.
    I am a bit nervous about the running not leading to weight loss. I am training for a half marathon (just started) and have been counting on that cardio helping me get to my goal weight. I am also weight training 3x a week, so maybe that will make the difference.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Welcome, nadine! Your post, actually, has made more sense than 4, 365 posts I have read on here....(distance) runners really ARE training their bodies to thrive on very few calories. It also makes sense why the marathon runner that I work-out beside (on my Saturday morning cardio work-outs) is NOT a "skinny" woman. She runs 3 days a week, does hot yoga 2 days a week, and does cardio-step at least 2 days a week. And, she is NOT skinny!!


    I've been a cardio-gym rat for about 25 years. And, just a couple of weeks ago, I forced myself to "let go". I am trading in most of my cardio for strength-training. I will keep some cardio because, as an asthmatic, I need it to force my lungs open. But, otherwise, I'm dedicating 2012 to strength-training.

    My husband SWEARS it will re-shape my body. Who knows?? Only time will tell...