Online Dating



  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    No, not rude ones, more like weirdo ones :s I am still on POF and sometimes it can be fun... even ended up in a relationship at a point ...
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    I am currently doing the online dating thing. I've have met some pretty weird people on there, but there have also been really great guys. I just came from meeting someone for the first time in person. He seems very genuine and sweet. I think he's the type of guy that was probably a geek in high school, but he's really hot now only he doesn't appear to know it. Wow! We have another date tomorrow! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he really is what he appears to be. :love:
  • nmcdee
    nmcdee Posts: 11
    Mine was that the relationship fell into relying on electronic communication more than actual interaction.. email and texts are not a reliable means of communication.. trust me.. don't ask me to explain.. but it's just not.
    I can totally relate to this explaination!! Starting out interested and contacting back and forth then meeting in person but the relationship still continues to be more 'cyber' than grounded in reality. This had happened to me twice. Haven't given up yet though...where are all the decent available men out there in my age range?? Probably like me and where I home doing their thang..LOL!
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    Okay, date was a bomb, and I don't mean in a good way. I think he might have been married. We meet at the mall, had a smoothie, didn't even buy lunch. He had initially invited me for lunch and then a movie. Then he said his brother had dropped him off at the mall, since he had loaned him his car. He tried to persuade me to delete my online profile, stating that he would delete his. He had only just met me. Then his brother calls him, he's ready to pick him up. He asks if I could come back in 3 hours and he would take me dancing. I had already driven 45 minutes out of my way and I wasn't dressed for that so I would have had to go back home and then drive back. I said I couldn't, then he suggested that I come back Saturday. Needless to say he text-ed me yesterday to tell me that he had forgotten that he had promised to take his "ma" to a church dinner, could we meet Sunday instead. This was after I had gotten online and saw that he was in there chatting. Which would have been fine, but he was so insistent that he would delete his account and wanted me to delete my account. I have met some real weirdos online, but he took the cake.
  • nmcdee
    nmcdee Posts: 11
    WOW!! Spitfire...what a disappointing outcome!! Well, on the bright side you know you can trust your instincts, have more recent practice of meeting and dating and not to mention not lowering your standards and settling. Onwards and upwards!! :wink:
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    What the heck, spitfire! That's ridiculous!!!! It's so hard with the online thing... are people truly what they seem? Sounds like this guy was definitely not!

    I only had one online dating experience so far. One date after 3 weeks on intense lead up. The date itself was perfectly enjoyable and I'd had a great time until I got the text that stated that he just didn't "feel it", which was very confusing since the date lasted 4 hours and continued a good hour after I told him we could leave the rest because he was clearly fatigued.

    I don't quite understand men and the whole internet thing is just another layer of confusion. You make a connection over email, text and phone but it's not there in person. Even exchanging pics so no one's surprised at what you look like.

    Are you going to continue keeping your profile active? I took mine off after that very disappointing date. Figured I'd try to meet people the old fashioned way even if it took forever.

  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    While I was on POF I didn't end up going out with any of the guys. My friend met her boyfriend there recently. She wants to help me set up a new account and get some new pics up. I'm not too sure about it. We'll see :)
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    While I was on POF I didn't end up going out with any of the guys. My friend met her boyfriend there recently. She wants to help me set up a new account and get some new pics up. I'm not too sure about it. We'll see :)

    How long have you (or any of you) have been using dating websites? I thought about it but I dont want to get creepers...Besides I rather MFP since people are less creepy here...But I know people's priorities on here are getting healthy so I completely understand. I want to try it.....
  • tapas71
    tapas71 Posts: 49 Member
    My town is about 40 000, and I've been here a long time so POF doesn't feel right... I joined eharmony and didn't have any matches in a 100 mile radius!!! So I went worldwide lol I began emailing with a few fellas, then the 3 month membership expired. I wasn't going to renew it! There was one guy who sounded like he knew a lot about golf so I emailed my swing video from my personal account. We've been skyping now for 3 months and plan on meeting in Cuba for a week in March... And he does know a lot about golf. lol I have coffee and he has tea, he's lives NE England, and I'm west coast Canada.
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    I only did POF for a few weeks; maybe less than a month. The guys I thought were interesting didn't respond to my msgs. I ended up dropping it because I was getting very distracted from my final exams. My friend said at first she went on lots of dates and had to filter out guys that she didn't click with. Now, she's met this guy and a few weeks later she says she's going to marry him. I think she went on more dates in a week than I have in my entire life. ...but she's tall and blond... no offense...I'm just sayin'
  • jaxdiablo
    I'm personally really shy. I have never approached a woman in public (horrible self image). I've dated and been on so many dates from POF it's insane. The biggest problem I find is that women (not all of them, just unfortunately the ones I go out with), can't seem to let the past go, and don't seem to really want anything substantial. I know a guy who wants a relationship and can't find a woman who does. It's also hard for me to find a woman who is on the same "level" as me. I've found a lot of women on there who aren't truthful about their intentions, their careers, their living situations, and their pictures are from about 30-40 pounds ago.

    All of the stuff on my dating profiles are up to date within the last month (pictures, activities, interests), and yet I can't seem to find someone I'm both attracted to and have similiar interests with. I've also been told on more than one occasion that I'm not attractive enough to "date" or too "fat", or they don't think we'd have anything in common. Even though our interests lists are almost identical. So yeah, that can cause you to have some serious self-esteem issues, but I still do it. Yeah, I'm dumb. lol

    I'll actually put my profile up here later just to show you folks what I'm working with if you're interested in critiquing me. ;) I love free advice.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I tried it only once and didnt care for it. The guys I all met just assumed the weregoing to jump into my pants. I tried Eharmony and havent tried any others .
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I've been on POF and OKCupid...I think POF is more hookup-oriented, I see more guys on there whose whole profiles are in 'text' language..."im lkn 4 gud chik" To me that's someone who is not taking it seriously as a "date".

    I met my ex online..we just split after 6 years, so it can work. I've had some good dates with some good guys and some bad dates with some bad guys and everything in between.

    I think the biggest things are: be SAFE about it, take time off when you get disappointed or discouraged, and try to have fun.
  • ArnonsaeJ
    ArnonsaeJ Posts: 41 Member
    1st off, yay a group for single people!!

    And I've tried online dating before. I"m really shy at first in person so takes a little bit of warming up for me to talk to guys, especially if I find them remotely attractive. Talked to some nice people online before.... but it seems as soon as they get my picture they disappear into the great unknown so it's really discouraging. :( One of the reasons I want to get in shape, so I don't scare people away.

    I had one okay experience, was dating this guy long distance for a while (met him through an online game I play) But then found out he was a HUGE liar after a couple months and lots of cellphone minutes. So that wasn't a fun ending.
  • jaxdiablo
    I'm personally really shy. I have never approached a woman in public (horrible self image). I've dated and been on so many dates from POF it's insane. The biggest problem I find is that women (not all of them, just unfortunately the ones I go out with), can't seem to let the past go, and don't seem to really want anything substantial. I know a guy who wants a relationship and can't find a woman who does. It's also hard for me to find a woman who is on the same "level" as me. I've found a lot of women on there who aren't truthful about their intentions, their careers, their living situations, and their pictures are from about 30-40 pounds ago.

    All of the stuff on my dating profiles are up to date within the last month (pictures, activities, interests), and yet I can't seem to find someone I'm both attracted to and have similiar interests with. I've also been told on more than one occasion that I'm not attractive enough to "date" or too "fat", or they don't think we'd have anything in common. Even though our interests lists are almost identical. So yeah, that can cause you to have some serious self-esteem issues, but I still do it. Yeah, I'm dumb. lol

    I'll actually put my profile up here later just to show you folks what I'm working with if you're interested in critiquing me. ;) I love free advice.

    Ok, here's my profile, if anyone is bored and wants a read -
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I'm personally really shy. I have never approached a woman in public (horrible self image). I've dated and been on so many dates from POF it's insane. The biggest problem I find is that women (not all of them, just unfortunately the ones I go out with), can't seem to let the past go, and don't seem to really want anything substantial. I know a guy who wants a relationship and can't find a woman who does. It's also hard for me to find a woman who is on the same "level" as me. I've found a lot of women on there who aren't truthful about their intentions, their careers, their living situations, and their pictures are from about 30-40 pounds ago.

    All of the stuff on my dating profiles are up to date within the last month (pictures, activities, interests), and yet I can't seem to find someone I'm both attracted to and have similiar interests with. I've also been told on more than one occasion that I'm not attractive enough to "date" or too "fat", or they don't think we'd have anything in common. Even though our interests lists are almost identical. So yeah, that can cause you to have some serious self-esteem issues, but I still do it. Yeah, I'm dumb. lol

    I'll actually put my profile up here later just to show you folks what I'm working with if you're interested in critiquing me. ;) I love free advice.

    Ok, here's my profile, if anyone is bored and wants a read -

    Okay I'm bored and looked at your profile! Looks pretty good, the only thing I would say is don't use a picture in a mirror for your profile pic! I think it's okay for MFP but not POF, just my opinion. Get someone to take one of you if you have to, it will make a difference I think. P.S. anyone who says you're not "datable" because of your weight is just dumb! :ohwell: Good luck!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Haha Plenty of Fish. I tried that one once, even though I had no intention of dating, I put my profile up, being brutally honest about my various shortcomings and of course my weight. I figured I would get zero interest. Instead I got a flood of messages from men...old enough to be my father, living in trailer parks, with that look on their profile pic that says lots of drugs, drink, and hard living.

    No thanks!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I have tried it and totally disappointed especially with the free site "the are booty call central". I have meet several men from there but none were what they claimed to be or even had the morals they claimed. Let's see one was still married, one had several girlfriends, one just wanted a woman to take care of him, the list goes on. These things don't come out till after a couple of dates. I think they are a complete waste of time unless you just want to get your groove on.
  • dodger7977
    dodger7977 Posts: 108 Member
    I tried eharmony, but didn't have much success. I exchanged several emails with one guy who suddenly fell off the face of the planet, never was able to find out what happened there. I also tried pof and guys were amazed that I wouldn't just up and have sex with them, as I should be greatful for their attention and the sacrifice they were making just for me. Right...

    I think illl give it another try in a few months when I've shed a little more weight. I'm still hopeful as my brother met his gf on and my bff met her husband on craigslist and her mom also met her husband on there too.
  • Jen_Ohara
    Haha Plenty of Fish. I tried that one once, even though I had no intention of dating, I put my profile up, being brutally honest about my various shortcomings and of course my weight. I figured I would get zero interest. Instead I got a flood of messages from men...old enough to be my father, living in trailer parks, with that look on their profile pic that says lots of drugs, drink, and hard living.

    No thanks!

    Yeah I did the same thing on Okcupid because a friend told me to do it with her and it was the same for me. I am sorry I do like guys who are older than me but not old enough to be my father. It was a waste of time so I deleted it.