Tips & Tricks

CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
Is there something that you wish you had known when you started the program? Share your tips and tricks with the rest of us!


  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Something I did that helped me not stress about increasing the running time in the upcoming week was, on day 2 or 3, after I had finished the program as written, I would run as long as I would be running for during the next week.

    I wouldn't necessarily do this in the final weeks, but it helped me feel less intimidated by the increase when I was just starting.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Register for a 5K to give yourself a reason to continue once you finish the program.
    This is exactly what kept me going my first go-around. In fact, the race came along at about Week 5. No matter, I did the best I could and had a blast!
  • Register for a 5K to give yourself a reason to continue once you finish the program. After I finished C25K the first time I let life get in the way of my run time. When I started the program again I registered for a 5K coming up in December to keep me motivated.

    Great advice!!
  • If you have a Road Runners Club of America affiliate in your area - join! They have all kinds of workshops, seminars, advice, programs and running groups that you could benefit from. All ages, sizes, and paces.

    Also, I've found that local stores and specialize in running products often have "fun runs" and great advice.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Start running with NEW sneakers. Their bounce will make running feel much easier than old sneakers that have lost their shock absorption. (For safety too!)
  • hlsc
    hlsc Posts: 66 Member
    Awesome tips! I'm just starting the program (W2D1 tomorrow) and these are very sensible ideas. I think a lot of people overdo it and get frustrated. I'm just going to do what I can do and keep on going...
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Don't rob your body's ability to shock you. Yes, the next week looks scary. Try it. I am shocked every week. I remember when 60 secs was the longest thing ever. Now 15 mins are gone before I realize it. Here are some of my tips/thoughts:

    1. Outdoors: If you must use the treadmil do it, but running outdoors can help DISTRACT you from the fact that you're running ( I would much rather like to get to that tree than watch the timer on the treadmil, but it's up to you)
    2. Music: if you don't have the app (like me<--phone doesn't have it) you need to put music on your phone or mp3 player. It allows you to escape (again distractions)
    3. Don't over do it: (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED) I was moving through my program on track until I decide I should put in some over time before Thanksgiving. I ran for almost 2 hours. Of course, I got injured. My knees ached so badly. I ended up taking a week off to recover and last week I couldn't get back into it. I'm no expert, but I wouldn't suggest you do more than 45mins of jogging in a day.
    4. Rest (No, I said REST!!) Rest: the stopping of work or activity . Please take rest days! -_-
    5. Sign up for a 5k - motivation
    6. Get friends involved if you can <--I couldn't, but maybe you'll have better luck
    7. Conversational jog - take it easy. You should be able to hold a conversation while jogging when you first begin this program. Of course you're going to try to increase your speed, but try to wait until you're towards the end of the program (pace yourself)
    8. Don't let Week 5 Day 3 scare you. It's nothing at this point. You'll see! YOU CAN DO IT! Keep it moving. (You should definitely have music on this day. You'll need to stay out of your head.)

    Very well said!!! Great tips and man YOU ARE GOOD!!!! I was JUST looking at that W5D3 tonight thinking...HOW IN THE HECK??? (I'm on W3D2 so it's coming up!!!) LOL...

    Thank you so much for all the info!! It really does help!
  • jessersue
    jessersue Posts: 10 Member
    GOOD SHOES! I had a pair of thin soled shoes, so I went and bought a pair that I thought would be better. They were cheaply made and I ended up getting injured after 2 days of running in them. My heels are currently killing me and I can barely walk with out pain it has been like this for 4 days. I have since bought good running shoes and they feel nice but I won't run again until I am not in pain anymore.
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    Run slower than you think you need to. It's easy to be excited when you're doing your first run of the session and burn yourself out before the end. Take it easy! Speed will come once your body is used to running, and it's not important how fast you run but just getting through the program.

    Get a good pair of running shoes (the best you can afford!). It helps to go to a running shop where they can help you find the best pair of shoes for your running style and gait.
  • Mandykinz2008
    Mandykinz2008 Posts: 292 Member
    Great ideas! I also say find a running store in your area. You don't have to buy shoes there, but most have machines that can do a full evaluation (for free) to tell you what type of shoes you need. Everyone is different and sometimes it's best as a new runner to find out what works for YOU! Then, find the shoes cheaper elsewhere :P
  • jillbernhardt
    jillbernhardt Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you for this! I am running my W5D3 today and have already said in my head I can't do this! I will definitely not go in with those thoughts now and just what I can accomplish! Hey I didn't think I could run for 8 minutes in a row and I did!!

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